Owner Pose
Imoen     After delivering their bags and belongings to the Jedi embassy on Jedha, Varric, Imoen, and Navi - whom joined on the pretense of supporting the Padawan and visiting the Brotherhood during the Festival of Balance - soon entered what might be considered the very edge of the Festival's heart on the Pilgrim Moon. All kinds of Force Orders and entertainment propped themselves up along the streets, with vendors hawking souvenirs or exotic snacks from their respective home planets. Robes in all sorts of hues garbed the people wandering through, intermingled with citizens and foreigners alike attending the function for the sake of novelty and general tourism. Spices, sweets, and savory treats filled the air like a warm cloud, and cogent conversation was harder to achieve the further one stepped towards various main attractions. Aliens of all varieties displayed their talents, both in the Force and through sheer discipline, while others challenged passersby to prize-winning competitions and thrilling activities. All things considered, for a certain someone struggling with maintaining a good mood, it was a bit of a stimulus overload.

    Imoen did her best to enjoy herself on this trip. It was the kind of thing she always wanted to do - to explore and adventure and meet all sorts of different peoples. In some ways, she succeeded in appreciating the hustle and bustle and revealed mystique. In other ways, there was a general anxiousness and regret in her sapphire blue eyes, holding her back from fully savouring this opportunity. If nothing else, she came here with friends and family, of a sort, and she'd be damned if she didn't at least have a little fun.

    Much like her usual going-out attire, she wears something a bit more befitting of a Padawan, but with touches of her own personality to complete the look. She wears a khaki front-parted tabard and a white tunic under a brown obi, black leggings reaching towards wrap-around brown boots. A couple straps peek from her obi to suspend a small red handbag against her hip. Perhaps a bit less usual, her brown hair - mixed with a few white strands - has been left to fall freely down to mid-back, her Padawan braid swaying among the forest of her slightly wavy tresses.

    With a look to Varric, she asks with a subdued level of energy, "will you tell me more about this Festival, Master? It surely can't all be fun and games and snacks?"
Varric Clad in lad in traditional Jedi robes, the browns and beiges easily identifiable by the light that shines upon it. His lightsaber hangs from his belt and the brown overcloak that additionally surrounds him gives Varric an air of wisdom and skill in the Jedi Order, or at the very least, an air of recognition. Yet all the same, Varric walks with his Padawan, Imoen, and her friend, Navi. Some might question why Varric thought to bring Navi at all but...there is a wisdom in it.

Even if he hasn't quite explained his actions quite yet.

It's nice to see so many people in place, to see so many different ideas and religions and cultures of the Force all gathered together. Even the warrior monks that guard the front of the holy temple have their own hierarchy, beliefs, and capabilities. Yet as he walks and enjoys the sights and sounds, Imoen's question earns a raised brow. "A good question, Imoen."

He ponders. "The Festival of Balance is merely what is called when the Convocation calls for a meeting of representatives from all manners of study in the Force. While the Convocation itself is the real focus, the umbrella term more apt would be 'The Season of Light'." He chuckles. "But, the Convocation calls for the Festival of Balance - or the Season of Light - when they think it apt to restore the bonds of fellowship and unity between the various Orders of the Force. The Jedi Order, of course, agrees wholeheartedly with the concept of the Convocation, since the Convocation attempts to advise peace between the various beliefs, thinking we are at our strongest when all are one under the Force's light. Some think differently, however, but the witnessing of one such meeting of the Convocation is one of the greater reasons for our presence here."

Varric explains this simply enough, going into deep enough detail to explain it's purpose. "It's a way for all of us to...understand one another. Though the food and games are all as they are, the deeper message has always been peace...and defying those who would shatter it."
Navi "You explained that much better than I could have, Master," Navi observes as she walks at Imoen's side. Her long robe marks her as a non-Jedi in present company, but does look a bit more at home in the crowds of the Festival of Balance. "Understanding among Light-oriented Force Users is the most important part. But I won't deny I love the games, and the food," she adds. "Make sure you try the wares of the deep-fryers at the Agamarian Brotherhood of the Harvest stalls. I think they can deep-fry /anything/. And their deep-fried candy is too good to believe."
Imoen     Imoen listens to her Master's explanation of the Festival of Balance. She offers a tight smile at the approval in the human's tone, though it slowly ebbs away. In its absence, she lowers her head and says with a hint of melancholy, "so it is an honor to be here, among all these cultures and Orders, all convening to seek peace and balance in the Force." Eventually, she looks up, "why would people seek to shatter peace? Is it not beneficial to everyone, to find compromise and harmony? What is there to gain in conflict besides an eventual shared loss?"

    Her smile almost approaches sad in its quality as she ventures, "I wouldn't mind trying deep-fried candy. It sounds like it'd be such a mess. Wouldn't it be all melty and sticky?" Blue eyes survey their surroundings, as if searching for the very same Harvest stalls. "What would you like to do, Navi? I kind of want to find some sort of souvenir to bring back home...so long as the Temple wouldn't disapprove." That last part might be a bit out of character for her, considering the stockpile of little knicknacks she stores in her dorm. The more she remains on the Temple's good side after the 'incident', the better.
Varric Varric had turned his eyes to look upon Navi as she compliments his understanding of the festivities. "Thank you, Navi. You honor me with such a compliment." He chuckles softly, a low rumble in his throat. "Without understanding, we would return to the dark days of fear, anxiety, and paranoia between the Orders. Jedha would just be another dessert planet. But it was here that all of this began." Varric smiles softly a the thought. "The Force moves so strongly here. The planet is /alive/ with it."

He turns his eyes to Imoen then. "Among the highest a Jedi can tend to." He chuckles faintly. "But....yes, therea re those who would disrupt the unity that many have paid so high a price to have here." His eyes harden then. "Not everyone has hope, peace, and justice at heart. Sometimes...even the noblest of us may have poison in the heart, reasons that only they can display."

He shakes his head. "But, I believe Navi makes a good point to find some good food. Many worlds bring their stock here. I will tell you a secret..."

He leans a little to get them both in the whisper-chain. "Deep-fried candy isn't messy if you try and eat it in a very specific way." He chuckles softly. "As for souvenirs...the stalls outside of the temple have a few memoirs that could be returned with us."

He turns to Navi then. "The Agamarian Brotherhood /is/ well known for their delicacies..."
Navi "It's not that bad. Most of what the Agamarian Brotherhood deep-fries is also breaded, or wrapped in waxed flimsy," Navi replies to Imoen, smiling. She almost giggles at Varric's near-whisper. "I'd like to learn this specific way."

The mention of the destruction of order and peace gets a concerned look. "I've seen some of those people first-hand. I don't really understand what motivates them, but I've seen how committed to chaos and greed they are. Best be on your guard around such people."
Imoen     "I see." Imoen purses her lips with a pensive expression on her face, "so the Festival is in many ways, an anniversary of our commitment to peace, and a reminder of what we can do together, when apart, we only strove to destroy each other." She tries reaching out to the Force, sensing the potency and vitality of it in a confluence of its representatives. It's distracting, noisy, and her optimism is more muted than usual, but even now she can tell the difference - take note of the interconnectedness of all. She breathes out a small sigh, "am I the right person to experience this, after...after letting my emotions lead me into danger?"

    With a shake of her head, she says, "a special way to eat candy?" She peers at Varric, "Master, I did not realize you had such a sweet tooth." Trying to absorb some of her friend's good cheer, she smiles faintly to Navi's giggle. "Wax paper makes more sense, but still seems it would be awful messy no matter what one does." She gets a distant look then, "what is your take on the Mandalorians? Are they chaotic and greedy? The one in gold is a mercenary of some sort, I believe, while the other was full of enough hate and rage that I could feel it like a bonfire."
Varric "Precisely." Varric remarks to Imoen. "Both to remember the past, cherish the present, and anticipate the future." Varric smiles kindly. "Precisely again. You learn quickly, my young Padawan." Varric gives Imoen praise. She's a quick study, always has been. She has a knack for taking an idea and eitehr picking it apart or outright discovering the reasons for it - and when given an answer to a question, she digs that much deeper to find that which is unsaid.

Well done.

Varric chuckles a moment.

As Imoen reaches out with the Force, it's almost...overwhelming. It's not just the crystals in the caves or the numerous force sensitives in the city...it's so much /more/ than that, yet is /is/ that all at once.

"Imoen-" Varric says with a soft voice. "Danger will always be a part of life. What you must understand is that you are the master of your emotions, not the other way around." He lifts a hand to set it on her shoulder. "You must have faith. It is not about being the right person. It's about being yourself." He tells her softly, turning his attention to Navi.

"It takes some skill, but after awhile you get the hang of it." He chuckles. "But you are entirely correct. No one is as they seem. The eyes are deceptive as you both know...be on your guard, even in a Holy place such as this." He nods at Navi, though the question of Mandalorians earns a strange look from Varric.

"They are...of a complicated creed. Honorable warriors, yet stern conquerors. They often seek only the fight to grow in their skills, but what many don't see is that they have a strict code of honor, typically. I wouldn't want to come across one."