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Gand are a resilient insectoid species from the the planet Gand. They are ammonia-breathers, and must wear respirators to survive in oxygen-rich atmospheres. Gand are easily recognizable by their stocky build, large multi-faceted eyes, three-fingered hands and chitinous exoskeleton.

Gand are by nature a very humble species, even going so far as to refuse to use their given names until they've proven themselves worthy of it, and never refer to themselves in the first person, as doing so implies that anyone they might speak to would know who they are. Until they have earned the right to use their name, Gand refer to themselves merely as "Gand" or "This Gand". Gand are not common throughout the galaxy, as most prefer to remain on their homeworld. The Gand language is difficult for outsiders to understand, and much more to speak.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Ammonia Breathers

Gand are ammonia-breathers, and are unable to function in oxygen-rich atmospheres without the assistance of a respirator. Any Gand forced to breathe oxygen will suffer damage each round, starting at 1D+0 and increasing by 1D+0 every subsequent round.


Gand are able to regenerate lost limbs; in the event of a Gand losing a limb they may make a Stamina roll once per day until the limb is fully healed. A Difficult roll or higher will result in the limb regenerating 10% of its remaining needed growth. Any roll lower than 10% means the limb did not regrow that day.