Specters of a Sorcerer's Past:The Healer's Visit

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Specters of a Sorcerer's Past:The Healer's Visit
Date of Scene: 22 March 2024
Synopsis: Pike and Navi visit Tomi, hoping to revive the Arkanian.
Cast of Characters: 159, Pike Windu, Navi

Athena (159) has posed:
This morning, the courtyard in front of and the Temple of the Kyber itself, is quiet. Dawn has just broken, and these early hours are some of the only ones where the religious structure would be peaceful and devoid of the many pilgrims or members of varying religious orders that visited the Temple daily.

Consequently, the Jedi Master and Convocation representative Trassa Volk would be a lone figure standing at the top of the Temple steps. He appears to be waiting for someone - and likely that someone is the healer he'd petitioned the Jedi Council to send from Coruscant.

Pike Windu has posed:
Up bright an early, or still up after many hours, Master Pike Windu makes his way into the courtyard. He pauses a moment, spots who he is meeting, and hurries towards him. He raises a hand in greeting.

Navi has posed:
Navi emerges from the Temple entrance, slowing and stepping around Master Volk. "Please pardon me, Master Volk. The sun was in my eyes. I'm lucky I saw you in time to move," she says politely, blushing faintly at her close call.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk looks visibly relieved upon seeing the other Master. "Welcome to Jedha," he says to the other Jedi, bowing politely once the other has reached the top of the steps. "I trust the journey here went well?"

"Thank you for coming. I'm sure you've been briefed, but we are running thin on time. The other Sorcerers have been convinced to delay their decision for yet a bit longer, but they're growing restless."

When Navi comes out of the Temple, Volk nods at the young Sephi girl. "Ah, Navi -- good morning. It's alright. I don't believe you've met Master Windu yet. The Council has sent him here to further assess Tomi's condition."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu gives the senior master a discreet bow. "Thank you. And I am glad to be here. My journey was was rather confining, but not unpleasant." He looks at Navi and nods in greeting. "An honor to meet you." Looking back at Volk, Windu says, "I have been briefed. I am not sure my skills are a match for this, by I shall try."

Navi has posed:
"Likewise, Master Jedi. I am Navi, a Novice of the Shining Brotherhood," replies the Sephi girl, by way of introduction. "If I may be of any assistance to you in your work, you need only ask."

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk gestures for the two of them to follow him inside. "No, thank -you- for coming. Certainly you won't do any worse than the other healers - they've all tried their best but nothing has much come of it."

"But I'm sure you'll be wanting to see him now." He nods at Navi. "You may as well come along - any assistance you can offer will be welcome. You haven't seen Tomi since the raid, have you?"

Pike Windu has posed:
"Of course." Windu crosses his arms, hiding his hands up the sleeves of his robe as he falls in next to Volk. He looks at Navi and smiles. "I will let you know if I require anything."

Navi has posed:
"No, Master Volk. But this is the first good news regarding him that I have heard since then. Bleak though the news has been, I and my brothers and sisters cling to hope that Master Tomi may yet be saved," Navi replies with a small but sincere smile, falling in behind the two Masters. "I await your word, Master Windu."

Athena (159) has posed:
"As do I," Volk says, nodding at Navi gravely.

The Kel Dor Jedi shows them to the lift, and together, the three of them descend to the infirmary where Tomi is being kept in suspended animation.

Upon seeing the Arkanian, both Navi and Windu may realize that its entirely possible that he's beyond help...

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu glances at Volk and Navi before quickly crossing to the Arkanian. But Tomi is not what the healer inspects first, but the glass case that should be keeping him alive. "I see no malfunction here. And yet he deteriorates? I do not believe even the Force is enough to save him if stasis cannot."

Navi has posed:
"The cause of his condition was being struck by a Dark Side artifact weapon. The key to saving him can only be the Force, and a very careful study of the artifact itself. Some of the other Jedi were working on that angle, or at least I believe they were," Navi observes, crossing to Master Tomi's side. She pouts worriedly as she gets a good look at him. "If I didn't know that he was in stasis, I'd believe he were dead. It's a terrible thing that weapon has done to him."

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk nods at Navi gravely again. "Indeed. It is not his body that deteriorates, Master Windu. It is his mind. For now, his vitals are stable, his organs in perfect functioning condition."

He then sighs, shaking his head. "His consciousness teeters on the edge of oblivion. The other Sorcerers fear there is nothing else than can be done, but if he is put to rest, there may be..." his expression grows pained. "Divisiveness among the members of the Convocation. Some think it cruel to send him to be one with the Force, and there are those among the Sorcerers who would blame the Jedi for what happened..." He glances at Navi.

Pike Windu has posed:
At Navi's mention of the 'other Jedi', Windu looks at Volk with concern on his face, but says nothing about it.

To Navi, he replies, "you may be right. But whatever is killing this man is beyond the healing arts of the Force. But I will certainly make an attempt."

Athena (159) has posed:
"You may be mistaken," Volk says. He averts his gaze. "If we can reach his mind, it is possible that he may be cured. There was an earlier attempt, which actually helped to stabilize some of his organ functionality, and for a little while, increased brain activity."

He pauses. "But it was... somewhat risky. Which is why we've resolved not to attempt it again."

"What would you do, then, Master Windu? If you do not think the healing arts of the Force can cure him..."

Pike Windu has posed:
"I will try everything I know how to do. And trust in the Force." Windu shrugs his shoulders.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Please, if there is anything I can do to help, or anything else that you might need," Volk says, "let me know."

He pauses. "The controls for the chamber are over here," he says gesturing to his left, where a small panel covered by a thin bit of metal is embedded into the wall. "If you feel opening it will assist in whatever it is you wish to do -- the Sorcerers have given us full autonomy over his body until resolution can be reached."

Navi has posed:
"That may be all any of us can do," Navi says softly, bowing her head and tucking her hands into the sleeves of her robe. "Especially if we're not trained healers or experts in the mental aspects of the Force. It's good to know that the Sorcerers have given the Jedi free rein in this matter. Time is truly precious in this case."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu shakes his head as he steps back closer to the chamber while shedding his coat. "I will open the chamber only after all else has failed. There is too much risk that we could lose all control over his life functions."

The healer falls to his knees beside the chamber. "Your pardon, but this will require some meditation before I can begin. Is there anything else?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"Sadly, Navi's right," Volk says, "Time is indeed precious." His expression becomes pained once more.

"I don't believe there's anything else you may need to know. I will leave you be for now, but... please keep Navi with you."

Windu may sense that the Kel Dor is deeply troubled...

Navi has posed:
"I am at your beck and call, Master Windu. I'll do everything in my power to assist you if that is your wish," Navi agrees softly, bowing from the shoulders to Master Windu. "Even if you merely wish me to stay out of your way."

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu looks up at Volk for a long moment, his expression as intense as his fellow master's. He sighs and then glances at Navi. "Your company would be appreciated, unless you have other duties."

The healer settles down now and closes his eyes. After a moment, his lips begin to move. Slowly and then faster and faster. Perhaps a trained Jedi might recognize what he is mouthing.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk seems to wither under Windu's gaze for a moment, then he motions for Navi to step outside for a moment.

Windu will immediately sense an... off-ness about Tomi. His mind is disturbed, and even though he's hardly dipping into the vast, calm well that is the Force, he'll be able to hear garbled snippets of the Arkanian's less pleasant past memories...

Pike Windu has posed:
Beads of sweat run down Windu's face before his eyes snap open and he violently falls away from the chamber. Clambering into a sitting position, he gasps for breath. "This man is beyond my power."

Navi has posed:
"I have no such duties, Master Windu. I am completely at your disposal," Navi replies respectfully. But she does step outside with Master Volk as bidden. "I'll be back in a moment, Master," she says, just a bit apologetically, as she steps through the doorway.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk draws nearer to Navi and lowering his voice, says, "Navi... please keep watch over him. The last time any Jedi attempted to remediate whatever is ailing Tomi... well, to put it lightly, it was extremely dangerous and entirely possible that had Caius tried to probe deeper..." He pauses. "He might have become lost as well," he whispers. "If you suspect that things have started to go poorly... fetch me." Then bowing, he quickly hurries away.

<...you mean, your own Council would forsake one of their own>

<He was not forsaken! He left the Order of his own accord>

<No wonder. None of you would listen to the poor boy. Not even his own Master! Where is he now?>

<We should not speak about these things, Akashaya. And you yourself should know better>

Windu will not be able to discern faces or imagery, but he'll very clearly be able to distinguish the two people talking are Tomi himself and Master Volk...

Navi has posed:
"I shall, Master," Navi replies softly, bowing from her shoulders to the towering Kel Dor. As if sensing his troubled state of mind, the blonde Sephi steps close and hugs Master Volk tightly. "Be at peace, Master... there is nothing to worry about. We will do everything in our power to save Master Tomi, of that you may be sure," she says, nearly in a whisper. It's a long moment before she releases him and returns to the chamber.

Pike Windu has posed:
When Navi returns, she'll find Windu on the floor, sitting away from chamber, his head in his hands. He senses the girl and looks up at her.

"Never before have I had such a powerful vision. I understand why the..." The Jedi trails off.

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk returns the embrace before he leaves, but doesn't seem terribly comforted, despite Navi's best attempts.

In the chamber next to Pike, Tomi suddenly stirs slightly, though his eyes remain closed...

Navi has posed:
As Navi sees Master Windu on the floor, she rushes to his side, crying, "Master!" in alarm. Dropping to her knees beside him, she drapes one arm around his shoulders. "His mind is almost a trap," she says softly. "A previous Master was very nearly lost inside of..."

She trails off, looking suddenly at Master Tomi's body, there in its stasis field. Even as she wonders why she had the impulse to look, she sees that faint stirring of the comatose Sorcerer.

"/Master Volk/!" she cries, nearly at the top of her lungs. "Master Tomi /moved/! Just the slightest bit, but he /moved/! There /is/ hope!"

Pike Windu has posed:
Windu gets to his feet. He is unsteady, but the Force is with him. After slipping his great coat back on, he goes back to the chamber. Stroking his beard, "perhaps. Perhaps. At the very least, we did no harm and may try again later."

Athena (159) has posed:
But as soon as Windu gets up to go look at the chamber, he'll immediately notice that the readouts next to the chamber encasing Tomi look... different. There's increased brain activity, and his heart rate has increased, ever so slightly.

Perhaps, just perhaps if he administered a slight stimulant, the Arkanian man would wake...

Pike Windu has posed:
"In fact, there is something we might try." Windu withdraws a tube and needle from a pouch. As he assembles the device, he begins reciting the Jedi mantra again. After a glance at Navi, the healer opens the chamber and immediately injects Tomi with the device."

Navi has posed:
Navi steps back half a pace with a little gasp as Master Windu opens the chamber, standing frozen where she is, eyes riveted to the still body lying in the chamber...

Athena (159) has posed:
The Sorcerer stirs again, this time, much more visibly.

Then, all of a sudden, he sits up, and opens his eyes.

But his gaze is distant, and glazed over. He doesn't even seem to realize that Navi and Windu are in the room.

He then begins to sing very quietly, under his breath, a haunting lullaby:

Shrii ka rai ka rai
We're coming to take you away
Shrii ka rai ka rai
We're coming to take you away
They'll do what they can
and they'll do what they must
but when they do find you all you'll be is dust.

And then, as suddenly as he'd sat up, he lies back down again.

Pike Windu has posed:
"I recognize it. But I haven't heard it in a long time. I don't remember where." Windu looks at Navi. "Can you place it?"

Navi has posed:
Navi's eyes grow big and round. "I /don't like/ that song... it is used by the Jedi youngling minders to get naughty younglings to settle down and go to sleep. A monster that's supposed to take away badly-behaved younglings while they're supposed to be sleeping. It's not supposed to be real..." she says softly.

Athena (159) has posed:
Just then, Volk enters the room, having heard Navi yell for him.

Despite his calm demeanor, his sense in the Force reeks of anticipation. However, that wave will quickly subside when he sees that Tomi is still lying supine inside the chamber, eyes once again closed.

He glances to Windu, then over to Navi. "I came as quickly as I could," the Kel Dor says. "What happened?"

Pike Windu has posed:
Master Windu looks at the Kel Dor a little differently now. Before he answers, he reeals the chamber and confirms Tomi's life signs are stable. "Tomi... awakened. Briefly. He was not lucid. But he spoke. Master Volk, I was mistaken. There is hope for Tomi." He puts his hand on Voolk's shoulder. "There is hope for him."

Navi has posed:
"He did, Master... he sat up and sang that creepy song they sing in the youngling quarters to convince naughty younglings to settle down and go to sleep. The boogeyman sort of song," Navi says, hugging her elbows. "But he was awake and able to speak, which is pretty good after weeks of lying there the way he has."

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk notices that there's something different in the way Windu looks at him, and he frowns. He looks like he's about to comment, but then Navi speaks. "...that old nursery rhyme about becoming dust...?" his brows furrow even deeper.

He then turns to Windu. "That's a relief to hear," he says, but the other Jedi will be able to sense some tension in the Kel Dor's tone of voice.

"I'm so glad you came," he says. "But we must discuss this event in greater detail, later. Perhaps this evening, or tomorrow." He then bows to the two of them in farewell.

Pike Windu has posed:
"May the Force be with you, Master." Windu turns to Navi. "We have some new pieces of this puzzle. But what is the puzzle? I must be alone with my thoughts. May the Force be with you as well."

The Jedi turns and withdraws.