Just a Little Game

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Just a Little Game
Date of Scene: 02 March 2024
Location: Black Spire Outpost - Batuu - Outer Rim
Synopsis: Some beskar shows up on Batuu. Things get messy.
Cast of Characters: Lynx, Ellari Zin, 271, Volken Mons

Lynx has posed:
As she promised, Lynx had reached out to Ellari at the first sign of the return of the black-market dealer known in these parts as 'Glass'. The com had come earlier in the morning, leaving time to gather closer to mid-day.

The spaceport is relatively busy, with ships being loaded and unloaded by dock workers and the occasional traveler looking for passage. Lynx is not difficult to find, however. The Firrerreo stands out with her multi-colored hair and the fact she is one of the only individuals leaning against a stack of crates, seemingly waiting.

The mechanic has a light tool bag thrown over one shoulder, her posture relaxed. One hand pops a few bits of colorful, puffed, flavored grain into her mouth as she waits.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari was quick to respond to the message that morning, as she'd been waiting for an update from Lynx. She's eager to....do everything she can to make sure she's the one who handles this situation, and it doesn't get lost to someone -else- who might not do the right thing with it.

    Well, the right thing according to her.

    Speaking of 'the thing', it happens to be some beskar armor on the black market, that she believes ought to be returned to the forges on Mandalore. As this is a pretty uncommon occurrence, it -may- have reached the eyes and ears of -others-...

    Anyway, Ellari is quick to maker her way back to the spaceport, easily picking out the Firrerreo woman thanks to her colorful hair. She approaches with a polite smile, having come to quite respect the mechanic. "Lynx," she greets, nodding.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Elsewhere in the spaceport, but nearby, is the young Mandalorian baron, Caine Von'egel.

He had heard the rumors on the jogan fruit vine, and has come to investigate. But seeing as Ellari seems to have taken over handling it, he lurks in the shadows behind some vessels that have landed close by, watching for the time being.

Lynx has posed:
It isn't hard to note the arrival of Mandalorians, as they do have a way of standing out, in their own way. Pushing herself up a bit straighter, the mechanic rolls up the top of the bag of puffed grain and tucks it into her bag, then raises a hand in return. "Lady Zin." Lynx greets, her vocal affect adding a 'prrip' after the greeting.

Since Lynx hadn't been informed of anyone else to keep an eye out for, she doesn't notice Caine for the time being, her focus remaining on the familiar Mando before her. "Spotted the dealer's ship landing this morning." She explains, motioning further into the port, where she could be referring to any number of vessels. "Seemed to be off-loading some new goods, so he's probably at his shop by now. If you still want to have a word."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I do." Ellari nods in confirmation. "Thanks for doing this, really. It's important that this armor is returned to its rightful place in the forges of Mandalore, so that it may be repurposed for greater things."

    She doesn't notice Caine either, as she is focused on finding the merchant for now. "Let's go have a chat with this 'Glass', then?"

Lynx has posed:
Lynx chuffs once, giving a shake of her head that sends the colorful strands of her hair across her forehead, "It's a cultural thing for your people, isn't it?" She asks, raising a brow, "The armor, that is." The mechanic motions a hand towards Ellari. "I get it." There is a soft rumble in her chest, as if she were amused by something.

"Come on, then." She invites, starting to lead the way from the spaceport and down into the outpost proper. "I'd say try not to draw attention, but I don't know if that's possible." Mandalorians don't exactly blend in here. "It should be fine. So long as there's no trouble that spook him."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods and begins to follow Lynx out of the port and toward the outpost itself. "Yes, it is. But not only cultural. It is our heritage, as well. One we are very proud of."

    A pause. "Ahem well...-should- be very proud of anyway." Because there are some who are...well they don't always share in her views about these things.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron watches the two of them head off in search of this person named 'Glass.' Whoever it is, and regardless of who receives the armor at the end of the day, Caine would like to know who this merchant is....

He follows from a safe distance, discreetly.

Volken Mons has posed:
Speaking of standing out...

Imagine being a Mandalorian. Now imagine being a Mandalorian that clears eight feet in height and is massive enough in physique to embrace average sized Dowutin in a bro hug, one on each side of him. Then dress him red , grey and silver, beskar armor with enormous muscled arms exposed, tattooed pillar sized things corded with rope thick veins and adorned with massive vambraces. Top it off with a helm that, coupled withis vastly thick neck, makes the behemoth look more like a walking proton tank...and you might just 'stand out'.

Indeed, Volken Mons presence is something of a minor seismic disturbance as he disembarks the transport ship he'd chartered and then begins a steady inexorable plod through the space port. His enormous repeater cannons, each the size of a normal man, hangs strapped to his sides as his great frame trundles through the crowd like s mountain range making its against the flow of a tiny stream. It would seem that word does indeed travel.

He eventually exits the space port, coming up in the rear somewhere behind where Caine lurks within the crowd and moving in the same general direction as the others. His helmet does its job well, hiding his gaze and any particular hint that he's seen or not seen Ellari and her escort but his looming approach draws nearer and nearer.

Lynx has posed:
As they walk towards the market, Lynx glances over towrds the Mandalorian with a chirr of curiousity in her voice, but she doesn't have the context to ask the right questions. Instead, she offers, "For my people, it's names that are culturally important. A person's true name isn't known outside of close family and those dearest to them." Lynx explains, "Sharing a name unwisely, gives an individual power over you. Power enough to destroy you if they wished."

It is the sort of tale that might seem like folklore, and perhaps there is some of that. However, names do hold power in the world. So perhaps it isn't all just superstition.

As they enter the market, a few heads turn towards Ellari, but that momentary interest is soon passed over. However, the massive form of Volken in his armor is enough to draw stares. There is even a mother who pulls a child behind her protectively, looking worried.

Lynx catches notice of this, her nose twitching once as she tilts her head in confusion before looking back over her shoulder and then up. "Uh... Lady Zin? I don't think you mentioned bringing friends." Lynx's voice chitters slightly with anxiety.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods as Lynx mentions how important and potentially powerful the knowledge of a name can be. "True, knowing a name, an identity...such information could be used to destroy a person's life if one was determined enough and had the right resources. And you never know who might--"

    She doesn't finish the sentence before everyone's attention is suddenly drawn toward Volken. As Lynx turns and mentions bringing 'friends', she just groans, glancing back at the massive Mandalorian. "He is -not- a friend..." she mutters. "Far from it, in fact." She quickly turns away from him and quickens her stride toward the market. "Let's hurry along. Maybe we can lose him in the crowds."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
And though Lynx and Ellari cannot see it, the baron grumbles to himself. That troublemaker who'd almost sided with Fett! His appearance couldn't foreshadow good, certainly.

He quickens his pace, moving to intercept Volken.

Volken Mons has posed:
Pounding upon the ground, seemingly with pressure just shy of shaking it, Volken's pace quickens ever so slightly. It would seem he did notice them as well and Ellari's attempts to guide Lynx away from him and deeper into the crowd does not go unnoticed.

A moving unstoppable wall of flesh and armor, the behemoths gait takes him in a near straight line that forces the crowds to move around him or be moved. Fortunately, generally speaking, it doesn't take much to convince people to not try and stand in the mammoth brutes way and thus his gradually quickening approach is unimpeded though it may be anyones guess if he'll decide to go around any walls, stalls, or buildings that may get in his way as opposed to right through them. At the moment that question lingers unanswered, fortunantely, and he instead simply works on closing the distance while still managing to seem casual about it as opposed to just trying to charge in like a spooked Bantha.

Being behind as opposed to ahead of Caine, interception is certainly quite capable of happening and at the moment he seems to be unaware of the young baron still.

Lynx has posed:
It is at that moment where the limits of Lynx's knowledge about Mandalorians is woefully inadequate to understand the specific politics that might exist between these individuals. So, there is a look of uncertainty and surprise when Ellari mentions that the mountain of a man is not a friend. "Oh..." She may even have continued staring if it wasn't for the call to hurry along.

There is a quick look back and forth and then Lynx scrambles a bit to catch up, having to rush a little to keep up with the pace. She can't help but listen as people call out behind them, some giving warnings in a variety of local languages, the most common being Huttese, while others are sounds of fear or alarm.

"Listen... if that one is an enemy of yours, it's probably /not/ a good idea to lead him to Glass. That is not the kind of package I want to leave on anyone's doorstep, much less a merchant I actually use for my business." Lynx explains, a little breathlessly. There's a hint of a whimper in her voice. "Maybe... we should revisit this another time?" She suggests.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "He is not exactly an enemy, but..." Ugh....Ellari sighs heavily. It was complicated. But Lynx had a point. People were already starting to shake in their boots at the size of this guy. And she wouldn't want Glass to just give him the armor simply because he's the most intimidating looking, neither would she want him to run away in fear, either. Still..."I don't know if he's here for the same reason we are. I don't want the armor to fall into the--the wrong hands."

    She frowns, searching for something, anything...a distraction, somewhere to hide. Then she spots Caine. As much as she hates him too, he's once again potentially becoming useful as she notices him striding toward Volken.

    Ellari nods toward a shop along the street. "Let's try in there." she whispers, and hurries toward the door.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron wastes no time. He moves directly in front of Volken, folding his arms and looking up with no fear at the other hulking Mandalorian. He arches a brow at him.

"Now what business would have brought you here, to Black Spire Outpost?" he asks, his tone level and non-threatening for the time being.

Volken Mons has posed:
So they're playing a little game, huh. Volken's eyes track the movements of the two, watching as they move for the door. He quickly and carefully examines the storefront from that distance, gauging the size of its entrance.

The durability of its walls, as much as he can tell form sight at least.

Then, Caine aggro.

"Just playing a little game...." he responds, bass voice rumbling out from the depths of his helmet with a bemused tone that somehow doesn't seem surprised to see the Baron. "C'mon... let's go say hi.." he drawls out languidly while reaching a massive arm up for the young Mandalorian before him to try and lay it upon his shoulders and back to attempt to help 'steer' him not just out of the way but in the direction of the store if Caine is unable to move away from the goliath and avoid his touch.

Lynx has posed:
The crowd in the marketplace is certainly not used to this sort of conflict. Angry bartering over prices, the occassional thief, or even the rare threat of violence, but two Mandalorians having words, one of them being the size of a large speeder... it is bound to have consequences. Some merchants are quickly shuttering shops, others are ducking into nearby alleyways, and even the civilians are giving a wide distance incase things turn violent.

While Lynx may be a capable pilot and mechanic, subterfuge is not in her wheelhouse. So, while Ellari is looking for means of escape, the mechanic is cursing under her breath in her native tongue, which may sound more animalistic than many other common langugaes.

Then, at the suggestion of where to hide, Lynx seems all too happy to follow, ducking into the shop and then flattening herself against the nearest wall. The shop owner, a portly looking Ugnaught, starts to shout something at them in his native tongue, waving his hands.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari hurries into the shop, being certain to shut the door behind her. "I'm sorry about this...I really am." she quickly mentions to Lynx. "I didn't exactly invite them, but--" she shrugs. "I suppose word travels fast."

    The Ugnaught owner is...reasonably distressed. She quickly hurries over to the counter and tries to smooth things over.

    "Look, I just need you to show me if there's a back exit so we can get out of here quickly." she says in Huttese to him, sliding over a sizeable chunk of credits.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron takes a step back, brows furrowing neatly when Volken reaches over to grab his shoulders.

"Excuse you," he says, his tone still level. "But while you may enjoy childish games, I do not. Now, answer my question. There will be no 'let us.' I am not your ally. If you have need to interfere with House Vizsla matters, then you will answer to my blade."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Not this again...." Volken's deep voice rumbles with the cadence of an annoyed far away earthquake.

"I'm not Khalo Fett." he says, firmly. Tone darkening as he continues, "So I'm not going to react like Khalo Fett. So be careful on how you address me.....and what you ask me..."

The menace in his voice raises slightly at that end point. Perhaps not enough to make Caine back away but certainly the ire in the area is enough to cause the locales to hasten their shutdowns.

Then, Volken's voice lightens once again. "Besides....if it wasn't -for- me you wouldn't have made off with Revara back on Coruscant. It was -me- who negotiated her release from the CDF into my hands and while I didn't like what you and your co-partner did afterwards.. -I'm- the one that made it possible for you in the first place otherwise you'd still be yipping and yapping at Fett like some lost Akk dog." So let's try this again. From the top."

There's another pause and he says, "What I'm doing here is none of your business."

Lynx has posed:
The Ugnaught stares at Ellari and seems about to say something else, until the credits are offered. He narrows his eyes, gives a grumbling snort, and then motions the two of them behind the counter. There, he kicks back a rug and opens up a hatch that leads downward. He motions them down.

Lynx sighs to herself, running a hand through her multi-colored hair before she pushes herself away from the wall. "This is exactly the sort of crap I was worried about." She explains, quickly scrambling towards the hatch. "Glass is going to freak. If he hasn't started running already, he's going to be soon." Which means that their time for finding the merchant before he escapes off-world, is now cut short.

Taking the escape path first, Lynx lands in a storage room that is dusty and filled with crates. On one side, there is a door that leads out onto one of the lower levels of the marketplace, likely to a back alley that isn't directly contained to the main streets. "Come on, we should go before your 'friends' catch up to us."

As for the rest of the market surrounding the two remaining Mandalorians, it has grown far more quiet. There is only the last few shutterings of doors or windows and the scrabbling of feet elsewhere. Seems no one wants to be there when two Mandalorians get into a scrap.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari looks relieved when the Ugnaught obliges and leads them to a trapdoor that leads to the lower markets. She sighs. "I know..." she grumbles when Lynx mentions this is the exact kind of trouble the mechanic had been hoping to avoid. "I could say the same for myself."

    She nods. "Yes, let's hurry while they're distracted with each other and hope we can get to Glass before he runs off."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young Mandalorian watches Volken, his expression somewhat distant but otherwise unreadable. Then he sighs.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't make things difficult," his tone chiding and petty, as if addressing a disobedient child.

Then without further ado, he draws his sword swiftly and hovers the tip right below Volken's chin. "Ne shab'rud'ni, chakaar. Let House Vizsla matters be House Vizsla matters," he says.

Volken Mons has posed:

Volken sighs and just shakes his head. There is silence aside from the drumming of his massive fingers against the side of his enormous leg. The impacts are a steady rumbling noise that continues on and on as he looms overhead with the sword pointed at him. "We gotta learn how to..express ourselves better, ad'ika..." he rumbles, tone darkening. "If you had of just...I dunno...been nicer, then maybe I'd have wandered off but I don't like being threatened... Truth is, I wasns't -really- going to cause trouble for 'em....course. I mean, I see yer point..."

There's another beat as takes a few heavy steps back, starting to turn away slightly.

Then, he suddenly lunges out, pivoting away and like a massive sequioa with the speed and intent of a master fighter accustomed to close combat. The skill of a pit fighter and a gladiator rearing up as he weaves and then sends one of his immense arms swiping up and arcing around. A fist the size of a Wookie's head hurtling around like a cannonball as his energized knuckle dusters flash to life and trail crackling energy behind him.

Lynx has posed:
The passage beneath the shop leads out into a back alley, the door sliding open to allow Lynx and Ellari to exit onto a rough-hewn road way. There are a few people already moving through, some at a hurried pace. One such person spots Ellari and then quickens their pace, as if having already escaped one set of Mandalorians, they don't want to deal with another.

Lynx looks back and forth, trying to get an idea of where they are. "One moment." She holds up a finger and digs out a datapad from her bag, trying to pull up their position in the marketplace.

"Alright, I think I know the way. Let's just hope Glass hasn't scampered before we get there." She casts one look back at the door they'd come from, half expecting the other two to be chasing behind them, but it seems quiet for now. "Follow me?" She motions and starts to lead the way.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari glances behind them as well, also half expecting the other two or at least one of the other two to already be barreling after her. But she breathes a sigh of relief upon finding no one is chasing them...yet, at least.

    She nods to Lynx. "Let's get going." then she hurries after the Firrerreo woman.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron's nose wrinkles as he dons his helmet. Why is this the second time he's been demeaned and called a child? It doesn't sit well with him.

Caine just barely manages to dance aside as the gargantuan Mandalorian takes a swing at him with his knuckledusters. He appears unbothered that had he reacted a moment later, he might have been sent flying straight into Destra, one of Batuu's moons.

Instead, he swings outward with his blade, aiming to inflict a deep cut on Volken's upper arm, right above the elbow join.

Volken Mons has posed:
If his immensity wasn't obvious - the fact is that Volken Mons is more then 'human' but not just by fact that his species, unknown that it is, is adjacent to human but that things had been done to him, as a child, and done to him again, and then again....crafting a unique sort of brute that is a true physical monster if pressed to be so.

ANd he is indeed being pressed.

His flesh is hardly invulnerable though, especially to the skill and weaponry of a fellow Mando...but it might as well be for the swing of Caine's attack fails tofind purchase against his massive arm and ultimately finishes its travels by clanging against the beskar of his torso as he turns into the attack.

Another fist big enough to engulf Caine's torso is incoming. THe knuckle dusters crackle with wild energy as the attack hurtles in for Caine's body as Volken's deep voice rumbles with rising fury.

"Bic ni skana'din!"

If his blow lands or not, and surel if it lands it may send Caine flying, his other hand lunges out trying to grab for Caine's and curl a missive arm around him to crush him into his torso. "Now you -listen- to -me-..."

Lynx has posed:
There is a slight shift of one of Lynx's slightly pointed ears, picking up on the shouting in the distance but with no means to translate it. "They really do make a ruckous, don't they?" She calls over her shoulder, moving further away from the fighting and into some of the more rarely traveled back roads.

Eventually, they come onto a side street that has a couple of shops marked by hanging signs, one of which doesn't have a title, it just has an image that looks like various bits of glassware. This may be where the owner gets his nickname from. "This is the place."

Lynx leads the way at a hurry, rapping her knuckles on the door. "Glass, open up."

"No one is here! Go away!" A voice answers.

"Well, last I checked, no one doesn't talk. Let me in, it's Lynx." She answers.

"Fine fine!" The chirpy voice answers before the door is opened, allowing the pair inside a very cluttered shop that shows signs that the owner is in a hurry to pack things. Behind the door, the Bith frantically fidgets, adjusting a monocle as he waits for them to enter, only to slam the door behind them.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari is really glad Lynx decided to help. She might not have been able to convince Glass to even open the door for her to begin with. And then things might have gotten...messy. Well, messier than they already are.

    "You must be Glass." she says, nodding toward the frightened Bith. "I...apologize for the...others' behavior. They are not among the best of us, believe me. And I'm not here to harm you or do what they're doing. Just to conduct some business."

    She glances over at Lynx. "Lynx here says you might be in possession of some beskar armor. I'd be happy to pay you a fair price for it."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron might be frowning or wincing when Volken wraps a log-like arm around his torso and attempts to bisect him using brute force, but his helmet obscures his expression.

He grunts. "Were you... saying something?" he offers petulantly when the other hulking Mandalorian commands him to listen to him.

Then, not even a second later, he activates his jet pack thrusters and dials it up to full power.

Except Volken is rather heavy and unwieldy, so controlling his direction in any capacity is... impossible. The two of them barrel and slam into varying vendor stalls, careen through multiple windows, and in general, cause enough mayhem to perhaps make Batuu's two moons tremble in orbit.

Volken Mons has posed:
""You or'dinii!!"

Volken's thunderous voice is drowned out by the roar of the jet pack and the sound of the two going crashing violently into the stalls and stands of the marketplace. The initial attempt only ends up using his body as a battering ram against far less sturdy affairs but when the two rebound from the first pass and go dragging into the air for a second pass, Volken is battered a touch more and the two are sent tumbling into an out of control descent that crashes through a storefront and back out again with the huge man bearing the brunt of the affair.

As misfortune might have it, their flight path takes them within distance of where the rapid exchange of goods is taking place though neither would know precisely where that is due to the quick thiking of the two ladies. Nevertheless they can -certainly- be heard if not felt.

Especially when a sudden rage grips Volken as his eyes squin within his helmet and then fy open. His grip adjust, seeking to grab hold of Caine's leg with one arm while his other arm reaches out to grasp hold of the side of a battered building. His muscles surge, bulking and piling on mountains of sinew that strain the straps binding his beskar together and causing his visible arms to swell like a mountain range rising up under his ruddy and veined flesh.

Against all reason the giant attempts to yank the baron back down, refusing to be lifted up by the thrust of the backback and to further more slam him violently towards the earth!

Lynx has posed:
The monocle is placed back in front of the Bith's eye, and he blinks, taking a step back with a squeak of alarm at the sight of a Mandalorian. He looks around, as if for a route toe scape, but then the appology seems to stop him in his tracks. The anxious sound he makes while looking between Lynx and Ellari is high pitched and irritating.

"It's okay, I promise. I don't know what is going on with those other two, but you can trust this one. She's not going to threaten you, or destroy your merch, or make a mess. She's just here about the Beskar." Lynx explains, trying to keep her voice calm.

The vendor looks between the two again, then shakes a nervous finger at Lynx, "You'd best not be lying." To which Lynx replies, "Have you ever known me to lie?"

Another shifty glance, and Glass ducks behind some crates, pulling out a bag that looks as if it had already been packed to run. He crouches down and unzips it, pulling out what looks to be a dented helmet and a bit of a charred chestpiece. "This is all they gave me. If it sells, they said they might have more."

The sudden sounds of armored individuals slamming into buildings is enough to have the Bith merchant looking anxiously towards the door.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods as Lynx vouches for her, grateful for the help. She frowns at the armor as it is finally revealed. "This is..." Dank farrik...she'd best not let Caine see this. And, if there was more...

    But her attention is also snapped toward the door, as she hears the noise of the conflict nearing. "We're running out of time. How much do you want for it?" she asks. Another chaotic sound, and she glances toward a window, then back at Glass. "If push comes to shove, once the transaction is made I can protect you and make sure both of you can get out of here unscathed." she promises, glancing at Lynx as well. "Then maybe you can tell me more about who this 'they' is."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron will barely be able squeeze free of the other gargantuan Mandalorian's grip. Consequently, he ascends and turns once more to face his opponent. He takes out his blasters this time and fires once, twice, three times at Volken.

Then, landing, he steps over to turning his attention to the shop with sign that has nothing inscribed on it, just an image of glass. "Hn," he grunts softly to himself. Then he raps loudly on the door. "Excuse me, but would this establishment happen to belong to someone named 'Glass'?"

Volken Mons has posed:
The mountainous mandalorian is back on his feet by the time the baron has landed and begun opening fire. The first shot rings against his beskar armor, sending sparks flying as the goliath begins treading closer, unmoved by the blast.

The second shot does much the same though perhaps also scoring against his sinewy flesh but again he continues coming, this time picking up speed and rolling his huge shoulders.

The third grazes past one of his exposed shoulders, singing the flesh and banking off of the beskar there as well.

By that point in time, the giant has started into a full on thundering run. The very ground shakes as his shadow passes over windows and stalls as he bears down ont he baron who has the audacity to politely knock on a store front entrance while a bantha sized Mandalorian is bearing down on him.

At the last second he lowers his shoulders, attemtping a massive shoulder tackle into Caine, trying to send the man flying from the front of the storefront if he's able to make a connection. At least it's not the knuckle dusters this time! Only a shoulder the size of a wall...

Lynx has posed:
The anxious Bith doesn't even bother trying to haggle. He just throws out a price which is far too reasonable. The fact that his life may very well feel threatened contributes to this. In fact, he's already shouldering the oversized bag, grabbing a few more things from atop crates and off of shelves. "Not sticking around here." Glass explains.

"Not getting more, either. Not worth risking my life over!" He looks towards Lynx, "If you knew what was good for you, you'd not be associating with them, either!" With a quick glance to Ellari, "No offense." The politeness only there for the fact he might be getting money.

Lynx seems about to respond to this when there is loud knocking on the door. "Crap, looks like our time is running short."

The Bith shakes his head, "Credits now. Then leaving. I can t-take care of myself." They nearly squeak out the words. Then, he looks to Lynx, "You know where I got it from. Out of this business. Armored idiots destroying the market." Squeak, "Never again!"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "None taken." Ellari replies, rolling her eyes. Then she quickly hands over the requested amount, and picks up the bag with the armor pieces. She nods as Glass doesn't want to near them any longer than necessary. He might regret refusing the offer later, but it's not any of her business to force him into anything so she just shrugs. "Have it your way then. But go quickly."

    Then comes the knock, and the voice. She sighs, and hands the bag over to Lynx. "Follow him, and take it somewhere safe. I'll be in touch."

    She proceeds to march up to the door then and open it, glaring at Caine. "What do you want?" she demands.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron tries knocking again, this time louder and in a more pronouced fashion. "I know you're in there," he says, his tone turning slightly menacing. "Ellari? Let me in, dammit--!"

And then the door opens. "Let me see it," he demands immediately, cutting to the chase.

And then Volkens plows into him.

Volken Mons has posed:
Caine either just grew four times larger - or - well - no. Volken just slammed into him, replacing is osition at the door and sending Caine - well hopefully not into orbit.

Either way, whre Ellari was seeing one Mandalorian peer now she sees another, lkely staring at Volken's mid section as oppposed to Caine's face now that the behemoth is there just outside of the door.

"..Oh...great! So this is the place!"

HE probably had no idea this was the building and had it not been for Caine might have very well just kept on wandering without even stopping here.

IMmediately one of his massive arms lifts and he points his armed vambrace towards Ellari.

"I heard there wa sa little bit of beskar lying around and I was just here to pick it up and bring it somewhere it might find more use. The Forge at least.... Go figure you all would be up to your meddling..."

See what miscommunication does? Or is miscommunication just -how- Mandalorians communicate.

Lynx has posed:
With the bag being thrust into her direction, Lynx takes it and throws it over her shoulder. "Alright, but you better come get this later. I don't want to hold on to it any more than he does." Lynx replies with a slight rumble of uncertainty in her chest.

"Be safe, friend." With that, she is hurrying the merchant out of the shop through yet another back passageway, vanishing from sight and leaving the Mandalorians to deal with each other for the time being.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Thank you Lynx," Ellari answers, her tone genuinely grateful. "I'll make sure you are handsomely compensated for this, once I bring the armor back home."

    She thankfully manages to jump out of the way before both Caine -and- barrel into her. She scoffs and glares at them both disapprovingly. "I don't have it." she replies tersely. And she sure isn't telling them who does or where it's going. Besides that, she doesn't even -know- where Lynx is going to put it for the time being. "Now get out of here before you destroy anything else. There are some people who depend on this place for their livelihoods, you know."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Caine groans, and gets to his feet. Then he turns to face Ellari.

"But you did!" he snarls. He curses in Mando'a, grumbling. "You're purposefully keeping it from me. You speak of dishonor, but your deception is as good as a lie. How dare you, hypocrite."

"You will tell me what was in the bag," he demands, lifting his chin haughtily and balling a fist.

Volken Mons has posed:
"You two are bratty children barely more mature then a foundling in need of discipline!"

Volken snaps this, rising fury in his tone as he hears Caine and Ellari begin verbally sparring.

He snas his attention towards her first, "I didn't come here planning on smashing this place up. That's your boyfriend's doing."

He does at least lift his vambrace up, no longer targeting her with a flame thrower, repulsor blaster or who knows what else they have stored in those things and he seems restrained enough to not want to charge Caine again, nevermind that this began with a beskar sword pointed at him. Perhaps he feels he's proved his point.

" In fact...every time things have gotten out of control one or both of you have been in the middle of it. So don't go trying to order me around. Ori'buyce. Both of you!"

His volcanic temper settling he turns so as to see them both, "Now....if you don't know where the beskar is. Let's go find it. Or do you plan on selllin' it to the highest bidder and not sending it back to Mandalore? Where's the girl that was with you?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "My b--" Ellari glowers at Volken, her temper flaring as well. "How -dare- you..."

    But then she manages to calm herself down, and she folds her arms, her gaze going back to Caine now. "No, I did not, and I never did." she lies. "By the time I got here, the dealer had already fled, no small thanks to both of -you-. -I- was going to peacefully acquire it from him through a -proper- business transaction. And no, before you ask, I don't know where he went, and neither does the 'girl who was with me'."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron laughs bitterly. "How ironic of you to suggest that, when the truth of the matter is, she's probably already been your bedroom a time or two. After all, whose bedroom hasn't she seen? Save mine, of course. I would never sully my home with such an osi'yaim."

But three seconds into her explanation, Caine turns haughtily on his heel and storms out of the shop. Of course, Ellari wouldn't have anything useful to tell him.

Volken Mons has posed:
A legion of comments surges to Volken's mind at both of their answers. Most of them are best left for depths of brothels on Tattooine or for eager ears in Canto Bight's pleasure palaces and likely would just lead to more fighting and arguing here.

Not that a fight or verbal sparring would bother him it's just becoming clear to him that there's little more to gain now.
"Yes that's right. Take your leave before I crush you. I warned you I wasn't Khalo Fett but you had to learn the hard way..."

He glances back to Ellari, "Don't think I don't see through you either. You may not know where the beskar is but you were -with- someone who brought you here and it stands to reason they simply exited another way. I'm not stupid despite your attempts to paint me as such. But if that is all you're here for so be it. You of all people wouldn't sell it and I just wanted to take it with me so it was back in our hands...."

He starts to turn away but pauses and adds with a slight smirk in his voice, "We still have unfinished business, dala, but some other time..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I never said you were stupid." Ellari shoots back. But she doesn't say anything else, not wanting to give them any reason to change their minds about leaving and start something -else-.

Volken Mons has posed:
The hugest Mandalorian has his back to Ellari as she fires that off at him. Volken continues walking though he lifts a single arm as he moves away and gives her a vaguelly dismissive, casual, farewell wave as he stalks away for another part of the marketplace. This is probably not over.