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Date of Scene: 09 February 2024
Synopsis: Wynn's natural charm is Super Effective.
Cast of Characters: 159, 323, Baelin Kalregar, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:
Despite his best efforts the perhaps infamous Wynn Viasco is in a bit of a predicament (of his own making, of course).

After agreeing to transport highly confidential cargo to Eiram for 90,000 credits, the financially motivated smuggler had found himself forced out of hyperspace due to a freak phenomenon that had landed him somewhere on the fringes of the Outer Rim, next to an asteroid field and boarded by a group of marauders supposedly after only one thing.

And now, a hideously tall Arkanian offshoot has woken from her suspended animation, broken out of her stasis chamber, and is approaching Wynn in a not so friendly manner. The Umbaran who had been previously trying to persuade Wynn to help her has suddenly vanished, leaving the Zeltron man alone with the intimidating woman.

"This ship is mine now," she suddenly says frankly. "You have three options - you can assist me, leave, or die." Then she attempts to brush past Wynn and make her way to the cockpit.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco doesn't know how his life got screwed up so badly in so little time. So he just watches the Arkanian Offshoot Being of Womaneness for a bit and decides on one of the options.

"You go ahead and do what you need to do. If you can just swing by the nearest planet, I just need like five minutes to get my stuff." Wynn offers a bit of a shrug. "This ship's a little too big for me anyway, right? You get it." Wynn flashes a smile and starts pondering what all he's going to grab from the ship for his exodus.

Hopefully, there will be somebody on planet to give him a ride.

"Days like this I wonder why I ever left home. Might be time to go back."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Unbeknownst to the Arkanian, there is another 'interesting' shipment on the Vagabond's Destiny. This one has a tracker in it, belonging to a man for whom Wynn had just happened to be running an errand when she'd broken out of stasis. An errand funded by some -very- wealthy clients...

    As such, another ship--the Red Dawn--suddenly drops from hyperspace just a few mikes out and begins hailing the hijacked Destiny.

    From the cockpit of the Red Dawn, Kalregar outlines the general plan to his hired gun Volken Mons and the rest of his crew while he awaits a response. "Whoever they are, the first thing is I'll do what I can to trick them into letting us board peacefully by telling 'em I just want my cargo and I'll be on my way. If it works, we board, we ambush 'em. If it doesn't, we take out their engines and board anyway. And then waste 'em." At that, there is a slight nod toward the giant Mandalorian....

Volken Mons has posed:
Since joining up with this little expedition, Volken Mons hsa remained a quiet but looming presence that has interacted with few and said even less. Instead he's simply quietly observed with his visage hidden behind the signature helmet of his armor and the immensity of his physique and large weaponry swamping over whatever seat or set of seats he'd claimed aboard Baelin's ship.

When they drop out of hyperspace and Baelin turns to address his hired goons, the giant mando finally stirs and turns his gaze towards the man as he looks to him and nods.

"Sounds like a party!" he responds, speaking with a cheerful rumble after that long bit of silence.

Athena (159) has posed:
The woman frowns disdainfully at Wynn, largely unimpressed by his lack of a backbone. "There's escape pods, aren't there?" she replies tartly. "I don't plan on making any stops and I'm sure there's a habitable planet within sublight distance from here."

She then turns on her heel and goes back into the shipping container she'd just come out. Moments later, she returns, looking clearly agitated. "Where is it," she hisses, looming angrily over Wynn. "The blueprints..!"

Wynn might notice that the marauders are nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Zealot had kept his word after all...

There's a loud groan, suddenly, and the Vagabond's Destiny jolts, and the Zeltron smuggler might realize the nauseating movement is from the marauder ship detaching from his...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn is in a perpetual state of 'my life sucks' so there's no noticing of anything or anyone undocking or detaching from a ship that used to be his. He's barely keeping himself calm ini the midst of a life of fortune suddenly becoming a future life of complete and utter dissatisfaction and unbelievable heartbreak and despair.

For a moment, Wynn just considers throwing himself out of the airlock and putting his failure to be a successful anything out of his own misery. But then that would deprive far too many females of a chance with him. He couldn't do that to the masses. Well, maybe not the masses since he's moving back to Ord Mantell the moment he gets back on a planet but whatever.

"Actually, uh, didn't have a chance to get some pods installed. Didn't really know I was going to have the love of my life ripped from my hands like a still beating heart." Wynn remarks about the escape pods. "No offense." That bit is thrown in there so he doesn't get like killed on the spot or something.

"If you're asking me where something that doesn't involve me is? I can't help you, sister." Wynn keeps his hands where they can be seen, not that that's been any kind of help up until now. "I just work here." That much is true, anyway.

If this chick gets pissed off, maybe that airlock won't be such a bad idea after all...

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar keeps hailing, and hailing...and the comms array on the Destiny keeps beeping. But there is no response. Finally, as the marauders' ship breaks off and leaves, he shrug and nods to his crew. "Prepare the docking clamps, we're going in."

    He pushes forward on the sublights, moving the Red Dawn right in to dock at the same airlock the pirates just left. As soon as that's done, he immediately starts working on breaching it, but then remembers he has a giant working for him right now. "Mr. Mons, if you would," he requests, nodding toward the door. "And be sure to give 'em a nice warm welcome."

Volken Mons has posed:
The giant turns his head to watch asthe pirate ship detaches from the smugglers pride and joy and takes off into the void of space. He waits patiently as the hails continue and then when no answer is made, not even a warning to leave, the giant offers, "Looks like this is already not turning out like expected...."

Once the docking is made, blissfully unaware of the back and forth happening in the depths of the Destiny, Volken makes his way forward and moves to pass Baelin up to approach the airlock door. He takes a good look at it, examining its seams and any signs of visible mechanisms and security features.

After a few moments of consideration he reaches forward and plants his hands aainst doors and braces his massive body.

"Just busting a hole in, is probably a sure fire way to get us all sucked out into space if your ship detaches or anything goes wrong." he notes, "Sooo..."

WIth that he leans his full strength into it. His beskar armor creaks and expands as the massive physique beneath it pushes against the straps and bindings hiolding it ino place. There's a load groaning sound of metal, servos and hydraulics being strained to their limits as the giant slowly parts the doors - giving enough room for others to try and make their way in bit by bit.

Athena (159) has posed:
The tall Arkanian woman stares at Wynn. At first, something like rage flickers across her features, and for a second, she looks like she's about to just grab him and throw him across the room.

But then her expression softens. He's so pathetic, it's sad, even pitiable. But she supposes she can't blame a poor ignorant, helpless fool caught in the wake of his own bad decisions.

Her gaze moves momentarily towards the groaning sound of the marauder ship detaching, and her fists ball up. "Listen," she says harshly, "they took it. Whoever boarded your ship before me, must have stolen it and now..." she grumbles. "They are in possession of the blueprint for perhaps the deadliest weapon our galaxy has known for some time. In the wrong hands, a hundred of me could be manufactured, and then hired out to the wealthy and powerful. I have to destroy it. Allow me to use your ship for this purpose and I will return it to you afterwards--"

But then there's the sound of Volken buckling the hatch, and she whirls around, hurrying towards the source of the sound...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I'm finding it hard to not be excited at the thought of a hundred of you. Just saying." Wynn flashes a flirty grin but then tries to put himself back into the moment of things that are more serious. Ahem.

"Hey, go ahead and save the galaxy. I would just like to be dropped off on a planet so as to not be killed in the process of you doing that whole save the galaxy thing. Not exactly in my wheelhouse. Not the galaxy saving type. But if you need a ride... by all means."

This the part where Wynn finally gets a moment to relax. Since it doesn't seem like the threat of death is upon his head anymore. That is definitely a relief.

"So if we're in agreement, I'll go grab my very important gear and you can just set me down on the first planet I can breathe on. How's that sound?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar nods when Volken notes busting the door open wouldn't be a good idea. "Of course Volken, I'm not the sort who assumes that just because you're the muscle means you're stupid or something." he remarks as the hulking Mandalorian slowly pries the door open.

    He signals his crew, a larger Devaronian and a more agile-looking Duros, to ready themselves as he hears footsteps approaching as he himself draws his weapons.

    However, he is surprised to find himself faced only a singular Arkanian woman--a very large and built one, but still. Kalregar arches a brow at her, scoffing slightly, although he doesn't lower his weapon. "You hijack this ship all by yourself? Where's Viasco?" he asks.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Never said you were." remarks Volken in the aftermath of forcing the doors open and once that's done, he steps back a moment to grant room to the others to make their way through the airlock and onto the other ship.

He falls into place behind them, stepping heavily and then slowing as tall Arkanian woman makes her presence known.

For his part, he falls silent once again, hefting up his enormous guns but waiting to see what the next move will be as this is clearly not exactly what he'd signed up for.

Athena (159) has posed:
Weirdly, she doesn't seem angered by Wynn's flirtiness, instead she just frowns in genuine in confusion. "Why?" she says incredulously, staring at him. Then she shakes her head. "We're not stopping. If you want to hole up in the cargo bay, be my guest."

The tall Arkanian woman seems unimpressed by Kalregar. "Find him yourself. I don't care for your cargo. You want it? Take it. Just hurry up. I don't have time for your pointless greed."

Her gaze flicks to Volken briefly. The massive Mandalorian might be surprised -- she's probably among the few he's met who matches his height. However, she wastes no time trying to push past Kalregar, his crew, and Volken to make her way towards the cockpit.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I'm either going to have to thoroughly clean this ship or just buy a new one. I didn't know I was flying a community vessel." Wynn's sarcasm is kicking back in now that he's no longer on the road to death. "I'm going to need 25,000 credits from each and every one of you for conducting your business on my ship." And not cutting him in on the various deals that seem to have been made.

"I feel like this could've all been done at a spaceport and far away from my baby." A hand reaches out to touch the interior of his semi-ruined ship. "It's okay, Destiny. Somebody here will pay for your repairs." He's certainly not going to spend his very hard earned credits on those.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Pointless greed?" Kalregar echoes. "Who said I was here for cargo?" he asks. He tries to step in front of her, hoping Volken will help in that endeavor. "Tsk, all these -assumptions-. Now just what is it you want, Miss--? Maybe we can all come to a...mutually beneficial agreement." he says, glancing over at Wynn when he finally arrives. Good, he's still alive.

    A glance is pointed Volken's way, one that conveys he should get ready for a fight. Last attempt at diplomacy here.

Volken Mons has posed:
The sight of the tall woman is indeed unusual. Volken has met other 'giants' though most aren't exactly his height. Dowutin come to mind and no doubt other aliens. What's surprising here is that she seems, at glance, to be human or near human much like himself. His lack of immediate familiarity with her species actually manages to breifly throw him off and he's slightly taken aback as he makes eye contact with her.. Granted, she may be within his height field but there's being tall and there's being tall and also as wide as one of the cargo crates on the ship.

But that seems to avail him little here as before he can recover she's moving forward and Volken only briefly spares a glance for Wynn and Baelin both before looking back to her as she effectively slams into him.

By both her own strength and momentum and his own distraction he actually gives ground. Another surprise here, and he's shoved aside with a loud bang as his armor and immense physique impacts agianst the wall , possibly shaking the entire hallway.

Athena (159) has posed:
"As if," She snarls at Baelin as she barrels past both him and Volken. She wastes no time in hurrying straight to the cockpit. She grabs the helm, keeping her eye on the marauder ship that's making its way around some of the asteroids that had drifted free of the belt nearby, getting ready to make the jump to hyperspace.

Scowling, she reaches for the ship's railgun, hoping to stop the marauders from escaping...

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar watches her go, following her casually and motioning for Volken and his two accomplices to do the same. "Let's see what she's up to." He observes as she grabs the railgun controls, her sights set on that pirate ship. That desperate, was she? Enough to turn her back on people she definitely shouldn't trust.

    He keeps his blaster trained on her head, but doesn't fire just yet. "You're going to hand this ship back over to its rightful owner," he announces. "And please don't say 'over my dead body' because I'd -really- hate to mess up that pretty face of yours."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"As long as that mutually beneficial agreement means I'm getting paid." Wynn makes sure to toss that in as he continues to watch from the sidelines. He's staying out of the heart of this particular drama as it unfolds. He's just here for the credits and his ship. Whatever's going on between these two or three or maybe more factions is none of his business. But it's going to make for an amazing story in The Adventures of Wynn Viasco holo-novella series. He's taking so many notes.

"If we could /not/ stain the Destiny with blood and brains that would be amazing. Re-detailing her is going to cost someone a fortune." Wynn flashes a grin that very much proves that he will not be the one paying for such.

Volken Mons has posed:
"This guy sure does like to talk a lot! That's fun! Bravado in the face of a group of people that can end him in a heartbeat. Classy! I vote for keeping the bloodstains to a a minimum but we might have to end up with just a few here and there.

His own wits about him now, Volken steps forward and begins several heavy steps for the cockpit now. He squares and rolls his shoulders now after reholstering his massive guns against his sides to free up both of his hands.

"Alright. Time for round two.." he rumbles before reaching forward to try and grasp for the woman to pull her back from her hold on the weapons controls.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Arkanian offshoot says nothing. She stands motionless for a moment, as if she's about to comply.

But then she's accosted by Volken and pulled away from the ship's railgun controls. Grunting, she gets up and tears a piece of paneling off the wall, then hurls it at Volken.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn looks nonplussed. Maybe. Not really sure if that means what he thinks it means. But he does look unbothered. It seems as though he's run out of theatrics for the moment since he's back in the general proximity of potential paydays and he goes into one of the pockets on his pants to pull out a datapad. It looks like there's a calculations program up on the screen for anybody that cares to look at it. And Wynn just kind of leans, typing in numbers to make the total amount on his screen rise every time something gets broken.

Current Estimated Total: 80,000.

"That's Scarpathian Marble, by the way. The good stuff." Frown.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Ugh...he'd told Volken they were going to see what she was up to, not try to stop her yet. Oh well. It was too late, now. He immediately opens fire on the Arkanian, as well as his crew.

    In the midst of the chaos, he somehow manages a glance over at Wynn standing there with his calculator. "You gonna help or what? It's your ship, isn't it?"

Volken Mons has posed:
The paneling clonks Volken hard, ringing heavily and thunderously against his head and causing the giant to stumble back and slam against a set of controls which potentially sends alarms ringing as he reaches back and pushes off against damaged controls.

His helmet did much to blunt the impact but stars are still filling his vision and he rocks on his feet as the blaster fire starts.

"Hey! Relax! Let's get her outta here first!"

Indeed, a stray blaster bolt in the cockpit would not bode well for any of them.

"You! Do something! This is your ship!" he bellows at Wynn before reaching out for a third tme to try and grab the towering woman and pull her out of the cockpit and bear her to the ground to restrain her.

"Stop fighting, ad'ika, you're out numbered and out matched. Luck's not gonna last forever and yer the one trying to hijack a ship!"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Then give me a gun!" the Arkanian Offshoot grumbles, "So we can get rid of these nuisances faster and be on our way! The sooner the super soldier blueprint is destroyed, the sooner you can have your ship back!"

Kalregar's shots graze the tall woman, scorching her sleeve. But she manages to evade the rest of the volley of fire, even if just barely.

And then Volken tackles her, but somehow, miraculously, she squirms out of Volken's grip. Her burning gaze comes to rest on Wynn. "Tell them I'm just borrowing it and this is all just a misunderstanding!" she says, looking around for something to defend herself with.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco is pretty much rolling his eyes at this point. He sighs as he looks at the datapad to check the latest totals of this kerfluffle.

Current Estimated Total: 90,000.

With a bit of a shrug, he twirls the datapad and slides it into his pocket for a moment. There's a moment where he keeps his hands where they can be seen as he wanders over closer to where the kerfuffle is happening. "Hey." Wynn's voice is pretty calm and even a bit more on the softer side. "Remember earlier? When you asked me to assist you? Where you decided that it was your task to save the entire galaxy and I said that wasn't me? Well, you were right. I can see, absolutely, just how important this task is to you. But if you don't calm down, I don't think these wonderful people here are going to allow you to get done what you need to get done. And I, for one, don't want to see someone as unfathomably beautiful as you, hurt. Or worse? Unable to do what you want to do." Wynn leans a bit closer, even reaching a hand out to plant against the ship so that he can get closer to her without being in the way of potential pew-pew'ing.

"If you can find it in your heart to give us a moment, I think we can find a way to solve this predicament almost as easily as I managed to have a tall, beautiful, strong person such as yourself fall right into my lap. Something that I am incredibly grateful for, by the way." Wynn lays it on a bit thick but the wink that comes with it is built to add to the cheesy camp of his words.

"We just found each other. Don't let impatience tear us, or my ship, apart." Wynn extends a hand as if he's trying to make a deal or a promise with her. "Come on. Let's save the galaxy the right way..."

Pause for effect.


Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar arches a brow at the Arkanian, holding up a hand to signal his crew and Volken to stand down. Then watches as Wynn...lays the flattery on -thick-. He has to admit, he's...impressed. The man has a way to with words.

    "See? Wynn's got the right idea, here. That's what I meant when I said maybe we can all come to an understanding, and find a way to some kind of a mutually beneficial transaction, here." he waves a hand at the pirate ship outside. "Those lowlives? I don't get a bantha's ass about 'em. Shoot 'em down if you want. What else do you want? Weapons? A ship to hunt 'em all down with? Come with me, I'll see what I can do about it. And leave the Destiny to its rightful owner. After all, if you stole someone else's hard-earned prize, doesn't that make you just as bad as those marauders out there you're trying to kill?"

Volken Mons has posed:

Volken presses back up to a standing position as he listens. his expression is, naturally, unreadable, but his body posture indicates a sort of languid readiness to begin the tussle again at a moments notice.

Still, he remains quiet for the moment and waits to see if these tactics will yield more forward momentum here. Some things that have been said...are of interest to him but he doesn't voice any interest or betray his thoughts aloud and simply waits.

Athena (159) has posed:
Outside the Vagabond's Destiny, the marauder ship suddenly winks out of sight, having finally jumped to hyperspace. The Arkanian offshoot gasps, quietly muttering, "" as the ship disappears. Her hardened expression suddenly melts away into hopelessness and sadness.

Then Wynn starts talking to her, and her expression becomes unreadable. When he finally finishes and extends a hand to her, she just stares at it saying nothing and ignoring Baelin. Is she about to strangle the smuggler, or burst into tears? Its impossible to tell.

Then her brows furrow deeply, and she seems to be at war with herself. "Y-You're using those damned pheromones of yours...!" she stammers, looking away. For some reason, there's something about this Zeltron man that makes her want to believe him, to trust him, even like him. She can't pin it down, or explain it. She pauses.

"Are you going to help me, then," she asks softly, "I don't have any credits." She averts her gaze again, ashamed.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn somehow manages to look flirty and innocent at the same time. Is he using pheromones? Is he just being a Zeltron? Or is he just saying what needs to be said to make sure that nobody dies and that his ship doesn't end up useless? Could he be doing a bit of all three? Who really knows what the motivations of this smuggler are? As long as he can make some things happen, he will.

"Don't you worry about that." Wynn offers a 'trust me' smile as he nods in the direction of those that have gathered and are somewhat responsible for some of this ruckus in the first place. "My pals right here will be more than happy to fund our little expedition to save the galaxy. I'm sure of it."

With those words, Wynn turns his attention to the others. "What's a few thousand credits for the safety of the galaxy, right?" Sounds like Wynn is, once again, trying to make a deal. Thus the big deal-making grin.

"... including repairs for the Destiny." His grin widens.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Kalregar arches a brow at Wynn. Well, then. It seemed his little Zeltron charm really worked. "I don't know about funding saving the galaxy, especially since you--" he says, jabbing a finger in Wynn's direction. "--were in the middle of a job for me, remember?" he pointedly reminds the man. "Which, this ship is going to need repairs to make it all the way to Eiram for that anyway, so yes, I will -help- with those."

    Although he doesn't outwardly add that this is probably going to come out of Wynn's payment, given this little piece of trouble that he just helped get him out of didn't have anything to do with him.