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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-01-15 |Cast of Characters=321, 159, 261 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>The golden, glittering, vast arches and towers of Canto Bight's famed casino's are not lacking when it comes to all manner of games and entertainment. Whether its drugs, alcohol, escorts, gambling, of course the racing, and naturally more exotic forms of debauchery and tomfoolery - you can probably find it here especia...")
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|Cast of Characters=321, 159, 261
|Cast of Characters=321, 159, 261
|Location=Canto Bight
|Synopsis=Volken and Navi enjoy a night of gambling at the casino, and encounter a mysterious woman.

Revision as of 02:22, 24 January 2024

Higher Rollin'
Date of Scene: 15 January 2024
Location: Canto Bight
Synopsis: Volken and Navi enjoy a night of gambling at the casino, and encounter a mysterious woman.
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, 159, Navi

Volken Mons has posed:
The golden, glittering, vast arches and towers of Canto Bight's famed casino's are not lacking when it comes to all manner of games and entertainment. Whether its drugs, alcohol, escorts, gambling, of course the racing, and naturally more exotic forms of debauchery and tomfoolery - you can probably find it here especially if you can afford it.

Volken can most certainly -not- afford it. Not the highest tiers of patronage, or even the medium tier...not normally at least. However successful mercenary work has yielded him at least some amount of credits. Being a Mandalorian means he rightfully commands some lofty fees. Being that his arms are so massive he can compete with a Dowutin in a bodybuilding contest means he can add a little bit of extra to those fees during negotiations of contracts.

However it doesn't mean he has excess credits to just throw into the wind despite the fact that he's doing exactly that. Throwing it into the wind after losing round after round at a massive gambling table and having paid for two lovely twi'lek escorts to cheer him on or cling to his aforementioned pillar like arms.

"Yeah buddy!" he roars, readying for another dice roll at whatever wild game he's being completely out maneuvered in. His helmet is set on the edge of the table right infront of him but his armor is on, designed and arrayed as it is to exagerrated his bulk and physique as much as protect vital parts of it. His twin repeater cannons are..rightfully lockered up somewhere as naturally walking through a casino like this armed with weapons designed to mow down crowds and take on large vechiles isn't...uh...allowed...but clearly fighting i sfar from his mind as he rolls - and promptly loses again.


Athena (159) has posed:
The croupier approaches Volken tentatively, his brows furrowed.

"You've amassed quite the debt, sir," he says. "You do realize that by midnight, all your dues must be paid?" His expression and demeanor aren't aggressive, but Volken would be wise to take heed. After all, there are three Dowutin bouncers lingering in the vicinity.

The others sitting around the hulking Mandalorian's table give each other furtive looks. None of them are interested in seeing Volken upset.

Navi has posed:
Navi isn't quite sure why she's here.

The Sephi Force cultist had followed a tug from the Force to Canto Bight, working passage on a passenger vessel, since she rarely has much money. This isn't her sort of planet, and the casino isn't her sort of place.

But the Force called, and she answered. That's the important part, right?

With her little haversack slung cross-body over her shoulder and her favorite retractable staff strapped to the bag, she wanders through the casino, hoping she's in the right place. The glare of a wandering waiter drives her to the one-credit slots, and she dutifully drops in her first credit and touches the play button. She can't afford many plays...

Volken Mons has posed:
Gigantic? CHeck. Mandalorian? Check again. Overconfident? Check -yet- again.

Not exactly the best traits when someone has to consider a wise course of action over a more brazen one. Volken isn't necessarily the most restrained of indivdiauls and those around the table are indeed wise to look wary as the goliath tenses ever sos slightly. His two escorts seem to see fit to wisely excuse themselves to go find more drinks as the giant gives a glance towards the man besides him and then beyond towards the bouncers.

But Volken, while quick to change moods like some sort of sudden storm, is not without cunning or charisma and though his eyes are hooded at first under the shadows of his messy hair...he ends up giving the croupier a smirk,

:Heeey...heeeey. It's not a problem..."

It is certainly potentially a problem considering how much he's spent.

"Tell you what, what sort of favor can I do for you all. Something nice and easy going - kinda like me. No need to worry about it yeah? I like this place. I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt your...ah..busines model. Right?"

He reaches a massive hand up to try and lay it convincingly upon the shoulder of the croupier. As to Navi? This little interplay is no doubt not to far from her but he remains blissfully unaware of her presence.

Athena (159) has posed:
The croupier slides uncomfortably out from Volken's grasp, and dusts his shoulder off, huffing slightly. "Well, it isn't ... yet. Like I said, you have until midnight." Then he hurries off, before Volken can become too peeved.

The others around the table say nothing for a moment, but finally, a smooth haired Kuranu pipes up, "Well, rumor has it the ah... Grafs are here tonight, and are looking to pay big for a certain... favor. Maybe you could ask. Heard they're feeling... generous tonight.

Meanwhile, while Navi drops a coin into the slot machine, a tall, stunning woman wearing lavender shimmersilk and ruby lips starts to wander past the young Sephi girl. She's escorted by two security guards, clad in black, and when she hears the -clink- of the single credit falling into the machine, she turns her gaze upon Navi, observing her quietly for a moment before approaching her. "Now... that's no way to play."

Navi has posed:
Navi looks up at the lavendar-clad interloper, blushing faintly as she gets a good look at her. "Um... I only have a little money to spare, um, Ma'am, and I have no desire to go into debt. How should I play?" she asks timidly.

She catches a glimpse of the conversation at the table off to one side of the array of slots, not missing the hulking Mandalorian there who seems to be at the center of it all. "Oh, wow... now I know where we get total eclipses from..." she murmurs, awestruck by the man's size.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken's smile dips into an annoyed frown as the croupier slips away with a reminder of the ticking time limit. There is a slight boiling up within him as he fumes and considers additional options....with none of them being particularly gentle or subtle....but before he can act rashly the Kuranu speaks up and the goliath turns, swiveling his head on his hugely thick neck like some sort of tank turret, and leveling his harsh gaze upon the speaker. The words do seem to pacify him some and he relaxes once again, visibly deflating as the straps on his armor audibly creak as they relax against his physique's movements.

"Hrnn.." he rumbles, lifting a hand up to rub his hairy jaw with a sound like dried brush scraping over stone as he does so. His other arm gathers up his helmet and he tucks it underneath it as his deep voice drawls out, "Weeeelll.....I appreciate that. So. Where can I find the Grafs?" He's distracted, ever so slightly, by the stunning woman as she glides past his table but his attention returns to the more immediate matter, missing the exchange between the woman and Navi's look his way.

Athena (159) has posed:
The woman laughs, noticintog Navi blushintog. "Oh darlintog, look at you. You're so lost, aren't you? This is your first time to Canto Bight, isn't it?" There's somethintog utterly allurintog about her - the curve of her angular cheekbones and tight auburn bun tucked behintod her head, her perfect skinto, the way it seems impossible to know the intotent behintod her steely light blue eyes. "Come here," she says, pressintog a hand into the gap between Navi's shoulder blades and guidintog her towards a craps table. "Those slot machintoes are silly. Here, no risk reaps no reward. Put all your chips into, darlintog, and enjoy yourself. I'll pay off whatever you owe at the end of the night."

The Kuranu shrintoks back a little when the auburn haired woman glides on by. "That's... that's her..." he whispers. "Good luck, mate..."

Navi has posed:
"Well... if you say so..?" Navi replies, even more softly than before, feeling goosebumps where the woman had touched her. "But I really do only have a handful of credits to spare. And you're right, it /is/ my first trip here. The Force drew me here... I'm not sure why."

She looks around at all of the faces around the dice table. "Um, hi! How do we play this game?" she asks, with a sheepish little smile, her blush lingering.

Volken Mons has posed:
The Kuranu's words redirect Volken back towards the exotic beauty just as she begins her approach towards the table with Navi in tow. His eyes widen ever so slightly as he truly gets a good look at her but his surprised expression is then replaced by a wolfish, and perhaps silly looking, grin. He almost doesn't notice the nervousness in the Kuranu's voice ...but it doesn't -completely- slip past him and after a second or two of practiced effort he manages to rein that grin of his back in and cast one more glance to his fellows at the table and then over towards the woman and Navi herself.

Navi gets a long studious look from the giant Mandalorian as well given the company she's now keeping and Volken inclines his head with a little of confusion now as he considers the pair. "Huh. Not what I was expecting.." Then as Navi speaks, that grin starts to creep itself back up again as he greets her in return, "Hey...."

But after that he holds his tongue to see just what this 'Graf' is about to do or say though he no longer attempts to hide his interest in the pair.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Of course," the woman reassures Navi smoothly. "But you know, it doesn't really matter whether you have fifteen credits, or fifteen hundred. The idea is you only reap what you sow. It's entirely possible dear, that you might win back ten fold what you put in. So do you want ten credits for putting in one, or one hundred and fifty or more for putting in everything you have?" She smiles at the young Sephi girl. "Don't worry, darling. The croupier will take -very- good care of you." She then gestures for one of the croupiers to come over, and whispers something indistinct and clandestine in his ear. He grins slightly, and nods, then hands Navi a pair of dice from the pocket inside his vest. He then motions for a couple Cragmoloids and a Dowutin who are sitting at the bar to come over to the table where Navi is seated, before he starts to explain to the young Sephi girl how to play.

The Graf woman then turns to Volken. Looking her full in the face is a bit intimidating, to say the least. She is a masterpiece of beauty, poise, grace -- yet, there's an air about her that seems to signify that she is not to be trifled with. She smiles in a captivating manner. "Why good evening, sir," she says, her voice smooth and gentle as mulled wine.

Navi has posed:
Navi blushes a little more as the Graf woman speaks, distracted by... well, everything about her, really. "Um... okay. I'll remember. Thank you," she says to the tall woman's back, pouting a little as she realizes the woman is leaving her here. At least she can have some fun playing the game, maybe.

As the croupier explains the rules, Navi glances over at the towering Mandalorian approaching. "Oh... hello," she says, with a faint smile. "Do you know how to play this game, too?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Not very good!" Volken admits, perhaps a little too cheerfully, at Navi's questioning. Both of his eyebrows arc upward and then relax back as he sees the Canto Bight whirl like clockwork at the slightest whisper and gesture of the stunning woman.. He purses his lips at her effortless display of control only to have her fixate his gaze upon him before he can really prepare himself.

And he is indeed thrown off slightly now and forced to rear back just a touch. He can practically hear Khalo Fett chiding him for this but .. he's not the one being stared in the face by this woman now is he!

"Uh." he begins, startled before finally regaining a bit of his bearing and then says, clumsily, "....Good...evening..." After an akward pause some of his normal bravado returns and rushes back in as he regains his footing. "...I hear that .....you might be looking for someone to ...do a favor. I happen to be in the business of doin' favors..." His smile -finally- returns, a bit more business like now. "..Did I hear wrong? You look like you've got the whole place spinin' around your finger so I wonder...what kind of favor someone like you might need...?"

His Twi-Lek escorts have returned as well given the lack of table flipping, Dowutin hurtling and Mandalorian tumbling and they stand near enough to do their jobs, entwining their arms around as much of Volken's limbs as they can manage which...isn't much. But they also look on, respectfully, at powerful woman facing the giant.

Athena (159) has posed:
The croupier grins wolfishly at her and motions for her to empty all her credits onto the table. "You heard the woman. All in, or all out." He smirks, and the other casino patrons he'd called over to the table loom over the Sephi girl intimidatingly.

The woman gives Navi the barest hint of a smile, to indicate to her that she should in fact, empty all her credits onto the table. Then she turns to face Volken, laughing. The sound might send chills down Volken's spine, perhaps because she's so beautiful, perhaps because somehow it's unnerving how utterly unafraid she is of him, perhaps it's both. She sizes him up for a moment, then replies with. "You certainly make up for your lack of charisma with size, don't you~" she teases. "Would you like a drink?" she offers, stepping closer, her light blue eyed gaze unwavering. But before he can object, she's waving for the bartender to get them both a round. "Mm, well I must give you credit, your flattery, at least, is charming." She smiles, revealing perfectly straight, pearl white teeth. "Now where might you have heard a rumor like that?"

Navi has posed:
Navi swallows, taking a fistful of credits from her satchel and staring at the table. For a long moment she just stares at it. And then she places her credits onto the table, 83 in all. Hardly a noteworthy amount here, unless it's for the smallest of bets. "Um... is this enough? I don't have any more," she asks timidly.

She manages a hint of a smile for the Mandalorian, since he's the only person besides the stunningly beautiful woman who isn't outright scary. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Mandalorian, sir. I hope you find your rumor," she says sincerely.

Volken Mons has posed:
Volken double takes at Navi, especially at her seeming comfort with him as the friendliest and least intmidating presence. He's really slipping.

But he's also no dullard. The fact that the stunning woman so openly does not fear him and exudes the upper hand in terms of fear and presence is fairly straight forward. She holds all the power here and attempts to change that dynamic by force would likely...not end up well for the giant and any associated with him and that's putting it mildly Being in the middle of the CSF prison was less dangerous then this place could be.

Volken turns from Navi back to the woman, "How'd I hear that? Ooooooooh....word travels..." he responds, leaning into the play of her opinion of his charisma or lack thereof by continuing with his more affable and hopefully entertaining demeanor. He lifts a massive hand up, briefly dislodging that arm from the grasp the escort on that side to raise a finger and twirl it in the air. "Flickers through the air and I got good hearing... Got to be able to discern different types of explosions and bones breaking and all..."

He's not going to out the guy that gave him the tip. He looked nervous enough and a favor owed is a favor owed. It is The Way.

As his hand lowers he accepts the offered drink into it, though it nearly vanishes into his meaty palm, and he also takes note of the intimidating positions of the patrons near Navi.

"Looks like she's got her a better audience then I managed...."

Athena (159) has posed:
"It's perfect," the croupier says, immediately sweeping all her credits into the middle of the table. The other patrons chuckle darkly, but do not comment otherwise. They each toss a few credits into the now growing pile centered on the craps table.

They then turn to look at Navi expectantly. "Since you're new," the Pau'an croupier says with a terrifying yet clownish grin, "why don't you go first?"

The woman doesn't seem bothered by his vague response, however. She laughs again, a bit more quietly this time. "It's a clear night," she says suddenly. "Why don't we enjoy the views from the balcony?" She then stands, and offers Volken her arm.

Navi has posed:
Navi, picking up the dice she was handed, looks around the table she's been directed to. As she does, the room seems to swim in and out of focus, dozens of unconscious signs flying into shape in her mind. She weighs the dice lightly without ever closing her hand, an image of her situation swimming into sharp relief in her mind...

She passes the dice back to the croupier. "I think I'd rather watch a little. Why don't you go first and show me how to play?" she asks innocently.

Volken Mons has posed:
With her attention fully on him now, Volken's lips part into a slightly toothy smile before he rumbles towards his two twi'lek friends, "Take a break. Enjoy yerselves. I think this is abou tto be..ah......a private affair.."

He pulls away from them, easily, and in truth they're probably relieved anyway. The guy's a bit random and something of a handful obviously.

His attention is not lacking in terms of paying attention to Navi however. He keeps his eyes on the stunning visage before him but his attention partially split such that when he hears Navi make mention of wanting to let the others go first -- his smile enlarges ever so slightly as if having a clue to the girls street wise appraisal of the situation unfolding.

He makes no attempt to intervene though. Business is business after all, and instead he gesturs with the hand holding his helmet for the extravagant woman before him to take the lead.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Pau'an shows his jagged, pointed teeth to Navi, leaning towards her, his black eyes gleaming in the dim light of the casino. "Roll," he says aggressively. Then his expression turns a terrifying sort of cheeky. "What have you got to lose, eh? The lady said she'd pay whatever you owe at the end of the night. And who knows? Maybe you'll witness some kind of miracle and win the -jackpot-..."

The woman smiles and rests a hand on Volken's arm gently and starts making her way towards the lift. Once inside, she turns to the hulking Mandalorian. "It turns out, I do like favors, actually."

Volken Mons has posed:
If Volken -was- toying with the idea of being a guardian angel if the diminuitive Navi got in over her head...the moment has seemingly passed as his entire attention is now commanded the elegant woman and she's led him away from the table and the patrons therein.

"No foolin'...?" rumbles the colossal mandalorian, not even bothering to mask any hint of surprise at her revelation there. "I guess my ears -are- pretty good after all.."

The hand with the drink swirls it around slightly before he gestures abit for her to continue, "So...what kind of favor would someone like -you- need?"

Athena (159) has posed:
She smiles. "Of course not," she says. "And I suppose they are."

The lift dings, and suddenly they're looking out at a gorgeously panoramic view of Canto Bight just as the sun starts to set. The woman slides the shawl covering the top of her sleeveless shimmersilk dress off and drapes it on the railing. "Well you know. People like to talk and make up stories about women like me. Mostly untrue but I need my reputation maintained." She turns to face Volken serenely, the twilight glow illuminating her beautiful outline.

Volken Mons has posed:
"When you get to the top, people like to do a lot of talkin' about how you got there and what you're doing while up there.."

Volken watches her movements contuing to study her appreciatively but also ... not walking to close to the balcony edge either. It's a long way down after all, even for a fella as chunky and sturdy as himself. Instead he remains only a few long strides from the lift entrance as his hooded gaze and slight smile remains on hsi face and he watches her movements thoughtfully.

"Mind you...I'm not much of a writer so I don't know how good of a holonet counter story I can whip up for you.. So I have a feeling you're not looking for my storytelling abilities..."

As to Navi - she's not -completely- in out of sight, out of mind, just yet but his priorities have pretty much shifted now towards resolving his own problems.

Athena (159) has posed:
Her grin broadens. "Well your offer is charming enough," she says, "but you're right, I'm not."

"I've also forgotten to introduce myself," she says. "My name is Xera. Xera Graf. And how shall I call you, my towering, stout hearted maverick?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Volken of House Mons' responds the giant without hesitation. He figures she can figure out the rest since he's been wearing his beskar armor this whole time though, notably, it didn't necessarily ruffle anyone that he was doing so.

"So...." he presses, "....what can I do for you and..it wouldn't happen to be a big enough favor to cover my itsy, bitsy, bit of credit debt and also done easily enough to be taken care of by 'midnight' would it?"

He his wolfish grin returns again as he looks Xera over.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Volken of House Mons' responds the giant without hesitation. He figures she can figure out the rest since he's been wearing his beskar armor this whole time though, notably, it didn't necessarily ruffle anyone that he was doing so.

"So...." he presses, "....what can I do for you and..it wouldn't happen to be a big enough favor to cover my itsy, bitsy, bit of credit debt and also done easily enough to be taken care of by 'midnight' would it?"

He his wolfish grin returns again as he looks Xera over.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Very pleased to meet you," she says in that buttery smooth tone again.

"Well, yes. I'll take care of that, easily. But about the favor." She pauses, looking thoughtful. "Well. First of all, perhaps you've heard of the San Tekkas. They are... the organization in question, unfortunately. My sources tell me they've made up some very grossly inaccurate stories about my family with falsified evidence, and plan to release it to the public and on the HoloNet to shame me, and all my relatives.

Navi has posed:
"I do appreciate your confidence in me. And a wild streak of luck is certainly possible, but it feels rather odd that I'm the smallest and most inoffensive person at this particular table," Navi replies diplomatically, gathering up her credits. "Almost as odd as these dice feel."

She sets the dice down on the edge of the table and waves her hand above her head, calling, "Pardon me? Can we please have some new dice over here? These feel awfully strange."

Volken Mons has posed:
Unaware of the building ticking bomb down below, Volken just purses his lips and seems to begin thinking as he hears Xera. He thinks some more. He thinks some more and then some more. Then.

"Yeah, sure. I know 'em." when he damn well doesn't know the name.

Listening abit more he nods his head eventually and then says, "Well I take it you want me to word a sternly worded letter on your behalf? Get on the Holo-Net wtih my charming smile and tell the galaxy not to believe it? Politely ask them to hold their tongue?"

He finally takes a drink from the alcohol that was brought for him earlier and then gives her that big grin of his again, "Something like that...?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Alright, alright," the croupier says, reaching over to grab Navi by the wrist and stop her from gathering up her credits. "You don't have to play at this table, eh?" he cajoles. "Why not go for something a bit more casual, like... sabacc?" he says, coming behind her and attempting to guide her to a sabacc table that's more crowded, but the aliens sitting around it are less ... intimidating.

Xera leans against the railing, pulling out her bun and letting the wind tousle her hair. "Well.. actually, I was hoping you might be strong and clever enough to find their files on me, and kindly destroy their lies."

Navi has posed:
"Well... all right. I can try it," Navi replies, all but a few of her credits in her hands now, but unstowed, and lets herself be led to the card table. How do you play? I've heard about the number 23 and something called an Idiot's Array, but that's about all I know about it."

She glances back at the croupier. "And I really don't want to put an undue burden on such a nice lady, to be honest. Did you see where she went?"

Volken Mons has posed:
On the overlook above, the negotations continue. Volken's attention remains locked on Xera.

She seems to have picked up on his interest in her. Clever manipulative girl that she is. But Volken had already deterimined that, baring it being something just absolutely apalling to what little sense of morality and The Creed that he still clings to...he was going to go for it. The idea of being able to have a little fun and cause a little destruction - well who can refuse -that-?

"Huh, Well.....I -am- strong....and...I -am- clever.. But...the kinda precision I do when it comes to destroying tihings isn't exactly....pinpoint. I target something, it and everything around it tends to go up in a big nice pretty explosion but I tell ya what...I'll do it for you. You can even say that a jealous ex just got a little creative in an attempt to impress you or something..."

Of course being motivated by having his debt wiped clean isn't exactly out of the picture here either. "You got any clues on where to start looking?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"It's not hard," the croupier says, once again attempting to make everything sound easier and better than it actually is. He shows her to the table, and begins to explain the game, using the current ongoing game to give Navi live examples.

"Oh don't worry about her," the Pau'an says to Navi, "she's richer than you could possibly imagine. Paying whatever debt you rack up here is like tossing coins into a fountain for her."

"Mm, well I don't care about precision. If you break some of their crystalline windows while you're at it, I couldn't care less. I just can't be implicated in any of it, that's all. Find a reason to be there, but don't mention me. That's all I require. In fact, I'd rather you make it quite obvious that the destruction of the files was accidental."

"Ah.. yes," she says, taking out a datapad. "They have several compounds. But their most notable one is... on Naboo."

But that's Republic territory...

Navi has posed:
"Well... it /sounds/ fairly easy. I can try and see how well I do, I suppose," Navi replies, with a greater confidence than she feels. The aggression of the Pau'an and the crowd at the earlier table, however, has washed away any real trust she had in this being's honesty. And possibly the beautiful woman's honesty, too.

But she's MUCH prettier than the Pau'an, and Navi feels her insides turn to jelly every time those cold blue eyes meet hers. Foolish though it may be, she can't help but give her the benefit of the doubt.

Besides, she didn't gnash her teeth at her for no apparent reason.

She lays down ten credits to open with, including her ante. "I hope it's as easy as it sounds."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Naboo..." repeats Volken. "In The Republic....."

So he had debt from gambling and he does enjoy Canto Bight but the degree of that debt equating to the potential bounty that could end up on his head -again- if it were seen that he was on Naboo destroying citizens property is...quite the issue at hand.

"Naboo..." he repeats. while swirling that drink of his around a few times.

And it's less an issue of even worrying about what THe Republic thinks - it's more drama from certain Mandalorian houses as well.

"You know, in case it wasn't obvious, I'm not wearing this armor for a costume party and I'm not exactly indistinct. I may owe you all a debt from a day of..hard partying but...well... I'm not sure that debt is equal to the bounty that'd be on my head if things went sour based on what happened when I took out a club back on Coruscant. On 'accident'. Sounds to me like you've got a problem that might do a little more then just...wiping the board clean cause let's face it... That isn't rally any loss to you to do so is it? To wipe my debt here clean that is."

He pauses, letting that linger before asking, "So...what kind of additional things...can we add to this, to make that worth my while?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The round passes pretty quick, and Navi might be surprised to find that she actually wins this round. The croupier watches from several feet away, hands behind his back, smirking, while the other sabacc players give Navi a dirty look. A small waitressing droid pushes the hand pot over the Navi.

When it comes time for the next round, they look to the young Sephi again expectantly. She's supposed to add credits, again, apparently...

Xera flashes him a charming smile. "Oh of course not. But have you been to Naboo, dear? No? Oh..." She pats his cheek gently. "Once you get inside the compound, you'll find yourself in a vault of wealth. Of course, the most valuable inventory is locked up, but there is plenty that just serves as decor or trinkets, free for taking as long as you can get in, and get out, without getting caught. But I'm certain a man of your prowess and strength shouldn't take issue with that..."

Navi has posed:
"Oh, sorry... I'm starting to remember seeing this in a holofilm once," Navi says, tossing in another ten credits. "I wasn't really clear on how it worked, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. No wonder people play games here. It's so much fun," she adds, beaming innocently.

Volken Mons has posed:
The giant pauses. Nearly freezing in place and it's not necessarily a good sign for the 'deal making'. He did just confirm his cultural affiliation after all. Mandalorians are violent, super soldiers, honor driven with zealotry running deep among them to their Creed and their Way. Volken, it seems, is more secular compared to many of them.

But they aren't exactly known for common theft and base thievery to reward themselves as if they were mere pirates, thugs and ne'er doers. Though a violent monster at his core, it seems the giant does yet have a code of honor all his own, and just 'helping himself' as a means of reward for no purpose other then reward...seems to not working with him.

Perhaps she miscalculated. and the cheek pat is not helping even if it was a sexy looking cheek pat.

"I didn't need permission to help myself' or break into a place to get something valuable if I wanted it." he notes, tone more even now as a hint to the possible slipping up of negotiations. I mean I can -always- do that. I mean what can -you- do for me aside from just cleaning out a debt that'd be -less- then the potential bounty on my head for doing this 'favor' ?"

His fingers twitch slightly as he watches her, eyes more hooded now.

Athena (159) has posed:
The other sabacc players begin to whisper to each other, but Navi won't really be able to hear what they're saying. They don't seem happy, though. The round begins in earnest once again...

Xera still seems at ease. She rests her chin on her hand, watching Volken with what appears to be a dreamy expression. "Anything," she says softly. "Anything at all, dear. Succeed, and you'll have earned my good graces. You see, I do need a favor every now and then, but... I like giving them to those I deem worthy , more than receiving them. I'm generous like that."

Navi has posed:
"Maybe it's not quite as easy as I'd thought..." Navi muses, pouting a little as she loses this hand, and the hand pot goes to another player. "Congratulations, Sir. You played very well," she says to the winner warmly. "I just hope I can play half as well."

The next hand is dealt, and she tosses in her ten credits. "Let's see how this next hand goes."

Volken Mons has posed:
As the games intensify down below, so do the negotations up top. Volken remains neutral, and stone faced at first. Xera recovers qucikly from his push back, though. if she was even caught on the back foot to begin with. Clearly she's good at handling elements even like Volken otherwise she wouldn't be in the position she's in ..and...well...he does like him some Canto Bight.

"So I can name my own reward eh? Lucky me... and I got a big imagination as well. "

That wolfish grin returns, or is it more shark like now.

"Alright....now we're talking... Seems like we understand each other."

After all, a Mandalorian making trouble is one thing - but one making trouble with something to -show- for it...that's another matter all together. Not -everobyd- is like that House Vizsla woman.

"Sounds like we got a deal...."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Villarandi Navi is congratulating doesn't seem terribly keen on her compliment. "You look like backwater world trash," he sneers, "what are you even doing here?"

The game continues, and Navi doesn't fair too badly. She wins a couple rounds, and loses one, before the final round is being announced...

"Naturally," Xera says, "my family is wealthy, and powerful. There is little they cannot make happen. And if you run into any trouble on Naboo, well, my family can likely just make it.. go away."

Then she laughs again, and leans forward to plant a brief kiss on his cheek. "It was pleasure meeting you, Volken, House of Mons. I'll be in touch." And then she turns to head back into the lift.

Navi has posed:
"I am a Novice of the Shining Brotherhood, of Jedha," Navi replies warmly to the critical villarandi. "And the Force brought me here, though I am not yet sure why. Perhaps more will become clear in the fullness of time."

Mostly what becomes clear over the next fews hands is that her luck falls firmly in the middle. She wins about as many hands as she loses. "I doubt I shall win much money. But there are other ways to enjoy oneself here. And I doubt I shall have to beg a ride back to Jedha, at least."

Volken Mons has posed:
The kiss does a much better job then that cheek pat though he had to lean way down for her to be able to actually plant it. He actually had to be leaning over for even that cheek pat but for the kiss he had to practically bow her way which...probably was intended by her to some degree.

"I'm all about making new friends..." he rumbles out with that heavy bass drawl of his and then upon straightening up, finishes his drink off and then sets it on one of the railings to be retrieved by some random Canto Bight worker, no doubt.

He then follows her back into the lift to return with her down to the club and the rapidly intensifying games.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Villarandi makes a shooing motion at Navi once the game of sabacc is over. "I couldn't care less where you're from," he retorts rudely. "Just crawl back to that sand blasted hole of a planet before I decide I've tolerated enough of you tonight." And with that, he moves to a different table, grumbling like the poor sport he is.

"Power and prestige comes from your bloodline," Xera says, "but if you lacked the good fortune of being born into it, you can always forge your own path. It's all about who you know..." She smiles to herself, a distant look settling over her expression.. Then the lift stops on the ground floor, and the doors open...

Navi has posed:
"There's no need to be rude about not winning every hand," Navi protests softly. "Maybe your next hand would have won you something?" She watches the villarandi leave in a huff, shrugging. "Does anyone else object to my being here?" she asks, with a little pout, her feelings lightly wounded by the rude alien's unkind words.

Maybe she should look for the beautiful kind lady who was so nice to her. Rude sore losers are not fun company.

Volken Mons has posed:
Almost as if he can't focus on too much at once, once back on the ground floor, Volken shifts gears like flipping a switch and begins a visual search for Navi, curious to see if anything happened while he was gone with her seeming benefactor. Upon seeing her, he turns his mammoth frame..intending on heading that way though he acknowledges Xera's words with a rumbling, "Couldn't agree more..." His own voice briefly distant in reflection of her brief look.

But it doesn't last long.

"I'll arm wrestle and crush ya later." he quips at one of the Dowutin bouncers, reaching up a huge arm to flex it lightly, causing the muscles to jump like a boulder under his rugged flesh before he balls his fist up and raps it against the shoulder of the other giant as he trundles past arrogantly towards where Navi is gaming.. If he catches sight of the rude encounter, he doesn't give any indication of it - but it seems he's decided to put his lot in with Navi for the moment as he makes move towards where she is to stand behind her.

Athena (159) has posed:
Navi's comment goes ignored. The sabacc table has cleared out, apparently the people here think she looks too backwater...

Xera strolls out of the lift after Volken, and her suited security guards reassume their positions flanking her. Navi will see her gliding towards the exit of the casino once more, her gaze flicking downward briefly to look at her commlimk as she starts to make her leave.

Navi has posed:
Navi shrugs, gathering up her credits. Overall, she's broken even at the table. "Thank you for the lovely time," she says warmly to the dealer as she stands to leave. Spotting Xera moving toward the casino exit, she picks up her pace to catch up to the statuesque woman in lavendar.

Volken Mons has posed:
Well it doesn't look like his intervention was needed after all. Shame that. Even with the successful negotation of a 'favor' ... he was still itching for a reason to do something to leave his mark despite logic and common sense urging the contrary. All he needed was an excuse but Navi's luck at playing and the swift exit of the elegant patron has put an end to that.

He allows this, as his business is seemingly concluded and, he presumes, his debt dealt with. No doubt additional contact will be made so that the bargain can be appropriately handled by her flunkies. He knows that sort of departure when he sees it so there's no purpose in just tailing her unless invited to.

"Hn. This is about to get intersting again.." he grumbles while reaching up to finally replace his helmet and then turning to start to head towards his lockers.

Athena (159) has posed:
The croupier just gives Navi an unreadable look and then goes back to manning the craps tables.

Navi might finally catch up to the woman in the lavender dress, but the initial interest Xera had displayed in Navi seems to have disappeared... completely.

In fact, she seems to not even notice the Sephi girl, she's too absorbed in whatever message has been sent to her commlink. And before Navi can even get in a word to her, she sweeps out of the casino, her security guards in tow.