IC Conflict Resolution

From Pax Republica
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Pax Republica uses Physique skill rolls to resolve most physical combat situations. That being said, keep in mind that the dice rolling system is meant to be an optional tool used for resolving IC conflicts. Players are not required to use it if all parties involved in the situation have agreed to an outcome, and in many situations resolutions will likely be left up to the GM to determine. If you are unsure of how a conflict should be resolved or if something aligns with theme or not, feel free to ask a staff member.


Injury and KO

During combat, hit points will be based on Physique pips. A character will lose HP/Physique pips in an amount equivalent to the difference between attacking character's damage roll and defending character's strength roll. If defending Strength roll is higher than damage roll, all damage is mitigated.

75-100% - Good Health or Minor Damage: No penalty.

50-75% - Moderate Damage: -1D to all skill and attribute rolls

25-50% - Heavy Damage: -2D to all skill and attribute rolls

1-25% - Severe Damage: -3D to all skill and attribute rolls

0% or lower - KOed and barred from further combat actions for the remainder of the session.

Multiple Action

Characters will suffer a -1D penalty for each extra action in addition to the 1st action. An extra action is defined as anything that requires a separate roll.