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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023-12-04 |Synopsis=Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. |Cast of Characters=251, 240, 141 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:251|Khalo Fett (251)}} has posed:'''<br>Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession. <br><br> Khalo Fett - Mandalorian and honored warrior in his own right - only takes honorable work from similar clientele. Aboard his flagship, the Dark Krayt, he receives a missive from the parents of the quarry: a man is...")
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|Synopsis=Bounty hunting is a complicated profession.
|Synopsis=Bounty hunting is a complicated profession.
|Cast of Characters=251, 240, 141
|Cast of Characters=251, 240, 141
|Location=Lower Uscru District - Lower City - Coruscant

Latest revision as of 17:06, 4 December 2023

A Death Mark
Date of Scene: 04 December 2023
Location: Lower Uscru District - Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Bounty hunting is a complicated profession.
Cast of Characters: 251, Baelin Kalregar, 141

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Bounty Hunting is a complicated profession.

Khalo Fett - Mandalorian and honored warrior in his own right - only takes honorable work from similar clientele. Aboard his flagship, the Dark Krayt, he receives a missive from the parents of the quarry: a man is dealing in slave trafficking, namely children, and has a history of making them addicted to spice. No doubt for untold horrors or numb bodies to throw at an enemy.

Khalo's fists clenched, teeth grinding hard as his rage is ignited. Onky one problem...the target is on Coruscant.

"Prepare a light shuttlecraft and get me fresh tags. I'm going into enemy territory."

A long black cloak replaces the red one he normally wears, the dark-gold painted besjar surprisingly blending in with the night life of those from all shapes and sizes. His helmet is removed, hanging off of his belt as his cloak enshrouds him.

He's hunting for Baelin Kalregar, a puck in his hand that unveils the holo of his *suspected* whereabouts.

The hunt begins.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    This place is sort that might make one forget you're in at the heart of the most successful and influential government in the galaxy: The Galactic Republic. It's dirty, loud, and reeks of spice...the illegal kind. The markets are filled with illicit goods vendors, seedy bars, and noisy clubs and casinos.

    Not anywhere anyone -honorable- would like to find themselves, but Khalo's intel indicates that a couple of Kalregar's associates had been seen chasing someone around the Lower City recently. They were later spotted at a dive bar called The Atomica here in the Lower Uscru District.

    Well, at least no one here is haranguing him with too many questions about where he's from...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Limited questions and anonymity is a Mandalorians best friend.

Few places are so much a hive of scum and villainy as Coruscant greedy underbelly, but here is where Khalo can thrive. He merely has to think and choose his words wisely. Donf get him wrong, he /hates/ every single second of this. He hates so much as *asking* people here if they've seen the man on the holo. The streets reek of spice. They smell of filth and decadence. But those children need rescuing.

A job is a job.

But he's behind enemy lines and even republic beat cops patrol down here from time to time. Khalo sticks to back alleys, or passes credits in just the right way to the right people to cause the right distraction.

Even Mandalorians can be clever.

Eventually, Khalo gathers enough intelligence to maybe not find Baelin immediately, but to find his mates...and they're chasing someone around before resting up at a dive bar called the Atomica.

Like a Wild West film, Khalo steps through hiding doors, his eyes - dark and terrible - look throughout the whole place. Even if he doesn't look to be carrying weapons thanks to his cloak...

No doubt he's armed to the literal teeth.

He steps inside. Now for whom does the bell toll?

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The place is as seedy as one might expect for down here. There are a few shoddy neon signs outside, and the inside is rusted and dirty as hell. At least he doesn't get any unwanted attention.

    According to the intel, the two who had been spotted here were a hulking Devaronian and a more lithe Duros man. However, no one fitting those profiles seems to be here at the moment.

    There are a few patrons about though, and a Rodian bartender.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo Fett was looking for two men. By the Creed, he'll find them.

He slowly approaches the bar, looking at the Rodin bartender with a dark look in his eyes. "Corellian ale." He tells the bartender and slides credits his way, looking around. Listening for the whispers, for the noises only one could hear if they were silent and truly listened to what happened around them.

Eventually he speaks.

"I'm looking for a Devronian and a Duros, said to be travelling together and running amok. Have you seen them?"

Surely, someone knows something.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Coming right up." The bartender tells him, and goes to fill a mug from the tap. It's not long before the drink is ready, and the Rodian slides it across the bar to Khalo.

    "Traveling together, and running amok, you say? Huh. Maybe...maybe not. Whatever it is, it's gonna be extra." he tells the bounty hunter, implying that the information won't be provided for free.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Credits are slid across the table, his eyes narrowed and hardened.

"Will this jog your memory?"

Even if honor declares he turn this drinking hole into a graveyard, he's looking for someone...and he needs these two fools to get it done. "Give me all the information you have."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The bartender takes the credits, seemingly satisfied. "Now we're talking."

    He leans over the bar toward Khalo, lowering his voice. "Yeah, they came in here all right. Raving about some idiot human kid Pacoh having stolen a buncha spice and then gettin' away with it after some Jedi interfered. Mirialan kid and some other girl they didn't know what she was."

    There's a pause, and he chuckles a bit. It seems he's familiar with this kind of conversation. "You're a bounty hunter, aren't you? And you're after the price on Kalregar's head. Correct me if I'm wrong." he smirks.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

The stench of it fills Khalo's nose. A disgust he carefully hides behind the steel of his eyes, but he rests his elbow on the bar as he listens to the information. Jedi? Not good. Looks like it was just a situation that influenced another.

"Mhm." He grunts to the bartender. "And what if I am?" Khalo asks the bartender. "Unless you have skin in the game as much as I do."

He's going to get those kids.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Then you're probably going to want another tidbit of information I can give you right now...for a little extra." The Rodian adds. He straightens up. "Come on now, you look like the sort who can afford a few more creds. Trust me, you won't regret it. I promise you it'll put you ahead of all the -others- who are after the same bounty."

    Greed, indeed.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The attention of Khalo and the bartender may be diverted when two aliens enter the bar. A Nikto man, and a Terrelian Jango Jumper. They're heavily armed and have a circular insignia tattooed onto their forearms. The other bar patrons grow quiet, a few of them give the two newcomers sour, sideways looks.

They head straight for Khalo, but wave the bartender off. "Give us a few, will ya?" the Terrelian Jango Jumper says to the bartender, sliding him several credits. Then he slowly turns his gaze onto Khalo.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo is about to do something very aggressive.

But as he's looking the man in the eyes, he simply calls and says. "It will lose you greatly to try my patience today, sir." Khalo remarks patiently to the bartender. "All I require is a 'where'."

But then....

New players arrive.

He slowly turns where he stands to face them, his neck slightly cracking. "...well?" He asks expectantly. "I hope you have good news. Or at least wait for me to finish my drink."

He already looks decently annoyed, but at least he's giving them a chance.

Better than many get.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Maybe it is a 'where'." The Rodian tells him. "Only one way to find out."

    The bartender actually looks kind of annoyed when the newcomers just...rudely insert themselves into the conversation. "Listen, this is -my- bar. And -I- was in the middle of business." he grouses. "You would be wise not to interrupt." At this, some of the...bulkier looking bouncers give the two strangers threatening looks.

    Then he looks back to Khalo. "So do you want the intel, or not?"

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"We just want to know what you're doing here," the Terrelian Jango Jumper says.

Neither of them seems phased when the bouncers creep nearer and given them mean looks, instead, they rest their hands on their weapons, and seem perfectly at ease.

But they step aside when the bartender asks Khalo if he wants the intel or not, apparently happy to eavesdrop.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"Looking for information." Khalo answers the two large individuals, a slow grin lifting from his lips. Hands on their weapons? No worries. Weapons are part of Khalo's faith, if you could even call it that. A Mandalorian is never unarmed.

And never frightened.

He looks back to the Rhodian, credits slid across the table. "Tell me." Money is no object. There's always more. If it were about the money, Khalo would've been an entrepreneur. Yet he seems ready to fight at a moments notice.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The bartender takes the money, again looking satisfied. He considers telling the other two that they'd have to pay to hear it themselves, but then he looks down at the amount Khalo had provided and decides it's enough for the three of them.

    He leans in again. "Best way to get to Kalregar isn't to get a 'where' and go find him...you gotta draw him out. How do you draw him out? You find out what he wants. And what does he want? Well, he wants to meet his kid. Rumor has it, his kid's with the Jedi...but you know kids. He comes down here, sometimes. Lookin' for trouble."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The two gangsters seem surprised when the bartender mentions Kalregar. "Kalregar?" the Jango Jumper scoffs. "I've heard that rumor, and it's a load of bantha crap. No way that guy has a kid in the Order." He exchanges a glance with the Nikto, and then turns to Khalo.

"Listen. This whole situation has trouble and a bad ending for you written all over it. First of all, you're not gonna kidnap a kriffing Jedi to draw Kalregar out. Second, Kalregar's in deep with the Marksmen. He's their favorite spice guy. You mess with Kalregar, you risk having all of them come after you. And trust me, you don't want that. Enough people have suffered because of turf wars, and we ain't about to let some bounty hunter come in here and stir up shit for all our families over a few creds."

The Nikto frowns. /Our advice to you is simple. Go home. It will end much better for you, and for all of us, if you do/, he says, using sign language.

But before Khalo can respond, the doors of the bar fling wide again, and two more newcomers enter. A young Nikto boy, and a tall, chestnut haired human.

The Nikto boy frowns at Khalo. He couldn't have been older than 13, but his demeanor has moxie. His gaze flicks to the Jango Jumper, and then the other Nikto man. "Dad...? What's he doing here?"

/He's looking for Kalregar/, the older Nikto says, stepping protectively over to his son.

The chestnut haired man's brows furrow with worry. "Kalregar...? He has a death mark on him." He shakes his head. "Whatever bounty you were offered for him, it's not worth your life. Because she -will- kill you to make sure you don't take him alive." The others seem shocked, and disturbed by his words.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
That's a problem.

A big one.

Khalo slowly inhales as his finger taps at the counter, his eyes staring at the Rodian for a moment. He looks as though he's considering a /very/ aggressive action. That is, until he's turning his attention towards those gangsters.

A small silence.


Khalo declares, a mean look in his eyes. "Kalregar deals in children. I'm here to tell him to choose a different trade. As for the Marksmen...I welcome the challenge. Now-" Hd steps right up to the Jango Jumper, meeting his gaze as if he intended to lock horns. "What are you keeping from me that you haven't the guts to speak?" Yet as he calls him on his cowardice, his eyes turn immediately to the child who enters.

....and the human next to him.

Khalo's hand hovers over his blaster as he moves his cloak slightly aside.

Now it's a standoff. "Hello there." he looks between the boy and his father. "Then tell me...what do you recommend? My every intention is to bring Kalregar the justice owed to them. If that brings challenge...so be it."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The bartender glares at the Terrelian when he denies the veracity of the intel. "Insulting the quality of my services isn't wise." he Rodian tells him. "My sources are reliable. The boy comes here, at least three times a week, dead of night. Couldn't miss him. If I'm wrong, I'll happily return your credits to you."

    "And if you manage to draw Kalregar out on your own terms, the Marksmen won't matter."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Before the Nikto man can reply, the chestnut haired man steps over to Khalo, standing a good inch taller than the other. "Go home," he says, "whatever you think this job is worth, well, I have news for you. It isn't worth it. You're going to die chasing credits."

The Jango Jumper sneers at the bartender. "Unless you can pull a DNA test out of your ass," he says belligerently. "You have no way of proving that kid is Kalregar's," he replies with a scoff.

The tension in the room heightens. "Well he already said it," the Jango Jumper says vehemently, suddenly seeming on edge. "Kalregar's got a death mark on him. I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but it's too late for that now." He folds his arms and leans on the counter, brows furrowed. "You're all just wrong," he says, "The Marksmen aren't a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. It doesn't matter if you mess with Kalregar on your own terms or someone else's, if you mess with him period, they'll come for you. He's the reason they're so damn rich. And they want to keep it that way. And unless you've got an army under that cloak of yours, you're going to be in some hot water."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The bartender slaps a datachip down on the counter and slides it over to Khalo. "I may not have a DNA test but I know who does. Don't believe me, call 'im. Frequency's on the chip."

    The Rodian scoffs at them. "Pff. Idiots, if he doesn't want them to interfere, they won't." Then he shrugs and goes to serve another group of patrons that just walked in, leaving the decision up to Khalo.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"Three times a week?" Khalo asks the Rodian. Good. Means he's a regular. Creatures of habit are easy to mark and easier still to hunt. "With that kind of guarantee, what good is doubt?" Granted, Khalo is wise, and he trusts not a single soul in here.

But this is far too great a challenge to pass up.

Khalo stares at the chestnut haired man as he steps up to him, meeting him in the eyes despite his greater height. "If you value your life boy, I would step back. Else your boy will watch his father fall." Khalo knows the old ways and trial by combat will follow such ways.

He turns his eyes then to the Jango Jumpsr and for a moment, he just grins. Either he has an army or...he *is* the army. "Then it looks as though I'm a hunted man."

And without looking, he takes the data chip. Who feels like stopping him?

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Oh please," the Terrelian Jango Jumper scoffs. "That kook is a much of a liar and a sleemo as Kalregar himself. Wouldn't trust a thing he says."

"Kalregar doesn't control the Marksmen. If they think he's putting their spice trade in jeopardy by making himself vulnerable, they won't give a kriff what he says. They'll knock you off their territory faster than you can draw your weapon."

The chestnut haired man doesn't waver. But despite his iron demeanor, there isn't a shred of courage there. And it will become apparent to Khalo, that the man did not, in fact, value his life at all. He glances briefly down at the young Nikto boy. "He's not my son," he says, then looks over at the mute Nikto man.

Then he steps back, sighing and shaking his head. "I suppose I can't stop you," he says, "but at least now you can't say I didn't warn you."

He turns to go, and the others start to follow him out.

But the young Nikto boy remains. He runs up to Khalo, his eyes shining bright with determined audacity. He was a courageous lad. "If you run into her," he says, "... just... run away, I guess. She'll regret it if she kills you."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"I don't." Khalo tells the Jumper with a shake of his head. "But it's a lead. I'll follow it." He explains to Jango Jumper before his dark eyes turn to the man in front of him. "Cute." Is his response to being supposedly thrown off the territory faster than he could draw iron.

Yet the man in front of him has no courage. No metal. "Good. Then I don't need to worry about scarring him." is Khalo's response to the chestnut haired man. "The warning is unnnecessary but appreciated. I've faced larger beasts." He starts to walk then, only for the boy to approach.

"She'll regret it?" Khalo starts to smile. "Interesting. Fear not for me, young one. My destiny looks ever still. I run from no one. Death can have me when it earns the right to."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Yeah, she's like that," the bold young Nikto says. "But she wont admit it. I guess she thinks having regrets is dishonorable or whatever."

"Anyway, you should just watch out for her. She gets into blind rages sometimes. She goes by Reeve, but her real name is Revara Solistice. If you hear she's around, keep your distance."

Revara Solstice... Khalo will know this name. She had been a dishonorable member of her clan, born into high nobility but ended up infamously forfeiting her inheritance after it had been discovered she had tried to cheat her way into her grandfather's favor and caused her father to divorce her mother. Humiliated, she'd disappeared, grieved her family, and fled Mandalore. Now she was here, apparently.

"Keep your wits about you," the boy finally reminds Khalo. "You might be tough, but these streets are tougher." He then turns around and follows the chestnut haired man and the others out of the bar.