The Meaning of the Word 'Discreet'

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The Meaning of the Word 'Discreet'
Date of Scene: 02 January 2024
Location: Lower City, Coruscant
Synopsis: Volken meet another Mandalorian as he is preparing to leave Coruscant and escape the CSF. Unfriendly words are exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Volken Mons, Ellari Zin

Volken Mons has posed:
There is an assumption that the behemoth known as Volken Mons must be easy to find. Considering he's so gigantic he compares in size to even the likes of a Dowutin or a Wookie of robust can be easy to come to that conclusion. The truth is much different however. He knows how to lay low and go to ground. How to manuever through dark streets and lowly lit alleys and avoid being spotted when it suits him. He wouldn't be much of a Mandalorian trained fighter if this wasn't the case. He simply -prefers- being the biggest and most visible being around but when necessity calls must make sacrifices.

One such bit of necessity has occured in recent days. Normally he would not even -be- on Coruscant but sometimes the right cause can make you do that which you would not normally do. Thus, a favor granted to a mercenary contact of some respect brought him here. His curiosity and temper did the rest and now a club lies trashed and broken and a bounty sits on his head. Needless to say - favor done - it's time to leave.

Even with the bounty now on his head, greasing the right palms with the right amount of credits can get a job done and transport on a cargo ship, in an automated cargo hold still suitable for humanoid passengers was secured. Now, he waits at a mostly abandoned transit station, massive frame covered in a huge poncho like garment that, while it does nothing to hide how enormous he is, keeps the particulars of his weaponry and armor under wraps. From behind it's like looking on a monolithic statue and thus the few denizens that brave this station give him a wide berth.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari had happened to be among the Core Worlds, handling some bounty hunter business that she sometimes availed herself to. She had always been in the habit of keeping tabs on other Mandalorian activity around whatever sector she happened to be frequenting, and the news of the trouble Khalo and Volken had gotten up to had crossed her feed. Oh, and of course, Revara Solstice.

    What a disgraceful brat.

    Anyway, at the moment she is perched on a rafter above the run down station's cargo docks, eying her target below. Pfff, did he actually think throwing a cloak over his overly massive body would do a thing to disguise him?

    Eventually, she drops down behind him, clad in her signature gray and crimson beskar, with a black cloak over the back and without her helmet--putting her brown hair and gray eyes on display.

    "So, you must be Mr. Big with 15 thousand credits on his head?" she asks, a slight smirk indicating it's a rhetorical question.

Volken Mons has posed:
The goliath doesn't answer at first, allowing silent to sit heavily in the area.

The few locals who were waiting for transportaiton is a great time to catch a train some other time and begin making hasty exits.

Finally, he just sighs and turns slowly. It wasn't so much that he expected the disguise to completely work but as he's certainly not the -only- massive individual wandering Coruscant, not letting his beskar and the particulars of his armor and helmet and tattoos be easily seen would ..and wonders.

Unless you just really, really, really want to find him, as this bounty hunter seemed ot.

"Weeeelll...How embaressing." he rumbles, "I guess that must have been some senators favorite spot! Probably some twi'lek dancer they were seein' went and got a job somewhere else..."

At this point he turns, pulling the pancho loose to reveal his vast body in full along with the pair of gargantuan painted rotary blasters strapped to his back like some child's backpack.

He then does a slight double take as he looks upon the brown haired woman with armor not unlike his own. Personalized to suit her just as his suits him.

"Huh. Now -this- is a surprise.." he muses, "Can't be a coincidence..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Upon turning around, Volken may recognize the symbols on her armor. She was from a House Vizsla family, one that was known for being very loyal to it.

    "Surprised?" she scoffs slightly. "About what? That hiding is difficult when you're the size of a Dowutin? Do you even -know- the meaning of the word 'discreet'?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"It's hard to disregard a word you don't know the meaning of."

WIth that, the colossal man reaches up and removes his helmet as well. His tossled hair is pulled back into a thick pony tail that falls back messily behind his back once freed from the confines of the helm and he turns his bearded visage and gives the Vizlsla loyalist a big full toothed grin. It might even be considered charming but for the circumstances and her stern demeanor.

"My apologies." he rumbles, tone cheerful despite it all, "I forgot that good ol'House Vizsla commanding charm and legacy. Some of us just don't have that degree of discipline but to be fair... They shot first, after a Jedi put their leader to sleep on the floor. I was just...sitting there and talking with a new friend. You know. Discreetly.. We wouldn't even be talking right now and I'd be halfway to my next job if it wasn't for gangsters deciding to be brave. Go figure."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Uh-huh." Ellari shakes her head, starting to interrupt him even as he's trying to explain what happened. All excuses, really. "And -then- you proceeded to destroy the interior of the Outlander Club. Did the gangsters' 'bravery' force you to do that? Did the Jedi mind-trick you?" she demands, folding her arms indignantly.

    "Why are you even here to begin with, flashing your armor around in public like you're still in Sundari? Please, tell me it's because you're looking for that brat Revara."

Volken Mons has posed:
There is a difference between an explanation and an excuse and Volken sees it one way where clearly she sees it the other...and this draws a mildly bemused smirk from the giant though there is the faintest hint of a hardening of his eyes as he looks at her.

"Are you the sort who just wants to believe the worst of folk and the very first thing the Holonet shows you instead of thinking through what might have happened? They opened fire on me, I tried to keep it hand to hand. They pulled back and kept firing so I fired. back and then took a tactical solution to solve the problem. Do the math. Property damage toa club is -less- valuable then my own well being. They'll rebuild the place on the gluttony of credits they're being given while meanwhile me being 'subtle' might have resulted in them landing a lucky shot. So yeah. Not. Discreet."

He snorts now, tone dismissive, "Maybe you're lucky enough to ride your name but some of us have to do a little extra work. If my size didn't scare them off just asking 'please stop shooting at me' wasn't going to work..."

There is a long pause as he calms himself..thinking..and then with that smirk returning, "..And what if I was looking for her?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Well, -maybe- if you hadn't been baring your armor they wouldn't have approached in the first place. Ever think about -that-?" Ellari shoots back. "Listen, the last thing we need right now is more trouble with the Republic. We already have enough as it is, whatever you think your -reasons- are."

    "Then you would at least have a legitimate reason for being in the capital city of the Galactic Republic. Still doesn't excuse the lack of discretion, however."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Hey! I'd been managing. The idea that they were bold enough to take an issue with a visible Mandalorian of all things is ludicrious to begin with but it just so happes I happened to stumble across the one group with something to prove. If it wasns't my armor it would have been my size. You're just speaking speculatively now. There's nothing saying they still wouldn't have started a fight with me. People are stupid."

He gestures with a massive hand, frustrated, "So what. You're worried about their 'opinion' of Mandalore now? Please. One incident like this isn't about to change anything. Do you know how much insanity goes on here on Coruscant? Of course you do. As to 'her'....,"

Volken's voice trails off, "Yeah well, I am interested in that. It wasn't -exactly- why I came. I was already here on another matter when that bounty got posted. Care to share what it's about? You don't sound too impressed with her..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "It doesn't matter! What matters, is that they -did-." Ellari rolls her eyes. What an idiot brute. She shakes her head. "Hmph. 'Opinion'. Yeah, right. You know as well as I do that this is about far more than just 'opinions'. And you also know how much one 'incident' can easily lead to another, and another, until you have an intergalactic incident between two not-so-friendly sovereignties on your hands. Politics are a delicate matter, something you appear to know nothing about."

    Her expression hardens even more at the mention of the Solstice girl. "She is a blight on Mandalore. A disgraceful brat. A runaway. Her father wants her home--and rightly so."

Volken Mons has posed:
He knew of her house and certainly her reputation but her words effectively seal the deal for him. If he's a simple minded brute then her rigidity and inflexibility is typical to him of everything he'd grown to tired of on Mandalore. The inflesxiblity of a mighty tree -- due to simply be uprooted by a storm it can't bend to or offer proper shelter from.

He sighs and rolls his eyes while looking away, expressive features settling into a disgusted frown as he rumbles, "Typical."

To her eyes and ears he mght be talking about Revara. He most certainly is not.

"Yes it matters that they did. That's my point, girl." he responds, emphazing that word. "It's a done deal. Disasters happen. You bend to the unexpected and deal with it. You don't blow it up to be something it isn't. What's next? is the fact that the air you're breathing is air that a republic citizen can't breath? I suppose it might cause a disaster locally that might get tracked back to you. Please.." If their helmets weren't already off he'd have removed them but clearly she's not -that- orthodox given how she approached him so...little would have been said by that.

"The only 'place' she has any right to be is where she wants to be. If she doesn't want to be home then maybe there's a reason for that. Everybody doesn't have luxury of House Vizsla's tender care and protection. But sure. Try and drag her somewhere as if she's got no rights... She's just a bounty now...."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "This argument is wasted breath." Ellari says indignantly. "Either you turn yourself in, get the hell out of Core World space, or otherwise alleviate this area of your troublesome presence--" Her tone suddenly becomes more dangerous. "or I will."

    The fact that he even has the nerve to -sympathize- with Revara just makes matters even worse. "Pff. Of -course- you sympathize with that disgraceful child. Fine. No one is going to force you to help bring her to justice. But you had better not get in my way."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'm -trying- to leave. I got business elsewhere and a way off this 'Jewel of the Core Worlds...'" remarks Volken sardonically though he does give a full toothed grin, completely unphased by the implied warning in her tone, "...Doesn't mean I won't be back if 'duty calls'..."

He seems utterly unconcerned at her rising anger. HIs own mood shifting to a playful one once more. It's like a boy trying to pull the pigtails of his favorite girl on the playground instead of leaving well enough alone.

"I sympathize with a presons rights and freedoms. -That- shouldn't be hard to understand. It's not just about duty. Maybe you'll learn that the hard way like I did."

But something she said does hold his mind abit and he rumbles, "WHat's this about 'justice' though. Not just because she 'ran away'. What did she -do-? She hurt someone? Take something?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari stares at him. "You really don't know, do you?" Then she scoffs. "Ha, well why don't you ask her yourself, then, if you're so sympathetic toward her."

Volken Mons has posed:
"No I don't know. Or at least if it's the things I -think- it is then I don't care and I'm searching for another reason to justify your anger. You throw around the word 'justice' so easily but you can't even really formulate an explanation for what justice really is." remarks Volken, matter of factly, deep tone rumbling but even as he looks at her with narrowed and critical eyes.

"The Way... only The Way when it's used to make our chosen houses benefit and not the people actually impacted by their decisions. You can't even tell me what she -really- did other then just can you?"

He turns away and reaches up to return his helmet to hsi head, "Maybe I will ask her. COurse...that means I might have to stick around awhile longer..."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Hmph. You ask what has she done. The real question is what -hasn't- she done?" Ellari replies indignantly.

    "She is an honorless aruetyc. Not only has she run from her homeland, she has run from her heritage. Killing, maiming, and destroying wherever she goes, without regard to the Way. We raised her, we taught her all she knows, gave her everything--and this is how she repays her own people? Her own family? Kaysh shu'shuk!"

Volken Mons has posed:
With his helmet returned, the goliath's expressions are once again hidden and muted. His body language is relaxed as he looms infront of the raging bouny hunter but he looks on at her and for a moment says nothing at all, simply allowing her seething words to come forth.

When finished, Volkens deep voice, made even more resonant now due to the helmet, notes, "If she's killing and maiming at random then that's a different matter now isn't it. But maybe, sometimes, you find another path to pursue The Way that differs from what you understood before. I can't say about her because I don't now what she's done. You're still being evasive. It sounds like you're more indingant at the idea of her actions then her -actual- actions. I can't say. Based on how you approached me, you've made your mind up already... But I do know that sometimes personal experience can open someones eyes up. If you can't be bothered to give her at least that much consideration then...well.." He shrugs. "I guess we'll find out soon enough. SHe can't stay hidden forever."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari seems to calm down now that she has vented at least somewhat. She exhales audibly. "Just get yourself away from here. Like you said you were doing, anyway." she orders, making a shooing motion with her hand. "Never mind what I said about asking her. Best if you didn't get tangled up her in her mess."

Volken Mons has posed:
"I'll think about it."

Volken's grin can be heard through his helm. He just knows he's pushing her buttons and delighting in knowing how to.

"Maybe I'll lend you a hand. We'll see. If I don't like the way my first class top of the line seating looks I may change my mind to catch another transport and get some extra free time. I'll need to put it to good use and could use the credits. I eat a lot.."

His humor is clear. Not taking the situation seriously it seems, at least anymore. At least on the surface. He can clearly trade verbal barbs with her when he wants. Not such a dumb brute after all.

"Watch your back..." he rumbles finally, slipping his poncho back over him to hide his beskar as he turns to begin walking further down the walkway along the transit station.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari glares daggers at his back. She knows he's pushing her buttons. On purpose, too. For what? To get her to attack him out of rage, and make her look bad?

    ...Honestly, she wants to.

    But, she'd best not give him what he wants.

    Instead, she just smirks and takes out her commlink. "Actually, I think you had better watch -yours-."

    She then proceeds to call the Coruscant Security Force, reporting Volken's exact location to them.

Volken Mons has posed:
THe gargantua pauses. HE's some yards away ahnd he turns his head slightly as if looking over his shoulder now. There's seemingly a chance he might turn around. Did he catch the implication of that comm call?

Certainly there are others listening in, monitoring the situation in their own way. Looking to make some credits...

But he ends up changing his mind and instead keeps moving, his massive body slowly disappearing into the shadows further away as he makes his way towards his destination.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari smirks as he leaves, knowing the police will be here in minutes. And possibly others, even sooner. She then once again slinks back to the shadows, satisfied with herself.