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===Racial Reputation===
===Racial Reputation===
Their good reputation as kind, peace-loving beings among most respectable civilizations allows them a +2 bonus to all Presence rolls.
Their good reputation as kind, peace-loving beings among most respectable civilizations allows them a +2 bonus to Presence score (non-Force skills only).


Latest revision as of 17:55, 18 November 2023


Tholothians were a species of sentient humanoids native to the planet Tholoth. They could be distinguished from typical humans by their partial bluish skin pigmentation, their scaled craniums and fleshy white, blue, or red tendrils that sprouted from their skullcaps.

Historically, Tholothian civilisation has changed and adapted relatively smoothly, especially compared to other species, of similar age. For example, Tholothian astronomers predicted the existence of other civilisations centuries before the first outsider hyperdrive exploration ships encountered the Tholothians, and so the homeworld did not suffer the shock that normally comes with initial contact. In fact Tholothian culture has been remarkably adaptable and fluid, changing with the times with less- than expected backlash, traditionalist outcry or nativist anger.

Highly egalitarian and cosmopolitan, Tholoth’s population is majority but not exclusively Tholothian. Over the centuries hundreds of cultures and species travelling through the system to settle in the Slice instead stayed on the planet. Tholothian society has added bits and pieces of these these various cultures into their architecture, art, and language (with various loanwords). Linguists can trace historical layers in language, grammar, and even verb tenses. Technologically advanced but not obsessively so, Tholoth's economy has always been slow and steady. This Tholothian cultural fusion has caused the planet to flourish in the current era. Every new world that joins the Republic, brings a new piece to Tholoth’s melting pot culture and Tholothians are often seen at the heads of Republic greeting and first contact parties. Whether through some quirk in their biology, or through their species’ long history of adaptability, Tholothians are a common sight in the Jedi Order. Jedi who wish to remain in contact with the temple on Coruscant but need to get away from the people, smog. and skyscrapers often come to Tholoth to meditate. Some hike and camp out in the various nature preserves, giving them time away from the galaxy without fear of wild. dangerous beasts. Tholoth, located in the Colonies region at the base of the Slice, has a warm, temperate climate. As one of the closest planets in the expansion path of the Slice, Tholoth has benefited highly from trade and temporary immigration. As Tholoth began to expand, its people established created restrictions for development; they welcomed immigrants, of course, but any new construction on the planet needed to integrate with their ecosystem and infrastructure. Because of this, Tholoth’s cities have taken on a cosmopolitan character, blending and integrating different architectural styles that somehow still feel Tholothian. As a result, Tholoth has avoided the giant metropolises or ecumenopolises that seem to dominate the Core Worlds. Certain areas across the world are designated as climate and wildlife preserves. Trees are central to much of Tholoth’s ancient history and belief system and so Tholoth has developed a well- deserved reputation as a home for beautiful trees and arboretums. Tholoth is a democracy, utilising a governmental structure similar to that of the Galactic Republic, with a head executive chair and a legislative senate.


Ancient Tholothian cultural practices centered around a durable tree used in their agriculture, the Hometree. When Tholothians travelled, they carried at least one seedpod with the blessing that if they found a new home, they would tear open the pod, plant the seed, and connect their new home with their old home. Tens of thousands of years later, Tholothians who journey away from their homeland continue this tradition, some carrying a single seedpod in a pack, integrating them into artistic objects in their homes, or wearing them as jewellery. Stories abound that these Hometrees are mystically connected in some way, and that by placing their ear against the bark, Tholothians could hear Tholoth's wind calling them back home.

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Racial Traits

Youthful Appearance

Tholothians are seemingly ageless and even those among their species considered venerable do not look it.

Racial Reputation

Their good reputation as kind, peace-loving beings among most respectable civilizations allows them a +2 bonus to Presence score (non-Force skills only).