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Zeltrons, a humanoid sentient species within the Star Wars universe, are recognized by their red skin, which intensifies when experiencing anger. Notably, they are believed to emit pheromones, creating a likable aura and a calming influence on others. Due to their distinctive nature, Zeltrons feel heightened emotional resonance from those around them, especially those they care about. On their first day of grade school, young Zeltrons are taught the importance of emotional composure and not succumbing to their feelings.

Available Factions

Racial Traits

Enhanced Charisma

Zeltrons can release pheromones that have a calming effect on others, which grants them a +2 bonus on all Charm rolls.

Natural Empath

Zeltrons experience heightened emotions from those they are close with. They will suffer -1 penalty on Willpower rolls when interacting with individuals they are emotionally attached to.