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Located in the Core Worlds, Alderaan is a peaceful, lush world covered by lakes, mountains, and forests. It is considered the art and cultural centre of the Galactic Republic, practically a mandatory pilgrimmage for artists, philosophers, and academics from all corners of civilized space. Alderaan was one of the original founding members of the Old Republic, and contributed greatly to its reformation after the Sith Wars. As such, Alderaan is an important political figure in the Galactic Senate, with many smaller systems looking to Alderaan as an example in matters of policy and sentient rights.

Star System

The Alderaan system contains a primary star, and one planet in its habitable zone; Alderaan itself. Alderaan possesses no moons, and the otherwise clear empty star system is a bit of an anomaly in astronomical terms; the origins of the planet are an enduring mystery, and the subject of much study and speculation.


Alderaan is a world of varied terrain and climates, with grasslands, mountain ranges, and scattered inland seas dotting its surface. In many ways, Alderaan seems at times too perfect to have been natural, but there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. Alderaanian cities are constructed with great care taken to protect the natural world; even their architecture is designed to minimize environmental impact. The capital city of Aldera is built on a small island in the center of a caldera. The planet possessed no large oceans separating its continents, the majority of its surface water composed of thousands of interconnecting lakes and waterways.


Alderaan was an early signatory of the Galactic Constitution which formed the Old Galactic Republic. It was instrumental, along with Coruscant, in the early development of the Republic, and contributed immensely to early expansion and colonization efforts. Over the thousands of years of the Republic's existence, Alderaanians became more concerned with matters of art, culture, and knowledge, eschewing war and violence; while its planetary defense forces were equal to any in the Core Worlds, Alderaan became known as a planet of pacifists and idealists. Alderaan is known to have produced many Jedi Masters over the millenia, all of whom have carried their homeworld's peaceful nature with them into the Order.

Points of Interest


The capital city of Alderaan is a work of art in and of itself, an island in the center of a large lake, in view of the Triplehorn Mountains. Aldera is home to the Aldera Royal Palace, the University of Alderaan, the Aldera Universal Medcenter, dozens of museums and galleries, and some of the finest eateries in the known galaxy.