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The Gran were a sentient humanoid species originating from the planet Kinyen, but they had established colonies on various worlds, including Malastare, Hok, and Varkana. They were distinguished by their distinctive goat-like faces, three eyes, and antennae-like nubs on their heads. There were two distinct body types among the Gran, one with a rotund mid-section and six slender digits on their hands, and the other with a skinnier build, sometimes with human-like hands or thicker, suction-cup-like appendages. They were known for having two stomachs and a lifespan of several centuries. While the Gran on Kinyen were primarily peaceful farmers, those on colonies like Malastare engaged in more opportunistic and sometimes dangerous activities such as podracing and underworld dealings. In the galactic community, Gran held positions as senators. Some engaged in various professions, from bounty hunters to podracer pilots.

Available Factions

Racial Traits