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Mikkians were a humanoid species that were native to the planet Mikkia, identifiable by their manes of head-tendrils and their bright skin pigmentation.

Society and culture

Mikkians placed kinship and integrity above all. In fact, their honesty could come across as blunt or even rude to other sentients. Conversely, Mikkians often had trouble adjusting to the more flexible views of other races. Their complex code of honor encompassed all things in life, with a particular insistance on matters of warfare. Although they respected warrior traditions, the Mikkians nevertheless valued discipline and honor over victory or physical might.

Their native language was a melodic, flowing tongue made up of several ancient dialects. Although most Mikkians were proud of their language, they had no qualms about learning Galactic Basic Standard.

Different religious traditions existed among the Mikkians, but belief in the Force played a central role in all of them. As such, when the Jedi Order were branded as traitors by the Galactic Empire, Mikkians were quick to question the Empire's reasoning.

In Mikkian society, their head-tendrils had important cultural significance, and as such tendril-reading was used by Mikkian mystics to predict their future. Every facet of the head-tendril contributed to that meaning.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Heightened Senses

Through their head tendrils Mikkians can sense humidity, temperature, magnetic direction and radiation. The radiation sensitivity is such that Mikkians can detect light and dark through their tendrils as well as their eyes. 0D+2 bonus to all Awareness rolls.

Moral Sense

Mikkians value honesty over diplomacy and could be considered rigid and blunt by other Galactic races. Suffer a 0D+2 penalty to Lead and Persuade rolls.