Seeking Navi

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Seeking Navi
Date of Scene: 19 December 2023
Location: Federal District - Coruscant
Synopsis: Zeraph and Drinna find Navi and discuss a plan. Together they visit Melina in the Clinic and inquire about what she knows.
Cast of Characters: Drinna Talstri, Navi, Zeraph, 1

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Plain clothed on her day off, Drinna had come to grab a snack from her favorite vendor in the plaza. She'd been craving it all morning and now she found herself sitting quietly on a bench taking in the busy mass of people in various levels of prominent attire. /Pompous/ was more like it. As she took a bite of the meat on the stick, she caught sight of a face that peaked her attention.

Briefly she pulled up her device and sent a message to Zeraph. He'd been looking for Navi as well and Drinna was pretty sure she'd found her. Standing up off the bench she hurried through the crowd to follow her.

Navi has posed:
Tracking Navi down through old-fashioned police legwork may prove difficult in some respects. Although she is frequently seen in the company of Jedi, she is not a Jedi herself, or so other Jedi will attest (although a few Jedi who have been around the Temple for some years may mention that there was once a Padawan named Navi there, information that may confuse the issue a bit). Some might see fit to mention that she is part of a Force cult called the Shining Brotherhood, but few indeed know of the cult restarting its chapterhouse on Coruscant.

Fortunately, the blonde Sephi girl isn't secretive about her comings and goings, and her long hooded robe stands out among all these richly-dressed types. Casually munching on a breaded bantha sausage on a stick, she drifts in the general direction of the Jedi Temple, apparently in no hurry.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph, attuned to the Force, feels the subtle disturbance in the currents as Drinna's message reaches him. His day off takes an unexpected turn, his plain clothes now concealing the lightsaber at his side. The vibrant Senate Plaza surrounds him, and he senses the bustling energy of the city-world.

The aroma of various foods permeates the air, and Zeraph looks for Drinna in the distance, weaving through the crowd with purpose. The sun casts a warm glow over the plaza, creating pockets of light and shadow amid the throng of people.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"Hey! Navi" She yells, hoping to slow the girl down so she can catch up. Drinna picks up her pace and accidentally knocks into someone. She winces and apologizes profusely, "Sorry! Sorry..." She would normally stop to check they were okay but instead she found herself turning to chase after Navi.

Navi has posed:
Navi looks up and then around as she hears someone calling her name. Seeing the taller woman hurrying after her with such haste that she bumps into someone, the Sephi loses her nerve and runs in the other direction! Not a promising start to an introduction...

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph feels the ripple in the Force as Drinna's urgent message arrives. He looks up from his position and focuses in Drinna's direction. Observing Drinna in the distance, he starts in her direction, adjusting his jacket as he goes. Suddenly a Sephi is coming through the crowd in his direction. He stops short, surprise popping onto his face for a moment and then he manages a short, but loud, "Navi!" He freezes where he is, hoping that she'll stop and continues quickly, "I've been looking for you!" That's as much as he can get out before seeing how the Sephi will react to him and he's suddenly wondering if she'd recognize him anyway, especially out of his robes.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna panics as she notices Navi catch sight of her and then run. She curses and chases after her.

Navi has posed:
Navi, running from Drinna, suddenly finds herself being hailed by an unfamiliar figure in plainclothes. Between his reaction to her and the woman behind her chasing after her, she changes direction toward the Jedi Temple and keeps running.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph scrunches his face with frustration, white brows furrowing as Navi darts off. He looks towards her and focuses the force, lifting her off the ground, the ripples in the force flow through him to the fleeing Sephi and he manages to keep her feet off the ferrocrete of the plaza. He lifts her just barely and calls out to her, "Navi, wait. Its Zeraph. I was at your side at the firefight. I healed Melina and stood guard over her." He holds her there while he can, just making sure her feet can't propel her away from them again. "I didn't let anyone hurt you then and I won't now." Having held her long enough to be able to get her to listen, he puts her back down gently to show good will. Holding anyone prisoner wasn't likely to increase trust.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Having arrived just as Navi was placed back onto the ground she looks between them, "Hey!" Drinna held up her hands, "Sorry I scared you. I just wanted to talk to you about something." She looked about the busy street, "Something that we should probably talk about, around the corner."

Navi has posed:
Navi squeals in dismay as her feet are lifted off the ground! She tries to run faster, but without her feet touching the ground she only ends up looking silly! After a moment to realize she isn't going anywhere, she tries to force herself to calm down, with some success, just as Drinna hurries up to them.

"Um, yeah... s-sorry I ran..." she replies, still shaken. "Had no idea who either of you were, and I'm /definitely/ not used to being called out in the middle of crowds." She moves to follow Drinna with some reluctance, staying close to Zeraph.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph observes Drinna's attempt to ease the tension, raising her hands in a conciliatory gesture. He maintains a calm demeanor, understanding the unexpected encounter has rattled Navi. "Its okay. Its a natural reaction. Things are dangerous right now. I'm just glad we were able to figure it all out." As they move to a quieter spot, he subtly scans the surroundings, attuned to any disturbances in the Force. He keeps near Navi and gives her reassuring smiles. "I think we're all on the same side here. And have a lot to figure out. That fight on the barge was just a small piece of a more expansive thing going on. And hopefully, if we share the right pieces of information, we can puzzle it all out properly." He glances back and forth between Navi and Drinna with golden eyes. "If we're all willing to do that, that is." He raises a white brow, questioningly at that.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nodded. A wide smile growing on her face. Zeraph had put it perfectly. They were all strangers working towards one common goal.

"I'm in." She looked to Navi, "And, I'm Drinna by the way." She offered a gentle introductory wave.

Navi has posed:
"Good to meet you, Drinna. You already know my name, so I shan't repeat it," Navi replies, smiling shyly in the face of the taller woman's smile and moving to follow the pair. "So, why were you two looking for me in particular? I was involved in that business on the barge, but I don't remember doing anything important or heroic."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph observes the exchange, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The camaraderie forming between them feels like a flicker of hope in the face of impending darkness. Drinna's willingness to join their cause resonates with the unity that the Force has hinted at."Excellent," Zeraph acknowledges with a nod, appreciating the newfound alliance formed in an alley amidst the bustling streets of the Federal District, the towering structures casting long shadows past them.

As Navi questions their specific interest in her, Zeraph considers his words carefully. "The Force has its own way of guiding us. There's a connection, a thread that binds us." He motions to himself. "As faras why I was looking for you... You seemed to be very concerned about the woman we protected during that fight and I wanted to tell you that she's alive and well, recovering at a hospital. I informed them that she was still in danger, so hopefully an adequate guard has been placed with her." He nods and continues, "But if you know anything about the people that are after her, I could use more information on that, otherwise she'll always have a target on her." He finishes there an looks to Drinna for her to give her own reasons.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"I was told to find you," Drinna shrugged, "Apparently I might be able to help somehow. I don't tend to argue when things align. I was there that night accidentally and yet it's morphed into something, fascinating."

Navi has posed:
"I see. I'm not sure how much I can help... I don't know much about this Kalregar goon or his people, except that they are spice runners and thugs. Kalregar had some kind of key to a treasure trove, but the lock is booby-trapped to kill whoever tries to open it with the key. I think it involved a bomb," Navi muses. She glances at Drinna, shuddering faintly. "Fascinating isn't the word I'd use."

She manages a slightly wider smile in the face of Zeraph's news about the girl. "Oh, thank the Force. I wasn't sure she'd live through the night after eating that many blaster shots," she says gratefully. "Good to know she'll be okay, as long as her rest isn't disturbed. She has a brother who's a spicehead... he's incarcerated, last I heard, which is probably the safest place he could be right now."

Zeraph has posed:
Drinna's nonchalant acceptance of the mysterious alignment resonates with Zeraph's understanding of the Force's intricate workings. "Fascinating indeed," he remarks, acknowledging the serendipity that has brought them together. The trio continues their journey through the crowded streets, the pulse of Coruscant a constant backdrop to their conversation.

As Navi unveils the grim details of Kalregar's treacherous key and the dangerous stakes involved, Zeraph tightens his grip on his lightsabers. The echoes of criminal plots and deadly traps reinforce the gravity of their mission. "The Force has woven a complex tapestry around us, and each thread has a purpose," he reflects, his golden eyes flickering with determination.

His gaze lingers on Navi's expression of gratitude regarding the healed girl. "The Force works in mysterious ways. We must be vigilant, for every life touched by darkness deserves a chance at redemption," Zeraph asserts, the weight of his commitment evident in his voice. "But from here we have to make a decision. I believe it is our time to act. To do something that makes a difference, if we have any chance to. Maybe we should speak to Melina herself and see if she has any more light to shed. Obviously that treasure trove is valuable to Kalregar.Removing from his possession would certainly put a dent in his step. Maybe she knows how best to get at him and considering what happened, hopefully she's willing to talk."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna grinned as Zeraph utilized the same word, "It is fascinating, in its own way." She looked between the two, "If this girl is important, he won't stop till he has her. I don't know if a singular guard will help. She needs to be moved somewhere he can't find her. He has resources and a reputation."

"If we were to attempt something, we may need to do a bit more research first." Drinna tapped her chin, "Although I am unsure exactly where to start. Perhaps talking with the girl is a good place to gain direction."

Navi has posed:
"I can't see any other way forward except talking to Melina," Navi agrees. "Preferably as soon as possible, and I wouldn't balk at right now. I don't know how determined Kalregar is to get to her, and I'm not sure I want to find out."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph nods to Drinna, still being in step with her. "Let's head to the hospital then. She seems like the place to start. Find out why he wanted her dead. The first, most natural thing to do is to push back against that. He needs her -not- to be able to do something. So let's do our best to make sure that thing happens. If she knows something, or someone, let's get to them to twist the screws on Kalregar. Knowledge is power, whether it is in the underworld or the corporate halls, so yes, research is a must." Smiling faintly he looks to Navi and Drinna as he backs out of the alley. "The galaxy will continue to be a dangerous place, but we might be able to make it just a little less so starting today." He turns on a heeled boot and leads them to the medical center where he brought Melina to recover from wounds, wasting as little time as possible.

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    The clinic where Melina is still recovering does seem to have some of its own guards, although security isn't really what one might call "tight" either. The droid receptionist seems to recognize Zeraph as the one who had brought the girl in the first place immediately. "Ah, here to see Melina are we? That's nice, no one else has come to see her since she arrived here...makes one wonder if she has any other friends or family."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna lifted her brow at how quickly they'd agreed and now were standing in the clinic. Quietly she followed, curious if this would amount to much while also curious if any of Kalregar's spies would see them entering.

Navi has posed:
Navi goes with Zeraph and Drinna, largely keeping quiet and out of their way. She seems content to watch, listen, and learn, at least for the moment. But she also keeps an eye out for any possible thugs or spies trying to follow them, or lurking around the hospital.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph gives a friendly wave to the droid receptionist. "I'm back again. But I have friends this time." As he heads to Melina's room he explains, "I've been to the clinic more than a few times, but has always hovered around the room rather than entering. At first it was because she was unconscious and then when she woke up I wasn't sure she wanted to talk about the experience. I probably only reminded her of the worst night of her life. But now, knowing what we know, I don't think there's any good options left." He stops at her door, gives a glance to Drinna and Navi, then knocks firmly several times.

Waiting only a few beats to give her time to prepare, he slowly opens the door. "Hello? Melina? My name is Zeraph," he gives that before the door is even fully open. Maybe someone might have mentioned his name to her. He opens the door more completely. "We wanted to see if you're doing okay and if you might be up to answering some questions to help us help you..."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna couldn't imagine how Melina felt, a bunch of strangers pouring into her room asking questions. Hanging back by the door, she stayed quiet and just observed. A thing she did well.

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    Melina looks frightened when the three of them enter, but seems to relax at least a little bit when she recognizes Zeraph and Navi. "Wh...what do you want? were on the barge."

    But she sighs when he mentions wanting her to answer questions to "help" her. Yeah...she's heard that one before. "What choice do I have anyway..." she mutters, shrugging. It's not as if she has anywhere to run.

Navi has posed:
Navi enters last, drawing back her hood to seem less threatening. "Please, don't misunderstand us... you don't have to answer anything if you don't want to," she explains gently. "But we are trying to find the man who kidnapped you, preferably before he can hurt anyone else. And from where I was standing, it looked like he was trying to trade you along with the spice. Clearly he cared nothing about you, since he seemed perfectly fine with abandoning you to be killed on the barge by that crazy Mandalorian woman."

She seats herself beside the hospital bed. "I came into this whole thing late, so I don't know what was happening. Not fully. Mostly I saw criminal types trading in spice and a potential slave. Please forgive me if I don't fully understand the situation. I'd be grateful if you could help me understand what was going on that night."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph slowly and quietly closes the door behind them. "We're certainly not going to force anything out of you. That's not who we are. And it seems like you've been forced by others more than anyone should have to bear, so none of us want to add to that," he explains, sincerity evident in his tone. As Navi and Drinna contribute their perspectives, Zeraph maintains a calm demeanor, allowing Melina the space to decide how much she's willing to share. The room becomes a nexus of shared intent, the Force silently guiding them forward into the unknown.

"I am sure some context could do everyone a little good," Zeraph continues. "Then we can understand where to focus our efforts. That crazy Mandalorian woman now has a 25k credit bounty on her head, so I'm actually interested in taking down both sides, of that barge, but it would be good to know the situation so we can find a good place to start to dismantle that operation."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna looked at Melina, "You know that guy wants you back, so if you want to avoid that I'd probably listen to these two. Their intentions with your life are far healthier." She offered as warm a smile as she could, "It's definitely in your best interests if you were to weight them out."

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    Melina scoffs. "That woman probably has multiple bounties on her head, the 25 thousand credits you saw is likely just one of 'em."

    She listens to what they have to say, sighing deeply again. "Look..." she says quietly, looking away. "I know you're all tryna help...but...I'd just leave me alone, if I was you..."

Navi has posed:
Navi pouts slightly when Melina looks away. "Why?" she asks, still gently. "We saved your life. I don't like the idea of someone undoing all my hard work."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph stands beside Melina, a beacon of patience and understanding. Drinna's pragmatic words echo his sentiments, emphasizing the importance of choosing the healthier path. As Melina voices her weariness, Zeraph offers a compassionate nod. "We'll respect your feelings, Melina. No one should be coerced into making decisions against their will. If there's anything you're uncomfortable with, for yourself, we won't push. But it sounds like you're more concerned for us, about what we'd be getting into. But we're not afraid of the danger. When you were on the barge we ran into danger to pull you out and save your life. That's what mattered to us in those moments. We could have jumped into the fight and had it out with bad guys. We could have tried to take down one side or the other or both." He pauses a moment and ticks his head to the side a moment. "But we chose you. Not because of who you are, but because of who we are. We know we're putting ourselves at risk. We'll take the danger," he confirms, shaking his head slightly with a confident smile barely situated on his face, unable to be fully contained. "We've proven that. Don't worry about us."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Pretty impressed by Zeraph's words, Drinna nodded along. The guy was inspiring, even she felt moved.

"And," Drinna added, "We really do want to keep you safe and came here with the full knowledge that coming here might put us in the crosshairs."

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    "Spoken like a true Jedi." Melina remarks when Zeraph finishes his speech of sorts. But her tone isn't sarcastic or anything, she seems to really admire the Jedi.

    She exhales audibly. "Well, here goes..."

    "Kalregar isn't trying to kill me or hurt me or anythin' you don't have to worry about that part. But I'm sure he's wantin' me back..." She shudders at the thought of going back there, though. "He'll probably send his people to come collect me real soon. Not like there's gonna be anyone else to take me 'home', anyway. My brother and me got lost from our parents a long time ago..." A distant expression crosses her face before she moves on.

    "Anyway, then he's probably gonna send me into the Works to get some kinda loot pile he says is down there that no one else knows about."

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    "Oh...and, as for the barge," she shrugs. "Hell if I know the details, all's I know is it was just another one of those spice deals gone bad. Not the first time a buyer's tried to double cross 'im."

Navi has posed:
Navi's eyes get as big as saucers. "Yeah, you're not going back to /him/. That loot cache isn't as secret as Kalregar thinks... but it /is/ real, whether it's actually got any loot in it or not, and it's booby-trapped! The only reason he wants you to unlock it is that /he/ doesn't want to get blown to jelly!" she cries.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph appreciates Drinna's silent approval, her acknowledgment of the risks they willingly face. The admiration in Melina's voice does not go unnoticed, and he offers her a nod of gratitude.

As Melina begins to share the grim details of her predicament, Zeraph's features tighten in concern. The Works, the looming danger of Kalregar's designs, and the revelation of a potentially lethal loot cache weigh heavily on the room. Navi's sudden interjection adds a layer of urgency to the unfolding situation.

He considers the situation seriously before speaking and when he does, there's a gravity in his voice. "It sounds like he only wants you as a pawn. So if we remove that trap or the treasure altogether, he'll have no need of you. But the reason he wants you is so that he has to tell as few people about it as possible..." Zeraph's golden eyes hold a steadfast determination, ready to face the dangers that await in the Works and beyond. He looks to Melina and asks, "Do you know where it is? Did he tell you already? If so, we need to know. If only so that you're not the only person that has that information. Once that information gets out, you're not nearly as valuable to him." His mind turns and goes down a steep path fairly quickly.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Now /this/ was interesting and Drinna tilted her head curiously. If the girl knew that information, no wonder she was wanted. She was needed. Crossing her arms she gently leaned against the wall and waited.

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    Melina doesn't look surprised when Navi reveals that the cache is booby trapped. She scoffs. "That's why he doesn't want to go down and get it himself--the kriffing coward," she mutters.

    She shakes her head though, when Zeraph comes to the conclusion that's the only reason he wants her. "It's not the only reason he wants me back, I'm just one of his spice runners. I'm expendable, so if the thing blows up it's not a huge loss for 'im. If he can't get me back, he'll just send someone else..." she sighs, then frowns, the gears turning up there as much as Zeraph's. "No, no I don't know where it is exactly. The key has a tracker on it. A map of sorts...shit." She shakes her head. "An explosion in the Works could cause stuff above it to collapse...of course no one in the Upper City would give a damn."

Navi has posed:
"/We/ would," Navi asserts, scowling faintly. "That's the kind of disaster you don't just let happen. The problem is that we need that key to find the cache and disarm the trap... and Kalregar has the key. So I guess now we're going to have to look for him, and take him off the streets for good."

She looks to Melina. "Do you know where we might find him? Even potential leads are better than nothing at all."

Zeraph has posed:
Drinna's keen interest doesn't escape Zeraph's notice, her curiosity echoing his own as they navigate the intricate web of intrigue surrounding Kalregar. The revelation about the tracker on the key adds another layer of complexity to their mission.

Zeraph nods at Navi's determined assertion, recognizing the gravity of the impending disaster. "Melina, we're going to do everything we can to prevent that disaster, for everyone's sake. So... if you ran spice for Kalregar, you know about his operations. You know where his buildings are and you know where his hiding spots are. I'm more interested in his hiding spots. We can ask around and find him if he's out in the open operating as normal, but I want to know where his warehouses are, where he keeps his stashes, where his drop points are for his spice, all the stuff he keeps quiet. Help us out here."

He stands a little straighter at that as he studies Melina's expression, his golden eyes reflecting a blend of compassion and resolve. The Works, a place of peril, looms in their future, and the fate of a sizable population in the Lower Levels teeters on the brink of disaster. "The explosion is that big? No, that can't happen either." He looks from Navi to Drinna. "I agree, we need to take the key from him. That's more direct than I wanted to go to, but what other possibility is there? We need the key for the location, but we also need to find a way to disable the explosive." He twitches his head to the side and asks, "Do either of you know anyone that skilled with explosives to be able to disable something that could take down several levels? I'm guessing that requires a specific type of knowledge."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
"I don't think we should be seeking him out necessarily, at least not right now." Drinna said, "We are a few, he has more. However, if we can cripple him without having to interact with him, that sounds like a win-win." The alternative sounded like suicide but it would also greatly mess with Drinna's needs. It could make things far worse and that wasn't what she wanted to see. Not in the slightest.

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    "I don't know how big it will be, but it -could- be bad. Really bad." Melina nods at Zeraph and Navi. She sighs. "I know where he was hiding out the last I saw him. It was down in 1319, at Zenith and Ninth, right under the big office complex. Heart of Marksmen territory." Another sigh at that. "If you're quiet enough, I might know of a discreet way in..."

    But her eyes narrow at Drinna, when she suggests that they don't actually go after him for some reason. And then, she doesn't even offer specifics to her 'backup' plan. "Cripple him without interacting with him?" she echoes, sounding suspicious. "And how exactly do you suggest we do that? Who are you, anyway?"

Navi has posed:
"~Iiiiiiii'mmm~ a little confused about that myself," Navi admits. "How /do/ we cripple Kalregar without ever touching him? As for not having enough people? That's not so hard to fix. We talk to the Jedi Council, or at least to some higher-ranking Knights, maybe some Masters. They should be interested in helping prevent a potential disaster like this."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph absorbs Drinna's pragmatic suggestion, recognizing the wisdom in avoiding a direct confrontation with Kalregar, at least for now. Melina's cautious disclosure of Kalregar's last known location brings a glimmer of hope, coupled with the promise of a discreet entry.

He turns his attention to Navi and Drinna, sensing the unease in Melina's questioning. He interjects quickly, "Crippling Kalregar without direct confrontation is a challenge, but not impossible," Zeraph states. "As for additional assistance, involving the Jedi Council is a sound idea. They have resources and influence that can help us navigate this delicate situation. The problem, however, is I don't know how serious they'd take it." He gives an acknowledging nod to Melina. "As she mentioned, the Lower Levels are often forgotten for more serious concerns. The most likely scenario is that they assign me to address the issue, even though my master is not back. But I'll definitely make the attempt. The worst they can say is 'no'."

The Jedi sighs heavily and slowly. "We need to approach this with caution, considering the potential fallout in the Works." He nods as he continues, "We could try to cripple Kalregar without a direct confrontation. Any criminal organization is built on pieces that can be removed. That's definitely possible, especially if it is planned correctly. But... that just hurts him. It still doesn't get us the key. Or the location of that bomb. And we need those." He gives a slight shake of his head, his white braids shaking with subtle resistance around his neck. "If we don't go up against him directly but there's a way to steal the key, that would be fine. But the key is... well... the key to this all."

He looks to Drinna, addressing her with a calm demeanor. "I believe we can find a solution that aligns with all our goals. Melina's discreet entry point could be a crucial asset in achieving that. If worse comes to worst, a direct confrontation is -always- the default plan B. But there's no reason not to try something else first."

Zeraph turns back to Melina, his expression earnest. "We appreciate your cooperation, Melina. Your knowledge is vital in navigating the challenges ahead."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna looked at Melina, "I'm someone who hates making a mess and likes to avoid getting shot at. I prefer thought out plans and being invisible. If you all want to go head in there, I'll think you're insane but I'll joing you."

"But really? Involving the council. As if they would care. They're too tied up in their own issues to bother with anything lower level. If they cared that much they'd have taken this guy out ages ago." Drinna shook her head, "I wouldn't rely on them. I'd rather see if we can find another option."

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    Melina watches the three of them clash a bit on how this problem ought to be approached. It seems to her, there may be some...conflicting interests, here. Although she isn't sure what they are, exactly. For some reason, Drinna doesn't want the higher ups at the Temple involved.

    "All right look guys...if you can get me out of this place, whisk me away somewhere safe where Kalregar won't find me, I can get you into the hangar where he's hiding out right now. You could swipe the key...what you do with it is up to you. If it were me I'd just destroy it. That makes it much less likely someone will find the thing and blow it. Anyway as long as you can get in and out without being seen, there's no need for any confrontation. Of course once he figures out it's been stolen he'll disappear somewhere else. But at least he won't be causing any explosions that might lead to cave-ins."

    It seemed there could only be 1 priority...the key and the booby-trapped treasure, or taking Kalregar off the streets for good. It went without saying of course, that taking him out completely would require -some- kind of confrontation.

Navi has posed:
"For what it may be worth? The only time I ever saw that key, it was on Kalregar's belt. /On the barge./ If he won't leave it stashed away in safekeeping while walking into something as potentially dangerous as that, then I doubt he'll keep it anywhere but on his person, all the time," Navi adds worriedly. "So I think we'll have to deal with him directly to at least some degree to get that key, no matter what we plan to do with it."

She looks at Malina thoughtfully, then at her companions. "Either of you know of anyplace we can take Melina? 'Cause the best answer I know of is Jedha, and that's only 'cause I've lived there for a long time now. I'm not sure if there's anyplace safe on Coruscant."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph listens to the differing perspectives with a thoughtful expression, acknowledging the clash of approaches among the group. Drinna's aversion to involving the Jedi Council raises an internal query, but for now, the immediate task at hand demands their attention.

Melina's offer presents a potential breakthrough, a chance to infiltrate Kalregar's hideout without setting off alarm bells. As Navi points out the likely location of the key, Zeraph contemplates the upcoming challenges.

"I don't think destroying the key is enough. That leaves a live explosive on the Lower Levels of Coruscant ready to take out several levels if someone stumbles across it and has the mind to try to get into it. I've seen some pretty desperate people on the Lower Levels willing to take those kinds of risks, but it isn't just a risk to them. There's countless people at risk." He shakes his head again. "I can't leave that explosive there. We have to deal with it. That's my first priority before dealing with Kalregar. He's not even a close second. One more spice trader among many."

He looks to Drinna and gives her a nod, acknowledging their collective dilemma. "But if you want to avoid a direct fight, I understand. And I agree that it would actually be in our best interest to get the key without him realizing it. But I am open to any plan, just as long as that plan includes getting the key sooner, rather than later. Because like Melina said, if we make getting her back impossible - and we will - then he'll just send someone else. So time is not on our side. So if you want to do that. We'll need a pick pocket. A good one. Or some other way to get a specific item off someone's belt without them knowing it. And I'm open to all ideas."

He leaves his thoughts there, but it is obvious that he holds back something that he's decided not to say. He glances to Melina for a moment and gives her another reassuring nod, but his thoughts on the rest aren't becoming of a Jedi. He thinks the quickest and easiest way is to just cut his way to the key, but his honor won't let him take that easy route - or even acknowledge the thought.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna's lips curved into a wry grin, "I might know a few people who could help us. Let me go talk to some contacts, ask a few questions and let's say we meet up later. I agree, we can't leave the explosive. However, the more info we have, the more we are prepared for whatever comes at us."

"Sound like a plan?" She said, looking to the others, "Find a safe space for her, I'll harass some contacts and hopefully we can prevent chaos."

Andromeda (1) has posed:
    "It's possible..." Melina nods at Navi's assumption that he always had it on his person. "But not likely. He just happened to have picked it up right before the deal on the barge. With any luck, he'll have stashed it in his workstation in the hangar, and you could get in there through the vent systems and swipe it without anyone being the wiser. I know of a loose grill plate on the roof--between the hangar and the office complex above."

    "And Jedha, huh? Never been there," The girl seems interested, or at least open to the idea. However, she sighs. "I just hope my brother will be all right..."

    When Drinna begins to excuse herself, she arches a brow at the woman, still somewhat suspicious of her. She still hadn't told her exactly who she was. Why the secrecy? Had she something to hide? But she doesn't press the matter.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph nods to Drinna and says, "Sounds good to me. I can make sure Melina gets safely to Jedha," he looks to Navi and continues, "if your people will take her in. I agree that this planet is not safe. Kalregar probably has eyes everywhere and at the very least has a stack of credits to pay off people if he chooses. Jedha is far less corruptible and far more out of reach. At that point, he probably wouldn't even bother."

He smiles to both Drinna and Navi. "I'll see what I can get out of the Jedi Order, but I wouldn't expect more than me." He shrugs apathetically at the mention of that, but adds, "But, I'm a lot more than I seem like, so its not like that's nothing. I can do things."

He looks to Melina and nods. "That sounds like a viable plan. We'll put it at the top of the options. In and out without a fuss sounds very... healthy."

Navi has posed:
"That changes things a little," Navi observes. "And for the better. Hopefully we can catch a break and get the key without him ever knowing we were there."

The affirmation of her suggestion to take Melina to Jedha is met with a nod. "The Brotherhood have taken in those seeking sanctuary before. I think her brother was arrested last week, but maybe we can arrange for him to go with her to Jedha. Hopefully he can detoxify himself there. Maybe they'll even want to join. It's not an easy life, but it is a simple one, and many find it very fulfilling."