All Paths Lead...

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All Paths Lead...
Date of Scene: 14 December 2023
Location: Coruscant Galactic Starport
Synopsis: Zeraph and Drinna meet at the starport on Coruscant.
Cast of Characters: Zeraph, Drinna Talstri

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph finds himself at a bustling Coruscant starport, a vast and teeming hub of interstellar travel. He steps off the transport and his golden eyes glance around the landing, looking for Navi. He followed his lead and the force to this place, but finds that his destination is not nearly as clearcut as he had hoped.

Towering skyscrapers surround the port, and the constant hum of starships fills the air. Colorful banners representing various factions and corporations flutter in the artificial breeze. Speeders and droids scuttle about, while travelers of all species and backgrounds rush to their destinations. The starport is a testament to the diverse and vibrant life of the galaxy, a place where countless journeys begin and end. Zeraph's, it would seem, is just starting.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
The CSF Academy seemed to miss informing its students that once graduated and prepared to take on the protection of Coruscant - they'd be temporarily converted into errand scouts. Sometimes they were actually treated like officers, but most days it was monotonous, menial tasks. Some whispers had spread that Drinna was immune to the orders that put the new recruits into the worst places in the city, but she disagreed.

The one blessing with errand duty, was that Drinna could sneak out of her uniform when doing so. Not that she minded her blues, but when mingling with society it was easier to be invisible when not wearing them. Especially if her nametag had to be worn. Another valid reason to be dressed as a civilian.

Navigating the spaceport she dropped off the parcel that had been designated 'so important' and took a moment to lean against a wall, checking her messages. Her shift wasn't over for another few hours but Drinna was determined to make the walk back last as long as she possibly could.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph, having observed the bustling starport for a while, notices a woman in civilian attire leaning against a wall, engrossed in her messages. Her presence stands out among the uniformed officers and travelers rushing about. Curiosity piqued, he studies her discreetly, recognizing her face. He recognized all faces, but placing them was usually the problem. Not today. That incident two days ago was fresh enough in his mind that he places it almost immediately.

As he slips into the flow of pedestrian traffic on the spaceport, he brushes back his hood and takes the mask from his face. He hooks it on his belt at his right hip when Zeraph as notices the nametag on her uniform. He steps out of the flow of pedestrians to stand against the wall next to her to strike up a casual interaction. "Busy day, isn't it?" he remarks with a friendly smile, not wanting to interrupt her messages but eager to engage in conversation.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna turns the voice, shifting the uniform jacket on her arm as she does so, "Super busy, but what else can you expect when visiting the magical city that is Coruscant." Although Drinna had responded, she hadn't actually looked at who she was talking to. Her eyes lifted from her device and she smiles at him. Only briefly the smile falters and she turns slightly pale when she sees Zeraph. Her messages now forgotten, Drinna gently pushes off the wall, coming to face him fully. Just her luck, another Jedi. Two in two days.

"I should get going. Don't get lost in the crowd."She says before heading towards the exit, a slight extra rush to her steps as she walks.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph watches Drinna's reaction carefully, noticing the momentary surprise and hesitation in her expression. As she hastily excuses herself and starts to walk away, he remains calm, not wanting to cause any undue distress. "Of course..." he replies politely, but no letting her go without pressing. "But I was hoping you could help me with an incident we were both involved in two nights ago on the lower levels..." He gets it all out before she can disappear into the bustling crowd, his thoughts filled with questions about her sudden shift to unease.

Watching for another shift in her reactions he continues, "I'm looking for some of the people involved as I am sure this is not over yet. A young woman was severely injured and almost lost her life. I kept her alive long enough to be saved, but I'm not sure that she's safe. I'm trying to find out what exactly is going on so I know whether I should be on the look out for someone coming to that girl's room to finish the job." He ends there and stops, not trying to push too hard. If that wouldn't draw her attention he would have to find some other avenue of investigation.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna stopped and gently turned his way, "The girl isn't safe." She said flatly,"I doubt I can help you with much else. I was just someone in the wrong place at the wrong time." A mild half-truth but enough of one to say with a straight face.

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph listens carefully to Drinna's response, sensing the gravity of the situation. Her words confirm his suspicions about the danger the girl might be in. He nods, understanding that she might not have all the answers, but her acknowledgment is a valuable piece of information. "I appreciate anything you've got. I'm really just trying to understand what's going on. I also only came across that incident by chance so I have almost no idea what her danger is all about." Zeraph replies sincerely, his golden eyes reflecting his determination. "I'll do what I can to ensure her safety, but that's a lot harder when I don't know where that danger is coming from or why. I'm looking for a Sephi named Navi who seemed to have some information, but seeing as you were there... Well, every piece of the puzzle counts." He offers a respectful nod, mentally preparing to delve deeper into this mysterious incident if no more information is available.

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna sighed. Why'd he have to say that name. She motioned for him to follow her. This wasn't a conversation for a busy space;ears were everywhere. After a short walk they came to an empty alleyway and Drinna ducked inside.

Turning around she crossed her arms, "Alright. So you're saying you were in the wrong place at the wrong time - just like me?"

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph follows Drinna into the alleyway, appreciating the need for privacy in their conversation. He nods in agreement with her statement and replies earnestly, "Yes, exactly. I had no intention of being involved in any of this, but circumstances brought me there. When the fighting started, I immediately went to the side of a woman I had met just a few days before. She had been of assistance to the Jedi so I gave her mine freely. She went to the aid of the girl, who was shot first, to pull her out of the line of fire. I protected them from any further threat but by the time I could ensure her safety, everyone else was dead or fleeing. I kept my attentions on the girl and, honestly, I'm surprised she survived, even with my help. Since then my priority is to ensure the safety of the young woman, and if there's any way I can help prevent further harm, I'll do it."

He looks at Drinna with a sense of trust, despite their chance encounter, and gives a respectful bow. "My name is Zeraph, a padawan of the Jedi Order. I followed Navi to the alley and everything went down before I had a chance to speak with her. And afterwards, our concern was mostly for the girl because of the seriousness of her injuries. I went to the hospital with the girl and have been guarding her, but realized that without knowing the threat my guard is... not effective. So I asked for protection for her and came out here to try to figure it all out." He sighs heavily and motions to Drinna. "Then I saw you and here we are."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna nodded,"The girl isn't safe. So wherever she is, move her. They're looking for her." She rubbed the bridge of her nose, "I've been asked to find Navi as well."

"What do you know of the shining brotherhood?" Drinna asked,"Or do Jedi's keep secrets from each other?"

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph listens intently to Drinna's words, the urgency of the situation becoming clearer by the moment. Her mention of the "shining brotherhood" piques his interest, and he realizes that there are aspects of this mission his master had kept from him. He responds honestly, "I don't know much about the 'shining brotherhood.' I only know that Navi mentioned it when I spoke to her. As to the Jedi keeping secrets from each other..." He pauses for a moment, his golden eyes shifting up as he searches for a proper answer before sliding back down, studying Drinna. "Yes. It happens all the time. Its practically a Jedi tradition. I know that it is for good reason, but it can get awfully annoying that way. But something like that, the 'shining brotherhood', I would have to ask around. I'm certain I could find someone to speak of it." He takes out his datapad, sliding it from its compartment on his belt. He begins tapping away quickly. "It seems there are secrets within secrets, though. Layers and layers that fewer and fewer know. Is this also information you're looking for? I can dig into it for you if you'd like."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna shakes her head,"I accidentally wound up in this web." She slipped her arms into the jacket of her uniform,"I'm not surprised Jedi's have secrets. Everyone knows you guys are notoriously mysterious."

She sighed,"Look,I'm going to give you my contact information. If you find Navi, let me know. The sooner I get out of this situation, the sooner I can get back to my own normal." Drinna looked down at her uniform and groaned, "And-" She raised a finger,"I need you to promise me.You will NEVER tell anyone you saw me in this uniform."Her brow quirked,"Please."

Zeraph has posed:
Zeraph nods in understanding, realizing that Drinna's involvement in this situation might be more complicated than it seemed. He takes down her contact information and gives her a reassuring nod, trading his info in return. "I promise, I won't reveal anything about this encounter or your uniform. I'm sorry, I didn't realize this would be a secret for you. I have that thing with the memory where you don't forget things. I just saw you and came over. But I understand. I get it. You have my word as a Jedi," he assures her. With the information in hand, he adds, "I'll find Navi to be sure. Just a matter of time. If you learn anything more or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact me."

Drinna Talstri has posed:
Drinna laughed, "No no." She clarified,"I'm alright for Navi to know I'm involved. Just keep me as Rin. A nobody who was curious and wound up in the wrong place. For my own safety when I'm in the lower levels I don't usually advertise my career choices. Most people treat CSF officers kind of like they do Jedi, I would guess. I just prefer being a little less, law enforcy when I'm there."

She extended her hand, "But in this case, you can call me Drinna. Thank you for the promise. I apologize if I was...cold. You caught me off-guard. Not often does my time down there mix with my life up here. It just keeps me safe if they're separate."

Drinna smiled,"And if you find Navi, regardless of how I got into this mess, I'm invested enough to want to help see where it ends." She contemplated telling him about Kalregar but she held off. That would be a conversation for another day.