Khalo Goes to Jail

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Khalo Goes to Jail
Date of Scene: 29 December 2023
Location: Lower City - Coruscant
Synopsis: The title says it all, doesn't it?
Cast of Characters: 159, 251

Athena (159) has posed:
When the Mandalorian comes to, he might find his present circumstances a bit hazy. The building Revara had careened into is now a smoking pile of permacrete, ash, and bent girders.

In fact, Khalo will find that he is, in fact, currently stuck underneath one. Revara is nowhere to be seen or heard, but the CSF are. If he doesn't want to get caught by the Republic patrols, he'll need to free himself...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

Khalo starts coming to reality, trying to figure out where he had landed after that - what many would call foolish - leap int othe abyss after Revara. Though, before he could truly figure that out, there's a /problem/. He's currently pinned underneath a large girder. He can't find Revara, he can't see her, can't even pick her up on his scanner.

But one problem at a time.

With a strength that could make even a Mandalorian's brow raise, Khalo PUSHES that girder off of himself with a metallic wine of the cold steel he lifts, his muscles straining and his voice growling as he puts his back into it, managing to get the girder off.

A slow breath then. "Hnnh....hnnh....hnnh." He rolls his shoulder, his eyes looking around as CSF is close to respond to the situation.

But he gets moving all the same. Can't get caught.

Athena (159) has posed:
He'll have to move fast. The police speeders are in sight, and closing in on Khalo's location quick...

In fact, he'll hear a female voice shouting for him to stop, turn around, and put his hands up...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo gets up and starts walking away from the scene, rolling his shoulder....though he hears a voice calling for him to stop. Of course, he doesn't, but the CSF is a little TOO fast for him. Soon enough they make it to him and he turns to face them, his hands on his blasters.

A slow crack of his neck.


And though they try to arrest him, Khalo fights back like a man possessed, able to knock down the first couple of men who come after him. A throw here, a punch to the throat there, a straight up kick to the chest there. In as nearly as quickly as they came, the first few men who appraoch are the first men down. He draws his blaster pistol then as he keeps moving backwards, ready for more to approach him as he steadily tries to make them funnel through a narrow space.

This isn't great.

Athena (159) has posed:
Unfortunately, Khalo will find that once again, the odds are stacked against him. He manages to knock the first couple of CSF officers who come after him down, but three more emerge from their speeders and come after Khalo, guns blazing.

But then he'll hear someone yelling above the din. "Hey! HEY! -She's- the one you're after, right?"

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Blaster bolts are starting to fire off at Khalo! Who takes cover and makes sure he can aim properly before firing a few shots back. Yet, as he manages to get his bearings, he hears someone yelling at him, questioning him if he's after Revara.


He says in a one-word answer as he tries to keep his attention evenly split. "Do you know where she is?!"

Athena (159) has posed:
"I've got her right here."

If Khalo turns to see who's addressing him he'll find himself gazing upon a blonde young human female who is sight for sore eyes. Her naturally long eyelashes frame wide sapphire blue eyes, and her full, red lips are in stark contrast to her fair skin. It's a bit odd -- she has the looks and physique of someone you might see performing at a theater or in a dance hall, yet she's wearing the uniform of a CSF officer. Not only that, but she is holding a bloody and unconscious Revara in a chokehold, and has a gun pressed to the other Mandalorian's temple.

"Come quietly," she says in a harsh tone that doesn't match her lovely feminine figure and appearance. "And we'll talk about getting her help."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
A second blaster is drawn, pointed now at the woman with sapphire eyes.

It seems that Khalo has stopped firing, but he's ready to go to war even still. He narrows his eyes at her as she holds Revara in a chokehold, a gun pressed to her temple.

"You don't know what she needs." He remarks to her. "And your boys and girls shot first." He remarks to the woman simply enough. It seems Khalo is a stubborn man, though he meets the woman's eyes closely. She has the body of a dancer. Mean's she's fast.

How fast?

Here's hoping nobody has to find out. "Give me the Mandalorian and we will both leave this planet."

Athena (159) has posed:
The blonde woman doesn't waver. There's a fierceness about her, and not a sliver of cowardice in her bones as she stares Khalo down.

"You didn't comply," she says, "for all we know, you're the one who did -this- to her. And given the way all you Mandos are, I wouldn't be surprised," she scoffs.

"Okay," she says when he says he'll leave if she hands Revara over,"but neither do you. She's bleeding out, and has hours, maybe even minutes, if we don't get her to a medevac immediately. Plus, both of you are wanted for collateral damage, assault, trespassing on Republic territory, and who knows what else."

"You have a choice. You can come quietly with us, and we'll work something out. Or, you can walk away right now, and probably never see your miss here ever again."

By now, several more CSF officers have surrounded Khalo. His odds aren't looking good...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo doesn't waver.

Neither does the woman.

In this way, they are very much so alike. Khalo doesn't have a cowardly bone in his body. Similarly, she has a backbone to support his stare. A dangerous woman who can look him in the eyes and not even shake. Then again, she believes herself to have the advantage. She doesn't have a reason to be scared. "She did that to herself, trying to flee with a broken pack." Khalo remarks to the woman with some minor venom in his tone.

But she makes a good point. If they don't get her medical attention immediately, there is a great chance that Revara will die. And they're both wanted.

He looks around at the CSF officers for a moment. "If I pull these triggers, all of you will die." He remarks calmly. Too calmly to be flat-out arrogance. More than likely he means EXACTLY what he says.


The Mandalorian sighs and lifts his weapons towards the air, turning to look at the woman.

"She lives." He demands.

Athena (159) has posed:
The blonde female rolls her eyes when he says that if he pulls the triggers, all of them will die. "Including your miss here," she says, "which is exactly why you're -not- going to do that."

But when Khalo sighs and submits, she smirks a little. "Well maybe you're not so bad," she says. She turns to the other officers. "Get him in the speeder," she says.

The officers then cuff Khalo (if he allows them to), and herd him towards one of the CSF speeders, just as a medevac pulls up. The female CSF officer at least takes great care to make sure Revara gets put onto a stretcher and carefully loaded into the medevac...