Ann takes on a padawan. Ann teaches Cayde about lightsaaber smithing. Anne discovers an independent filmmaker is making a documentary on the lives of the Jedi. Volken disrupts. Anne, Navi, Cayde, and Pike tangle with Torkle Sunn a second time. Annelia and Cayde converse on the way back to the Temple. Annelia and Cayde discuss the events on Jedha. Annelia and Cayde give a tour of the Temple to the public, and Navi is confronted by an old friend. Annelia and Volken find Cayde in a predicament. Annelia and Volken free enslaved fighters from an illegal pit fighting ring. Annelia helps Cayde infiltrate a medical conference in search of a man from his visions. Annelia, Navi, Cayde, and Pike speak with Black about a young Force sensitive who leaves destruction in her wake. Another day, another job for Volken Mons. Black invites Cayde, Navi, and Annelia to extract a confession from Vlaven. Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. CHA-CHING! Caine and Ellari take Revara all the way back to Sundari with Khalo on their tail. Caine runs into an unsuspecting Padawan named Len Rydan. Caius and Navi meet and discuss Master Tomi's situation and current happenings with a possible plan beginning to now form. Caius and the others conclude it would be best to seek Nightsister council, despite Windu and Volk's hesitation. Caius leads a group into the Bogan Collection, and Cayde has a re-run in with a witch. Caius returns to the Temple and has a conversation with Ann. Caius, Cayde, Hal and Navi learn more about the mysterious deaths during the Battle of Jedha. Cayde and Annelia are presented with an award from the Chancellor for helping arrest Vlaven. Cayde and Annelia meet up with a contact to discuss getting into Yarrum Tower. Cayde and Annelia retrieve a stolen relic from the pirate base. Cayde and Drinna both seem to have Daddy Issues (tm) Cayde and Navi spy on Xera. Cayde gets placed in quarantine on the Legacy II with Malgabar. Cayde visits Cassias Enterprises regarding his incomplete medical record. Crix strikes up a deal with Zealot, who tries to recruit Heydan as a slicer. Day 1 of the convention ends up involving some...unexpected drama. Day 2 of the Outer Rim Economic Convention. Drinna and Cayde discuss family, among other things. Drinna finds Cayde seeking access to her father and steps in. The two have a discussion and Drinna discovers Cayde has no hobbies. Drinna decides she wants to help him explore hobbies and find a past time. Drinna follows Kalregar, and ends up striking a deal with him. Drinna, Navi, and Zeraph steal the key to a booby trapped credits stash in the Works from Kalregar. Ellari and Volken try to recruit Er'gi. Revara insults Volken and starts a fight, Jorn tries to play mediator. Genn Theos reveals his involvement in the Clawdite's death. Heydan -almost- gets paid, but instead discovers someone's trying to kill him. The Jedi intervene. Heydan and Annelia are recruited to the Tenoo Initiative. Heydan and Cayde sneak into the Treasurer's Office at the Republic Executive building. Heydan and Syralana help Mondrian set up the comms beacon. Heydan finally gets paid, and then some. Heydan is interrogated after being drugged at the Serenity Gala. Heydan scouts ahead, convincing some Marksmen he's only there to buy spice... Imoen and Cayde bump into each other in the Arboretum and debrief together about the resolution to Akashaya Tomi's comatose state, and the attempt to steal the Bogan Collection on Jedha. Imoen and Varric practice Form III. Varric scolds Imoen for listening on a Council session, but promises her that he's kept her wishes in mind. Imoen consults Master Varric Sov about the loss of her lightsaber... Imoen faces a dilemma. Imoen is exposed to a dark side relic, which reveals a tumultuous future. Imoen meets a Sorcerer of Tund who dabbles in the dark side. Imoen, Zeraph, Cayde, and Navi meet and (some more reluctantly than others) wander past the Council chambers to eavesdrop... only to be totally busted by one of the Masters. Next time, Council... next time! In a twist of fate, the interrogation of Burkenn ends in Soren's confession of crime. Jorn and Ellari are tasked with recruiting their own limmie ball team. Jorn and Ellari begin to recruit. A cantina brawl ensues. Jorn recruits Revara to his limmie ball team. Not everyone approves. Jorn talks to Volken about Revara, and later it's revealed the Dark Saber's owner is dying. Just another delivery job takes an unexpected turn for Wynn Viasco. Khalo continues the hunt. Khalo pursue Caine and Ellari as they leave Coruscant with Revara. Khalo pursues Revara into the bowels of Coruscant. Lynx agrees to help Ellari retrieve some beskar armor from a back alley vendor. Master Trassa Volk spars with the young padawan Aoloson Caren. Master Trassa offers Cayde some much-needed encouragement. Mingling occurs at a Life Day celebration on Takodana. Navi accompanies Amarik, hoping to retrieve her Master's saber from Shalla Ro Navi and Cayde are specially requested to be a part of the Republic's colonization effort on Tenoo. Navi and Cayde attempt to manipulate Xera in their own ways. Navi and Cayde hang out on the way to Ilum. Navi and Cayde have an unnerving encounter with some residents from Kublop Springs. Navi and Cayde meet some of the colonists joining the Tenoo Initiative. Navi and Cayde run into each other on 1313. Navi and Cayde spend some time in the New City on Jedha. Navi and Imoen hang out on Takodana during the Life Day festival. Navi and Zealot share a special connection in the Force. Navi and the Jedi attempt to interrogate Dr. Cassias about the falsified toxicology report he'd created. Navi and the Jedi attend the Tenoo Intiative's prelim seminar, and Pike is recruited Navi and the Jedi discover the ruins of an old Jedi Temple. Navi and the Jedi manage to save Baella and stop two magnarails from colliding. Navi and the Jedi venture into the Lower Levels to investigate Black's intel. Navi and the Jedi visit a pair of witches, and learn a dark secret. Navi finds Cayde in the Temple Refectory. Navi gets Cayde out of trouble. Navi is arrested for the murder of two aliens. Navi is framed for murder. Navi meets with Vons following the Festival of Balance. Navi must participate in a pit fight to prove her innocence. Navi repairs her Master's old saber, and also discovers Peeka has gone missing. Navi runs into the Zealot again, and learns her where her Master's saber is. Navi visits the Temple on Coruscant again, and runs into Cayde. Navi's tour of Coruscant is interrupted when she and Imoen run into some trouble. Navi, Ann, and Cayde visit the undercover CSF again... New faces are made acquainted with one another as casual socializing and discussion about the events on Jedha occur. Pike Windu runs into the rogue, bounty-ridden droid Wynn and Zealot are after on Takodana. Pike and Navi visit Tomi, hoping to revive the Arkanian. Pike, Navi, and Heydan finally get Vlaven arrested with the help of a mysterious agent named 'Black.' Pike, Navi, and Heydan regroup to plan how to rescue the young force sensitive. Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl. Revara asks Jorn to marry her, then attacks Volken. Senator Burkenn's gala goes awry when the impromptu auctioneer finds himself drugged. Seraphina meets a potential padawan. Seraphina takes Cayde on as a Padawan. Sertil gives Cayde some guidance. Shiren and Cayde meet in the Uscru district. Shiren meets a morally gray Sorceror of Tund after being invited to be a part of the Convocation. Silas meets Dr. Soren Cassias at a galaxy renowned medical conference. Some beskar shows up on Batuu. Things get messy. Soren and Silas converse over lunch. Soren contemplates giving Kline one of his old projects, but the droid escapes. Soren gets an unexpected visitor... Spectre strikes a deal with the Duke. Syra oversees the first day of work on the comms center. Syralana is recruited as the Tenoo Initiative's primary comms officer. Thaelin invites Volken, Ellari, and Jorn to a scrimmage. All does not go to plan. Thaelin invokes the rite against Jorn. Thaelin provides Volken some history on Reeve, Ellari interrogates Jorn about truly loving her or not. The Council gives Cayde and Annelia further instructions on the young padawan's training going forward. The Council heatedly discusses next steps regarding Cayde and his actions. The Jedi and their allies visit the Graf Manor on Thelj to further investigate Vlaven's schemes. The Jedi are unsettled by what they find among Tomi's belongings. The Jedi battle a Force echo of the Great Leveler. The Jedi descend below the Temple of the Kyber with the witches to investigate the darkness there. The Nihil are afoot in the Holy City. The doctor asks Pike to oversee Cayde, then Syralana interrogates the doctor. The fight over Revara Solstice's fate continues... The scrimmage is cut short when Volken steps on a mine on the field. Jorn has a private conversation with Revara. The title says it all, doesn't it? The vault in the Temple of the Kyber is raided by thieves and criminals. Three Mandalorian bounty hunters chase Colonel X, Dr. Cassias' runaway droid. Tomi finally awakes, after the Jedi return from the catacombs. Tresslo and Navi meet a spice thief in the Lower City. Tresslo follows Cayde into the Lower City. Tresslo, Navi, and Imoen head to Marksmen territory for various reasons. Khalo continues his hunt, and maybe ends up with allies. Volken and Ellari have a 'friendly' chat. Volken and Navi enjoy a night of gambling at the casino, and encounter a mysterious woman. Volken crashes a birthday party at the San Tekka Manor by pretending to be an entertainer. Volken discovers he's been made limmie team captain, while Ellari continues to recruit. Jorn speaks with the Duke. Volken encounters Cayde in the Lower City again. Volken is allowed to stay for a private discussion between Jorn, Duke, and Reeve. Volken is invited to the Graf Compound on Thelj. Volken makes a deal with Drinna and takes custody of Revara. Volken meets another Mandalorian as he is preparing to leave Coruscant and escape the CSF. Unfriendly words are exchanged. Volken walks into a bar and meets a Jedi...then gets into a fight. Wynn and Zealot discuss the loss of Colonel X. Wynn goes looking for free ship repairs. Wynn makes Heydan an offer while Cayde investigates the prior incident at the Serenity gala. Wynn meets a potential partner in crime. Wynn now hates Canto Bight. Wynn teams up with a motley crew of fringers in order to save the E'ronoh heir to the throne. Wynn's natural charm is Super Effective. Zealot is arrested by Lieutenant Crix Jobin for stealing from a group of honest scrappers. Zealot is caught red-handed attempting to frame Navi for yet another murder. Zeraph and Drinna find Navi and discuss a plan. Together they visit Melina in the Clinic and inquire about what she knows. Zeraph and Drinna meet at the starport on Coruscant. Zeraph meets Vella on Nar Shadaa. Zihna is sent on a special assignment chasing pirates.