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Traits are character advantages or flaws which go beyond what skills and attributes can easily define. They allow you to choose quirks, talents, and conditions to further expand and define your character. You can choose as many or as few traits as you want, but they all have a point value; traits which provide an advantage cost points, while those which put your character at a disadvantage refund points.

Choose your traits carefully; while they provide bonuses or penalties to your character rolls, they are intended more to add more dimension to your character, and your roleplay. Don't take a trait you don't intend to play.

Absent Minded

You are the type that forgets things easily; you don't tend to forget big important things, but relatively small matters often fail to find purchase in your memory for whatever reason. No matter how much you might remind yourself of something ahead of time, some little thing is going to be forgotten, only to be remembered later. Now where did you put your keys?

The GM may randomly decide that you've forgotten some small but important detail of an event, campaign, or operation; this could be a fact, a part of a plan, or an item of importance, at the GM's discretion.

Cost: -3

Absolute Direction

You have an innate navigational sense, and practically never get lost. You can find your way out of mazes and tunnels better than most, and you always seem to have an accurate sense of where you are, provided you can see the stars, or find some kind of landmark to orient yourself by. You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Survival and Tracking when finding your way in unknown territory. This sense of direction also lends itself to astrogational calculations, to which you gain a 0D+2 bonus.


You are as comfortable using your right hand as your left, and do not take a penalty for using your off-hand for actions, as you do not in fact have an 'off-hand'. Your penalty for dual-wielding weapons is reduced to 0D+1 for the first additional action in a round, but is applied as normal for subsequent actions in that round.

Cost: 3

Animal Affinity

You have a natural affinity for animals. Generally speaking, they like you and you like them. Maybe you even prefer the company of animals over that of your own species. Who are we to judge? Whatever the case, you tend to put animals at ease, and at times even have a natural sense for their emotions and needs. You can't quite 'talk with the animals' but you can read them better than most members of your species.

All difficulty levels when training, taming, or calming animals are reduced by one level. Additionally, if commanding a trained animal, the difficulty to do so is reduced by one level.

Cost: 3


You have that touch of genius, creative edge and skill that sets a person apart from others in the same field. It is the difference between competence and a quality that sets the artist’s work above all others in their field.



As a specimen of your species you are generally considered to be above-average in the looks department. Those who are attracted to your species and gender (if applicable) will be more attracted to you than the average specimen. Having natural good looks comes with a lot of benefits; you tend to give a better first impression, be more trust-able, less likely to be assumed a villain, and more.

You gain a 0D+2 bonus to social rolls such as con or persuasion where your appearance can be a factor in how others perceive your intentions, when dealing with a being who finds your species and gender attractive.

This trait is primarily intended to be used to gain advantage over non-player characters; any effect your appearance might have on a player character is entirely at their discretion regardless of any rolls.

Cost: 3


You can't see. Period. You either don't have eyes, or they don't work. Maybe you were born with sight, but lost it, or maybe you were born blind. Whatever the case, the visual world is beyond your ability to perceive in all respects.

You take a 3D+0 penalty when performing any action which requires sight under normal circumstances. You cannot read information from a screen or a book unless it has been specially formatted to make use of your other senses.

This is a permanent condition. If you wish to regain your sight (or gain it for the first time) by means of cybernetic implants, optic nerve transplant, or ther means, you must spend a minimum of 15 Character Points per eye. This condition may be overcome by use of the Force Sight power, if your character is eligible to learn it.

Cost: -6


You have a hard time 'cooling off' when you're in a combat situation. When you start fighting, you will keep fighting until all perceived enemies are eliminated with extreme prejudice. To stop fighting before all enemies are eliminated, you must make a Moderate Self-Control roll. If this roll fails, you must wait one full round before making another attempt. This trait also allows you ignore one stun effect every five rounds of combat, however greater wounds will be treated as normal.

Brawl Star

You're a natural hand-to-hand fighter, with speed, reflexes, and intuition that put most other members of your species to shame. You gain a 1D+0 bonus to all Brawl rolls.


Whether it's intentional or not, you come across as cold and uncaring. Because of your callous presentation, others are less inclined to trust or confide in you, and tend not to believe that you care about their problems whatsoever. You suffer a 1D+0 penalty to any Con or Persuasion rolls where this might be a factor. Additionally, you suffer a 1D+0 penalty to any Command roll, because people are generally reluctant to be led by someone they think doesn't care about them.


You're not graceful, and despite all your attempts to be careful, you're prone to bumping into things, dropping things, tripping on yourself or objects. Not to put too fine a point on it, you're a klutz. You suffer a 2D+0 penalty to any action where care must be taken to avoid breaking something, tripping an alarm, or making excessive noise.

Code of Honor

You live by a very rigid code. It defines not only how you fight, but also how you live. The specifics of this code are individual to you, but these rules inform every action and decision you make. For example, the Jedi live by a code of honor, as do the Mandalorians; very different codes, but the effect is ultimately the same. You are subject to penalties at the GM's discretion for breaking your code; these penalties might be for a single scene, or reach beyond it at which point staff will become involved.

Color Blind

You can't see color. Everything is in black and white, which makes discerning meaning in certain signals problematic. You suffer a 1D+0 penalty to Awareness skill rolls where color is a factor in how you are able to perceive meaning or activity.

Commanding Presence

You have a naturally authoritative presence which makes others more willing to listen to your instructions and obey your orders. You receive a 1D+0 to all Lead rolls.


When faced with a dangerous situation, your fight or flight response veers overwhelmingly toward flight; if you're in danger of being hurt, you run away. It takes some pretty hefty self-control to overcome your cowardly nature, and you must make a Moderate Self-Control roll to act in a combat situation, unless that action is to high-tail it out of there.


Deafness is total or significant hearing loss. It could be the result of a congenital illness or defect, injury, disease, exposure to loud noise or from age-related wear and tear. Some types of deafness can be compensated for by auditory devices. Many hearing impaired people utilize sign language to communicate.

Directionally Challenged

Someone says left and you go right. The moment you look up from a map you are probably lost. Often the directionally challenged won’t ask for directions and even when they do succumb to the need, can’t follow them.

Eidectic Memory

Also known as total recall, an image, the written word or something heard once is engraved on the your mind, never to be forgotten. +1D to any knowledge based skill roll.

Financial Wizard

Rich and poor want you guiding their personal or company fortune. You understand the market and have a flair for picking out the stock, commodity or company that is going to rise. With a nose for upcoming disaster you keep yourself and those you work for solvent even in the worst crisis.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Value, Bargain, and Persuade when rolled for business or money-related skills; in the event of a disagreement of what this bonus may relate to, defer to your GM.


The ultimate tinkerer you delight in inventing gadgets out of materials at hand. Endless curiosity leads you up blind avenues but you into innovations that might deserve a patent. You are who people want on hand if lost on a trash dump planet or marooned in a desert with no means of escape except your ingenuity.

At the time of Character Generation, pick one of: Armor Repair, Blaster Repair, Starship Repair, Vehicle Repair, or Tech Repair, and get a permanent 1D+0 bonus to it.


With an appetite that knows no bounds (a gourmet appreciates the fine side of dining) a glutton is hard to satisfy, needing quantity over quality. You never have enough food.

A glutton receive a 1D+0 penalty to Willpower for the purposes of resisting the temptation or urge to eat, plus an additional 0D+1 penalty for every three hours that pass since he was last able to eat. This penalty is also applied when the glutton is being questioned or interrogated, and the threat of withholding food is being held over him. This penalty cannot lower a character's Willpower below 1D+0.


Ready to believe the most unlikely story or ‘fact’, you are every con man’s and crooked politician’s dream. Often associated with the young and innocent, you could be cut off from the mainstream of galactic life in a desert or be brought up away from the latest technology making you more susceptible to believing anything.

A character with this trait receives an automatic 1D+0 penalty to any roll to oppose a Persuade, Con, Bargain, or Intimidate roll.


You have a blaster and will travel. Hired for protecting someone in the guise of a bodyguard or for protecting a community, you are known for being quicker and more ruthless than the average citizen who can use a blaster.

A Gunslinger receives a 2D+0 bonus to any Shoot roll, or a 1D+0 bonus to a specialization of the Shoot skill. They also receive a 0D+2 bonus to their Dodge rolls when evading blaster fire. Finally, the Gunslinger gains a 0D+2 bonus when rolling initiative during a gunfight.

Habitual Liar

Why live with the plain truth when you can embellish it? You lie about anything - your origins, education, abilities and intents and are more convincing about it than the average person. +1D to bluff rolls or convincing people that you are something that you aren’t. A very good trait for a Con Man or Woman.

You must roll a moderate or better Willpower in order to resist the urge to lie when asked a question. In addition, you gain a 1D+0 bonus to Persuade or Con when lying. However, when a character doesn't believe your lie, or catches you in one, you suffer a 1D+0 penalty to Persuade or Con against that character for the duration of the scene.

High Pain Threshold

When other people are bent over in agony, you can push through the pain. This is real asset for a spy or shock fighter because you might not break under torture or stay longer in the ring than your adversary. +1D to stamina rolls when under painful duress.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Toughness rolls to resist damage, a 1D+0 bonus to Stamina when exerting yourself past your physical comfort levels, and a 1D+0 bonus to Willpower for the purposes of persevering through pain and over-exertion. These bonuses cannot be applied if the character loses consciousness.

Honest To A Fault

You are the person that tells their spouse that their clothes make their backside look fat when they ask how they look in new clothes. Definitely not someone suited to diplomacy or politics, telling the truth is a burning necessity for you, making you simultaneously very trustworthy and a liability. Furthermore, in order to resist the urge tell someone the truth of a situation, regardless of its social implications, you must make a Moderate or better Willpower roll, at the GM's discretion.

You automatically gain a penalty against any attempt to lie or deceive, regardless of which skill is being used. A penalty of -OD+02 to Con, Persuade, Lead and Intimidate and even Bargain, depending on the situation.

Roll a difficult or better Willpower and you manage to offer an acceptable platitude. Fail the roll, and you must flatly inform your spouse that she has an ass the size of Coruscant and the pants don't make a difference.


Being illiterate puts you at a disadvantage in many situations in modern life from operating a space craft to voting in a local election. Tasks requiring reading and writing in one’s language will necessitate help from people are literate. Many illiterate people find work arounds such as memorizing the positions on a control panel or relying on someone to tell them which switch to turn on. Not being able to read caution signs and instructions will put you and others in serious danger at times.

Penalties for this trait will be applied as deemed appropriate by the GM on a case by case basis.


Spur of the moment decisions can either land you in trouble or help you take advantage of opportunities. You might try to plan your next move but you feel more alive swimming in the moment and acting on your feelings. Some people would call that uninhibited others might call it rash. You prefer to rely on luck than on the well-laid plan.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to initiative rolls, however you also take a 1D+0 penalty for the first action taken in combat or other spontaneous situations which would otherwise require forethought, planning, and tactical consideration, at the GM's discretion. After the first round of combat, you roll normally. For example, a fight breaks out in a bar. You roll initiative with a 1D+0 bonus, but you take a 1D+0 penalty to Brawl when you throw your first punch, because you didn't take any time to plan your attack.


Making up your mind is agonizing. At your worst, you’d rather stay in bed than decide what to do when you get up. You start things and don’t finish them. Committing yourself to a course of action takes you much longer than the average person, causing you to miss opportunities. You suffer a 1D+0 penalty to rolls for initiative, and a 0D+2 penalty for all Presence skills where the ability to make a decision may be a factor, at the GM's discretion.

Iron Will

You are an indomitable spirit. Nothing will deter you from following a decision or accomplishing a goal. Implacable in the face of all obstacles, you stick to the course, sometimes to the harm of others if they get in your way. You are difficult to scare at the best of times, and do not crack easily under intimidation, threat, or pressure.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to all Willpower rolls.

Keen Eyesight

Whether through natural or artificial means, your powers of sight are considerably better than others of your species. Though you do not necessarily see in ways they cannot, you possess overall better visual acuity, range, depth perception, and ability to see detail. A handy trait for pilots, hunters, trackers, and investigators.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Search, and a 0D+1 bonus to any Awareness or Coordination skill roll where sight may be a determining factor, at the discretion of the GM.

Keen Hearing

Whether through natural or artificial means, your powers of hearing are considerably better than others of your species. Though you do not necessarily hear in a range outside of what is normal for your species, you are able to hear sounds which are quieter or further away than the average. You are also able to better differentiate individual sounds among a cacaphony, and identify beings more easily by their voice.

You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Search when listening for clues, and a 0D+1 bonus to any Awareness or Coordination skill roll where hearing may be a determining factor, at the discretion of the GM.

Keen Smell

Whether through natural or artificial means, your sense of smell is considerably more acute than others of your species. You are able to detect faint odors more easily, and identify individual components of a smell among a bouquet. You may even be able to identify others by their unique odor.

Your keen sense of smell grants you a 0D+2 bonus to any Awareness roll in which smell may be a relevant factor, at the discretion of the GM.


You are a compulsive thief, and it's kind of a problem. When you are presented with the opportunity to steal something, you must succeed in a Willpower roll to resist the urge to take it (if you even want to resist). The difficulty level of the roll is determined by the apparent ease of the theft, at the discretion of the GM. If you fail to resist, you must take the item, but you gain a 0D+1 bonus to Steal to do so. If you're caught, well, that's the problem.

Learning Disability

You suffer from some mental or physiological condition which makes learning new skills difficult; this could be either some kind of dyslexia, dysnumia.

You may have difficulties learning to read or using math. Your experience in school may have been unpleasant because of a stutter that made you the object of derision.

Light Footed

You are lighter on your feet than other members of your species, which makes you quicker and more nimble than average. You can move more quietly, and with greater finesse than others. You gain a 1D+0 bonus to Sneak in situations where moving silently is a relevant factor. You may choose one of Acrobatics, Dodge, or Leap to increase by 0D+1 in CharGen at no additional cost.


Languages seem to come easily to you. You know that unless you have an eidetic memory it takes an investment in time and energy to master a new language especially if it comes from a group of languages that has no relationship to your own. You also know that learning to learn a language is the real secret. +02 advantage to Alien Cultures rolls if you speak the language.

Low Pain Threshold

Languages seem to come easily to you. You know that unless you have an eidetic memory it takes an investment in time and energy to master a new language especially if it comes from a group of languages that has no relationship to your own. You also know that learning to learn a language is the real secret. +02 advantage to Alien Cultures rolls if you speak the language.

Major Addiction

You are afflicted with a crippling addiction, whether it is psychological or physical, and can't seem to break free of it. It may have started as a minor vice which didn't significantly interfere with your life, but by now it's a problem. You might not even realize that you have this addiction, but if you don't feed it regularly you will suffer the ill-effects of withdrawl.

For every day you go without feeding your addiction, you suffer a 0D+1 penalty to all attributes, up to a maximum of 2D+0, or if your attribute reduces to 1D+0 total. If after one week you are still not able to feed your addiction, you will gain a Wounded injury level which will persist until you have fed your addiction.

You may buy out this disadvantage for a cost of 30CP, however doing so will also reduce a random attribute by 0D+1, which you may mitigate by spending CP to immediately buy back at the regular cost.

Major Phobia

You have an irrational and lasting fear of certain situations, activities, or objects which can send you into paroxysms of fear. When exposed to the source of your phobia, you must overcome a Difficult Willpower check or suffer a kind of mental and physical paralysis, which prevents you from acting in the current round. If your roll is successful, you may act as normal, but every round following you must overcome a Moderate Willpower check to avoid being frozen for one round.

You must specify the source of your phobia when selecting this trait. Common phobias include insects, serpents, wild animals, domestic animals, heights, storms, loneliness, aliens, heights, water, and fire.

Minor Addiction

Minor implies that your addiction(s) don’t control your life, if you have to give them up then you are able to do it. Sweets might be hard to forego but if you have to do it, you can - so you don’t have that Corellian pastry everyday. That occasional sniff of spice or extra drink seems to keep you on keel, you are just being social, right?

Minor Phobia

You have an irrational and lasting fear of certain situations, activities, or objects which can send you into paroxysms of fear. When exposed to the source of your phobia, you must overcome a Moderate Willpower check or suffer a kind of mental and physical paralysis, which prevents you from acting in the current round. If your roll is successful, you may act as normal for the rest of the scene.

You must specify the source of your phobia when selecting this trait. Common phobias include insects, serpents, wild animals, domestic animals, heights, storms, loneliness, aliens, heights, water, and fire.

Missing Arm

You have one less arm than other members of your species. This makes it more difficult, or even impossible, to do things that require the regular number of arms or hands for someone of your species. You suffer a 1D+0 penalty to any action which is normally performed with the full complement of arms or hands, and at the GM's discretion certain activities may be impossible for you to attempt.

You may buy out this disadvantage for 30CP, if you wish to replace your missing arm with a prosthetic, or if you have found a suitable donor and a doctor willing to stitch you and your freshly harvested arm together.