Doctor to Doctor

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Doctor to Doctor
Date of Scene: 03 January 2024
Synopsis: Silas meets Dr. Soren Cassias at a galaxy renowned medical conference.
Cast of Characters: 141, 308

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
It is that time of year.

That time of year, when the most experienced doctors, medics, pharmacists, nurses or any other what have you in the field of health or medicine from all across the galaxy gather in downtown Coruscant at a conference center that nearly puts the Senate Dome to shame. They would gather here to share knowledge, network, form partnerships, seek out funding for their latest research projects, and discuss the most nascent medical technology.

Consequently, the area in front of the conference center is quite congested, and many would miss the lanky, four armed droid trying to hand out flimsiplast pamphlets on the importance of therapy in healing emotional trauma...

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas arrived for the Conference in a timely fashion. The one conference that he would never miss nor never forget. It was a time to meet new or other doctors and related people in the field and to learn the newest knowledge or learn of the newest projects.

Silas, walking around the front of the conference bumped off people here and there, as it was shoulder to shoulder at times.. He turned his head and bumped into another as looked up to say sorry, "Sorry, sorry its pretty packed in the front here, I hope I did no harm..." a quick pause, "By the way Silas here!"

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The droid's exasperated expression evaporates when Silas greets him kindly and introduces himself. "Ah, yes, Dr. Silas, a pleasure to meet you," he says cordially. "I am CCL-2B, but most call me Tubi. Perhaps you'd be interested in attending Dr. Cassias' seminar on the effects of post traumatic stress disorder on familial and espousal relationships?" He starts to hand Silas a pamphlet, smiling and nodding.

Silas (308) has posed:
A grin appears across of Silas' face "Well Tubi, now that you have sold it that way with one of the longest titles ever, I would love to attend, and maybe, just maybe I will learn something I can put into practice."

Silas reaches out and grabs a pamplet and starts to quickly look it over for time and place...

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Well, it has to fully capture what the seminar will be about," the droid says, suddenly sounding a bit defensive. "And I'm more than certain you will. There aren't enough doctors these days who believe in the profound impact therapy sessions can have on physical and mental wellness..."

The seminar looks to start later that afternoon, in room 212B. As Silas is looking the pamphlet over, he'll notice on the back there's a picture and short biography of the speaker, Dr. Soren Cassias. He'll immediately recognize the man -- he was quite well known within the medical field, and a prodigy of sorts, or so many said. At 37 years of age, the man had built an immensely successful career as both a general doctor and psychologist. Yet, many regarding him a curiosity. Despite his outstanding reputation within the field, there was surprisingly little known about his personal life. He was a very private man, for reasons known to no one, some had rumored.

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas looked over the phamlet, primarily to see what the exact topic was and who the speaker was. He nodded as he listened to the droid the towards the end of his looking, or the back of the pamphlet, he noticed the doctor and tapped his finger. "Tubi, I think this will be a very good seminar, I shall attend and ... I have heard of this doctors name across the galaxy but never have met nor heard him speak, this too shall be a treat. Thank you Tubi"

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Ah, yes, that's excellent to hear, Dr. Silas. I look forward to seeing you at the seminar," the droid says, looking quite pleased with himself.

Consequently, later that afternoon, Silas will likely find himself in room 212B around the time the seminar starts. He might be surprised to find the room is mostly empty and the man of the hour nowhere to be found...

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas kept checking the time, looking around, checking the time. He was sure he was in the right place and at the right time, but no one was to be found. He internally was trying to think why no one would be there, let alone the speaker of the hour. Silas decided to just wait around a bit more to see if anyone does show up and if not, he would find himself another seminar to attend.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
A few others filter in, albeit slowly. About ten minutes pass, and this Dr. Cassias man is still nowhere to be found, although there's a good twenty to thirty people are now seated and waiting.

A rather portly looking Quarren leans over and asks Silas, "Any idea where Dr. Cassias is?" A pause. "I heard he'd decided last minute to not come to conference at all..."

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas notices more people coming in, and then wondered if this was a new topic everyone was coming to see or stil the same one, then he hears someone talking to him. He looks over, "I have no idea, and was looking forward to this talk, but that would be a shame if he decided not to come at all, the talk seems very worth while to listen to.." Silas nodded.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The Quarren chuckles. "Oh is that so?" he says, "I honestly didn't think it sounded terribly intriguing, but was curious as to what he had to say. These days, therapy droids are cheap to purchase and are for the most part effective. In my own opinion, anyway."

But before Silas can respond, the door opens, and Dr. Cassias enters. He's walking at a brisk pace, but doesn't seem to be in an extreme hurry. "My apologies," he says. "There was a work emergency and I had to return to the office on the other side of the city."

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas was interrupted by the Doc showing up and finally addressing the gathering audience. He examined Dr. Soren and noticed he was a bit off, either his composure or he speech. He looked very tired to him and though to himself that it must have been some emergency. Silas leans back and begins to listen in to see if the wait was worth it.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The seminar is definitely interesting. The doctor seems thoroughly convinced that therapy droids were not the answer to healing trauma, and that healing from post traumatic stress disorder could take years , if it could be cured at all. He concludes the seminar by stressing the importance of mental health, telling the audience of slightly skeptical doctors that 'therapy was for everyone.'

The irony is that he himself doesn't look like he practices what he preaches, and on his way off the dais with the podium, he bumps into Silas accidentally, and Silas will notice his expression looks slightly glazed over. "Excuse me," he murmurs.

Silas (308) has posed:
Silas feels the bump and and turns to see the good Doc Soren, who just ran into him. "Yes exuse you Doctor Cassias." Silas noticed he just didnt look all ok, sort of half here, half there type of mentality but it was just a perception to Silas.

"Great talk on the therapy Doc, I do hope to learn more about this, care if I get in touch with you soon to discuss?" He threw that out there just in case he would accept.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Dr. Cassias frowns, the glazed over expression suddenly dissipating. He seems genuinely surprised by Silas' response.


"Ah, of course," he says finally, handing Silas a business card. "My secretary should be able to schedule something for you."

Silas (308) has posed:
"Great, then we will talk soon I hope and you should get some rest, you look a bit worn out Doctor Cassias..." Silas grabs the card and puts it away and makes a mental note to contact his secretary to schedule that meet up..

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
He blinks. "Work keeps me busy," he says, "but I'm sure that's true for almost everyone here." He offers Silas a wan smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Certainly. I look forward to it," he says, with a slight nod, but that weary look returns. And Silas will be able to tell that work being busy is just an excuse. No, this man is more than just weary from work...

But before Silas can further interrogate the other doctor, he bids him good day and exits the room.