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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-02-05 |Synopsis=CHA-CHING! |Cast of Characters=240, 323 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:240|Baelin Kalregar (240)}} has posed:'''<br>    A couple days after the conversation at the casino, "Fen" had arranged to tour Wynn's luxury liner The Vagabond's Destiny. So he makes his way down to the spaceport on Canto Bight, and waits for the Zeltron man there, still dressed similarly to the way he'd been the day they'...")
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|Location=Canto Bight Spaceport - Canto Bight

Revision as of 20:41, 6 February 2024

Date of Scene: 05 February 2024
Location: Canto Bight Spaceport - Canto Bight
Synopsis: CHA-CHING!
Cast of Characters: Baelin Kalregar, 323

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    A couple days after the conversation at the casino, "Fen" had arranged to tour Wynn's luxury liner The Vagabond's Destiny. So he makes his way down to the spaceport on Canto Bight, and waits for the Zeltron man there, still dressed similarly to the way he'd been the day they'd met. Not the exact same outfit, but a similar style.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    There he is. Wynn Viasco in all of his self-imposed glory. Standing in front of the Vagabond's Destiny as a few stragglers depart. Credits are handed in his direction for a tip or maybe some money owed, who knows with Wynn involved. What does matter is that after a few smiling handshakes (at least on Wynn's end), the straggler patrons are off to go do whatever it is they do and Wynn's looking up, pocketing the credits and smiling. "Fen!" Wynn heads over to meet Fen with a hearty handshake while waving another hand at the ship behind him. "There she is. My best girl." Wynn looks on with pride. "Vagabond's Destiny." He's so proud.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Wynn Viasco." Fen smiles, accepting the handshake and nodding. "She is impressive." he remarks, looking up at the ship. "Well I can't wait to take a look inside! Shall we?" he asks, looking toward the gangway.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "I paid for the entire interior remodel myself. It was a huge buy but I know a few people that helped me get the credits up for it." Wynn turns to lead the way up the gangway and towards the ship's interior. "Now if it's a bit of a mess, don't mind it. We've been partying non-stop in here for a few days. Gonna' have to give her a nice scrub down before we take off tomorrow." Oh yeah, the Vagabond's Destiny is always on the prowl. Also, he can't stay in one place too long in case some fools come wanting their credits back or something. Ahem.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "A remodel, huh? This used to be something else?"

    "So, a bit of a traveling gig, huh?" Fen asks as they make their way inside. "You usually stick to the Outer Rim? Or are you flexible?" he asks.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "That's the beauty of her, isn't it? You never know where a Vagabond's Destiny will take you." Wynn's smug smirk after laying down that line that he's been obviously waiting to use for who knows how long. Wynn grins as he leads the way. "But yes, we go wherever we need to go. We want to offer the greatest experience we can for the price we ask. Nobody leaves unsatisfied."

    "Not quite a remodel but I had a few personal touches I wanted to make. Really make her my own. A real Wynn Viasco experience."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Oh yeah?" Fen asks when Wynn mentions personal touches, sounding curious as they step into the interior of the ship. "Care to elaborate? And where do you usually 'need' to go?"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "We're just a luxury liner going wherever the hyperspace takes us. Unless some of our passengers have a destination in mind, we just kind of... go." Wynn shrugs. "There's plenty of room on board. Food, entertainment, a chance to win some credits. People would live here if they could." Wynn grins. "I do. But that's because she loves me."

    "Why? Where do 'you' need to go?" Wynn looks at Fen.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Fen chuckles a bit. "I see." A slight pause. "Let's talk in your office? I'm assuming you've got one on board somewhere."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Of course!" Wynn leads the way down the corridor and past the casino and the galley and around a corner and then through some doors and finally there's office-y lounge space that's behind closed doors. There's a security code to open it and everything. It looks comfortable in here with soft and plush seating and even the desk doesn't look like it gets much actual work. Even if Wynn looks the part behind it. His feet go up onto the desk as soon as he drops into the seat behind it. "We can talk freely in here."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Fen glances behind him as the door to the office lounge hisses shut. Apparently satisfied, he smiles and sits down in front of the desk. "Excellent. So--Wynn. You mentioned earlier at the casino...something about getting things from Point A to Point B. I took that to mean you've got some hidden freight containers around here? Shielded, even? You know, the kind that are designed for...sensitive cargo."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    Wynn's hands go behind his head as he keeps his comfortable seating arrangement. "What I'll say is that the Vagabond's Destiny provides many incognito services. Not once as she been caught transporting... sensitive cargo." Wynn still doesn't know Fen from a hole in the wall so admitting to his ship's modifications is not exactly in his own cards right now. "And yet, somehow, customers are always satisfied. Weird, huh?" Wynn's smirk should be able to help tell Fen what Wynn is all about.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Is that so?" Fen asks, brows going up slightly. "And how long is this track record of yours you're talking about?" he questions. It's understandable, that Wynn doesn't want to flat out admit to modifications designed for transporting illicit goods.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Long enough to be true." Wynn remark as he finally swings his feet down to lean on the desk more seriously. "It's a big ship. With a lot of fun things to do. Sometimes people get distracted. Don't do their jobs as well as they should. Hard to search the place when you've got the hot hand at the tables." Wynn gives a little more to show just how much he's prepared to handle... problems that may, but usually don't, arise.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "I see." Fen replies, he doesn't look unhappy, but he doesn't look fully satisfied, either. "Well, what about a price range then, for delivering to an...important client on Eiram?" he asks. "How much are we talking?"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "We get all kinds of passengers and cargo on the Vagabond's Destiny. The price kind of depends on how... popular they or the cargo are." Wynn's not exactly willing to just give out a numerical value. Depending on exactly who he needs to transport. Definitely not going to lowball himself when there's room to make a ton more credits if at all possible. "A VIP level guest or some precious cargo is going need so much more care and attention than someone or something less... important." Wynn picked up on the important angle. "And then there's the time frame to consider. How fast do things need to be on Eiram? Will anything be in our way... or behind us?" Wynn seems to have a lot of things to consider but seems willing to come to some sort of acceptable terms. That's the smile he's wearing anyway.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Since Wynn doesn't seem to be a fan of giving specifics, Fen doesn't give them either. "Let's just say that if everything goes well as you say everything always has, you shouldn't have to worry about anyone being behind you. And let's just say this client isn't what you'd call 'popular' necessarily, but they definitely have deep pockets, enough to get you some...extra should they feel your performance warrants it." he smiles, as well.

    "Well how about this: 25,000 credits. Let's start there. It's what I'd wager the bounty on your head would be should you slip up and get caught." That smile turns into a bit of a smirk. "That way, if it does happen, at least you're covered. No loss to you. But, you're a professional, so that shouldn't happen, am I right? Should be a win-win situation for both of us. And the client." The friendly smile returns.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Normally, I'd go for the upsell but since you already took some hard earned creds from me..." Wynn flashes a grin as he leans back in his chair once again. After all, he does remember that Sabacc game very vividly. "I can make that work. But I can't leave until tomorrow. I still have a few other clients to take care of around here."

    "I suppose we have a deal. We can talk specifics and necessary accommodations or needs soon. I'd like to have everything prepared ahead of time."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Hey," Fen laughs when that game of sabacc is mentioned. "I won fair and square. You can't count that against me."

    "Perfect. Then we have a deal. I'll bring the credits and the cargo tomorrow, one of my employees will fill you in on the necessary details." he offers a hand for a shake.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Looking forward to working with you." Wynn offers a grin and reaches out to finish off this deal making with the handshake of officiality. Also: CHA-CHING!