Femme Fatale

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Femme Fatale
Date of Scene: 06 February 2024
Location: Outer Rim
Synopsis: Just another delivery job takes an unexpected turn for Wynn Viasco.
Cast of Characters: 195, 323

Amarik (195) has posed:
It will be business as usual for the less than legal cargo hauler Wynn Viasco. His daily routine might consist of tidying up from the last job, looking over his ship's manifest, running maintenance checks, and then making his way over to the comms console in the cockpit to see if anyone had reached out to him needing... services.

He may or may not might be expecting new requests, but as soon as he gets to the comm console he'll notice that there's a new text transmission on it from an unknown and encrypted sender, marked high priority and urgent...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco doesn't necessarily pay too much attention to anything work related when the Vagabond's Destiny is doing her thing. He can usually set this thing on a course and just kick back and relax. Which is why he's not exactly sure what that sound is when a text transmission comes in. He's actually looking around the console for a bit before he realizes what's happening and frowns. A couple of switches are flipped to make sure everything stays as encrypted as possible and to isolate the message from the rest of the ship before he activates it for visual consumption.

"This better be important. I was about to take the best nap."

Amarik (195) has posed:
There's not much in the body of the message, though a quick once over of the metadata shows that the sender is verified, and its origin point was Arkania. It reads as follows:


At the end of the message, there's a pair of coordinates listed and an enigmatic signature of the single letter 'M'. The coordinates, coincidentally, happen to be on the way to wherever Wynn is going...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    Leave it to Wynn to almost have credit signs for his eyes once the message is verified and read. "Well. No harm in making a little extra creds is there?" Wynn patches through a text communication to the rest of his crew on the ship to let them know they're taking a bit of a detour and that it shouldn't take long. And with that done, Wynn focuses on plugging in the new coordinates. Might as well get this party started as quick as possible.

Amarik (195) has posed:
It won't take long for Wynn to get to the specified coordinates. He may or may not be surprised it's a relatively obscure planet that's mostly uninhabited.

As for the location itself? It's far out in the country, and when Wynn arrives he'll find himself looking at what appears to be a door in the middle of nowhere that goes to only stars knows where. Next to the door is a landing pad, and several shipping containers locked up... really tight.

A moment or two passes, and the door suddenly slides open, revealing a porcelain skinned Arkanian woman with delicate but angular features and full lips. She carries herself with pride and confidence - an archetype of her species.

"Hello," she says, her voice melodious and easy on the ears, "that was quicker than I anticipated."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
If there's anything that Wynn Viasco knows, it's that he's always ready for some craziness. He hasn't gotten this far in his business without being prepared. While he trusts the gig and the message, he's still armed and ready. Cautious among his approach to the coordinates on-planet. While he may look as calm and aloof as the next Zeltron as he exits the Vagabond's Destiny, Wynn's got his observing eyes on to make sure there's nothing too fishy nearby. There should be a little bit of fishiness considering 90,000 credits are on the line but there's a such thing as too fishy.

The door opening is all he needs to flash his big smile. "What can I say, I'm a fast worker." Wynn's grin continues as he looks in the direction of the shipping containers. "... and financially motivated." Hint hint. Wynn's ready to get paid already.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Wynn Viasco, right?"

Then she wrinkles her nose. "Hmph." The woman says haughtily. "We've already done our research on your work record and deemed you fit, but there's a couple of non-negotiables on our side that you must agree to, first."

"Number one: We will be handling both the loading and unloading. There will be no checking the manifest for this cargo. We will handle all of that. Your destination is Seda, the floating metropolis above the waters of Eiram. Your contact there is Herkonan Boyd, and he will have a team ready when you arrive to take care of the cargo."

"Number two: You must not, under any circumstance, touch or open any of the containers we've loaded onto your ship. It would even be advisable to avoid the cargo bay while en route to Seda."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"The one and only." Wynn even offers an annoyingly cocky bow.

"Yeah, uh, you realize as far as anyone's going to know, I'm not going to be hauling anything. My cargo bay's going to be quite empty." Wynn flashes a wink in the direction of the Arkanian. "Listen. My crew's already prepped everything. Once you pay me, I'm going back to the cockpit where I belong. I don't see nothing. I don't know nothing. That's how I stay out of trouble." Wynn grins. "Well, that and my roguish charm." Another wink is added to the mix for good measure.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Good," the woman says, and a droid will then emerge from the same door she'd come out of earlier, carrying two things: a case full of credits (presumably), and a datapad with a contract for him to sign.

The droid hands him the datapad, and the Arkanian woman points at it. "Sign here," she says, "And the credits are all yours. The loading team will be out shortly."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn makes his way over while still keeping his wits about him. He can try to flirt while keeping himself safe. "I don't have to count it, do I? I can trust you, can't I?" It's just a bit of a playful formality before he grabs the datapad to get the signing out of the way. He would very much like his credits so he's not going to play around too much with this contract signing. Buuuuut...

"Can I see them first? I don't mean to be rude but we don't know each other and that case could be a bomb for all I know." Wynn holds up his hands. "No offense."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The Arkanian woman waves dismissively before turning on her heel and heading back into the door to... wherever.

The droid then opens the case. There. All 90,000 credits in their full glory, sitting pretty inside the case, just waiting to be claimed.

The loading crew is now filing out of the single door -- Wynn may notice they're all droids, identical to the one showing him the credits. They start putting the containers into the Vagabond's Destiny.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Beautiful. I can see myself in them." Wynn signs the datapad and shoves it back in the droids direction. "I love my life." He reaches out for the case of credits and then offers a look at the droid. "Tell her to give me a ring when she's feeling better, huh? Since I'm a rich man now, maybe we can do lunch." Wynn. Just... just get in the ship, Wynn.

Also, speaking of the ship, the crew inside have cleared out but there are holes in the floor of the cargo bay that lead to what basically amounts to 'tunnels' in the ship which allow for stashing some of the more uh... important cargo. One leftover crew member leads the way to the stash hidden deep within the depths of the ship.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The droids make short work of loading all the shipping containers into the cache deeper in the Vagabond's Destiny. Once that is finished, they actually attach magnetic clamps to the containers, securing them to the floor of the cargo bay. They must have been really concerned about making sure the containers didn't leave the ship until the right time...

The droid just stares at Wynn when he tells him to tell the Arkanian woman to give him a ring later. "My lady has assigned me to stand watch in the cargo bay to ensure the safety of the materials," it intones.

"And there is one last thing my lady requires of you. The hyperspace lane and trajectory you plan to use to get to Eiram. She is very concerned about the safety of what is being shipped, and therefore wants to know every detail about the journey."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Everything all secure and locked down on the ship and the crew member is off to go rig the c-- er, clean the casino games. Just to get everything ready for the next actual luxury trip. He don't know anything about anything.

Wynn raises an eyebrow at the droid. "I guess you can ride back there. It's going to be pretty boring. But whatever. Just don't break nothing or you guys are getting a serious bill." Another joke from the Wynnster. Trying to lighten this group up is like pulling all their teeth.

That last bit has Wynn cracking another smile. "Tell Your Lady that for another 10,000 she can ride up in cockpit with me. She won't miss a thing." Wynn looks towards the building and offers a wink in case she's watching from afar or something. "I'll even throw in a tour of the ship. On the house."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The droid doesn't respond. It just stares into the void for several seconds, then starts heading towards the cargo bay. How ... odd.

Soon, the last of the droids have left the Vagabond's Destiny and Wynn as well as his crew are Seda bound.

When they hit hyperspace, the smuggler might find that now that best nap that had evaded him prior can be found again.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco and his payday take up a nice residence back in the cockpit of the Vagabond's Destiny and a few moments later, the ship is ready for takeoff and ready to take the hyperspace lanes by storm.

Next Stop: Seda.

Amarik (195) has posed:
In the meantime, the crew can relax. The journey to the Outer Rim is going to take at least a few days, so Wynn and the crew are free to do as they please while Vagabond's Destiny makes her way to Eiram.

But several hours in, Wynn will find that droid who's supposed to be watching over the containers in the cargo bay in the cockpit, staring blankly at the navi-console.

What was it doing up here? Wasn't it supposed to be in the back...?

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Sooooooooooooo. You need something or?"

Wynn Viasco is not exactly happy with anyone infringing upon the space in the cockpit. That space is for him and his co-pilot which she's not here right now. So therefore, Wynn is quite annoyed and thus asking the question of the droid that has been a pain by not wing manning him to the Araknian Lady. No matter how smooth his lines were.

Amarik (195) has posed:
For a moment, the droid says nothing. Then finally, it says, "My Lady requires the trajectory of the Vagabond's Destiny," it says.

"She wishes to know which hyperspace lane you are using to get to Seda."

It turns to face Wynn. The smuggler might get the feeling that there's something ... wrong, with this droid.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Yeah, uh, then maybe she should've taken me up on my offer. I offered her a fair price."

Wynn narrows his eyes at the droid and looks a bit on the relaxed side as he leans back in his chair. Though, there's no sleeping involved. It seems to be more an angles thing... especially the way one hand rests on the his upper thigh. An inch away from one of his holstered blasters.

"So why don't you head on back down to your babysitting gig and let me finish up the gig here? Sound like a plan? Great."

Wynn doesn't know what's up with this droid but he's certainly not willing to let him stay in the cockpit. Whether its telling the truth or not.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The droid pauses. "She had business to attend to," it finally replies.

For an awkward few minutes, it just stands there, ignoring Wynn's request. Then it finally turns around and starts heading away from cockpit, giving no verbal consent. Perhaps the smuggler will question whether it's actually going back to the cargo bay or not. It will disappear into the hallway beyond the cockpit without causing further trouble at least...

Several minutes pass, and everything will seem just fine. Wynn might shrug it off, or make a mental note to check up on the droid later, but regardless of what he does, what happens next will probably erase all future action regarding the droid from his mind.

Because out of nowhere, and all of a sudden, he'll see another ship in the hyperspace lane in front of him. And its bow is pointed right at his. If Wynn does nothing, they're going to collide. In seconds.

This was supposed to be near impossible. The stuff of wildest dreams and ridiculous imagination. In all his years of smuggling, Wynn will have never heard of or seen such a phenomenon happen to anyone.

But no matter. He has seconds to decide what to do -- he can try to swerve, but that will likely rend his ship into a million pieces. The other obvious choice is to just drop out of hyperspace, and pray to Lady Luck he doesn't pop out right in front of a sun, or fatally close to a planetary body.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
If there's one thing a Zeltron knows how to do it's stay in control of their emotions. Or, well, at least that's one of the things Wynn's learned how to do. Which is why when he's faced with a life-threatening phenomenon before him there's no time to think or marvel in the dangerous glory. There's only time to react and hope that he'll still be alive to spend his creds.

He was going to buy so many new clothes.

Anyway, controls are grabbed and Wynn does the thing you're never supposed to do, slamming things out of position to drop the Vagabond's Destiny right out of Hyperspace. If that other ship gets clipped in the process and his ship gets to stay intact? Bonus.

"... I'm gonna' kill that droid." Yup. Blame it on the droid.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Thankfully Lady Luck is shining on Wynn today, and he'll find himself just barely outside an asteroid belt that would have spelled doom for him and his crew.

But Wynn isn't out of the woods, not yet. Clipping the other ship upon dropping out of hyperspace will cause the Vagabond's Destiny to careen wildly out of control, and he'll have to wrangle her straight again, while also avoiding the asteroid belt directly starboard of his vessel.

As if that weren't enough for the Zeltron man to worry about, the ship that had appeared in front of him several seconds ago has also dropped out of hyperspace right behind him. And he won't need to look twice to know what kind of people that ship is carrying. Marauders.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco is not exactly the greatest pilot in the galaxy. He's a talker and a gambler and whatever else that entails. He likes to tell stories... but he has to actually survive to tell those stories and that's not in the cards today. At least, with the way bad things seem to be piling up against him like this.

"Am I not allowed to have nice things?! Come on!" In a perfect world, his sassy droid sidekick would exist and offer something hilarious and inspiring but right now Wynn's got to do this all on his own.

Yup. He's going to die.

Wynn works the controls of the Vagabond's Destiny to try and level out the ship but there's asteroids in the way. By the grace of 90,000 credits worth of Lady Lucking, the ship just barely avoids an asteroid and manages to get the ship righted. But there are sensors galore blinking to let him know that there is bad-- possibly worse-- news behind him.

"Why. Why is this my life right now." Evasive maneuvers is about to be the name of the game right now. "I bet if I survive this? I won't even get a tip!"

Amarik (195) has posed:
Well, the good news is that even though they're coming up really close on Wynn's portside, they haven't opened fire.


They're hailing him, actually. This way, at least, if he answers, he'll have a chance to do what he does best - talk his way out of this mess.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Oh great. They want to talk to me to death /before/ they kill me? I swear, I'm never making a run for less than 100,000 ever again. No run is worth this. I don't care how hot they are!"

All that is said before he flips the switch to answer the hail. Better let them speak first so he doesn't offend anyone on the other end by breaking some unknown rule of NOT BEING ABLE TO READ THEIR MINDS. Or something. Listen, Wynn's stressed. Even if he's not showing it.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"This is Zealot, pilot for the Shadow Corsair. There is one item in your manifest that we are after, and it is not the credits. If you surrender and allow us to board to take it, we will not harm you. You have my word," A modulated voice says through the comm unit.

Strange, most of the time marauders threatened death, bloodshed, on top of a mound of insults and demands. Whoever this Zealot is, he's oddly cultured and polite for a marauder...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Okay, Zealot is a name he's heard, that's good. All respected and feared, that's bad. He can't talk out loud while the channel's open, that's bad. They are giving him an opportunity to live, that's good. How does he get himself into these messes?

"Hey uh, Zealot! Listen, I'm going to need you to do me a solid, please. I'm gonna' need you to be a tad bit more specific. It's not that I don't believe you it's just-- that whole thing that just happened? Kinda' threw me completely off schedule. I've got a whole mess of people to pick up for my next tour and, y'know, I kind of want to be alive to do it."

Wynn doesn't even want to know how they know about his credits but it is what it is. He's really going to have to find that droid and take him apart. Piece by piece.

"If you tell me what you're looking for, maybe I can send it your way? No harm, no foul?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"No." The answer comes through loud and clear.

"We will board and take what we need. That's all. Or, you die. Your choice." Then the line goes dead as the channel closes.

Wynn will see the slapdash looking marauder ship starting to drift closer, and closer...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"So what the hell did you call me for?!"

Whatever. Wynn slows the Vagabond's Destiny down and just flips some switches to talk to the little bit of crew he has on ship. "So guys, I'm sure you all know by now that we're all about to die. I want to thank you all for your amazing service and if by some miracle we don't all get slaughtered into a trillion pieces, if you never want to work for me again, I'll understand. This is my ship and I'll go down with it. Once you hear the screams of pain as my body is torn asunder by unimaginable vicious acts of violence, feel free to defend yourselves in any way possible. This is, for the last time, your Captain Wynn Viasco speaking. Farewell."

Wynn frowns as he flips the switch off to silence things again. There's a moment where he checks his blaster and reholsters it. Just in case he feels like fighting his way to death instead of standing there like some sort of idiot.

A moment and he flips the comm system back on, "One more thing, if any of you see that freakadroid that was in the cargo bay? Scrap his ass. Out."

With a smirk and the ship now in its final hover before being exploded into the stars of the galaxy, Wynn Viasco rises from his seat to go meet his incredible doom. His hand brushing along the case of credits on his way to the docking bay where his body will likely be found if the ship is left as a derelict to float in space for all eternity...

Amarik (195) has posed:
Minutes later, Wynn will feel a bump, and then hear the hiss of a hatch opening.

They were coming.

He'll hear the sound of their boots falling heavily on the floor of the Vagabond's Destiny as they approach. They round the corner, and he'll see them - a group of probably thirty or so marauders.

They're all... female, save for two -- Zealot, and what looks like a Hoopaloo trailing behind him. They're all wearing these garish masks that make them look utterly terrifying, but at least the girls look good in their armor.

Zealot steps forward, and Wynn will be able to -feel- him. The feeling is difficult to describe, it's like an aura that surrounds him and exudes a sense of purpose and steadfastness that is unwavering.

"The Arkanian shipment," he says simply. "Where is it."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Oh, so /now/ you can be specific?" Wynn probably shouldn't be sassy but he couldn't help it. Sometimes things slip out.

"Here's the deal. I honestly couldn't tell you. You're gonna' have to talk to what I hope is a pile of scrap metal by now to find whatever it is you think I have." Despite his words, Wynn keeps his hands where they can be seen. He's not trying to be seen as a threat so much as he's just talking. But he's also being super honest if there's anyone that can sense that. He really has no idea where it is. "I just handle the credits, the flying and the occasional Sabacc tournament." Wynn looks up and around at the invaders. "You know, we should all sit down and play sometime. It's really a blast. You wanna' know the sad part? It's my tournament and I'm not even the reigning champion. How the Force does that work, right?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
Zealot unholsters his blaster and points it at the Zeltron man, before Wynn can even finish talking. "If you want to live. You will find it for us."

A curvy Umbaran female sidles up to Wynn, chuckling. "Oh come on. You know where the cargo bay is, at least, don't you? This is your ship, after all..." If Wynn looks down, he'll see she's pressing a blade into his side. Not hard enough to actually pierce him, but that could change pretty quick...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I'm literally cooperating in every way. The cargo bay is right down that hall marked..." Wynn even adds in a mock gasp because if he's going to die he's going to die sassily. "Cargo Bay." And he's right. There is a glowing sign that says 'Cargo Bay' because this is a luxury liner and he doesn't need a bunch of drunk passengers stumbling that direction instead of to their rooms. "Go forth, do your searching thing. I'm just an annoying pilot with fetish for card games..."

Wynn then cuts his eyes in the direction of the woman with the blade pressed up against him. "And knives." Eyebrow of Waggling.

Amarik (195) has posed:
They start marching in the direction of the cargo bay, but the Umbaran woman presses the blade a little harder into his side, prodding him to move along. "You like that?" she whispers in his ear, snickering, "Well, too bad. I don't eviscerate unless necessary. Now. You're coming with us. We don't want tricks, and a ship is nothing without its pilot."

So the group heads into the cargo bay, and spread out into groups to search it for the shipment from the Arkanians. But after about half an hour of looking, they still haven't found it, and Wynn will be able to tell Zealot isn't very happy. He approaches the Zeltron man, and Wynn will be able to palpably feel his frustration rolling off of him. It's nearly enough to give him a headache. "Your crew," he says. "They know where it is."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn continues to keep his hands where they can be seen. He doesn't want to get dead and he doesn't want to tick off anyone any more than he already has. "Listen, Zealot, buddy. I don't know what to tell you. You're getting upset and I can understand why. You were obviously told by somebody that some thing was going to be here and I think maybe somebody's been telling you a little fib or two." While he's running his mouth, Wynn just starts letting those pheromones go. Especially while they're all cooped up here in the cargo bay. If he can get these people to calm down maybe he can make it out of this. "And me too. Because as far as I know, I was given this pile of creds so that I could be right here, right now to unintentionally stall you. I don't know what's going on. I dealt with a bunch of droids that have absolutely no sense of humor at all."

Wynn hopes his earlier dramatic message was enough of a clue to his crew to get to hiding in those hard to find spots that he had this ship remodeled with for times like this. Dramatic talking code is a good tactic for communication lines that may be being listened to. Wynn has trust issues. "If you ask me, and I know none of you have, but just hear me out..." Wynn turns his attention back to Zealot to look as innocent as he possibly ever could. "I think we're both being played."


Amarik (195) has posed:
This serves to displease Zealot even more. Wynn will glimpse an image of a flickering bonfire inside his mind's eye and will briefly feel his skin grow hot and prickly. The marauder will swing his blaster menacingly at Wynn before turning away and walking off. The smuggler might get the feeling that he probably would have done a lot worse if his pheromones hadn't calmed him somewhat.

Wynn's luck seems to have run out, or increased, depending on how true Zealot planned to stay to his word, because it would appear that the Hoopaloo has found the shipping containers tucked away deeper in the Vagabond's Destiny's cargo hold.

That Umbaran girl reappears and prods him with her dagger again. "Let's go," she says, "you're staying real close by until we get everything we want."

They approach the shipping containers, and Wynn might be struck at how... large they actually are, up close. Whatever the Arkanian woman wanted stored inside of them must have been a pretty -big- secret. The Hoopaloo is working on slicing the codes on one of them, and within minutes, the doors of the first container swing open invitingly...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Oh, so only /I'm/ being played." Wynn looks over at the Umbaran that wants to or doesn't want to (it's weird) stab him. "I exhibit no surprise." No, really, he doesn't. His facial expression is as 'this makes sense' as it can be in this moment.

"Welp, good job gang. So why don't you guys go ahead and move it on over to your Shadow Cabinet or whatever its called so I can get back to flying. I cannot even begin to tell you how many stops I'm going to have to make now. Do you guys know how mad Biths get when you're not on time?" Wynn glances at any of the Marauders that will look his direction. "Peaceful, my ass. I'll tell you that for free..."

Wynn has absolutely no interest in what's in crates that he didn't know were on his ship were. He's not even looking. He'd much rather just get them to take it so he can go. "Oh come on, why are we opening this here? I thought you wanted to /take/ it. I'm gonna' be so late..." More overdramatic whining.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Shut up," the Umbaran hisses, "We don't need all the containers. Just one...or two... or three things from ... a couple of them," she says. Her eyes dart around furtively. Zealot and the Hoopaloo had gone inside the container, and the marauder overseeing him is acting like she's about to do something she shouldn't.

She prods Wynn with the blade again. "Get inside," she snaps at him quietly, poking him with her blade again. Then, more quietly, she says, "You don't know what you're looking at, do you," she says sharply. "90,000 credits is nice. But it's not ten to twenty million nice. And all this..." she says, stroking what looks like a biohazard barrel. "These shipping containers cumulatively contain at least that much in scientific research."

She stops in front of a long cylindrical apparatus that's attached to the wall of the shipping container, and starts to fiddle with the controls for it. There's a low beeping sound, and suddenly, the panels covering the cylinder pull back revealing... a person in suspended animation.

And she's a very beautiful person, at that. Beauty like Wynn will have ever seen before. The female he's looking at has long eyelashes, soft, high cheekbones and well defined eyebrows. She's clearly Arkanian, but her skin is a shade of very pale blue, and she has five fingers, instead of four.

And yet, she's trapped. Her wrists and ankles are held captive in clamps, and the liquid she's in is what's keeping her sedated...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Well, you're not gonna' make a million creds standing around here all day! Why don't we close it on up and move it on out." Wynn holds up his hand for the other Marauders to come on down to the front. "A little help here? We need to get these things off this beautiful ship and onto uh--" A quick glance in Zealot's direction. "-- your equally beautiful ship.'

Wynn's hands go to his ears in which his fingers stick into them so he can pretend to not listen. "Hey hey, I don't need to hear your plans. Like I said, I'm just the pilot. What you all found and took-- or are taking, I dunno why this is taking so long but sure-- has nothing to do with me. Go on, science yourselves. Whatever works."

There's a beat. "Crap. I heard it anyway." Wynn sighs.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Yes," the Umbaran woman whispers, "you did, and now you can't un-hear it. Don't you want to be richer than your wildest dreams? Buy that luxurious upgrade for your ship that you've been dying to have? What about a nav-droid? One that will do calculate all your hyperspace leaps for you instantly. You could have it all, Wynn Viasco," she continues. "But you'll need my help."

So that's what this was all about. These marauders were really just every man or woman for themselves, weren't they?

Wynn won't have very much time to think about her offer, though. Because the eyes of the woman in the cylindrical tube have flow open. Wide open. And she's moving now, making short work of the clamps on her arms and legs. And before Wynn can open his mouth to say anything, the sound of breaking glass pierces the air, and the liquid from the tube splashes everywhere.

"What the kriff--!" The Umbaran woman whirls around, only to come face to face to with the Arkanian offshoot who has just broken out of suspended animation. She looms over both of them, the look on her face not one that bodes well...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Yeah, no, that sounds great. Honestly. But uh, I kind of got a good thing going as it is. So I'm good. But you go right ahead and get those riches. You go get 'em. Go on." Wynn is trying his best to usher Marauders off his ship but it doesn't really seem to be working. Frown.

When the expletives start, Wynn immediately holds his hands up and backs away.

"See what happens when you play too much? Now I got a crazy lady loose on my ship. There is no way this stress is worth only 90,000 credits. No. Way."

"All I had to do was fly." Wynn shakes his head. "That's it. I'm changing careers again. I make it back home and I'm gonna' become a janitor."