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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024-02-17 |Synopsis=Wynn now hates Canto Bight. |Cast of Characters=240, 323, 261, 353 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:240|Baelin Kalregar (240)}} has posed:'''<br>    Following the almost-disaster of Wynn nearly losing his prized possession, his ship is definitely in need of some repairs. Kalregar has agreed to escort the Vagabond's Destiny safely back to the spaceport on Cantonica for this, although -discussions...")
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|Cast of Characters=240, 323, 261, 353
|Location=Canto Bight Spaceport - Cantonica

Latest revision as of 07:40, 17 February 2024

The Look of Audacity
Date of Scene: 17 February 2024
Location: Canto Bight Spaceport - Cantonica
Synopsis: Wynn now hates Canto Bight.
Cast of Characters: Baelin Kalregar, 323, Navi, Kline Tel'daris

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Following the almost-disaster of Wynn nearly losing his prized possession, his ship is definitely in need of some repairs. Kalregar has agreed to escort the Vagabond's Destiny safely back to the spaceport on Cantonica for this, although -discussions- regarding payments, among other things, are yet to be had...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
The Vagabond's Destiny looks a mess. Inside and outside. Right now, though, the illustrious captain and owner of this prime vessel is standing outside of it and hugging at one of the landing gears. He looks almost too distraught so this either has to be an act or he must really be in love with his ship. He pets the landing gear a bit more. "Shhhh. Shhhhh. It's okay, Destiny." Of course he talks to his ship. OF COURSE. "We're going to get you all fixed up. You're going to be good as new. Better even." More landing gear petting.

Navi has posed:
"Does your ship talk back to you, Sir? 'Cause that would be cute," asks Navi, approaching the parked ship. Fairly anonymous in her long, pale robe, with her medical satchel and retractable staff slung at her hip, she pauses to lightly pet the landing strut, too. "Poor ship. Looks like you two got into some trouble."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The Red Dawn follows the Destiny shortly thereafter, locking in at a docking bay just adjacent. Kalregar disembarks along with some of his crew, who set about getting fueling going and stocking up on other supplies.

    He approaches Wynn with a brow arched, noticing the Zeltron man...petting his ship. And it even seems he's convinced someone else to start doing the same. He rolls his eyes. Those stupid Zeltron pheromones.

    "So, Mr. Viasco." he begins, folding his arms. "You must have had a -very- good reason to neglect mentioning to me that you had a kriffing -frozen super soldier experiment- in your cargo hold -and- that you planned on having it along for the ride on your trip to Eiram."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"We're connected." Wynn turns around and leans back against the landing gear, flashing a grin in the direction from whence the inquiry came. "Trouble always seems to find us. But she always makes it through." Wynn sounds like the proudest ship owner on the block right now. Or maybe the ship's father. It's hard to tell.

Then the annoying one approaches and Wynn holds up an apologetic finger to Navi. "My humblest apologies. One moment, please." With a playful wink in her direction, Wynn spins around to meet the man talking so much stuff to him.

"Okay, do we need to do some breathing exercises? You seem quite upset about something that neither of us knew about so why don't you take a moment, count to five and see if your nerves calm down a bit?" Wynn does some calm breathing modeling for the moment in case Baelin needs some assistance figuring that out. "While you do that, I'll run the numbers on the repairs for my girl here so you can transfer those credits on over." Wynn wags his datapad around.

Navi has posed:
"I've heard of pilots having affection for their vessels, but this feels like a rather extreme case," Navi muses, studying the damage to the ship. "Hope the repairs don't set you back too much."

And then a familiar figure approaches, and Navi has to force herself not to flinch as she recognizes the outlaw. As Wynn moves to speak to said outlaw, she remains beside the landing strut, no longer petting it, her hands tucked demurely into the sleeves of her robe.

Kline Tel'daris has posed:
The air rumbles as one of the big boys comes in out of the clouds. It is very large triangular transport ship that looks way to big to be taking up a berth at this shipyard. It comes to rest hovering over an adjacent bay.
    A few moments later a man comes into the bay with a small grey cargo container on a hover skid. The ebony skinned fellow looks at a slip then looks around.
    "Would any of you gentlemen happen to be Jebo Helica?, I'm suppose to meet him here with this cargo"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    'Fen' gives Wynn an incredulous look. "Ahem, -excuse- me? So -I- can transfer credits over? I saved your -life-." Kalregar points out to him. "What would've happened to you and your ship, had I not chosen to intervene when I did? And don't tell me you actually let that a cryo pod onto your ship without even knowing what was in it?" Of course, there was the fact that he hadn't actually told Wynn what was in -his- shipment either, but that doesn't have to get mentioned, does it?

    Fortunately for Navi, he doesn't seem to notice her, at least for now. He's much too preoccupied being annoyed at Viasco.

    Then a dark skinned man approaches, asking about one Jebo Helica. "Hmm, sorry. No dice there, but maybe one of us has seen him if you could tell us what he looks like?"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn takes a moment to look over at Navi and he makes some mocking faces while 'Fen' is talking. Then he rolls his eyes and nods in that direction for Navi's amusement. His face seriouses up when he turns back to look at the one that seems to be more upset about all of this.

"Nothing. I had everything under control. In fact..." Some swiping of the datapad and he pulls up security footage from that altercation. "As you can see, the invaders were quite civil and apparently so was the cargo-- for the record, of which, I didn't even know was on my ship. I had to fire my crew over that, you know. Mama told me never to trust an Ugnaught with braids. I shoulda' listened to you mama." Wynn's datapad is showing the security footage what shows no actual violence or harm to his ship... until 'Fen' and his crew showed up. Oop. "If you'd rather pay me in person, that's fine too." Wynn grins.

As the arrival of another pilot happens, Wynn flashes a knowing nod. "If I know Jeb the way I know Jeb, he's off in one of the casinos forgetting all about you. No on purpose, mind. He's just a bit on the absent-minded side." Wynn motions at Kline. "I'll take it for him. Keep it safe until he gets kicked out of the casinos. Again." Ol' Trustworthy Wynn Viasco.

Navi has posed:
Navi rolls her eyes at Wynn's antics, but she has to bite her lip against laughter. It's hard for her to believe Wynn is a starship captain, really. She watches the two men argue curiously.

And then she turns that curiosity on that incoming ship. So big! So serene! So... angular! The man who approaches in the aftermath of the vessel coming to a halt is almost disappointing in his ordinariness, but she works hard not to judge him for that.

"I regret that I don't know him, Sir. I'm sorry," she adds, bowing her head regretfully.

Kline Tel'daris has posed:
Looking a bit flustered for a moment, the dark fellow smiles, "Sorry it looks like I have interrupted something important going on".

    Kline takes a look at his data slip again. "Oh Sorry the names Kline Tel'daris A4 Industries" he then points to the large transport with the same name on the side.

    "Well my slip here says he is Human, ..." the man goes on to describe countless fringers. "Yeah I have this crushed and compacted ore he had shipped in from a transfer point near Cyclor. I took the job via holonet never meet than man before. I'll just wait over here he might show up later.". Kline pushes his hover skid over to the far wall and leans against it and pulls out a comms device. "Hey A4, looks like a no show. I'm going to wait around a while see if they turn up."

    The man looks up in joy. "Scratch that A4, I found an associate of his who will take delivery" Kline calls into the comm device.

    "Well Wynn thanks for the help, don't know how long I can hang out before the port authority shows up wanting docking fees for a half a dozen berths" Kline replies to the man with a toothy smile.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar doesn't even look at that footage. "I -know- what I saw. And that was you, about to get bowled over by some kind of augmented Arkanian woman, and have your ship hijacked from you."

    He shakes his head, when Wynn still seems to think he's supposed to be getting some kind of payment. The nerve of this idiot. "I don't think I've made myself clear. You're not getting a single credit from me, in fact you are relieved of this job and I will be expecting to receive a full refund of my downpayment." His tone is gains an edge, possibly even a dangerous one. Perhaps 'Fen Mikovic' is much more than what he said he was.

    And -then-, he starts trying to rob this poor other fellow, Kline. "Don't believe him, he's lying. Lied to me earlier, still lying, and is now lying to you." he tells the dark-skinned merchant.

    The redhead then frowns, his gaze now going over to Navi. "Who're you, anyway? I didn't see you on Viasco's ship earlier."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Sounds like a fair deal to me. I'll make sure everyone knows you're not a man of your word. Or your name." Wynn makes sure to prepare the transfer of downpaid credits back to where they came from in the first place before closing down his datapad. "Please, don't contact me for such incredulous activities again. I cannot be associated with criminals that request the use of luxury passenger crafts to do their dirty work and then track them without any captain's or passenger's consent. For shame." There. That should be loud enough for some of the ears on the spaceport to hear. Heh, heh.

The look of audacity that's on Wynn's face is carried over as he looks in Kline's direction. "It's up to you, my friend. How this man next to me knows who I am associated with is amusing seeing as how I've only met him mere days ago. But as the person with the actual work order for the shipment on the Destiny, from Jebo himself I might add, you are at liberty to do whatever you feel is right." Wynn offers a solemn bow of his head in Kline's direction. "He's right. I wouldn't trust me without proof either. Even if I am telling the truth." Wynn shrugs though. He doesn't really look as though he's going to try and waste his time convincing people of his innocence.

"See what I have to put up with?" Wynn's eyes and words are in Navi's direction now. "This is what happens when you do favors for people you just met. They concoct lies and rumors to get out of paying for their crimes." Wynn sighs and leans against the Destiny's landing gear again. Pouting now.

Navi has posed:
"Miss Minding-Her-Own-Business," Navi replies, crossing her arms over her chest, as Kalregar calls attention to her. "And I've /never/ been aboard Captain Viasco's ship, assuming /this/ gentleman bears that name. I'm just here looking for passage to the Jedha System. Working passage, since I'm not blessed with an abundance of credits."

She glances to Wynn for a moment, then back to Kalregar. "Are you Captain Viasco, Sir? And do you always keep such rude company?"

Kline Tel'daris has posed:
Kline Tel'daris frowns for a moment than smiles leaning on a walking cane. He then quotes some statute of the law about theft. Before hitting a button on the hover skid causing it to drop the cargo container on the ground with the loudest thump that echoes through out the docking bay and reverberating off the nearby transport. The hover skid lurches violently upwards after the release of so much weight.

"Well Wynn that ship of your doesn't look like its in any shape to be taking possession of this cargo. that's the thing about crushed and compacted ore it doesn't take up much room but it sure is dense"

Kline speaks into his comm unit once again, "Hey A4 can you ping Jebo on the holonet tell him we are waiting, also can you see what you can find on a 'Wynn Viasco' from the local net"

"I'm sure we will get to the bottom of this soon" Kline explained with an arrogant smile.

"Oh miss" Kline addressing Navi, "I'm heading back core ward I can easily provide transport. Not that my ship has the amenities of a pleasure craft such as Wynn's". Kline gestures with his cane to the ship in serious need of repair.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar just smirks, at both Wynn, and Kline. If that reputation threat bothered him, it sure isn't showing. It's a good thing he actually never gave the Zeltron his real name. "Hear that?" he asks, glancing over at Wynn. "He's got a point, hasn't he?"

    He arches a brow at Navi. "Oh, really? Then why are you with him? Imitating him, even?" he inquires, referring to earlier with the ship petting.

    However, he shrugs and turns, starting back toward his ship. "Well then, I'll be taking my shipment back, and finding someone -else- more capable and trustworthy. Farewell -hasn't- been a pleasure." He then orders his crew to board the Destiny and take possession of the original cargo.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I'm sure you'll find everything you need with these lovely folks here, Miss Minding Her Own Business. Good luck."

With that said, Wynn Viasco gives a nod to all those gathered and moves to board his ship. "Your credits have been returned. Enjoy."

Wynn disappears into the Vagabond's Destiny so that he can watch them crew take that cargo and he preps his ship for flight.

Thank Force he's got a mechanic babe on retainer. He can pay her in Viasco. Heh, heh.

Also: @*&@#^@ Canto Bight.

Navi has posed:
"Because I saw him hugging his landing gear and talking to it, and indulged my curiosity," Navi retorts, blushing faintly at having been seen petting the landing strut. "And because he has a ship and might be willing to let me work passage."

As Kalregar leaves and Wynn returns aboard his ship, she rolls her eyes. "I suspect the feeling is mutual, debt or no debt."

Looking back to Kline, she smiles. "Thank you. Amenities are not a problem. I've no expertise to speak of on a starship, but I can clean and cook. Nothing too complicated, though."

Kline Tel'daris has posed:
"Well ..." Kline speaking to Navi but looking up at his ship "she is mostly run by various droids. There is plenty of room that's for sure..." at such time a string of binary beeps and whistles comes out over the comm.

"Kline, Jebo is held up and will not be here for days" A4 chants over the comms in bianry.

Kline shouts into the comms, "You tell Jebo I'm leaving this container right here, it will probably get impounded but he has the lock code already. I wish the port authority all the luck, nearly burnt out the hoverlift on our skid moving it around."

"I'll take a look at it when you return sir" A4 replies in binary.

Navi has posed:
"I see. A freighter, then? No wonder it's so big. It was certainly interesting to watch it come into port," Navi observes. "Is there anything I can do that the droids aren't programmed to do? I don't have nearly enough credits to cover passage."

She listens to the conversation over the comlink, fighting back giggles at Kline's shouted orders. "Sorry you were stood up. Hope it won't cause you any trouble."

Kline Tel'daris has posed:
"Well nobody is a good cook, we have set this thing up so one day there won't be any organics aboard so who needs a cook" Kline explains to Navi. "and Old Jebo Helica prepaid for shipping and its his breach of contract not mine, I know a great lawyer" kline continued with a charming smile.

"Let my introduce you to A4, my partner not a great conversationalist but he is a tech wiz" Kline gestures for Navi to follow him back to his ship.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Wynn gets dirty looks from the crew as they fetch the shipment out of his cargo bay and start taking it back to the Red Dawn. A green-skinned Twi'lek woman glares at him as he watches. "What're you looking at?" She then marches up to him, getting in his face. "You'd best be careful, you know...with whom you choose to cross." she warns him, her tone threatening as she brandishes a blaster holstered at her hip.

    Meanwhile, the Duros man from earlier clandestinely removes the tracker from the shipping container and hides it behind a panel in a storage compartment, closing it before taking his boss' cargo off the ship.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
The Vagabond's Destiny flies off. Haphazardly. She's in a weakened state, okay? Sheesh!

Again: @^##& Canto Bight.

Navi has posed:
"It sounds very interesting. I'd no idea you could crew a whole ship with nothing but droids," Navi observes, turning to follow Kline back toward the hovering triangle that is is starship.