The Interrogation

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The Interrogation
Date of Scene: 17 May 2024
Location: Andui Spaceport
Synopsis: Antarian Ranger Crix Jobin questions the masked marauder he apprehended after an extensive chase. Trying to ensure that the citizens of Andui no longer have to worry about the change of a dangerous gunfight erupting in their Spaceport, the Ranger instead stumbles across another sinister plot that has a much more insidious group acting in the shadows far across the galaxy.
Cast of Characters: 352, 195

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
The modified B-23 Courier sat dormant on the landing pad it had been assigned. It had not moved since it's arrival and the only activity had been a sole Antarian Ranger leaving the ship a few hours ago and returning with a masked, shrouded individual in handcuffs. The Spaceport continued to bustle around it as though it were not even there.

Inside the Courier, the Ranger in question had brought his prisoner into a small interior conference room. It possessed a single table in the center and a chair on either side of it.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder, the whole way to the Antarian Ranger vessel, had remained silent. And even now, as he is presumably ushered to sit in one of the chairs, he offers not a single word.

Lieutenant Jobin may notice that he's been strangely compliant otherwise, he'd resisted very little upon being arrested. He scrutinizes the Antarian Ranger, watching his every move, but still making no comment.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin stared at the masked marauder intently for several long seconds before finally speaking. "I am Lieutenant Crix Jobin. Unfortunately we have not yet had the opportunity to be introduced...what with the chase you led me on and all."

Being met by silence, Crix continued. "Who are you and why did you run?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder tilts his head slightly, surveying the Antarian Ranger. The Ranger will suddenly become acutely aware of a feeling of amusement that is outside of himself. Then he may or may not realize that it's some type of telepathic projection put out by the individual he's arrested. He's amused, and this is his way of letting Crix know.

He still says nothing. Instead, he pats the bag full of the parts he'd stolen from Gurtle heftily and nods, gesturing.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin the face of the Antarian Ranger does not change, but someone as capable of telepathy as this individual clearly is will be able to pick up a brief flash of annoyance. "From what I understand, theivery is not the only thing you are guilty of."

"Quite a disruption of the peace you were recently involved in. It would be in your best interest to start sharing what you know. It would be unfortunate if you get blamed for all of that on top of what you are guilty of."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Still, the masked marauder remains silent. He stands, picks up the bag and hands it to Crix.

He then gestures affirmatively, as if to indicate to Crix that he's no longer interested in taking it, and that for all intents and purposes, Crix can have it, to do with however he pleases.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin takes the bag, slides it closer to the door. As if on cue, the door opens, a hand, possibly belonging to a Bothan, reaches into the room, grabs the bag and retreats back into the hallway. The door closes again. Crix continues staring at the masked individual the whole time.

"What can you tell me about the disruption near the Spaceport and the subjects who were with you trying to hunt down a rogue Droid?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder watches as one of Crix's teammates reaches in and takes the bag away.

For a moment, he says nothing. Then, shrugging, he sits down and says, "All Mandalorian bounty hunters. They were only partially successful."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin crosses his arms and leans back in his chair, tilting it back on two legs. "You're suggesting that you weren't involved with them? An innocent bystander caught in the crossfire?"

Crix raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"No," The masked marauder says, though to which question won't be clear.

"The droid was mine," he says, but does not elaborate further on the subject.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin frowns. That complicates the situation further. Though no other party was reportedly discussed in regards to the Bounty, he certainly didn't have any information that this person, whoever he was, was wanted as well.

"I guess the Mandalorian's weren't interested in taking you with your Droid then?" Crix asked rhetorically.

"So, seeing your Droid at the center of such havoc, you decided to hightail it and make a few bucks stealing from the locals? Where were you going? Where were you running to?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder folds his arms and inclines his head disdainfully at Crix. Of course they hadn't - they had been Mandalorian.

"The droid is destroyed," he continues, waving dismissively and shaking his head.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin chuckles darkly. "I see you're really broken up about it."

Crix rubs the back of his neck and sits forward again, his chair hitting the deck with a *Thunk* as he leans his elbows on the table in front of him.

"We cannot have people running amok on a peaceful planet like this with impunity. Your answers are not helping convince me that locking you away would not, in some way, ensure that this planet would be just a little bit safer."

Crix gestures at the man. "Surely you can think of some way that I can resolve the concerns the Republic has about the safety of this planet without having to lock you up, hmm? Who were you running for? Who was going to help you after your little firefight in public?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"I plan to leave," the masked marauder answers immediately. "And the Mandalorians have as well."

Then, as if to prove his point, he turns and starts heading for the exit of the room, as if Crix hadn't just arrested him a couple hours ago.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin does not move and allows the masked marauder to walk up to the door only to find it does not open. Crix waits patiently for the masked man to recognize that he will not be leaving so easily and return to his seat.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder reaches into his pocket and produces a device, one Crix may recognize as one commonly used for slicing digitized locks. However, he does not attempt to use it. At least not right away.

"I am alone," he says. "Takodana holds nothing for me, now."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin remains seated, arms crossed, but does turn to look at the masked man when he speaks. He nods his head, as if expecting that answer.

"Then if you do not wish to remain here as a prisoner of the local constabulary, I would suggest sitting down and answering my questions." Crix gestures over to the chair he had recently vacated.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder does not comply, but he does not attempt to slice the lock on the door either. He folds his arms and watches Crix silently.

"What do you wish to know?"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin turns back to face the empty chair across from him, turning his back to the masked man. "Where were you running to after the Mandalorian ambush? Who was going to help you create further disruptions to this peaceful planet?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Away," the masked marauder answes vaguely. "From the scrappers."

"I act alone, and have no plan to disrupt anything. I only desire safe passage off world, back to the Outer Rim."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin shakes his head sadly. "Well then you have nothing of value that I can use to ensure that this Planet may be free of your misdeeds. Nothing, in other words, that I could use as justification for letting you loose to...find 'safe passage off world' when you have crimes to answer for here."

Crix stands from his chair and straightens out his uniform, picking off an imaginary dust particle from the wool lining of his bomber jacket. He leaves a silence to remain in the air for a few moments.

Finally he turns to face the masked man. There is a steel in his eyes, the only difference from the bored look he had adopted.

"If nothing else, it will discourage other naer-do-wells from taking advantage of the distance of this planet from the Core."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"If it settles your mind, I will not resist being escorted offworld," The masked marauder says.

He surveys Crix silently again, his demeanor pensive. " would not like to know intricate details regarding the underground crime rings in the Holy City?"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin showed no outward signs of reaction to the question, other than the narrowing of his eyes. Internally he considered briefly the value of that much information would be for the law enforcement personnel. While he had a duty to this Planet, to ensure that the people of Takodana understood that the Republic was there for them...or at least the Jedi Order and their Antarian Rangers were anyway.

"I trust you would rather have some sort of assurance as to your safety prior to providing the information, correct?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Safe passage to Jedha will suffice," the masked marauder answers. "While I intend to return to the Outer Rim eventually, I must make a trip to the Holy City as well."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin hums, affirmation that was as he expected. "Then we will take you to the local Constabulary to ensure they have no further pending charges for you. If you wish to continue with our deal, I will put in a good word for your release into my custody for transport away from this Planet. If not, I understand, and upon your release from their custody you are free to find your own way."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder doesn't really give Crix an answer, but he does produce a data holo-projector from an inner pocket on his leather vest and tosses it onto the table. It flickers to life, projecting a crisp image of some kind of gang symbol that Crix won't recognize. "They call themselves the Open Mesh. They are best known for their exploitation of children, trafficking their innocence in order to steal from high ranking religious officials, or gain access to prohibited spaces."

"They are not widely known on Jedha, not even in the underground. However, they have been in operation for over a hundred years and have kept a low profile, ensuring that all their operatives make no public association with them. Any operative who breaks this code is summarily disposed of quickly, and very discreetly."

"They have no headquarters, only decentralized hubs located beneath the Holy City, hidden in the bomb shelters that were created as a precautionary measure in the wake of the Battle of Jedha. Locate the bomb shelters, and you may discover the operatives of the Open Mesh lurking there during certain times."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin 's blood ran cold at the mention of the tactics that this 'Open Mesh' would take part in. Realizing, of course, that it would be an easy way to manipulate his emotions to better sell a story. The problem was that this was significantly more detailed than a typical fantasy that might be used to try and gain some leverage to make an escape. There was no doubt in Crix's mind that this masked marauder would not be any more forthcoming than necessary. While it did meet the criteria of being impossible to check out quickly, it also was far to complex to get away with easily.

Crix reaches for the holoprojector and turns it around in his hand to memorize the foreign symbol, trying to see it from as many angles as possible. When he felt he had memorized it he set it back down on the table and looked at the masked man for a silent few more seconds. He crossed his arms in front of himself.

"Very well. I will be heading to the local Contabulary to ensure that they are satisfied that this matter is put to rest for good. If they ask, I will ensure they understand my suggested course of action with how to deal with you. I will ensure the property is safely returned to the scrappers and once I am finished I will be leaving this place for Jedha. If you wish to continue to travel with us, I will suggest you could stay aboard. We have spartan accomodations, but you will make it there safely."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder inclines his head ever so slightly to indicate his recognition and agreement to Crix's statement.

"I will make my own way there," he says, "I only wish to not be impeded or prevented from leaving Takodana, or arriving on Jedha," he tells the Ranger.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin nods. "Very well."

Crix gestures at the door and it whooshes open, a pair of Bothan Ranger Explorers are waiting in the hallway, blasters at port arms. They stand aside to let the masked man to pass, but clearly are ushering him down the hall towards the exit where there are no alternative routes to be taken.

"Then safe travels. Would that I not find you causing trouble along my path again."

Crix smirks as he offers on last question. "I don't suppose you might be interested in leaving your name in case we need to find you again, would you?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked man steps out immediately, rushing ahead of the Bothans as he makes a beeline for the exit of the Antarian Ranger's vessel. He'll stay in sight of the Bothans, at least, until he's left the ship entirely, and Crix may be grateful he hadn't tried anything funny.

Or had he...?

He does not respond to Crix's request for his name - within seconds, he's gone. But the Ranger will probably get the feeling this won't be the last time he sees this masked marauder...