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Ithorian are known for being calm, peaceful, tranquil, and gentle. They are often derogatorily called "hammerheads" or "leathernecks," and hail from the planet Ithor. They had unique biology with twin mouths on opposite sides of their necks, making them speak with deep, rumbling voices. Their pacifism was so strong that they exiled violent individuals from their homeworld and considered Ithor sacred, strictly prohibiting hunting. They organized themselves into herds and valued handcrafted spiritual objects.

In their history, Ithorians moved their herds into floating cities in the skies of Ithor to preserve the planet's pristine state. They could be found across the galaxy, not just as horticulturists but in various roles, including Jedi members and even bounty hunters.

Available Factions

Racial Traits


Ithorians are known to live for at least 300 years.

Racial Reputation

Their good reputation as kind, peace-loving beings among most respectable civilizations allows them a +2 bonus to all Presence rolls.

Manual Dexterity

They possess a high degree of manual dexterity, and gain a +3 bonus to tasks involving fine motor skills.