The Informant's Gambit: The Second Framing

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The Informant's Gambit: The Second Framing
Date of Scene: 20 December 2023
Synopsis: Navi is arrested for the murder of two aliens.
Cast of Characters: 195, Navi

Amarik (195) has posed:
After the Chadra Fans take off, Navi will perhaps be blessed with a rather peaceful and uneventful night and next day.

The police, thankfully for the time being, do not further contact her for questioning. However, at some point during that time, she'll see a couple of headlines of note on a holodisplay in a cantina: One is highlighting the murder from the night before, and the other mentions that there is a rumor circulating, regarding a member of the Convocation who has been purportedly been seen in association with mysterious, masked marauders.

Navi has posed:
Outside of her duties to the Shining Brotherhood, Navi spends only a little time at the Festival, and much more time trying to catch up on sleep. She's hardly rested the last several days, and is beginning to feel fatigued.

But she does look into that rumor of the masked marauders seen with a member of the Convocation. Just maybe it will prove important. And when the night comes, she heads for her meeting with the Chadra Fans. They seem to be of great importance to her present situation.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Upon further investigation, Navi will learn that these marauders had been seen around Jedha since the first day of the Festival of Balance, and most sources seem to think they'd come here not to rob anyone, but instead to sell... something. But no one seems to know what that something is.

In the late evening, Navi will find the young Chadra Fans hiding out near the Second Spire, waiting for her.

"You didn't look at the datastick without us, did you?!" The youngest female Chadra Fan whispers to her urgently.

Navi has posed:
"I can't look at it. My old datapad stopped working months ago, and I haven't had the money to fix it," Navi replies softly, sparing a moment to hug the chatty Chadra Fan. "Even if I could, I wouldn't. That wouldn't be fair to you. Have you had any luck finding the right terminal?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Oh well lucky for you," the female Chadra Fan says, "we brought one." She wags a finger at Navi. "Don't you think you should look into getting a new one? For times like these?"

She shrugs. "No. Honestly, we stopped looking. We have what we want now, so what's the point of looking for the terminal now?" She takes out the datapad and hands it to Navi. "Okay, hurry up and put it in. I wanna see what's on it." Her eyes widen eagerly.

Navi has posed:
"The Force was with me," Navi agrees, accepting the datapad. Slipping the datastick from her little medical satchel, she carefully inserts it into the datapad, then holds the device where all of the Chadra Fans can see it roughly as well as she can. "Let's hope this was worth it..."

Amarik (195) has posed:
But as soon as they insert it into the datapad, the words 'encrypted' will flash in bright red across the display.

The four Chadra Fans simultaneously grumble in unison. "Kriff!!" the youngest says. "What should we do now?? I don't know any slicers..."

Well, there was always the police station. Probably the last place Navi wants to visit right now, but surely, someone there might be able to slice it...

Navi has posed:
Navi shakes her head. "I should've known better than to think this would be the end of our troubles," she murmurs. "The police may have the ability to slice it. I'm not thrilled with the prospect of going there, but I'm not sure we have a choice," she adds, in a more normal volume. "We should get going. I'd rather get this done sooner rather than later."

As she starts for the police station, she produces a handful of coins, riffling through them. "Maybe someone in the marketplace has a good datapad for sale. I might have enough money for one."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Yeah, okay, but not now," the female Chadra Fan says, "I guess you're right ...the police probably are the only guys who can slice it."

They start after her, heading towards the station. As they're walking, the bespectacled Chadra Fan spontaneously pipes up, "What'd Zealot say to you last night? You were all like, crying and shit. And then when we yelled at you to come down because you shouldn't go up there with him alone, you just ignored us!"

Navi must have been too lost in the moment to hear them, plus they'd been so far down below that she must have just missed what they'd said altogether.

Navi has posed:
"Oh... I must have not had my head fully out of the clouds. I never heard you yelling to me," Navi replies softly matching her pace to the shorter-legged Chadra Fans. "We only talked for a moment, but... he didn't actually speak. Not more than a few words, at most. But I could /feel/ his answers through the Force. It's a very emotionally intense way to communicate, and I'm not very good at it. That's why I was crying."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The bespectacled Chadra Fan just stares at her. He seems to not understand what she's saying, fully, but he finally says, "So you had an intense emotional connection with him, or something? What is that like, even?"

One of the other Chadra Fans squeaks, "Like what people feel right before they're about to kiss, duh!" The female Chadra Fan shushes him and shoves him, and he gives both Navi and the female Chadra Fan a meek and abashed look.

Navi has posed:
"Oh, no! Not like /that/," Navi cries softly, shaking her head and blushing faintly. "But part of what I found out is that he lost his family, like I lost mine... his to death and mine to being taken from them long ago, but the loss is still terrible. But when he answered me, I could /feel/ the sadness, the emptiness of that loss. I wasn't prepared for that at all. I'm a bit surprised I didn't cry sooner."

She looks to the Chadra Fans. "Think about the saddest thing that has ever happened to you. Well, maybe not /now/, but sometime when we're not so busy. Then imagine it ten times worse, and that it is all you can think about. It felt a lot like that," she explains.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Oh," the Chadra Fan who'd asked the question initially says. The concept seems hard for him to visualize, and he frowns in concentration trying to imagine it.

The female Chadra Fan blinks at Navi. "Well then, did you get him to take off his helmet? I don't think anyone's ever seen what he /actually/ is. Bet you could make a few credits if you found out," she snickers.

"By the way," she adds conversationally. "I just realizes we never introduced myself. I'm Peeka, and these are my brothers, Jol, Treter, and Ruscus. What's -your- name?"

Navi has posed:
"No. But I could see his eyes through the lenses of his helmet, and I'm almost a hundred percent sure they were blue," Navi observes thoughtfully. "I'm Navi, Novice of the Shining Brotherhood. But Navi is easier. It's good to meet you all."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Peeka seems slightly disappointed. "Only his eyes...? Well, that's not special. Anyone could have blue eyes..."

"Thanks for helping us, Navi. If Zealot didn't like you so much, I don't think we would have gotten that datastick."

By now, they've reached the police station. Navi will notice as they head into the lobby that there's a very shiny and vintage model of speeder bike pulled up to the curb. Well, that was a bit strange, it doesn't look at all security grade, what business would any police officer have owning a bike like that...?

Navi has posed:
Navi smirks, turning and crouching to look into Peeka's eyes. "Anyone?" she asks impishly, batting her wide blue eyes, then turning away with a soft chuckle. "I can't say that it's nothing... not with a murder hanging over my head. But I helped you willingly, and would again. But I'm wondering... what got all of you mixed up in this data chase anyway? It's an awful lot of trouble over a datastick."

She glances at the parked speeder bike at the curb as she and her four furry friends enter the police station. "Check /that/ out. Bet that's no policeman's bike," she says, nodding at the vehicle. "Ever seen it before?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
Peeka grumbles. "Okay, fine, maybe just a -lot- of people have blue eyes. He could be human, sephi, Pantoran, whatever..."

She doesn't answer Navi's question about what got them all wrapped up in everything, but she does shake her head at mention of the bike looking out of place. "Never seen it before, and I don't know anyone on Jedha who would own something like that!"

Navi has posed:
"Maybe we'll meet the owner inside," Navi muses, leading her small, furry team into the lobby. She looks for the reception desk, and to see if there is a line leading to it. "I hope we don't have to wait too long," she adds softly.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Indeed, they'll find the owner in the lobby. The Zeltron standing at the reception desk in front of them is ... unmistakable.

He's wearing dark, oval sunglasses, a leather jacket and several rings on each hand. His spiky, jet black hair has two thick white stripes running  perpendicular to his hair divide, and his ears are pierced.

Here on Jedha, he sticks out like a sore thumb -- no one in their right mind in the Holy City would dress so... flamboyantly bad boy.

He turns around when they enter, and frowning, lifts his sunglasses up and rests them on top of his head. "Hey," he says, "you're the Sephi in question, aren't you?"

Navi has posed:
Navi blinks, studying the Zeltron thoughtfully. "Sephi in question? Unless you mean that murder investigation, I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean," she replies. "Can you explain yourself? Also, I'm guessing that's your bike out front."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Uh, yes, and yes," he says, lowering his sunglasses.

"You didn't touch it, did you?" he asks protectively, arching a brow at her.

"Navi, right? Navi Valrennann," he says, pulling out a datapad and scrolling casually through the data on it.

"The name's Vons. Arsok Vons, private investigator. I've been hired to look into your case." He offers her a hand.

Navi has posed:
"I am not in the habit of touching other sentients' property," Navi replies, just slightly coolly, accepting his hand. "And I haven't used that name in a long time now. Around here I'm just a novice, with only one name. It's good to meet you, but I have no idea who hired you. I came here to get a datastick decrypted. It may play into this mess."

Amarik (195) has posed:
He shakes her hand. "Can't be too careful," he says, "never been to Jedha so I've no idea what the folk around here are like."

"The police, obviously," he scoffs, "who else..."

Just then, two officers burst into the room. They don't look too happy. "You--!" one of them says when they lay eyes on Navi. "You're under arrest--!"

Navi has posed:
Navi passes the datapad, datastick and all, to Peeka as the cops rush in, then raises her hands away from her satchel and folding staff. "What is the problem now? I haven't been anywhere, and I've committed no crime beyond fighting with two Devaronians," she replies. "As I said before, I will cooperate fully."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The Zeltron man looks startled as well, but keeps quiet as the police officers arrive on the scene and proclaim Navi under arrest.

They begin to cuff Navi. "For the murder of the Devaronian woman, Pattel Absca, her brother, and one other, Mezzine Paschkla. You have the right to remain silent..."

They start to usher her towards an interrogation room.

But how could it be...? She hadn't seen Pattel since the incident at the cantina, and Mezzine Paschkla will be a completely foreign name to her...

Navi has posed:
Navi doesn't resist as she's cuffed. "But I haven't seen Pattel since the fight with her brother! And I've never even met Mezzine Paschkla, whoever they are!" is the only protest she offers.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Sure, sure," the cop says gruffly. They move her into the interrogation room and motion for Vons to come inside as well. The Zeltron's gaze is wary, but he seems to be taking everything in carefully.

Once Navi is seated, they show her several grotesque photos of the Devaronian woman from the night before lying dead in a dark alleyway. There's a giant bloody hole in her chest, clearly made by some kind of blunt stake that's very similar in diameter to her staff. Next, they show her photos of an Ortolan she won't recognize, apparently killed in the exact same way.

"We found your hair at the scene of both crimes," the cop says, laying a clear plastic bag with several blood specked strands of blonde hair in it on the table in front of her. Sure enough, it's her hair. Or looks a lot like it.

Navi has posed:
Navi's eyes get big and wide at the sight of the murdered sentients. "Eugh..! Oh, goodness... that's her, but I never did that to her," she replies. "And I've never seen that Ortolan at all, except in these pics. And the hair looks like mine, but I don't know if it actually is. Even if it is, it could easily have been taken from my cell at the Brotherhood chapterhouse, or maybe from the Temple of the Kyber. I never killed the Devaronian siblings, or the Ortolan."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"So you think you were framed, then? By who?" Then he sighs, shaking his head. "It's a nice excuse," the cop says, "but honestly? You're one of very few who have both the skill and motive for it." He folds his arms. "The autopsy for Pattel's brother is still forthcoming, but you're far from vindicated. And until we can uncover more about what's going on and find other suspects, we're gonna have to keep you here. Sorry."

Navi has posed:
"I don't have the skill or strength to thrust a staff /through/ a sentient's chest cavity... I'm not even sure it's possible. And I had no motive to kill anyone... not even the Devaronian siblings, and especially not an Ortolan I've never even seen until now," Navi tries to explain.

"As for a frame-up, I'm not sure... the only possibilities are a Hoopaloo named Duzard, and a masked humanoid named Zealot, who entered the Temple of the Kyber under false pretenses, to wit by faking severe injuries to be taken to the infirmary, where they then took stims and went snooping around inside the Temple. They were caught trying to leave, but escaped through trickery. We still don't know what their aim was, but such a breach of Temple security and sanctity is very troubling during the Festival of Balance."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"We'll have to see about that," the cop says. He still seems rather disinclined to believe her. "Neither of us currently have any way of proving that you're too weak," he says, "and it's easy enough for anyone to fake being weak."

"Listen," the cop says, "we know about that already--"

But Vons finally cuts in. "Do you have any personal ties to these people you just mentioned? Any reason why they might want to blame you for something either of them did?"

Navi has posed:
"I was the one who caught up with them and attempted to apprehend them inside the Temple," Navi replies. "I don't know if that's enough to make them want to frame me. But there's also the matter of some kind of criminal data auction that's been going on here recently. I began to look into it, since Duzard and Zealot were both supposed to be directly involved in providing the data for this auction. I believed it might have something to do with the Temple of the Kyber and its security, since they had tricked their way inside without apparently taking anything."

She looks at the cop. "There are two other matters... the first is that my favored retractable staff was left at the cantina where the brother Devaronian was slain, and is most likely in your evidence locker. The other two people were apparently killed with that staff, but how can that be if it's inside your evidence locker? The folding staff I'm carrying right now is completely different. Also, how is my robe unstained with blood? I own only three robes, this one and two others in storage at the Brotherhood chapterhouse. Except for a weathercloak and some underwear, those robes are the only clothes I own. Test them for blood traces if you want."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Okay," Vons says, "how'd you know find out about this auction?"

The Vons and the cop exchange looks. "I mean," the Zeltron man says, "you could be right. But only time will tell. We aren't looking specifically for the murder weapon, anyone with a lick of sense would just get rid of it, immediately, unless they were unable to. What we're looking at is style. We both observed the footage of Devaronian male who was killed last night, and the manner in which he was killed was similar. And as far as the robes are concerned, how do we know you didn't just wear something disposable or borrowed?"

"All I'm trying to say is, we don't know anything. Not yet. And until we do, you gotta stay here."

Navi has posed:
"I found out about the auction while I was searching for Duzard and Zealot. The four Chadra Fan children who came in here with me will know more about it, but they might be afraid to talk to you after what has happened to me. We had come to have a datastick related to that auction decrypted, before you arrested me," Navi explains. "And I don't have money for buying disposable clothes or weapons... we of the Shining Brotherhood receive but a small stipend for necessary expenses outside of what our order provides. And none of the Brotherhood would loan me clothing for such an evil use as this, even if they had them to loan."

She wilts a little as she finishes. "If I must stay here, then I will stay here. I don't know how to help you any further."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The Zeltron man looks up, frowning and scanning the premises for the Chadra Fan teenagers, but they seem to have disappeared for the time being. "Again, that's so easy to lie about," the private investigator says. "But I'm going to look into all of it, I promise."

He exchanges a nod with the cop, who exits the interrogation room. Once the cop is gone, Vons leans closer to Navi and says to her quietly, "Look, I have a feeling about all of this. That you were framed. But it's just a gut feeling, and I can't prove it yet."

Navi has posed:
"Sometimes feelings are all we have. I know I'm not guilty, but I have no way to prove it. You must do that for me," Navi replies, in a low voice. "But please be careful. I don't know to what length these people will go. I just know they're dangerous. The wounds they left on the bodies of those sentients are proof enough of that."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Vons shrugs. "I'm just here to find out the truth," he says, "regardless of whether you're guilty or innocent. I have a feeling you're innocent, but I've been wrong before."

He waves a hand dismissively when she expresses concern for his well being. "I'll be fine," he says, as he exits the interrogation room and locks the door behind him. "This isn't my first time around the block."

And with that, Navi is left completely alone, for the rest of the day.

The lonely quiet without knowing where anyone who cares about her might be right now, is perhaps the worst part. And when night falls, the lonely quiet turns dark...

Navi has posed:
Navi endures the alone-time as best she can. She sits and thinks, running over the whole matter in her mind. Occasionally she asks to go to the refresher, cooperating fully with any instructions.

And when she can think no more, she meditates, trying to focus upon the Force, and let its peace soothe her spirit.

And when the night comes, she continues to meditate. Eventually she removes her robe and, using it as a blanket, huddles in a corner of the room and tries to sleep.

Amarik (195) has posed:
But as soon as Navi lies down to try to sleep, she'll find herself once again disturbed by a familiar presence nearby.


She can't pinpoint where he is, exactly, but she'll notice that his presence in the Force feels more much pronounced, for some reason.

And then she'll become aware that he's also acutely aware of her too. She'll sense him stopping in his tracks, startled by the feeling that she's near, and knows he is, too...

Navi has posed:
Navi opens her eyes, sitting up slowly. "I know you're close..." she whispers. "I feel you. So strongly... but I don't know where you are. Or why you've come here."

She stands, her robe falling to the floor. "I'm in so much trouble... the police think I've murdered three sentients. I haven't. You may be to blame for my woes. I'd rather you were not. I don't quite understand why..."

Amarik (195) has posed:
She'll be able tell that he can't hear what she's saying, nor can he fully feel the extent of the weariness and grief she's feeling. And that he is wary of this strange, newfound connection between them.

And yet, he comes closer, as if some kind of invisible string is pulling them nearer and nearer, physically, spiritually, emotionally.

He was sorry. For what, exactly, she still won't know. But he was sorry, and meant it, to some degree.

Navi has posed:
"I know... I don't know what connects us, either," Navi whispers, bowing her head and cupping her hands over her heart. "Or what it means. Or why it chose us two. I'm sorry." She means it. The whole connection is incredibly confusing, as much to her as him.

"I'm sorry you're suffering like this. I am, too. I can feel you coming closer, but I don't know where you are, or why you're drawn here. Please, be careful. Don't make things worse for us."

Amarik (195) has posed:
She'll sense his confusion. He seems to not understand why she's apologizing. Again, that sense of remorse will wash over her. There's regret too, but also resolute determinedness in his spirit, as well. But she won't be able to tell about what.

And then she'll feel him near, so near. He was just on the other side of the wall, hesitantly putting his hand on the wall right in front of her, on the other side...

That sadness about his mother is still there, like a permanent scar. And longing for his grandparents, too. But the most salient feeling is the belief that she did not kill those three sentients.

And then as soon as the moment comes, it goes. He draws away from the wall in a hurry, retreating into the darkness.

Why was he like this? What did he want?

Navi has posed:
"How close you are..." Navi whispers. "I think you're right on the other side of this wall, even. I can almost touch you." She lays her hand on the wall, almost as if she were trying to touch his hand through it.

"I'm so sorry about your family. But I'm glad you believe in me, even if I can't believe myself," she adds.

Before she can get any more impressions, however, she senses his withdrawal back into the shadows, both of the night and in her mind. "Be safe, wherever you're going. I should be safe in here, at least, even if I'm unhappy and uncomfortable."

She glances down at her rather brief thermal undergarment. "And poorly dressed for company," she observes softly, lying back down and covering herself with her robe. "Maybe I'll dream about being free again..."