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:'''{{#var:251|Khalo Fett (251)}} has posed:'''<br>It was a good fight. <br><br> Granted, one without an ending, but it was a good fight all the same. <br><br> All the same, as Volken sits in wait for the Mandalorians to arrive, where Cain Von'egel is approaching from one direction? Khalo is approaching from the other. He's found fresh clothes, by the looks of it. Whether honorably gained or just stolen, approaches with heavy footfalls. Blaster in hand, knife in the other. <br><br> "Big words from a coward who ran from our last encounter." <br><br> Khalo sneers ever so softly, Though he turns his attention to Ellari and Volken. "Volken." He tilts his head at Ellari. "Hm. Soldier." He turns his eyes back towards Caine. <br><br> "Prey."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:251|Khalo Fett (251)}} has posed:'''<br>It was a good fight. <br><br> Granted, one without an ending, but it was a good fight all the same. <br><br> All the same, as Volken sits in wait for the Mandalorians to arrive, where Cain Von'egel is approaching from one direction? Khalo is approaching from the other. He's found fresh clothes, by the looks of it. Whether honorably gained or just stolen, approaches with heavy footfalls. Blaster in hand, knife in the other. <br><br> "Big words from a coward who ran from our last encounter." <br><br> Khalo sneers ever so softly, Though he turns his attention to Ellari and Volken. "Volken." He tilts his head at Ellari. "Hm. Soldier." He turns his eyes back towards Caine. <br><br> "Prey."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>Well if Volken was debating on just -who- to let take custody of Revara, with only a little banter between them and that's it.. ...Being -threatened- and called a coward pretty much took care of that.<br><br>A moment later and his monstrous body has emerged from the office,, ducking low and turning isidewise to squeeze through the opening, enormous repeater cannons in tow with one slung over his shoulder and the other held like a toy in his hand despite basically being hte size of a persons body. <br><br>He stands to his full height, effectively blocking the entrance and most ways around him to get into the room as he answers Caine,<br><br>"Heeeeey...and here I was looking to talk things out.. Find out what's going on...maybe make some new friends. But you gotta start with the name calling and the threats. If it wasn't for me? She'd still be stuck in the CSF and heading who knows where.....so I'd be a little nicer if I were you.."<br><br>He holds up his free hand, revealing what looks to be a crude looking detonator of sorts.<br><br>"Slow yer roll, jari'eyc, it's a long way down to the level below and from what I saw. up top... your Rising Phoenix could use a bit of work.."<br><br>When Ellaari speaks, he doesn't openly react. Openly. Behind his helm, his eyes narrow, but he keeps his gaze onto the platform and glances one way to see the approach of Khalo and then the other to see Caine from the opposite. And Ellari now across from them. Basically a four way stand off with Volken the vault door to Revara.<br><br>"Looks like my plan worked a little -too- well..."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>Well if Volken was debating on just -who- to let take custody of Revara, with only a little banter between them and that's it.. ...Being -threatened- and called a coward pretty much took care of that.<br><br>A moment later and his monstrous body has emerged from the office,, ducking low and turning isidewise to squeeze through the opening, enormous repeater cannons in tow with one slung over his shoulder and the other held like a toy in his hand despite basically being hte size of a persons body. <br><br>He stands to his full height, effectively blocking the entrance and most ways around him to get into the room as he answers Caine,<br><br>"Heeeeey...and here I was looking to talk things out.. Find out what's going on...maybe make some new friends. But you gotta start with the name calling and the threats. If it wasn't for me? She'd still be stuck in the CSF and heading who knows where.....so I'd be a little nicer if I were you.."<br><br>He holds up his free hand, revealing what looks to be a crude looking detonator of sorts.<br><br>"Slow yer roll, ''jari'eyc'', it's a long way down to the level below and from what I saw. up top... your Rising Phoenix could use a bit of work.."<br><br>When Ellaari speaks, he doesn't openly react. Openly. Behind his helm, his eyes narrow, but he keeps his gaze onto the platform and glances one way to see the approach of Khalo and then the other to see Caine from the opposite. And Ellari now across from them. Basically a four way stand off with Volken the vault door to Revara.<br><br>"Looks like my plan worked a little -too- well..."<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:271|Caine Von'egel (271)}} has posed:'''<br>But as soon as Khalo arrives, Volken is forgotten completely. He pivots on his heel, sapphire blue eyes burning, his navy colored cape swishing theatrically. He's not himself, and the energy radiating off of him could be likened to the kind Revara gave off when she'd first attacked Khalo. <br><br> "-You-. You will -not- touch her, ''osi'yaim''." <br><br> He draws his beskar sword, and rushes Khalo.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:271|Caine Von'egel (271)}} has posed:'''<br>But as soon as Khalo arrives, Volken is forgotten completely. He pivots on his heel, sapphire blue eyes burning, his navy colored cape swishing theatrically. He's not himself, and the energy radiating off of him could be likened to the kind Revara gave off when she'd first attacked Khalo. <br><br> "-You-. You will -not- touch her, ''osi'yaim''." <br><br> He draws his beskar sword, and rushes Khalo.<br> <br>
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:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>THe giant double takes as Caine just turns from him and charges Khalo without hesitation or even continuing the slightest bit of dialogue about Revera. It's getting so that you can't threaten people with bombs under their feet anymore these days. <br><br>But....it's also become clearer to him that something is actually...simply wrong. Not right. It's like a switch of some sort was hit. This is hardly teh charismatic noble who he saw in the station, so far as he can tell.<br><br>As Ellari climbs up towards the roof of the old station - he slowly turns the massive arm holding the rotary cannon. It begins whirring, whistling and starting to build up momentum but before the energy discharges he sneers and seems to change his mind. "I'll deal with you -later- you ''aruetyc'' witch! I know it was you that turned me into the CSF! If you'd just minded your own damn busines I'd have been off this planet but now I'm going to have to break you in half when this is all over!"<br><br>With that, he turns and steps back into the office, ducking low and then an instant later he's returned with a massive heavy bag.<br><br>"I shoudl have just sold this and turned her in for the credits..." he grouses before suddenly hurtling the massive bag full of Khalo's beskar his way. <br><br>"You better remember this next Life Day!"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>THe giant double takes as Caine just turns from him and charges Khalo without hesitation or even continuing the slightest bit of dialogue about Revera. It's getting so that you can't threaten people with bombs under their feet anymore these days. <br><br>But....it's also become clearer to him that something is actually...simply wrong. Not right. It's like a switch of some sort was hit. This is hardly teh charismatic noble who he saw in the station, so far as he can tell.<br><br>As Ellari climbs up towards the roof of the old station - he slowly turns the massive arm holding the rotary cannon. It begins whirring, whistling and starting to build up momentum but before the energy discharges he sneers and seems to change his mind. "I'll deal with you -later- you ''aruetyc'' witch! I know it was you that turned me into the CSF! If you'd just minded your own damn busines I'd have been off this planet but now I'm going to have to break you in half when this is all over!"<br><br>With that, he turns and steps back into the office, ducking low and then an instant later he's returned with a massive heavy bag.<br><br>"I shoudl have just sold this and turned her in for the credits..." he grouses before suddenly hurtling the massive bag full of Khalo's beskar his way. <br><br>"You better remember this next Life Day!"<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:296|Ellari Zin (296)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ellari smirks as Volken threatens her. "Looks who's furious -now-, ''di'kut''. Next time, perhaps you'd better watch who you decide to toy with." With that, she turns and drops down from the roof on the other side of the station, disappearing from his line of sight...<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:296|Ellari Zin (296)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Ellari smirks as Volken threatens her. "Look who's furious -now-, ''di'kut''. Next time, perhaps you'd better watch who you decide to toy with." With that, she turns and drops down from the roof on the other side of the station, disappearing from his line of sight...<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:271|Caine Von'egel (271)}} has posed:'''<br>The young baron's sword swipes the other Mandalorian's shoulder slightly, leaving an angular bloodstain. <br><br> Then Khalo crashes his own skull into his, and he's knocked backwards. He stumbles into Volken, his elbow accidentally aimed to go into the other Mandalorian's gut.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:271|Caine Von'egel (271)}} has posed:'''<br>The young baron's sword swipes the other Mandalorian's shoulder slightly, leaving an angular bloodstain. <br><br> Then Khalo crashes his own skull into his, and he's knocked backwards. He stumbles into Volken, his elbow accidentally aimed to go into the other Mandalorian's gut.<br> <br>
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:'''{{#var:251|Khalo Fett (251)}} has posed:'''<br>"Yeah, I get that." Khalo remarks as he slides his beskar breastplate onto his chest and secures his weaponry to it's various sheathes. "I owe you for retrieving my gear." No small order and deed, Khalo remembers those who do right by him. Returning his armor? That's a BIG favor for another Mandalorian to bestow upon him. Many could just smelt it for weaponry or think the Mandalorian who had originally donned it was deceased. <br><br> Thankfully, Khalo is made of tough stuff and Volken is smart. <br><br> "Complicated." He remarks to Volken. "Evidently, the coward over there-" he points at Caine. "Wants to take her back home to her father. I want to redeem her by the Creed." <br><br> A Creed she walked away from when she came to Coruscant. Though, he turns his attention to Caine as he tries to bolt for the transit station. "And HE tried to sell the Darksaber." And he pulls out his gun, trying to shoot Caine in the back as he runs away!<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:251|Khalo Fett (251)}} has posed:'''<br>"Yeah, I get that." Khalo remarks as he slides his beskar breastplate onto his chest and secures his weaponry to it's various sheathes. "I owe you for retrieving my gear." No small order and deed, Khalo remembers those who do right by him. Returning his armor? That's a BIG favor for another Mandalorian to bestow upon him. Many could just smelt it for weaponry or think the Mandalorian who had originally donned it was deceased. <br><br> Thankfully, Khalo is made of tough stuff and Volken is smart. <br><br> "Complicated." He remarks to Volken. "Evidently, the coward over there-" he points at Caine. "Wants to take her back home to her father. I want to redeem her by the Creed." <br><br> A Creed she walked away from when she came to Coruscant. Though, he turns his attention to Caine as he tries to bolt for the transit station. "And HE tried to sell the Darksaber." And he pulls out his gun, trying to shoot Caine in the back as he runs away!<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>If Caine wasn't also a Mandalorian then Volken would be much more embarrassed then he actually is considering not once, but twice, the nobleman has evaded his grasp.<br><br>The tears being shed by the man don't seem to move him much either. but the scuffle has moved them close to the entrance of the office where Revara lies.<br><br>"FIgure this craziness out! I don''t mind a little drama now and then, don't get me wrong, but I prefer my drama to be...setting things on fire or knocking buildings over...!"<br><br>He considers matters for a moment longer as he hears Khalo's explanation and he frowns lightly. The Creed. <br><br>If she doesn't want to return to her father then not imposing that seems right to him. But if she -also- doesn't want to go back to Mandalore... He can't necessarily say he lacks kinship with her on that front. . So for a moment he pauses in consideration.<br><br>He then seems to realize that Ellari has indeed just vanished and from what little he's seen of her and what she's said regarding current happenings...it seems unlikely she's just left them to their own devices.<br><br>"Well...wrap this up and figure it out before the other one calls the CSF again on us or does worse. <br><br>He reaches for the office door, forcing it open with a rough sliding of metal. The way to Revera now opened..<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>If Caine wasn't also a Mandalorian then Volken would be much more embarrassed then he actually is considering not once, but twice, the nobleman has evaded his grasp.<br><br>The tears being shed by the man don't seem to move him much either. but the scuffle has moved them close to the entrance of the office where Revara lies.<br><br>"FIgure this craziness out! I don't mind a little drama now and then, don't get me wrong, but I prefer my drama to be...setting things on fire or knocking buildings over...!"<br><br>He considers matters for a moment longer as he hears Khalo's explanation and he frowns lightly. The Creed. <br><br>If she doesn't want to return to her father then not imposing that seems right to him. But if she -also- doesn't want to go back to Mandalore... He can't necessarily say he lacks kinship with her on that front. . So for a moment he pauses in consideration.<br><br>He then seems to realize that Ellari has indeed just vanished and from what little he's seen of her and what she's said regarding current happenings...it seems unlikely she's just left them to their own devices.<br><br>"Well...wrap this up and figure it out before the other one calls the CSF again on us or does worse. <br><br>He reaches for the office door, forcing it open with a rough sliding of metal. The way to Revera now opened..<br> <br>

:'''{{#var:296|Ellari Zin (296)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Upon opening the office door, Volken would find Ellari already standing over the cot Revara is lying on. She frowns and quickly draws her weapons when the door opens--dual pistols, one in each hand.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"You two would be wise to leave House Vizsla matters to House Vizsla." she says haughtily, her gaze directed at both Volken and Khalo. "We will return to Sundari--and the girl goes back to her father."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:296|Ellari Zin (296)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Upon opening the office door, Volken would find Ellari already standing over the cot Revara is lying on. She frowns and quickly draws her weapons when the door opens--dual pistols, one in each hand.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"You two would be wise to leave House Vizsla matters to House Vizsla." she says haughtily, her gaze directed at both Volken and Khalo. "We will return to Sundari--and the girl goes back to her father."<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 08:18, 10 January 2024

He's Got The Goods
Date of Scene: 10 January 2024
Location: Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: The fight over Revara Solstice's fate continues...
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, 271, Ellari Zin, 251

Volken Mons has posed:
What an interesting vacation to Coruscant this has become! A visit to deal with personal matters leading to tearing a part a club, a jail break and then cutting a deal with the CSF for his own personal benefit...

It's quite the holiday and it only cost him being shot with a blaster, arrested, a bounty on his head and then getting caught in the middle of what looks like some wild blood feud between two other Mandalorians with another caught in the middle and yet -another- spectating and casting judgement from the shadows.

With cultural drama like that..who in their right mind would go AWOL? Fortunately Volken is not always in his 'right mind'...

At the moment, however, lucidity, cunningness and just plain curousity and perhaps a teensy tiny bit of a morale compass has led him to holing up with Revara in an abandoned transit station in the Lower City. Bargaining with the CSF managed to yield some medical kits to attend to her lingering wound but also to keep her sedated while he waits and watches the station from the interior of an abandoned office room with a slightly damaged sliding door showing finger indentions from where he forced it open. Revara lays on a cot nearby but he keeps one eye on her and one eye on the platforms, support pillars, stairs and other ways of entry and exit beyond the office. Greasing palms with credits, knowing who and what to say, and how to say it, has got some messaging circulating in the lower city in Mando'a.. so he figures it's only a matter of time before one or both of the two he seeks shows up to claim their prize...and hopefully nobody else, nope!

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Volken won't be left waiting for very long. Within half an hour, the sound of marching footfalls outside of the abandoned transit station can be heard.

Moments later, as the noise grows more pronounced, the familiar voice of the young baron rings out loud for Volken to hear, "Enough cowardly hiding, hu'tunn."

"You will let me take Revara back to Mandalore, or you will die."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    All that Mando'a chatter is bound to bring attention...and not all of it is of the kind that he may have wanted.

    Volken may have guessed just who had called the CSF on him earlier...

    "So, evaded the police once again, now did we?" The all-too-familiar female voice is coming from a cracked window facing the outside of the station, and sure enough he'll find the woman he'd met earlier standing there. Her gaze flicks over to the door when the footsteps and another voice is heard.

    It doesn't surprise her that someone else is interested in Revara Solstice, but just who that is remains to be seen. A brow goes up slightly. "Sound advice. I'd take it."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
It was a good fight.

Granted, one without an ending, but it was a good fight all the same.

All the same, as Volken sits in wait for the Mandalorians to arrive, where Cain Von'egel is approaching from one direction? Khalo is approaching from the other. He's found fresh clothes, by the looks of it. Whether honorably gained or just stolen, approaches with heavy footfalls. Blaster in hand, knife in the other.

"Big words from a coward who ran from our last encounter."

Khalo sneers ever so softly, Though he turns his attention to Ellari and Volken. "Volken." He tilts his head at Ellari. "Hm. Soldier." He turns his eyes back towards Caine.


Volken Mons has posed:
Well if Volken was debating on just -who- to let take custody of Revara, with only a little banter between them and that's it.. ...Being -threatened- and called a coward pretty much took care of that.

A moment later and his monstrous body has emerged from the office,, ducking low and turning isidewise to squeeze through the opening, enormous repeater cannons in tow with one slung over his shoulder and the other held like a toy in his hand despite basically being hte size of a persons body.

He stands to his full height, effectively blocking the entrance and most ways around him to get into the room as he answers Caine,

"Heeeeey...and here I was looking to talk things out.. Find out what's going on...maybe make some new friends. But you gotta start with the name calling and the threats. If it wasn't for me? She'd still be stuck in the CSF and heading who knows where.....so I'd be a little nicer if I were you.."

He holds up his free hand, revealing what looks to be a crude looking detonator of sorts.

"Slow yer roll, jari'eyc, it's a long way down to the level below and from what I saw. up top... your Rising Phoenix could use a bit of work.."

When Ellaari speaks, he doesn't openly react. Openly. Behind his helm, his eyes narrow, but he keeps his gaze onto the platform and glances one way to see the approach of Khalo and then the other to see Caine from the opposite. And Ellari now across from them. Basically a four way stand off with Volken the vault door to Revara.

"Looks like my plan worked a little -too- well..."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
But as soon as Khalo arrives, Volken is forgotten completely. He pivots on his heel, sapphire blue eyes burning, his navy colored cape swishing theatrically. He's not himself, and the energy radiating off of him could be likened to the kind Revara gave off when she'd first attacked Khalo.

"-You-. You will -not- touch her, osi'yaim."

He draws his beskar sword, and rushes Khalo.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari turns from the window as Volken exits, beholding the fact that it's that idiot Von'egel brat. -He- was just as bad as Solstice. If not worse. She smirks, watching as Caine rushes yet another one who doesn't have his armor but still seems to talk the big talk. Oh, this was going to be good. The woman climbs onto the roof of the station. You know, to get a better view of the theatrics.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo arrives properly, and he turns his head to VOlken. "Hm. Looks like you have the situation well in hand." Though at this point, Khalo literally survived a building implosion a few days ago. Which is, of course, what caused him to be captured in the first place. He doesn't seem to be afraid of the detonator, though his eyes shift to Caine.

"Hold that thought, vod." He tells Volken with a smirk as Caine charges him. "Scary." Khalo remarks so sarcastically it might as well be an insult.

Though as Caine charges him, Caine manages to slice him across the shoulder with surprising speed! Add the minor wound to the list of things Khalo has to fix when he gets back to the fleet. Though he immediately tries to retort with a VICIOUS headbutt attempt on Caine!

Volken Mons has posed:
THe giant double takes as Caine just turns from him and charges Khalo without hesitation or even continuing the slightest bit of dialogue about Revera. It's getting so that you can't threaten people with bombs under their feet anymore these days.

But....it's also become clearer to him that something is actually...simply wrong. Not right. It's like a switch of some sort was hit. This is hardly teh charismatic noble who he saw in the station, so far as he can tell.

As Ellari climbs up towards the roof of the old station - he slowly turns the massive arm holding the rotary cannon. It begins whirring, whistling and starting to build up momentum but before the energy discharges he sneers and seems to change his mind. "I'll deal with you -later- you aruetyc witch! I know it was you that turned me into the CSF! If you'd just minded your own damn busines I'd have been off this planet but now I'm going to have to break you in half when this is all over!"

With that, he turns and steps back into the office, ducking low and then an instant later he's returned with a massive heavy bag.

"I shoudl have just sold this and turned her in for the credits..." he grouses before suddenly hurtling the massive bag full of Khalo's beskar his way.

"You better remember this next Life Day!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari smirks as Volken threatens her. "Look who's furious -now-, di'kut. Next time, perhaps you'd better watch who you decide to toy with." With that, she turns and drops down from the roof on the other side of the station, disappearing from his line of sight...

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron's sword swipes the other Mandalorian's shoulder slightly, leaving an angular bloodstain.

Then Khalo crashes his own skull into his, and he's knocked backwards. He stumbles into Volken, his elbow accidentally aimed to go into the other Mandalorian's gut.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo headbutts the literal hell out of Caine! Sending him stumbling backwards into Volken, by the look of it. Though as Khalo cracks his neck, he turns his attention to Volken, a smile touching his features as his armor and gear is returned to him. "Heh. Alright Volken. I'm gonna remember that." Khalo remarks to the big guy, a little nod on his face.

Then,m he kneels down, retaking his weaponry and beskad blades. If he has the time, he'll slowly start sliding his armor on.

Especially since Caine might have his hands full with Volken.

Though he turns to look at Ellari for a moment. "She seems fun. Friend of yours, I assume?" He asks of Volken. "Speaking of which...at this point, too many Mandalorians on Coruscant for my liking. As soon as we settle this business, all of us would be wise to leave the planet as soon as possible."

Volken Mons has posed:
"You little--" begins Volken in response to Ellari as he raises his gun again. However, Caine is suddenly there, falling into him violently as he snaps his attention back toards the noble.

Even were his Beskar off, attempting to elbow Volken right in the gut has a lot in common with trying to elbow a tree on Kashyyyk. There's a whole lot of him, a whole lot of muscle, a whole lot of enhanced muscle and who knows what else that was done to him and that's before one adds in Beskar armor into th erquation.

He is, however, hardly utterly invulnerable and can be surprised as well as distracted and so when the elbow lands home the giant's body shudders and his attention is pulled away from Ellari, not even having a chance to form a retort to her.

Instead, the arm that had been pointing the rotary cannon in Ellari's direction rears back up for balance and he brings around the arm bearing the detonator, attempting to curl that mammoth bicep there about the torso of Caine...

But the nobleman proves too slippery and evasive and the giants trunk sized arm swings around - grasping at and grabbing air and nothing more then that.

"That's what I"ve been -trying- to do before I got mixed up in all this mess thanks to her!" he remarks to Khalo.

"I don't even know why you all -want- her so badly and I don't even care anymore. I brought her, so work it out!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Lucky for Ellari, Volken literally has his hands full with the other two dueling clans. If that hadn't been the case, she may not have been so foolish and bold as to continue taunting him when he had those giant heavy cannons on hand.

    Anyway, she drops down on the other side of the station, and manages to locate another damaged window, this one leading into a dilapidated waiting area where the public transit patrons once sat waiting for their ride. She carefully removes the broken panels as quietly and clandestinely as possible, stepping into the old station and then beginning to search for a way back into the offices...

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron just barely evades getting his neck crushed by the mammoth Mandalorian. He stumbles forward, a crimson thread of blood blossoming from his widow's peak. He pauses for barest moment, palms pressed into the harsh ground, fingers curling into the dusty permacrete covered in scraps of metal and trash. "I love her," he whispers. A single tear trickles down his cheek, and he blinks it away, taking a moment to suppress the tidal wave of emotions threatening to dissolve his resolve.

Then, abruptly, he scrambles to his feet and makes a dash for the abandoned transit station...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"Yeah, I get that." Khalo remarks as he slides his beskar breastplate onto his chest and secures his weaponry to it's various sheathes. "I owe you for retrieving my gear." No small order and deed, Khalo remembers those who do right by him. Returning his armor? That's a BIG favor for another Mandalorian to bestow upon him. Many could just smelt it for weaponry or think the Mandalorian who had originally donned it was deceased.

Thankfully, Khalo is made of tough stuff and Volken is smart.

"Complicated." He remarks to Volken. "Evidently, the coward over there-" he points at Caine. "Wants to take her back home to her father. I want to redeem her by the Creed."

A Creed she walked away from when she came to Coruscant. Though, he turns his attention to Caine as he tries to bolt for the transit station. "And HE tried to sell the Darksaber." And he pulls out his gun, trying to shoot Caine in the back as he runs away!

Volken Mons has posed:
If Caine wasn't also a Mandalorian then Volken would be much more embarrassed then he actually is considering not once, but twice, the nobleman has evaded his grasp.

The tears being shed by the man don't seem to move him much either. but the scuffle has moved them close to the entrance of the office where Revara lies.

"FIgure this craziness out! I don't mind a little drama now and then, don't get me wrong, but I prefer my drama to be...setting things on fire or knocking buildings over...!"

He considers matters for a moment longer as he hears Khalo's explanation and he frowns lightly. The Creed.

If she doesn't want to return to her father then not imposing that seems right to him. But if she -also- doesn't want to go back to Mandalore... He can't necessarily say he lacks kinship with her on that front. . So for a moment he pauses in consideration.

He then seems to realize that Ellari has indeed just vanished and from what little he's seen of her and what she's said regarding current happenings...it seems unlikely she's just left them to their own devices.

"Well...wrap this up and figure it out before the other one calls the CSF again on us or does worse.

He reaches for the office door, forcing it open with a rough sliding of metal. The way to Revera now opened..

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Upon opening the office door, Volken would find Ellari already standing over the cot Revara is lying on. She frowns and quickly draws her weapons when the door opens--dual pistols, one in each hand.

    "You two would be wise to leave House Vizsla matters to House Vizsla." she says haughtily, her gaze directed at both Volken and Khalo. "We will return to Sundari--and the girl goes back to her father."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Khalo's blaster shot nicks the young baron in the heel, and he stumbles slightly but does not stop.

He barrels past Volken as soon as the mammoth Mandalorian slides the door of the office open, attempting to be the first one to reach Revara...

Only to find that Ellari is standing over Revara, her pistols drawn. His lips press into a thin line. "Her father is my godfather," he says, his tone icy. "So let clan matters be clan matters and allow -me- to take her back to the Bastille of Thyssel."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo - now fully geared - starts to walk forward, his footfalls heavy as he turns his attention to Volken. "Trust me, they're the ones making things difficult. I was just here to kill someone. Then the situation changed." He lifts a shoulder. "The world is kriffed like that. I miss when things were simpler." He lifts his helmet and settles it over his head.

Though as he walks to join Volken, he can't help but notice Ellari trying to capture Revara and Caine trying to slide around them to get to Revara.

"...so that's how it's going to be. Vizsla can't handle their shit if a farmer showed them how. Don't do this." He points at Ellari and Caine. "Don't."

He turns to Volken. "How intricate is the detonator?"

Volken Mons has posed:
The goliath lifts his weapons up, filling up the entrance with the immense cannons as he Caine sllips past him and Ellari stares them all down. In terms ofa stand off...wlell...it's not exactly three against one because who can say who is on which side but clearly they have a problem here and despite his immense firepower, to try and unload on Elllari in such close quarters would certainly put Revara at risk as well. His eyes widen behind his helm. Then he thunders:, deep voice booming in the small room.

"Who has asked her what -she- wants?!" Volken demands, finally having had enough of this. His detached, loutish, carefree act melting away in his boiling rage as he stares at Ellari and Caine. He reaches up and pulls his helmet off to reveal his glowering expression.

"THe Creed that I was taught didn't teach me about forcing people who begged otherwise to be forced one way or another. This is -stupid-! Stand down!!"

At Khalo's explanation he just continues glaring at the others.

At Khalo's question he rolls his eyes slightly. It's gone way past whet he was first intending so..he admits.

"Eh. I was bluffing..." to him.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari glances over at Caine as he insists that clan matters shall be clan matters. As much as she detests him, he's right this time.

    However, she glowers at Khalo. "This is none of your concern, Fett." she shoots (not her blasters, just her words).

    When Volken starts shouting about what Revara wants, she just laughs. "What -she- wants? I -know- what that aruetyc wants, and I cannot allow it." she sighs, finally holstering her pistols as demanded by Volken. "Look, we all agree that she shouldn't stay here on Coruscant, yes? So why don't we get her to the spaceport, at least? I don't think the Republic will take much issue with us -leaving-." It was the coming part that tended to raise unwanted questions...

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
"And what do you know of House Vizsla matters?" Caine hisses. "You are a rat from the gutter, Fett. A forgotten waste of life. House Viszla holds the dark saber, do not forget that."

His head snaps around to stare daggers at Volken. "And what would you propose, then? You don't know her. And she does not know what is good for her. Clearly."

And then he moves to stoop down to scoop the unconscious Revara up bridal style, if no one stops him...

"I'm taking her to my ship and getting out of blasted Republic territory," he says.

"Don't let him follow," he says to Ellari. "If you kill him in the process... well, that's even better."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

Khalo simply grunts in response to Volken admitting his bluff. Though he seems to VASTLY approve of Volken's words as he challenges both Ellari and Caine. The only reason why Khalo is doing this? He gave Revara his word that he wouldn't let Caine have her. A promise given is a promise kept. If he didn't give such a word? He wouldn't care NEARLY as much nor go to such extremes. But, well...that's life.

"It's exactly my concern." Khalo remarks to Ellari. "Stand down." He tells her frankly. Though it's Caine who earns his ire.

"You once made a motion to sell the Darksaber. You have no right to so much as utter the name, you scum-sucking son of a Hutt." Khalo remarks harshly to Caine. "You run from fights. You act in cowardice. And you speak for others of whom you hold no authority over." He cocks his weapon. Yet, as Caine tries to make a run for it? He tries to shoot him in the back of the knee to limit his mobility. "You try to run? You just die tired."

Yet, he feels a blaster bolt strike him nonlethally from Ellari!

"Bad call."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Khalo's shot grazes the side of his leg, but the young baron does not let them stop him from continuing to make a retreat. "It's a trinket," He says dryly. "The real reason House Viszla is in power? We possess wisdom, power, prowess, and intelligence beyond what you can fathom, hut'uun. Mind your own damn business, and keep your head in the mud, where it belongs."

He then continues to make his exit, activating the slave rig on the Veracity's Blade and summoning it to his location.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    As soon as Khalo fires at Caine, Ellari fires on Khalo. She hates it, because she hates Von'egel, but he's right. This time.

    What she doesn't understand, however, is why this Fett idiot was so obsessed with Revara now. Was he in -that- bad need of credits? Surely, there were other bounties out there, that didn't involve house politics. "-You- are the one who needs to stand down, di'kut!" she proclaims. "This is Vizsla business, and you should have steered well clear of it from the start!"

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"The real reason Viszla has any power at all is BECAUSE of the Darksaber. You don't even know your own people. Viszla hasn't had any wisdom in a thousand years and won't have any wisdom for a thousand years after if it still thinks men like you - a man who only wants Revara because it'll earn him points with daddy - should be anywhere /near/ a place of authority. You want my head in the mud? Earn it, coward! Even now, you flee!" Khalo rushes towards Caine, ignoring Ellari's blaster shots. They hurt. They suck.

But he's mad.

He draws his beskad blade and slides in front of Caine, trying to extend his blade forward to try and stab him in the collar. "Maybe you didn't understand me."

His eyes narrow. "You leave when I /say/ you can leave, dog."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Caine sidesteps at the last moment, which makes the blade only make a shallow graze right below his neckline. "I won't waste words on you," is all the young baron says.

Then, he moves Reeve to his shoulder, and as he continues his retreat towards his incoming ship, he draws his blaster and opens fire on Khalo.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ugh, this idiot just won't give up, will he?

    "Why the kriff are you so idiotically obsessed with her? Are you in -love- with her as well?!" Ellari shouts angrily as he rushes Caine, trying to stab him. Once Caine has put some distance between himself and Khalo, she fires at Fett again.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Standing in front of Caine, Khalo laughs. "About kriffing time." About finally shutting up and getting to the fight. Course, Khalo seems to just TAKE that blast stright to the chest! It's enough to knock him backwards a moment, a growl touching his features as he reaches for his firearm. He stands up...though as he walks, he Ellari's first bolt misses wide, his head leaning just so out of the way to avoid being hit. The second bolt? Hits him in the back, but the beskar takes most of it. He still feels the concussive force behind it though.

It makes him stumble forward a little bit to drop him to a knee, all while he aims his blaster, trying to hit Caine in a vital organ, like his liver.

Meantime, Ellari's words actually make him start cracking up laughing. Like...he's actually holding his ribcage a little as he walks. "In love? Give me a kriffing break. Are all you Viszla's like this?" Khalo shakes his head. "No. I don't love her. Hell, I don't even like her. But she asked me to swear I wouldn't let you return her to her father. I gave my word. Unlike you two?"

He cracks his neck. "I don't break my promises. I'll hound you to the ends of the galaxy until I have her away from you, Von'egal! Because unlike you? I have HONOR!" He calls after Caine, shooting after him.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron has already made it to his ship's gangplank when Khalo's shot strikes him in the back. He faceplants, but not before hurling Reeve forward, into the ship as he slides down the gangplank.

He clings to the edge of it for dear life, the black surrounding the edges of his vision threatening to swallow his consciousness whole.

He just barely manages to program the slave rig to head up and away from the scene. However, his grip on the gangplank is weakening...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari watches as Caine finally makes it to his ship and throws Revara aboard, but then takes a solid hit from Khalo's rifle and begins to fall.

    "Kaysh shu'shuk," she mutters. "He's going to get himself killed..." She activates her jetpacks and flies up toward him, landing on the open door and attempting to pull him up into the landing bay.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

Kriffing finally.

Khalo starts to rise to his feet, a little wince with each step, though he notices that Caine - potentially with his dying breath - threw the young woman into the ship! Honestly, it's a miracle Revara hasn't woken up yet. When she does? Hell might just break loose. But, he watches as Ellari RACES to help Caine, a growl in Khalo's voice as she tries to pull him up into the loading bay.


Khalo howls int othe darkness after them . Then immediately, he's turning, trying to move with haste back to his ship...

the chase is on.