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The Lepi are tall, lanky bipeds that are characterized by two long ears that stand upright, prominent buck teeth, and thin whiskers that grow near their mouths. They are covered in fur of varying colors. Their upper limbs end in hands with five digits, one of which was an opposing thumb, and their lower limbs end in large feet. The strong legs of the Lepi were capable of great speeds as well as delivering powerful kicks, often used in fights to bludgeon their opponents. They are a very prolific race, with very large families.

Lepi society typically inhabit vast warrens they build under the surface of planets they colonize. They are typically a gregarious species, quick witted with a strong sense of humor. Curious and impulsive, many seek out adventure far from their homeworlds.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Enhanced Senses

Due to their large ears and eyes, and sensitive noses, Lepi gain a +2 to Awareness.

Unassuming Appearance

A Lepi's mousy appearance doesn't lend itself well to intimidation tactics, neither does it make ordering others around easier. -2 to Intimidate and -1 to Lead.

Hind Legs

Their strong hind legs grant them a +2 bonus to the Jump skill.
