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The Aloxians are a sentient species from the planet Zav Alox with a humanoid build, blue skin, brown eyes, and white hair. They are born with immense physical strength and a naturally violent nature. As an initiation rite, young Aloxians are sent out to hunt a Vonduun crab, and if successful, they wear the skull of the crab as a helmet, which they believe balances out their aggressive nature. Aloxian children are often captured and sold as child soldiers due to their strength and natural aggressiveness.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Armored Skin

They have tough, armored skin which gives them a +1 bonus to Toughness for resisting physical damage.


Aloxians are not easily intimidated or frightened, and gain a +2 bonus to Willpower when resisting Intimidate or daunting combat situations.


Due to their skin being coarse and scaly, both the red and green Nikto have greater physical resilience to the elements, giving them +1 to any Toughness rolls against the environment.