
From Pax Republica
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Nautolans are amphibious humanoid beings from the planet Glee Anselm, and are characterized by their smooth skin which ranged in color from green to blue or purple, large black eyes, and fourteen tentacles which gree from back of their head. As an amphibious species, Nautolans are able to breathe air or water, and possess excellent swimming abilities. Their head-tentacles are sensitive to pheromones, but much of their extra-sensory abilities are lost when out of water. Nautolan language is difficult for other species to learn, because it is not fully pronounceable in a gaseous atmosphere, and most Nautolans choose to speak Anselmian or Basic when travelling off-world. Few Nautolans choose to leave Glee Anselm, and they are not common throughout the galaxy.

Available Factions

Racial Traits


Nautolans are amphibious beings, and gain a +5 bonus to all Swim rolls. They are able to breathe underwater or in atmosphere with no penalty.

Enhanced Vision

Nautolans possess enhanced vision, giving them a +1 bonus to Awareness rolls.