Kel Dor

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The Kel Dor are a bipedal species from the planet Dorin. They are a tall people, with skin which ranges in color from peach to crimson. They are as a whole considered unattractive to those outside their own species, with a strange facial structure and features. Their head is framed with bulbous extra-sensory organs, which terminate in small black tusks.

The atmosphere of Dorin is composed of helium and unique gas native their planet, and the Kel Dor are unable to breathe in oxygen-rich environments; in fact, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are all fatally toxic to the Kel Dor, forcing them to wear protective masks and goggles in order to survive off-world. Their unique physiology allows them to survive the vacuum of space for longer than many other species, though not indefinitely.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Atmospheric Requirements

Kel Dor are unable to breathe or see in oxygen-rich environments without the use of a breath mask and goggles. Any Kel Dor forced to breathe an atmosphere not similar to that of their native world takes 2D+0 damage, increasing by 1D+0 every round until returned to their native atmosphere. Likewise, any Kel Dor deprived of their protective goggles will be blind until they are returned or the individual is returned to their native atmosphere.

Extra-sensory Pods

Kel Dor possess a pair of extra-sensory organs on their head, which give them a greater awareness of their surroundings; they gain a 0D+1 bonus to any Awareness skill roll.