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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-02-10 |Synopsis=Volken and Ellari have a 'friendly' chat. |Cast of Characters=321, 296 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:321|Volken Mons (321)}} has posed:'''<br>Mos Eisley is not without its dives, haunts, cantinas and even occasional casinos and clubs. There are the thuggish and dangerous and also the rich and wealthy and all require some forms of entertainment.<br><br>A gambling hall that doubles as a fighting pit is one such lo...")
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Latest revision as of 06:03, 15 February 2024

Heated Discussions
Date of Scene: 10 February 2024
Location: Mos Eisley - Tattoine
Synopsis: Volken and Ellari have a 'friendly' chat.
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, Ellari Zin

Volken Mons has posed:
Mos Eisley is not without its dives, haunts, cantinas and even occasional casinos and clubs. There are the thuggish and dangerous and also the rich and wealthy and all require some forms of entertainment.

A gambling hall that doubles as a fighting pit is one such location. The deep stoney depression that serves as the ring itself and the various tables that ring it along with the upper levels for drinking and gambling have led to an apt name: The Sarlaac's Pit. No doubt the gangsters who own it and the Hutts who own them are quite pleased with it as there's no shortage of hot tempers, owed bets and even occasional forced slave matches to keep the denizens here happy and occasional newcomers entertained.

One such newcomer looms in the back of the bar, watching a Dowutin and Trandoshan duke it out in the pit with blows that reverbrate even up through the observation level. He's a massive, monstrous, hulking figure. Equale to, if not larger then even said Dowutin in a bizarre act of genetic tampering with an already oversized Near Human off shoot. Indeed, Volken's presence is like a slumbering volcano as he leans back boredly to watch the fighting with an elbow propped up on a table and his helmet free head leaning into an upraised fist. His eyes are hooded and his dark matted hair hangs over his eyes and face, shrouding an expression that looks displeased and unfilled. His other hand rests on his helmet, fingers drumming lightly against the beskar. Numerous large empty drinks are strewn about on the table he swamps over. He's probably been here awhile.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari doesn't usually like to frequent watering holes like this, as she is not keen on lowering herself to that level, but perhaps the possibility of some bounty hunter side work has brought her here after the whole ordeal on Mandalore.

    She's sitting at one of the tables in the bar, just keeping to herself. The woman rolls her eyes when she spots Volken, and quickly looks away. Did she -have- to keep encountering him?

Volken Mons has posed:
Perhaps the universe, The 'Force' even, has a way of forcing things to happen (hah) when someone has unresolved issues or needs to be checked or otherwise given an opportunity to ..grow beyond their narrow view of things. Not that Mandalorian's believe in such things, of course.

Either way, Volken had indeed spotted Ellari but for a long time he'd not moved and instead kept his attention on the fights, however dissatisfying they were to him. He eventually takes a long sloppy drink from his most recent purchase and then, setting the empty mug down hard on the table, slowly rises and begins a heavy trundling tread towards Ellaris table. helm tucked under one massive arm as he looms in closer and closer.

The crowd around him seizes up abit, unsure of what the giant is about to do but as he passes without even looking their way...they relax. The fight in the pit continues on though the Trandoshan seems nearing their last legs.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari seems to be the only one who -doesn't- really tense up or otherwise react to Volken's movements. She is tempted to just....leave. But that may be seen as cowardly. No, it -was- cowardly. And that's the last thing any Mandalorian wants on his or her track record...

Volken Mons has posed:
"You not going to run away again, ad'ika?"

Volken's deep voice rumbles like a languid far away earthquake before he invites himself to sit down as near to Ellari as his gargantuan bulk would allow. His muscles press and creak at his armor from his idle movements as he drapes his immensity over a nearby chair and then kicks one booted leg up to rest it on another chair near her.

"C'mon.." he rumbles with a leering look as he sets his helmet onto a table, "Admit it....you like running into me. It's the least you can do for me holdin' back from breaking you like a twig for trying to turn me into the CSF. In fact, I was thinkin about it and... I kinda actually respect that now. It was stupid. but I respect it. I respect the right amount of stupidity.."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I am no coward." Ellari replies tersely, turning around to face Volken when he mentions running away. She scoffs at his threats. "Breaking me like a twig, you say? Well I'd like to see you -try-." she taunts, testing him.

Volken Mons has posed:
"I bet you would..." replies the behemoth smoothly, not being egged on yet but seemingly reveling in her responses to his presence and overall demeanor. His grin grows as he looks at her rising anger and he continues to lounge almost boredly, creaking the seats wildly under his gargantuan mass.

"Course I don't have anythin' to prove. We both know I could fold this table around you. What's the hurry or need? I just wanna talk. Find out why you gedin'la. So rough around the edges. Especially with me. I aint done nothin' to you. In fact your'e the one that's offended me but here I am givin' you a chance to explain your attitude problem."

He shrugs lightly, "I mean, I respect that, like I said. Maybe it was deliberate. Because of you I nearly broke several guards in half, ripped apart part of a prison, got Khalo Fett t'owe me... All cause you couldn't leave me alone."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "You and that girl Revara were causing unnecessary trouble in the worst possible places." Ellari says frankly. "I simply sought to put an end to it. Is that what you would call an 'attitude problem'? I have no need to explain myself to you. Why do you seek it? Do you need an ally? A favor? What do you want? Just cut to the chase."

Volken Mons has posed:
"What I want, is what I'm gettin'." says Volken cryptically, still grinning a little bit at her.

"You just don't realize yer givin' it to me."

That big grin of his remains as he drawls that out slowly and then he continues, "What business of it is yers what a Mandalorian is doing off Mandalore. We go where we need to go and do what we need to do, correct? That's why we're so feared an highly sought after. If I needed to be on Coruscant to bust up a club or drag a bounty out of a department store that's what I'm going to do. Worse has been done. So why's that bother you so much? It didn't seem to bother anybody else... What's your problem?"

He quiets and then adds, "...Don't lump me in with Revara though. Nobody has even bothered to say exactly what it was she was doing besides leaving Mandalore. We're not all stuck there you know..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "If you don't already know the answer to your questions, then you don't deserve my time and effort to explain it to you." Ellari says dismissively. "However, if you are indeed worthy of the armor you wear, then you will learn one day."

    She seems to become a bit incensed when he seems to defend Revara again. "Revara Solstice was running around with Coruscant lowlives. Honorless aruetiise who are not even worthy of -associating- with us. She is a disgrace to House Vizsla. To all of us, even."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I got a counter point to that." responds Volken, sounding amused still though there is the faintest hint of an edge to his voice.

"It's not that I don't know..it's that -you- can't explain it beacuse you know what I do know doesn't justify you. Instead it sounds t'me like you've built in your own mind some belief systems for how things are supposd to be and your view of The Way not only primarily supports and elevates House Vizsla but it does so at the expense of everyone else that doesn't live up to what you think about that House. Doesn't sound very full of 'honor' to me...."

He drums his fingers on his helmet again and then grins slowly, "We Mandalorian's don't necessarily have the best track record. Most consider us thugs and violent....and you know that. But we still have our own code of ethics...flexible though it is. Part of that is probably not assuming you know somebody as well as you think you do....

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Heh," Ellari arches a brow at him. "Not knowing someone as well as you think you do, eh? Perhaps I could say the same of you, then. Are you sure you aren't one of our ancient enemies? The Jedi? They're the ones who wield such arcane powers to understand the mind of another so deeply after only having met them a few times."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm just observant. I know more about you then you do about me just based on yer words and actions. Even what you -just- said.." suggests Volken, lifting a heavy hand up to casually gesture to try and get the attention of a droid server.

"You tried to help a man accused of stealing and trying to sell the DarkSaber. You have no self control or nuance about the methods and actions of Mandalorian's not associated with your House and you can't, or refuse to, elaborate on your way of thinking and put it into the lap of other folk to figure it out for themselves, accusin' them of being 'not Mandalorian enough' if they don't. I'd say that doesn't take a mind reader, ad'ika "

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Even if I tried to explain these nuances to you, it is clear to me that you would not understand. Because you are not ready." Ellari replies, folding her arm. "And I do not wish to debate politics with someone who has no understanding of it."

    She scoffs again when he starts laying it out, her whole life story, apparently, throwing her hands up in mock resignation. "Well then, it seems you have it, good sir. You are so observant, you don't even need sorcery to read me like an open book. What more could one ask for?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"That's just an excuse and you know it. Each time I' bump into you you go running behind that excuse and nothing changes. You don't know what I know but you keep giving me information through your stand offishness. So what am I supposed to do but reach a conclusion. You act like a damn grown up and actually state y what you think instead of hiding behind passive aggressive responses when questioned...then I'll stop readin' you like a book."

Volken grins slowly and then rises "like a Mandalorian Jedi Sorcerer.."

He reaches down and grabs hold of the drink coming his wy as the droid arrives and then gives Elllari a grin, "I was gonna get into that pit but I think I just changed my mind. This was more fun! Ill tease ya more later.."

WIth that he turns, beginning to heavily tromp off away from her, sharkish grin still on his face as he looks away.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari just nods at him. "Indeed, but why should I want you to stop? You seem to enjoy it, after all." she smirks, watching him go. He'd eventually get tired of this, right?