A Red Moon Will Rise Part 2

From Pax Republica
Revision as of 20:31, 12 December 2023 by Andromeda (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023-12-12 |Synopsis=Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl. |Cast of Characters=159, 240, 261, 211, 251, 214, 287 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:159|Athena (159)}} has posed:'''<br>Deep in the bowels of Coruscant, two hours past midnight, the graveyard shift on a run down scrap barge has begun. Two elderly Abednedo keep their heads down and eyes on the floor as they sta...")
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A Red Moon Will Rise Part 2
Date of Scene: 12 December 2023
Synopsis: Plans to arrest or kill a notorious spice dealer go awry, while the Jedi manage to rescue a young girl.
Cast of Characters: 159, Baelin Kalregar, Navi, Imoen, 251, Zeraph, Drinna Talstri

Athena (159) has posed:
Deep in the bowels of Coruscant, two hours past midnight, the graveyard shift on a run down scrap barge has begun. Two elderly Abednedo keep their heads down and eyes on the floor as they start cleanup duty, and set the droids onto the task of oiling the machines.

But as soon as their shift has started, the sound of multiple atmospheric transports hovering nearby disrupts the peace and quiet of their nighttime work hours. The two janitorial workers shudder, and do their best to mind their own as the noise draws nearer and nearer, then concludes with the hiss of hydraulics releasing.

Minutes later, a set of four burly gangsters with the Marksman insignia tattooed darkly onto their forearms stroll nonchalantly onto the scrapping floor of the barge, their gazes sweeping their area briefly as they brandish their weapons. Then they proceed towards the main building unit.

Following the quadruple gangsters is a tall, pale Umbaran with cheekbones and a gaze that could pierce nyix. He bears no markings, but instead is clad in all black leader and outfitted with two simple hold out blasters. He takes longer to survey the area before heading towards the same building the gangsters are going towards.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    As the four are heading toward the structure on the barge, a human man, a Devaronian, a Duros, and a young human teenager come out to meet them. Navi may recognize the goons from the other night with Tresslo. They'd been the ones chasing that other teen spicerunner, who had been accused of theft. The girl resembles him...it must be the sister, Melina, he'd told them about. She looks scared, and is being jerked around by the hulking Devaronian.

Navi has posed:
Navi and her companions are in the area and approaching the moored barge. "I'm sure I heard repulsorlift engines coming from this way," the blonde Sephi observes in a low voice, looking around for signs of airspeeders, cargo skiffs, or even a freighter. She pushes back the hood of her robe to scan the skies, her retractable staff filling her right hand, ready to be deployed and used.

And then she spots the figures approaching the barge, and the others moving to meet them. "/Sabacc/... looks like this is the place, and there's our girl. But there's an awful lot of those guys... we're going to have to thin down these odds," she whispers to her companions.

Imoen has posed:
    Following after the Mandalorian - and her other allies too - Imoen sneaks quietly into the scrap barge lest she alert the bothersome Umbaran and his tattooed cronies to their presence. She decided not to take point in this venture, though her blue eyes look on cautiously for any sign of prospective danger. Just like earlier that night - or the previous evening? My, has this been a long day - she's wearing a khaki hooded tabard split down the front over a white tunic, with a brown obi belt and its accompanying cross-strapped red handbag, black leggings, and brown wrap-around shoes. Unfortunately, there's some loose stitching on her left shoulder and right abdomen, each slightly stained with blood, though the skin beneath appears spotless. In a state of readiness, her brown hair has been tied back from her face in a practical high ponytail, one beaded braid encircling the knot.

    She focuses on her breathing and her steps, despite the bright thrill of an adventure giving her skin a warm glow, lips peeled back to let her pronounced canines peek out in an almost feral grin. All things considered, she looks like a hungry Loth-wolf on the hunt. Seeing the girl, she frowns at the way they treat her, glancing towards Navi to quietly whisper, "are those three planning to trade her, or are they in cahoots with the Marksmen? Maybe we should wait until they thin themselves out?"

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo Fett has been on the warpath.

Just hours ago, he was tracking down where he might find Kalregar - and by extension, the Mandalorian death angel who had gone rogue. A Mandalorian death angle he got the location of in addition to his bounty. What he could not expect was the party he had managed to acquire along the way. Allies by situation only of course, though they march towards a gathering of sorts. Where they might notice a human, a Devaronian, a Duros, and a young human teenager.

Yet, as they walk even still, Khalo grunts underneath that helmet.


"But we should wait until we're certain all parties have arrived. It will be easier to destroy them all in that case."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph is a regular presence in the undercity, drawn to the darker spaces of planets, the areas that are most familiar to him. He spends his time getting a feel for the parts of places that weren't as well protected as the rest, trying to get a feel for the environment again. He once knew the Coruscanti sublevels but they had changed much in just a few short years and he basically had to learn them all over again, splitting his time between it and the Jedi temple.

He looks out onto the brightly lit streets which reflect the dazzling signs of the bars, casinos and clubs from behind a cold white mask and a shadowed hood. There was usually something to see, something to study, outside of these places if you just waited long enough. But as he watches the energetic Entertainment district, he is drawn by a feeling, turning to look down towards a group of people, one of which he thinks he recognizes. Not able to place it, but knowing that he knows few people on Coruscant that he can remember, he follows, drawing him towards the deeper bowels of the city planet and the sight of a run down scrap barge. He pauses on a corner, peeking out as surreptitiously as possible while he tries to get a feel for what exactly is going on.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Umbaran and his four guardsmen approach the building with purpose, heading straight to meet the Devaronian, the human, and the teenage girl.

The five of them stop just shy of four feet in front of Kalregar, and the Umbaran lifts his chin slightly and haughtily at the spice dealer. "Well?" he says, his tone measured.

"No use wasting time. Let's see what you brought."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar nods to the Devaronian, and he and Melina bring out a hovercart loaded with crates full of what can only be assumed is spice. "As promised." he tells them, nodding.

    "Now, the creds." he levels his gaze at the Umbaran expectantly...

    Navi might notice something hanging from his belt. It looks like a metal card of sorts--and she'd recognize it from Cayde's projections the other day.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph can only get a vague sense of what is happening down the way, but with the gathering of people he sees, there won't be much of a concern for one more. Will there? He slips from the corner where he's observing and travels along the walls and edges towards the path, keeping as out of sight as possible. The focus of attention seemed to be on the meeting between the two groups but he couldn't really tell what was happening from that distance. He closes in, noting that the girl in the middle of the two groups did not seem like a willing participant and the hair on the back of his neck begins to rise. He continues forward, trying to asses the situation, hoping for the best. Maybe a misunderstanding? Not likely, but there's always a chance. His hands go to his pockets as he steps towards the others.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna had heard rumours circling the barge, whispers of a name she had seen in her dads reports. Not that she was supposed to be reading those. When she tried to inquire through the official channels, she was met with mere dismissal and a reminder that she was a new CSF officer, which meant her job was whatever they told her to do.

Lately, that was grunt work. Basic tasks. Nothing worth her time or energy.

Thankfully, Drinna had no issue moving about the underground. She often found herself in it, exploring, using a false name. She was impulsive, not stupid. If the official channels wouldn?t work, the unofficial ones would have to, which led her here. She was dressed in black, moving about - blending into the crowds. She was seemingly observing nothing yet trained on the exchange between a single group.

She had done a good job of being nonchalant till she saw the card. Drinna tensed. She had to get closer.

Navi has posed:
Navi watches the two groups of criminals come together. "They outnumber us almost three to one, and I'm sure they've all got blasters, to our one lightsaber, one staff, and whatever weapons you've got with you," she whispers to Imoen and the Mandalorian hidden beside her. "And a hostage in our line of fire to boot. This is going to be tricky."

And then she sees the card at the spice dealer's belt, and she reflexively clutches at Imoen's arm. "That card on his belt... Cayde told me about it!" she whispers excitedly. "It opens a cache of /tons/ of credits... and the lock is booby-trapped with a bomb that will kill whoever tries to open it!"

"Odd that he's carrying it here, and now... maybe it's part of the deal. And I wonder if that Umbaran thug knows the treasure trove is booby-trapped... Cayde said that Kalregar was going to use one of his runners to open it and set off the bomb." she muses.

Imoen has posed:
    With a wince, Imoen suggests, "mister Mandalorian. Sir. If you would allow it, I would prefer to attempt a proper arrest. They have much to answer for, especially Kalregar. If you can, I would like to use nonlethal force. I will testify with the Republic that you receive the full bounty for doing so." She runs a hand through her hair, confirming none of it is obscuring her vision for the upcoming encounter. "I'd sooner not 'destroy' them, if we can help it..."

    Overseeing the trade of spice for creds, she murmurs, "that spice will end up in my housing block..." She trails off as Navi latches onto her arm, blinking at her in surprise and question. She smiles at the infectious excitement in her friend's voice, "yeah, maybe some kind of bargaining chip? Or a trap?" Her brow knits as she imagines the explosion, "I wonder how far the blast radius might be. I'd hate to learn we could've stopped a crisis if the explosion hurts innocent people around it."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
There's a slight shift in the Mandalorian's posture when Imoen speaks. That T-visor turns to look at her, and it's as though she might be able to feel a quiet anger in his gaze, no matter what that glint in that visor might display. "Hnnh...Jedi. Always making things difficult." is Khalo's immediate reply. "But you have done me a service. I am forced to return the favor." He grunts. "Fine. But you will leave the Mandalorian we find to me."

"Card?" He asks of Navi, then his gaze turns towards the human thug. "Hnnh." and he's tempted to just jump in there. But a word given is a word given. "Distract them. Turn the deal against each other. Use your sorcery to remove your friend from the equation."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Umbaran man gestures for the four gangsters to start inspecting the spice bins on the hovercart. He doesn't reply to Kalregar right away.

After watching his henchmen perform a thorough examination for a few minutes, he turns to back to the spice dealer. "Mm. Very well. I have the credits aboard my ship. I will pay you once the four of them have finished and have deemed the spice ready to be sold."

But the gangsters seem to be taking their time, for some reason. The Umbaran seems quite unhurried, as well, though a couple of the transports that had landed on the dock on the barge are now approaching, their cargo bays open. A familiar face stands in the egress to one of the cargo holds of the approaching transports -- the Marksman Rittzky, who'd told Khalo about the spice deal, and unbeknownst to everyone, an undercover CSF agent. He smirks when he sees Kalregar. "Kalregar," he says casually in greeting. "Good to see you didn't get run off by the last sleemo you cheated, eh?" He chuckles darkly.

But then, the moment Khalo, Kalregar, and the Marksman had anticipated arrives.

The death maiden, angel of chaos and destruction herself has arrived, her beskar gleaming murder red even in the dull light of the barge.

She blazes onto the scene, the stink of the burning fuel from her jetpack filling the air with an acrid odor. Both arms are fully extended, carrying twin blasters that sudden start rain hellfire down onto the spice deal going on down below, her mind filled in a singular objective : to kill Baelin Kalregar, and level anything, or anyone, who dares get in her way.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Me? Cheat?" Kalregar laughs. "How could you?"

    But he doesn't get a chance to respond further, before all hell breaks loose. One of Revara's shots hits Kalregar in the shoulder. However, he doesn't fire back. Instead, he turns and dives into the cabin behind him. The Devaronian and the Duros instead open fire on the Mandalorian woman, however their shots either miss or merely scorch the outside of her armor.

    Unfortunately, none of them seem concerned about Melina, and she is tossed aside roughly, where she is also struck by Revara's barrage. With a pained cry, she collapses to the floor and lies motionless. Is she...dead?

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph starts to get a better read on the scene as he approaches. The face that he saw, the one he recognizes is Navi. But placing the alliances amongst the people was next to impossible for him, especially with all the different kinds of people gathered. Mandalorians? This was quite the puzzler, and not one to be taken lightly - as evidenced by the blaster bolts that begin spraying all over. His own lightsabers spring to life, one a deep violet, another a bright gold, but he focuses on defense, knocking away any blaster bolt that might come near and runs forward to join Navi.

"The Jedi remember its allies," he says to her, referencing the one time he's met her. "What do you need of me?" He asks loudly, as the blaster bolts continue to fire. For his part, his defense is casual and effortless while his eyes dart all over, trying to track each individual and their actions.

Navi has posed:
Navi listens as Imoen and the bounty hunter discuss terms on what is sure to be a nasty fight. "I don't really know any mind tricks or sorcery. But I'll do what I can," she promises.

But she doesn't get the chance. Before she can even extend her staff, the night is filled with a blazing, torrential rain of blaster bolts! Even as the murderous madwoman in red descends at the heart of her own storm, she recognizes that distinctive helmet visor. This can only be the previously-referenced Mandalorian.

She stares at the woman in red in dismay, and then looks back to Khalo. "Believe me, Smiley, you can HAVE her! I'm getting our girl out of the line of fire before she-... /no/!" she cries, witnessing poor Melina pierced by at least one blaster bolt as she falls.

And then Zeraph is there in a rush of lightsabers. "We need to get that girl away from here!" she cries, pointing to the fallen Melina. "Leave the thugs to that crazy woman!"

She sprints out of cover, across the deck of the barge... and her foot catches on a cleat used for securing cargo netting, and she sprawls on top of the teenaged girl. Fortunately, thanks to her allies and their lightsabers, not a single blaster bolt touches her.

"Ow..." That landing was still unpleasant.

Imoen has posed:
    Sensing the Mandalorian's anger through the Force, Imoen narrows her eyes as she stares right back. She tries not to seem cowed, though Navi might notice a tension in her arm as she waits for the helmeted stranger's response. Relief flares her nostrils, and she nods her head with respect and grace - as all proper Jedi Knights she imagines might. "Agreed. Thank you."

    That being said, she makes a face when the Mandalorian suggest she 'use her sorcery.' She turns to face the negotiation in progress, when suddenly all hell breaks loose. An entirely different Mandalorian - this one in red - arrives amidst sharp pings of blaster bolts and the deafening cry of a flaming jetpack. When she sees the girl presumably known as Melina collapse on the ground, her eyes widen in sympathetic terror. Violet and gold somehow manage to catch her attention among all this cacaphony, and she looks over to find a familiar figure - or at least, familiar to her. "Zeraph!" At this point, there's little reason to hide any longer. She points at Melina, "we need to save her, and then if at all possible, de-escalate the situation so we can arrest him." She points at the fleeing Kalregar, or the bunker where he disappears behind in any case. She winces, watching the red Mandalorian charging in like some demoness out of myth and legend. "I'm not sure if the latter is even possible, but we should at least try..."

    Seeing Navi dash forward, she hurries after her pointy-eared ally, slipping a sleek curved hilt from her obi and leaping to activate her yellow shoto in time to deflect a fast bolt skating through the air. A clear membrane seals over each of her blue eyes like an inner lid, protecting them from the bright light and other chaos unfolding on this sudden battlefield. Holding her saber up with one hand, she stoops in an effort to help Navi up, using herself as a shield for both the Sephi and the teenaged girl. "We should move her somewhere safer!"

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
There's a moment where Khalo is impressed *slightly* by the resolve of Imoen. Yet, Navi breaks the tension by reminding him that she doesn't know any Sorcery. "I believe you Jedi call it 'the Force'." Khalo practically scoffs, though his gaze re-settles itself back on Imoen as she calls for such an agreement.

Then all hell breaks loose.

Eyes widen behind that visor as that armor of blood red descends from the sky, blaster fire raining down upon them all. So many fall in that first flurry. Kalregar is injured immediately. Melina is struck at least once and collapses to the ground while the Jedi rush to cover her.

But Khalo doesn't care about them. Kalregar is the second bird he must cast from a single stone. Yet the Creed has it's demands. The Creed ALWAYS comes first. "This is the Way." Khalo mutters as he steps out of cover, walking willingly into the chaos as his gauntleted hand lifts to unclasp his cloak from around his neck, letting the cloth fall to the wind. dark gold armor, ridged in some places and perfectly smooth in others of beskar plate connecting in intricate detail. A red waistcoat descends from his waist to his knees and now people can see much more of the Mandalorian's weaponry. Of course there's plenty of weaponry in the gauntlets, but there's a large beskad blade sheathed on his back, two large pistols on his waist in holsters, a few vibroknives here and there.

But what's in Khalo's hand? A rifle that looks as though it could pack a serious punch if fired. Why?

Because it's trained right on Revara's breastplate. The blaster rifle sounds off with a loud FSHOOM!, hoping to tag her out of the sky!

Athena (159) has posed:
Rittzky waves dismissively with a derisive smirk, and then without warning, hell is unleashed as Revara descends in madness upon the deck of the barge.

The female Mandalorian in blood red armor cares naught or is ignorant of the innocents getting caught in her crossfire, she doesn't notice when Melina collapses to the ground.

The Umbaran's brows furrow, but of course, he is not surprised. "Get the spice aboard the transport," he says to the gangsters, "that's all that matters." And he turns to head back to his ship.

Kalregar's henchmen try firing at Revara, but the blasts go astray or simply ricochet off her armor. She doesn't even react. When Kalregar dives into the bunker, she snarls, a feral noise.

"Di'kut. Aruetti. -Coward-!!!" she finally screams. "Fight like a man, you disgusting excuse of a living being!!" She starts towards the bunker, her guns still blazing --

And then Khalo shoots her down, mid-air. She plummets like a Vintian covered in durasteel, landing in a pile of scrap. There is an explosive sound, and a giant cloud smoke billows upward, fogging the atmosphere.

And then, she rises, her scarlet armor scorched and one of her jetpack thrusters burn out. "-You-" she growls, "Skanah..." Even though Khalo can't see her face, he will be able to tell her rage burns like a bonfire. "You've come to collect me, like a prized possession, like a -pet-. Who sent you!?" she screams. "Who. Sent. You. My mother?? I'll kill you. I'll tear you limb from limb!!" And drawing a beskar blade, she rushes Khalo, her blood boiling with unrestrained fury.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Now that the -other- Mandalorian, whoever he is, seems to have the crazy one well in hand, the two goons turn just in time to see the Umbaran try to make off the spice. "Oh no you don't, you cheating sleemos!" The Devaronian snarls. The two of them then open fire on the Marksmen. Fortunately, their aggression seems to be focused on the ones trying to take the spice, and not on those trying to protect Melina.

    Speaking of Melina...it's not looking good. She's badly injured, with multiple blaster burns on her torso. Her chances of surviving are quickly slipping away, with every minute she goes without medical attention.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph sticks with Navi, even as she falls, swiping with rote precision as he knocks away blasters, just like in the training sequences. Protection. That was straightforward enough amidst an ocean of chaos.

Then it isn't just him but another is also swiping away beams of death. "Oh, I should have known you'd be here," he says to Imoen who was also with Navi the last time he saw her. He flips his blade through another pass of defense as he starts to settle on who is on what side. When Imoen explains more clearly, Zeraph nods and shifts stances as he starts to deflect the blaster bolts coming his way towards the people that are shooting towards them, violet and gold blades sending the shots back at the people shooting them, playing offense and defense all at the same time.

Upon seeing Revara and Khalo Fett go at each other he says calmly, "I don't think de-escalation is in the cards for this particular fight... Not by conscious choice, anyway." Having properly shorted out the sides of this conflict he is sure that everyone is against everyone else and many bodies will lie still on the ground before this can be drawn to a close.

Navi has posed:
Navi stands slowly, wincing every time a blaster bolt is turned back by a lightsaber, and works to assist Imoen in gathering up poor Melina. "She looks /really bad/... we have to get her to a hospital /right now/, or she's done for!" cries the blonde Sephi. "We'll call the security forces once we've seen to her safety! But we have to go, /now/!"

She takes the bulk of Melina's weight, leaving Imoen free to concentrate on keeping any blaster fire off of them, and starts to work her way out of the conflict. The criminals seem to be busy enough fighting one another that she and her friends shouldn't have much trouble getting away.

Imoen has posed:
    Upon hearing the deafening shot and quickly answered impact, Imoen flinches and looks around in bewilderment, her yellow lightsaber waving warily. She sees the two opposing Mandalorians - one red and the other gold - square off, and it's like watching some high-intensity action holovid. Momentarily stunned, she shakes herself out of her reverie and briefly laughs at Zeraph's remark. "Yes, well, -I- didn't expect -you- to be here." Leaving the boy to focus on covering them, she keeps one eye on the blaster fire while helping Navi pick Melina up. Taking one side, she leads them away from the main battleground and in the direction they came from. There's a brief glance over her shoulder at the bunker where Kalregar remains hidden. Priorities. With a sigh, she picks up the pace and conducts a careful retreat, yellow shoto held in front of her like a shield.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
The blast strikes true.

It scorches beskar - doesn't pierce, but scorches the living hell out of it - and blasts the she-devil out of the air! Khalo keeps his weapon in his hand, grunting as the scarlet armor is seen again as Revara rises from the scrap and pain and fire, identifying him and cursing in their native tongue. She demands to know who sent him and Khalo answers simply: "The Resol'nare sent me to collect upon the honor you abandoned." At least it's not her mother. But, Khalo senses the rage in her.

"You are no pet. But you allow your anger to control you like an animal. We use anger. We don't *serve* anger. So let this be a lesson-"

Khalo watches as she threatens to kill him and tear him to pieces, her beskar blade drawn and rushing towards him! He immediately charges her right back, managing to avoid her blade as it slices through the atoms in the air, his weapon lifted to try and block her, but her weapon slices clean through his rifle, causing him to discard it and reach for his own beskad blade, pulling it off of his back and engaging ferociously with a war cry.

Blade meets blade, yet it's an even fight. Khalo takes a fist to the face and lunges his foot out to try and kick Revara in the knee, if but to bring his blade across her chest if he has the chance! This is a fight between Mandalorians...and it's one that NOBODY wants to get involved in, probably.

Safety hazard.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Speak for yourself," Rittzky growls, sidestepping their shots and pulling out a rifle. He aims it at the Kalregar's attacking crew members. Two of the other Marksmen peel off to assist Rittzky, their blasters making the air stink of ozone.

Khalo's words only stoke the already raging flame deep in Revara's soul. Her battle cry matches his as their blades clash ferociously, and then the other Mandalorian kicks outward, trying to knock one of her knees.

But the death maiden makes an unpredictable move. Instead of pursuing him with fervor, she disengages, and makes her way over to the hatch mechanism for the scrapping floor.

Then she does the unthinkable. She pushes the lever down, and suddenly, the floor beneath all of them starts to cave downward.

Down below, a thousand blades designed for crushing and cutting up the heartiest of metals start to grind and churn.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    When the floor gives way, the spice payload, along with the Devaronian and the Duros who had previously been with Kalregar, fall into the churning grinders and are quickly cut to pieces...they don't even have time to scream out their last breaths. Navi just barely manages to hang on to Melina, as the wounded girl is too weak to pull herself up.

    While everyone else who doesn't have a jetpack is scrambling to hold on for their lives, Kalregar makes his way over to another door in the cabin he'd been hiding in--one that's on the other side of the barge and away from the fight. He opens it and starts running toward the walkway leading off of the craft and onto a docking arm jutting out from Vine street.

    Once he reaches the docker though, he actually pauses there for a moment, watching them struggle with the threat of getting sliced to pieces. Well, this had turned out rather unexpectedly, and the spice was a loss--but all in all, merely a minor setback.

Zeraph has posed:
As the floor starts to shift, Zeraph breaks away from his battlemind and his lightsabers extinguish, going onto his belt in an instant. He scrambles upwards, trying to get a good grip to work his way up. Looking back towards the others, he sees that Imoen starts to fall but is grabbed by one of the Mandolorians. He must be an ally. Good to note.

With everyone secure, The grey padawan focuses on getting himself up and safe, away from the sloping floors, letting out a heavy sigh of relief when he reaches, taking a moment to think about what could have been. "Is everyone okay?" It is a general query to anyone and everyone, but he waits for responses only a moment though, because then he is on his feet again and moving towards Navi, helping get Melinda to safe spot. He kneels down with the injured woman to focus the force. If there was chance he could help save the girl, he'd give it a try. It would not become him to leave any avenue untested.

Navi has posed:
Navi, still half-carrying Melina, with Imoen handling the other half of the half-carry, is almost to the outer edge of the deck when the deck plating beneath her heels suddenly shifts and begins to hinge downward, revealing only empty air between herself and a fall onto a fearsome array of rotating knives and grinders! She manages a quick burst of speed to clear the falling decking, but, feeling Melina's body shift suddenly to the side, is forced to grab her and hold on to keep her from falling as Imoen loses her grip and falls toward certain death below!

"IMOEEENNNNNNN!!!" she cries in horror, watching her friend falling in slow motion... and being caught by the Mandalorian who had been fighting the red-clad Mandalorian madwoman! The blonde Sephi nearly collapses in relief, summoning the last of her determination to carry Melina over to where Zeraph is waiting, setting the girl down slowly and collapsing to her knees beside her. "Remind me never to trust a Mandalorian in red," she says wearily, watching Zeraph work through the Force. "Now we need a speeder, to get this girl to a hospital..."

Imoen has posed:
    Imoen doesn't really pay much attention to the epic battle between two Mandalorians - she's too focused on saving the teenaged girl in critical status. This is why, when the floor suddenly falls out from under her, she loses balance and begins to plummet towards the menacingly grinding blades. It's all she can do to shove Melina at Navi as vertigo rolls in her ears and she starts slipping downward. As if resounding from the end of a tunnel, she hears Navi scream out her name. She tries to right herself, but it's not so easy to manuever in mid-air. She lets out a terrified shout of her own, lacking in words but full of rising horror. When the Mandalorian, far larger and heavier than her, impacts with her, she's taken out of the grinding grips of danger and towards the edge of the opened pit instead.

    It's only after she's rescued when she realizes what was lost. Her lightsaber. It's gone. It must have flung off and out of her grip when the Mandalorian caught her. She looks back in forlorn sorrow and regret. She's not even sure she can hear the hilt crush and break inside the gnashing jaws of the barge. She simply feels the loss, the pain, the foreboding of returning to the Temple without, and the shame of failing to keep ahold of her saber.

    The membrane over her blue eyes retracts as she climbs out of the trap and towards her friends. There's a look of distant sadness on her face, but wills herself to focus on the more important things - like the life of the girl she helped save. She looks to the Mandalorian, swallowing hard, trying not to let the tears show. There's a momentary keening in the base of her throat, and then she nods and forces out, "thank you, Mandalorian." Tossing her attention back to Melina, eyes stinging, she says, "let's...let's get her somewhere she can be helped."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Revara is a dangerous combatant. Fierce and personal.

Yet, Khalo doesn't expect her to try and take everybody out - including potentially herself! Khalo barely has a moment to think when he tosses his blade aside as it clatters along the ground elsewhere, his feet suddenly lacking anything underneath them. A hand quickly manages to catch himself before he can fall towards the grinding pit below where so many others meet a terrible, gruesome end.

In that same moment, he notices that young Jedi starting to fall. It's a split-second decision. He reaches and just /barely/ manages to catch her, securing a strong grip by the skin of his teeth. "Hnnh!" He narrows his eyes behind that visor and manages to lift her up to the edge so she can climb up. Though as Imoen and Navi show gratitude, Khalo barely has a moment to think before he's suddenly stabbed by a vengeful Revara! "Agh!" He grits his teeth, angry and violent.

He ignores any method of retreat or surrender or trying to bring their woudned allies to safety. His target is right in front of him...

And she just pissed him off.

Athena (159) has posed:
When the floor gives way, Rittzky manages to leap out of the cargo bay in the transport he'd been standing inside of in the nick of time just before the entire vessel itself crashes into the grinding blades below. "-Shit-!" he exclaims, clinging to the railing. The other Marksmen, who have also manage to leap to safety, realize that the spice is all just lost now, and exchange glances with one another. "Let's go," Rittzky grumbles, "damn shame, but can't say I'm surprised..." And then the five of them split.

Revara herself barely manages to escape falling into the pit of churning blades, her single jetpack thruster does manage to boost her up high enough to reach the railing and avoid falling to certain death. But when she notices that Khalo is distracted with helping Imoen, she takes her chances and drawing a long, tripled edged blade, lunges forward and stabs Khalo in the shoulder near his neck, plunging it as deep as possible until Khalo whirls around to face her...

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    As Zeraph focuses through the Force, he will be able to achieve a calm in the middle of the storm. If he can just reach out with the Force into Melina's wounded body, perhaps he can at least stabilize her...buy her a little more time...

    Kalregar watches as most of them manage to scramble away from certain death, but doesn't linger for much longer. No need to compromise his own escape. But, Rittzky will get a ping on his commlink. "Have fun with the Mandos. Owe me one for that spice though."

Zeraph has posed:
Finding a perfect inner calm, Zeraph is able to use the force to help him stabilize the injured woman without so much as an inkling as to who she is or what prompted all of this to begin with. But those questions were beyond him at the moment and he just concentrates on channeling the force energy around him to keep her alive. There's only so much he can do with the force, however, and when the moment has past he stands, looking down at the unconscious form. He is pretty sure she won't die before help can arrive, but that's about as much as he can know.

His golden eyes bounce around what is left of the aftermath, still confused about pretty much everything regarding it, but is surprised when he sees that one of the Mandalorians is still fighting the other. The one that has saved Imoen. He reaches out then, trying to turn the force towards Imoen to take that burden from the Khalo Fett so that he can concentrate on the fight... that is apparently not finished. Mandos...

Navi has posed:
Navi hurries to assist Imoen over the railing and onto the safe part of the deck. She has no way to help Zeraph with healing Melina, and she's sure the Mandalorian would resent any interference with his battle with the red-clad murderess. "Are you all right?" she asks her friend, moving to escort her over beside Zeraph and Melina. "I was sure you were doomed. Thank goodness for Mandalorian honor," she whispers, hugging her friend tightly.

Imoen has posed:
    With Navi's assistance, Imoen properly reaches solid ground. She puts on a brave face to her friend's concern, though there's obvious loss in her blue gaze. "I'm safe." Not exactly an answer to the question, but she nevertheless walks with Navi towards Zeraph and Melina. "Indeed." To Mandalorian honor. If not for that, she would be barge scrap. She accepts the hug, offering a tight smile. "We're not out of the tooka's bag yet." Imoen crouches beside Melina with the intention of getting her back up again, now that she's ostensibly stabilized. "The sooner we find a way to get her the help she needs, the better."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Stabbed from behind?!

It's difficult to move, but he managed to protect his neck from lethal injury and this is a kind of pain he's suffered before. With the blade still in him, he reaches to try grab Revara by her blade arm and physically throw her into the ground!

A hand lifts then to pull her weapon out of his shoulder with a roar. "Nar dralshy'a, hut'tuun!" Quite literally translated to: 'Try harder, coward!' He lets her blade clatter to the ground.

A stubborn man or freak of nature? Currentky unknown, but he looks ready to finish this fight.

Athena (159) has posed:
But the furious haze that had fallen over the mad red Mandalorian maiden seems to lift.

When Khalo throws her to the ground, she seems to have a moment of clarity and realizes that she'd allowed Khalo to distract her from her original objective: to find and kill Kalregar.

Just as he's about ready to go for another round, she gets up and hobbles away, leaping off the edge of the scrap barge and deeper into the bowels of Coruscant, buoyed from making a fatal fall by the single thruster left on her jetpack...

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Zeraph's efforts are enough to buy Melina just enough time to get to a hospital, although what happens after that no one can be entirely certain...she was injured pretty badly.

    It might also occur to them that since she had been part of Kalregar's crew, if he was aware she was alive it was likely he'd come to...collect her at some point.