Near Human

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Revision as of 07:51, 7 December 2023 by Andromeda (talk | contribs)
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Near Human isn't a specific species, but rather a catch-all term for those races who are similar to (or even descended from) humans to such a degree that their physical specifications are practically identical. Near Humans differ from Humans in ways that are mostly cosmetic, often a product of their environment rather than genetic differences; for example, a Near Human species with blue skin may have adapted to a different spectrum of light filtered through their planet's atmosphere. Near Humans with more muscle may have adapted to their world having stronger gravity, while smaller Near Humans may have adapted to a world with weaker gravity.

While you are welcome to create and play your own custom Near Human species, please keep the following rules in mind:

Your species' abilities must fall within the state minimum/maximum attributes listed, and they cannot possess additional special abilities not available to humans. Any differences from the human baseline which may impart additional strength, agility, or mental prowess may be reflected in how you lay out your attributes and skills, but they cannot exceed the prescribed limits.

Your species' distinct language may be roleplayed, but we cannot add your custom language to the languages database. Your Near Human will speak Basic by default, as far as the code is concerned.

If you have questions about whether or not your custom Near Human species will be allowed, please submit a +request to staff with a description.


See Human.

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