Avandi Mados

From Pax Republica
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"Knowledge is a question of finances."

Name Avandi Mados
Age 36
Faction Fringers
Rank Unknown
Species Human
Occupation Bartender
Hair None
Eyes Blue
Height 183cm
Weight 75kg
Status Active
Char_id 376


A professional seller of secrets, trivia, and data, he works the fence-line between organizations, helping to bridge them and open negotiations and dialogue. He looks a little strange, which is just part of his charm, really.


It's a backwater nowhere place and the people on it only named it because it had to have a listing on a star chart beyond its basic identifier. Thus was born Crucible, a desert wasteland which aspired to one day be as interesting as Tattooine, if only it could get around to being so metropolitan and upwardly mobile. Instead, it settled for being a disused dew-farming collective and mining concern which largely produced accidents and industrial fraud.

Born to two scam artists and hustlers, Avandi Mados was abandoned almost immediately, because his parents, such as they were, at least wanted a child born with hair. What they got was a pale, hairless child and a ticket off-world when he was sold to a neighbor.

He was raised with at least mild interest in his well-being, and had siblings, of a sort, consisting of two Zabraki and their stepfather, a Near-Human with genetic damage induced by being a third-generation miner on an unregulated backwater nowhere place.

He has a substantial amount of knowledge, after all, and watches quite a bit. The world is waiting and he's happy to serve his slice in exchange for his cut.

The Lingual Flair

He speaks multiple languages and several dialects of each, slowly erasing accents as he progresses.


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