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* Lower City
* Lower City
* Underworld
* Underworld
[[category: Locations]]

Latest revision as of 07:23, 25 April 2021

Also known as “Triple Zero,” in reference to its galactic coordinates, Coruscant has always been considered the center of the galaxy. It is home to the High Chancellor and the central meeting place of the Galactic Republic Senate, as well as the main Jedi Temple and base of operations. The planet is a never-ending cityscape, with kilometers-tall skyscrapers dominating the skyline.

Star System

The Coruscant system is located in the Corusca sector of the Core Worlds. The planet Coruscant orbits the star Coruscant Prime, and possesses three moon, including Centax 3. The Coruscant system lies at the intersection of the Namadii Corridor, Nexus Route, and the Perlemian Trade Route.


Coruscant's surface is a massive ecumenopolis, a planet-spanning city called Galactic City. Dense city blocks built on top of one another, encompassing thousands of levels built up over generations. Its highest level is a maze of tall skyscrapers, sky-speeder routes, and sleek transperisteel structures standing next to and above the older duracrete buildings. The lower one descends through the levels of Galactic City, the more stark the difference in economic class; the upper levels belong to the wealthy elite, while those below live in increasing poverty. The lowest levels are barely habitable, if at all, and rumors of mutated creatures who may have once been human living in the darkness below have persisted through generations.


Coruscant is the birthplace of the Human species, and it is from this homeworld that they explored and colonized much of the known galaxy. Coruscant was one of the original Core World founders, and rose to become the economic and cultural center of the Republic in its early years, eventually being named the permanent Capital of the Galactic Republic, housing the Senate and other governing bodies. Coruscanti explorers were crucial in the exploration of the edges of known space, and the Colonies region.

Points of Interest

Federal District

The Federal District, also called the Senate District or Legislative District and colloquially as the Core of Coruscant or Core Square, is the central government district here. It is the location of the Senate Rotunda and Plaza along with the Avenue of the Core Founders, and the Jedi Temple. Other notable locations include the colossal residential complex 500 Republica, the Republic Center for Military Operations, and the Galactic Courts of Justice.

500 Republica

500 Republica is the most prestigious and exclusive residential tower in Galactic City. It is home to Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, as well as many of the Republic’s most wealthy and affluent individuals. The towering complex features private turbolifts, security armaments, and fifty-three skydocks designed to accommodate large air taxis and private starships. The architecture of the structure resembles that of rounded steps traveling upward on all sides.

Galactic Courts of Justice

The Galactic Courts of Justice Building, usually referred to just as the Courts Building or Courts of Justice Building, houses the Galactic Republic Supreme Court as well as the lesser Regional Courts.

Jedi Temple

The Temple is the central hub of all Jedi activity both on the Core World Coruscant and across the galaxy. It serves as a monastery for Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters as well as a school for the training of Padawans and initiates.

Constructed by the Four Masters long before the proclamation of the New Order, the Jedi Temple was rebuilt and expanded several times over the centuries. As the headquarters of the Order, the Temple is the location of several key areas such as the Holocron Vault, which housed the Order's closely guarded secrets; the Jedi Archives, a repository of the Order's accumulated knowledge throughout the galaxy; and the Jedi Council Chamber, where the ruling Jedi High Council convene to ponder galactic events and determine the will of the Force.

Senate Plaza

Surrounding the Senate Rotunda is Senate Plaza, a large open area where massive statues dedicated to the founding members of the Republic stand along the Avenue of the Core Founders, a broad walkway that leads straight up to the main entrance of the Rotunda. Flags representing various Republic worlds also line the Avenue, flying gracefully in the climate-controlled wind.

Senate Rotunda

The circular building resembles a giant, almost mushroom-shaped structure, as the beige-white colored roof is shaped like a dome. It serves as the seat of the Republic Senate, where the Senate meets to discuss matters of galactic importance, and where the Chancellor and Senators also have their main offices. The facility is protected by the blue robed Senate Guards who stand watch, blending with the structure’s formal surroundings. They can also be found at the entrances to many of the delegate platforms and at the entrances to the building itself.

Galactic Senate Chamber

At the center of the building is the large, rotund Galactic Senate Chamber. It holds seats on circular pods that line the walls for the hundreds of senators and delegates who meet to pass laws and discuss legislation. When a member wishes to speak, the pod disconnects from the wall, allowing the member to be seen and heard by all others. In the center is a podium from which the Supreme Chancellor and the Speaker of the Senate direct each session.

Chancellery Secretariat

The Chancellery Secretariat is a suite of the Galactic Republic's Office of the Chancellor located beneath the Galactic Senate Chamber. It houses the Chancellor's "working office", which itself holds the Chancellor's Podium. The room is circular, and the podium is located at the center, where it stands ready to move upward through an opening in the ceiling that appears whenever the Chancellor needs to attend a meeting of the Republic Senate in the chamber above.

Republic Executive Building

The executive building is a large, multi-tiered, dome-shaped structure. It houses the private offices of members of the Galactic Senate, as well as the office of the Supreme Chancellor. A number of landing bays are also located on the upper levels of the facility.


  • Lower City
  • Underworld