A Red Moon Will Rise: Part 1

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A Red Moon Will Rise: Part 1
Date of Scene: 09 December 2023
Location: Lower Uscru District - Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: Tresslo, Navi, and Imoen head to Marksmen territory for various reasons. Khalo continues his hunt, and maybe ends up with allies.
Cast of Characters: 159, Tresslo Covo, 251, Navi, Imoen

Athena (159) has posed:
One could say night was falling, but on a climate controlled ecumenopolis like Coruscant, there is no such thing.

Especially not in the lower levels, where natural light is considered a rarity. And especially not in the heart of Marksmen territory, where if one is lucky, they might find a flickering lamp post.

And yet. There is life here. There are bustling black markets in dank alleys, and seedy cantinas where any troublemaking maverick might easily cause a stir.

Outside one such decrepit cantina, a female Trandoshan with an eye patch enjoys a cigarra, watching the street with a keen eye.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    The underbelly of Coruscant is a stark contrast to the confines of the Jedi Temple, but Tresslo takes wide steps through the dark alleys, seemingly more assured with company. "So wait, is the Marksmen Syndicate controlled by Baelin Kalregar?" he turns back to ask Imoen, in a hushed voice. "The gang members we scared off were either working for him or in league with him. The man they were chasing, his sister is still in their territory."

    The Mirialan padawan is dressed in his dark brown robes, but a thick black shawl covers them and obscures most of his face. As they approach the cantina, he slows and looks back to the others. Sea-green eyes flicker between Navi and Imoen, a thoughtful frown on his face. It cannot be a coincidence that they all converged here at this moment. He feels the workings of the Force in this. "How should we approach this? The girl's life is our highest priority, naturally, but taking out these gangsters is also a noble goal and perhaps more straight-forward."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
As soon as Khalo received a location?

The Mandalorian warrior was on the move. He had no help with him, didn't expect any. All he knew was that plenty of people needed to die in order for him to get what he wanted. As the Mandalorian walked, his cloak enshrouded the beskar armor he wore, his helmet clasped in a gauntleted hand beneath the long black cloak as cold eyes stared ahead. Past the seedy cantinas. Past the seedy markets and dark alleys.

He has one specific cantina in mind.

Slowly, a T-visor helmet, stylized and the same kind of dark gold color as the rest of his armor is slid onto his head, the HUD igniting to life as he scans the Trandoshan in front of him. He seems to be walking with purpose, either unaware or uncaring of any others who may be approaching the same spot.

His hands clench.

A red moon will rise tonight.

Navi has posed:
"Just remember, there will likely be a lot more criminals than there are of us," Navi advises, in a very low voice. "So the quieter we are about getting this sister out safely, the better. If the sister is anything like her brother, I expect no help from her in saving her life." In her cultist's robe, she stands out a little compared to her two friends, but she had no real choice in clothes; her only other outfit is an identical robe! "Do you know where these Marksmen are holding her, and how many might be guarding her?"

Imoen has posed:
    Garbed in her going-out ensemble - a hooded khaki tabard split down the front over a short white tunic, secured by a brown obi and matched to a pair of black synthleather leggings, brown wrap-around boots, and a red handbag cross-strapped against her hip - Imoen enthusiastically takes Navi along for another adventure beyond the Jedi Temple walls. She explained much of her encounter with Alexis in the medical center while her friend was getting ready - or really, waking up. Now though, she uses all her knowledge of stealth and the structure of the Coruscanti streets to pick her way into the seedier places her Master would probably frown upon her going.

    After encountering Tresslo with some surprise sneaking not only out of the Temple, but pretty much in the same direction, she traded reasons for eschewing curfew rules. One thing lead to another, and now they go into the depths of the underworld together. With a shake of her head, she responds to Tresslo's question with a similarly hushed, "from what I gather, they're merely in league with him." She considers a moment, before responding, "you're right, the more immediate priority is the sister. I don't think taking out the thugs will really make a difference - they'll just find more. What we need to do is destabilize the group. I think arresting Kalregar will help to do that. But we have to be cautious. He's...he's Alexis' father."

    She nods her head thoughtfully to Navi's advice, "Yeah, best not to make a scene, if we can help it." She doesn't have an answer for the quantity of criminals, so she instead looks to Tresslo. Ultimately, she had unfortunately little information on where to look, so she's following along after Tresslo and allowing the other Padawan to guide them. Him, and the Force.

Athena (159) has posed:
The female Trandoshan steps away from her post at the door as Khalo approaches. She hisses through her teeth and throws aside her cigarra, reaching for her blaster, which resides on her hip. "You know you're tressspassssing, right?" she snarks, scrutinizing him with a ruby glare.

The young force sensitives will immediately become aware that several other gangsters are approaching quickly, and approaching their location. They'll have to make sure they remain out of sight...

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    "Kalregar's gang numbers to a dozen or so," Tress says in response to Navi's question. "but I don't know anything about the Marksmen or the crew he employs." He considers Imoen's words, eyes flaring slightly when she mentions the part about Padawan Alexis, and eventually nods. "I see. That complicates matters slightly, but let's focus on the girl for now."

    He watches the Mandalorian stride towards the cantina, and his mouth twitches in a grin. "Or maybe we just need a distraction," he opines, right before sensing the approach of more gangsters. "Quickly, scatter!" before rushing off to a dark alley across from the cantina.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
The female Trandoshan steps away from her post and makes ready.


Maybe she'll live long enough to shoot back. Khalo's voice is modified by the helmet, sounding more mechanized and aggressive. Yet, as he approaches, he either isn't aware of the backshooters approaching the position or doesn't care, instead, he speaks.


The cloak immediately is pulled back in a flourish, a blaster pistol lifted and aimed right for the Trandoshan's head. "What else is new?"

And he'll pull the trigger, trying to shoot the Trandoshan before they can dodge!

Navi has posed:
"A dozen. I think we can assume these Marksmen will have at least half that number around, likely more," Navi suggests, still in a very low voice. The mention of Kalregar being Cayde Alexis's FATHER is met with a blink and a slow exhale. "That complicates things slightly..." she murmurs.

And when Tress orders them to scatter, Navi does, tugging on Imoen's sleeve before taking cover in an alley on the opposite side of the street from Tress, and on the same side as the cantina. Crouching in the shadow of a large trash receptacle, she makes sure her hood is up and well forward on her head, casting her face in deep shadow.

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen arches a brow hopefully, "that doesn't sound like an insurmountable number. Especially if they're like the death sticks dealer we met earlier." That said, she shakes her head, "I don't know much else either. You certainly have more insight than I do in this." Sensing danger through the Force, she barely needs the Mirialan's warning before she and Navi are sinking into the darkness of the poorly-lit streets, this time with Navi's hand on -her- sleeve.

    Suddenly, there's blaster fire interrupting the otherwise quiet hum of a city night, and blue eyes lock on the red flashing by the cantina. Seeing the Sephi pull up her hood, she does similarly, peering warily at the cantina while considering how best to go at this situation. For now though, at least, she remains hidden. Best not to get in the way of a Mandalorian with a twitching trigger finger.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Trandoshan woman reaches for her blaster at the same time that Khalo does. They draw and shoot simultaneously, but his blast knocks her shoulder plate off. She stumbles backwards, disoriented as the stink of ozone fills the air.

Meanwhile, the young Force sensitives scatter as three more Marksmen approach. A towering brown and silver haired Wookie, a human, and an Umbaran come onto the scene. They do not spot Navi and Imoen, but catch Tress as he tries to dart into an alleyway. The human reaches to grab him by his cloak. "Where the kriff do you think you're going, you little womp rat?" he sneers.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    Tresslo doesn't quite make it to the other end of the street before the Marksmen close in on their position, but he is quick enough to sidestep the human's grab, slipping just out of his reach. In one smooth motion, he takes out his lightsaber and unsheathes the violent green energy in the space between him and the gangsters. "Easy there."

    He doesn't immediately strike, as long as the guards' attention remains on him. Imoen may feel his intentions; he wants to buy them more time for stealth. "But if you must know, I'm looking for someone. A girl. You'll take me to her...I'm sure you know you're outmatched. A Mandalorian AND a Jedi, how do you imagine those odds stack?" He says, flourishing the blade with one hand towards the gang members.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo is a little faster.

That's all that matters. He's not the fastest gun in the galaxy (or is he?) but he's quick enough on the draw to shoot the Trandoshan right in the shoulder pad while her shot goos wild past his head, the red light glinting against his helmet. Too slow.

The smell of ozone is a scent that Khalo smelled when he was first born. He's smelled the scent of conflict throughout his entire life.

Quickly, he tries to follow up with a few more shots aimed at various points of the Trandoshan's anatomy.

It's almost personal in how he shoots.


Because he's thorough.

Navi has posed:
It takes Navi a moment to realize that Tress is giving herself and Imoen an opportunity to sneak into the cantina without a fight. Tugging lightly on Imoen's sleeve, she skulks further down the alley they're in. Finding an adjoining alleyway, she creeps down the length of it, eventually finding herself near the back door of the cantina.

Flush with triumph, she turns to Imoen to give her an encouraging smile...

... and discovers that the Firrerreo is no longer behind her..!

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen draws in a breath and promptly covers her mouth as one of the thugs attempts to grab Tresslo by his cloak. Thankfully, he slips away from the approaching hand, but when he turns around, there's the trademark hot plasma of an activated lightsaber. In a whisper hopefully spanning no farther than her and Navi's hiding spot, she murmurs with a mild wince, "well, I guess the tooka's out of the bag now..." Sensing the Mirialan's intentions, she hesitates in deciding what to do next. With the Mandalorian at the front door and Tresslo distracting the trio, should they back him up? Or perhaps go around to an alternative entrance? She glances at Navi and signs, attack or circle around building?

    Yet more blaster fire rings out, and Navi's sleeve-tug prompts them to carefully make their way closer to the establishment. Blue eyes scan the area, watchful for any of the thugs taking note of their entry. Navi gets into the darkness of the next alleyway safely, but it's in that moment that she sees the Umbaran glance their way. Too late to follow her friend, she covers the Sephi's escape by standing up and approaching the trio. "I would sincerely suggest you follow the Jedi's advice."

Athena (159) has posed:
Before the Trandoshan can get up and start shooting again, Khalo once again bombards her with blaster fire. She snarls as a couple of the shots land. Yet she's not yet down the count. She gets up, about to start shooting again, but the human, who's just arrived on the scene motions for her to stop.

Tresslo and Imoen will sense a sudden flare in the Force from the human. They'd made him very angry, but surprisingly, he doesn't attack them, or answer their questions. "This is a waste of my time," he replies derisively. "Take care of them, please," he says to the Wookie and the Umbaran.

He then approaches Khalo, waving the Mandalorian down. "You've got some nerve," he says casually, "outing yourself like that, even if this is the Lower Levels. Let me guess. You're looking for Revara, yeah? Looking to collect her and take her back to Mandalore, am I right?"

Navi will find herself on the other side of a door that leads to a room full of more Marksman. But she'll have to press her ear to the door, or perhaps, if she's feeling daring, nudge it a crack open to hear what they're saying.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    When the human dismisses them and moves to turn to the Mandalorian, Tresslo shrugs and looks at Imoen. With a grin and a decisive nod, he signals to attack and lunges forward himself at the largest, most obvious threat: the Wookie.

    Spinning in a fluid, dance-like move, he attacks the gangster in a series of calculated, well-timed strikes. He relies on grace and agility here, knowing that he won't best the silvery Wookie in strength...but his all-out offensive leaves a subtle opening in his form, one that could be exploited by a keen warrior.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Blaster shots ring out against the Trandoshan and GODS that woman is made of tough stuff! The shots land true and clean, but you know what they say about Trandoshans - built tough. Yet, as his enemy is starting to get up, Khalo makes ready to send another barrage her way...

Until a human rushes onto the scene and motions the Trandoshan to stop.

The blaster pistol then turns to be pointed at the human. "I'll never understand what's with the Lowers and children." He says with narrowed eyes underneath that helmet, though he turns the gun to point a little over the human's shoulder, though whether it's at the Wookie or the Umbaran is unclear.

"It runs in the family." Is Khalo's grim reply to the human as he asks him about his quarry.

"Sure looks that way. Talk fast."

Navi has posed:
Navi, faintly hearing voices coming from the other side of the rear door of the cantina, creeps up beside the door and, drawing back her hood, presses her ear to the door. Worried by the sounds somewhere behind her, out of her sight, she says a silent prayer to the Force for her friends' safety and well-being as she tries to listen to the voices on the other side of the door...

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen frowns as the human walks away, but at least that leaves this a more balanced fight. She gives Tresslo a glance, as if to say, 'which one do you want?' Naturally, he goes for the big and lumbering Wookie, so the choice is made for her. She doesn't charge forward as immediately as her Padawan companion, but instead eyes the Umbaran with wary caution. She tries to gauge her opponent's strengths and weaknesses, but finds it difficult to do so without first testing the waters. With a leap into melee range, she aims to goad her foe into an attack she might exploit, but perhaps she wasn't as prepared for the degree of skill she's facing as initially anticipated.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Wookie bellows and reaching over to his left side, retrieves an electrostaff and furiously engages Tresslo and his saber, relentlessly going on the offensive with a kind of savage force the young Padawan won't be able to counter. As for Imoen, the Umbaran remains ungoaded. He takes an automatic rifle and stepping back, fires at her faster than she can deflect.

"She's after Baelin Kalregar. You find him, you find her." He smirks. "But he's deadly in his own right, and definitely isn't alone down here." He smirks and folds his arms. "Lemme strike you a deal. You take care of Reeve, and take her back to Mandalore, and I'll let you know where Baelin is. Tonight."

But little does Khalo know that the human is a cop. An undercover one, but certainly a member of the CSF. And now, the Republic knows he's here.

Meanwhile, Navi will be able to hear some of the Marksman conversing. "You think he's gonna tell him about the spice deal going down tonight?" one of them asks. "I dunno," another says, "If he does, he's gonna at least tell Kalregar to watch out."

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    The Wookie's ferocity keeps Tresslo back, and he braces himself, letting the Force strengthen his grip and resolve. He barely parries the first few blows, but a fierce swing of that electroblade catches Tresslo on his left side, sending jolts of almost debilitating pain through his shoulder and arm.

    Gritting his teeth, he jumps back and creates some distance between them, taking a moment to measure his opponent. A deep breath, and then he leaps back into the fray, vaunting over the Wookie and cutting at him with wide, fast swings. Matching the Wookie's strength is a futile effort, but Tress might overwhelm him with speed and agility.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo is silent for a moment as the man gives him the information. Reeve is after Kalregar. "Huh. Explains why all these folks think it would be a bad idea if I were to get involved and bag Kalregar first." He acknowledges the man. "I suspect a catch." Khalo narrows his eyes behind his helmet. "Like a trap." He looks as though he might try and kill the man anyway, despite the help.

But honor has it's demands.


He answers the man. Even if the Republic knows he's here, he'll need to make a rather daring escape. But with another Mandalorian in tow, it'll be slightly more difficult. Nothing like some good will.

Navi has posed:
Navi leans closer to the doorframe. With a start she realizes that the door is unlocked, and could be opened with a little effort. Slipping her fingers into the divot-like handle on the surface of the door, she attempts to slide it open just a bit...

And the door opens almost a foot with a loud grinding noise, leaving her looking at a room full of thugs!

Hastily putting her knees together, feet pigeon-toed, and crossing her arms down her front, she manages a shaky, "Please pardon... am looking for restroom..?" in broken Basic...

Imoen has posed:
    To be fair, bringing fists to a gunfight might not have been Imoen's most effective strategy. When the Umbaran takes his step back and fires, she takes notice of the angle of his weapon and the moment his finger twitches, but can't completely get out of the way. Red-hot blaster fire crosses her left shoulder, searing through the fabric of her tabard and tunic. She can feel the burn, stumbling back in surprise and lifting a hand to the pain with a grunt. This same posture takes her out of her combat form, and her enemy manages another shot before she can return to the appropriate stance. She turns her torso against the blaster bolt, but it still rips across the side of her abdomen, and she draws in a hissing breath.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Wookie starts to be driven back as Tresslo starts to get a feel for his fighting style. When the Mirialan starts to swing wide and fast, he begins to falter...

Meanwhile, Imoen isn't faring as well. The Umbaran's automatic weapon is too much for the young Firrerreo, and as a few of the blaster bolts sear her, the Marksman laughs derisively. "That's right," he sneers, continuing his barrage. "Run back to the surface, you pinched faced weevil."

"Depends on how you look at it," the human says, his smirk widening. "There's a spice deal going down tonight. On the corner of Fifth and Vine. There's a scrap barge there. You get on that thing, you'll find Baelin, and Reeve will be bound to turn up within minutes. I guarantee it."

He waves to the other two Marksmen. "We're done here," he says, turning on his heel. "let's get going." And just like that, the two Marksmen leave Tresslo and Imoen hanging, following the human Marksman down a nearby dark alleyway.

Meanwhile, Navi will be able to hear the Marksmen in the room communicating with the gangsters she's eavesdropping on. "... Put a word out on the street about the spice deal going down tonight. Oh, and let Kalregar know to be ready.Tonight, we're getting rid of two metal-headed birds with one stone. Rittzky out."

But when Navi cracks the door open, four Marksmen divert their attention to the Sephi girl. They scowl at her, but dismiss her intrusion. "Find it yourself," a Shani with sharp teeth snarls at her. Then they all file out of the room, heading in the same direction as the human Marksman.

Tresslo Covo has posed:
    Tresslo's fighting instincts are razor-sharp, and he only relents from the advantage he gained when it's clear the gangsters are moving back. He shuts off his lightsaber and turns to Imoen. "Are you alright?" He asks, having seen her eat all those blaster bolts. His shoulder still stings, but the adrenaline coursing through his system dulls the pain.

Imoen has posed:
    Finally, Imoen centers herself and returns to the proper combat stance, raising her shoulders and staring sternly at her opponent. She makes a face at the insult, and is about to show the Umbaran what a 'pinch faced weevil' can do, when the unnamed human criminal calls her and Tresslo's foes away. She watches them go cautiously, ready for anything, but it doesn't seem like they're conspiring to prepare a surprise attack - at least not in the moment, anyway. She breathes out a slightly frustrated breath, though anyone that looks might note the angry red skin of her shoulder already beginning to soften back to normal, right before their eyes. To Tresslo, she smiles faintly and says, "I'll be fine. How are you?" She's more frustrated than she is hurt, but the expression on her face.

    Keeping some of her attention on the disappearing thugs, she wanders over to Khalo and states, "apologies, sir. We are not here to steal your bounty, but rather rescue a girl named Melina. If you would allow it, we would be happy to assist in your mission, and you can keep whatever bounty or trophies you desire."

Navi has posed:
"Well, since you jerks left the door open for me..." Navi murmurs, after the goons have gone, and finishes opening the door. It's the work of a few minutes to walk the length of the cantina. Which puts her out front when the Mandalorian walks away.

Her first concern is for her friends, however, and she moves to check on them. "Looks like you've been busy while I was snooping around. Shall I check on your wounds?" she asks, unshouldering her medical pouch.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
The Wookie and the Umbaran back off of the Jedi padawans, allowing Khalo to return his sidearm into it's holster with a spin of the weapon before it's slid in. "And how should I look at it?" Khalo asks, listening that there's a spice deal going down on the corner of Fifth and Vine. Scrap barge....find both Baelin and Reeve. Though as Khalo is watching the man, he frowns.

"Two birds, hm?"

Both Quarry and target. Too good to be true by Khalo's own thinking, yet he seems to look at the man as he's walking away. "...any lie on your part...you know the consequence." Khalo turns then, letting his cloak enshroud him as he walks. A single glance is given to Tresslo and Imoen, grunting at the pair, though he settles his gaze on Imoen for a moment as she steps up to him. When she tells him she seeks to rescue Reeve? the Mandalorian seems to consider her for a moment. "Hm. I have no quarrel with this 'Melina'. If it's her rescue you seek...I understand you kept the brutes busy. Honor demands I repay the debt."

He knows where to go now.

The end of the hunt is near.

He simply turns his eyes away from Imoen and walks off in the direction of Fifth and Vine. "Follow."