The Informant's Gambit: The Brother of the Ninth Door

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The Informant's Gambit: The Brother of the Ninth Door
Date of Scene: 17 January 2024
Synopsis: Imoen is exposed to a dark side relic, which reveals a tumultuous future.
Cast of Characters: 159, Imoen, Navi, Varric Sov

Welona, 3rd Benduday, Fifth Day of the Festival of Balance, 300BBY

Athena (159) has posed:
Dusk is falling in Jedha, and as the sun begins to slip below the red horizon line, the ordinarily lively streets of Jedha begin to quiet down. Despite the Festival of Balance being in full swing, most would find themselves exhausted and ready to retire by the time it gets dark, leaving the Holy City rather sleepy by the time it gets dark.

And yet, in the outskirts of Jedha, a block or two from a nearly forgotten sewage plant, a dim light illuminates one of the windows of a humble abode made of brick and mortar. The residence is oddly placed, as there are no other houses on the block, and were it not for the singularly lit window, one might mistake it as abandoned or neglected...

Imoen has posed:
Sent ahead by her Master Varric Sov, Imoen wanders through the horizon-lit evening of the Jedha streets beside her friend Navi in the hopes of locating a certain Je'uun Tarsis. A link in a chain and a clue to the past, the named relic hunter might hold the key to information kept from Convocation authorities. Akashaya Tomi never made the tribunal to judge his innocence and clear him of guilt, so now they come to investigate the trail he left behind.

To her compatriots, she hedges in a quiet tone of voice, "this is the address, I do believe?" Much like when they united to discover Tomi's lack of appearance, she's garbed in a split khaki tabard over a white tunic, with a brown obi, black leggings, wrap-around brown boots, and a splash of red from the handbag cross-strapped against her hip. She points up to the illuminated room, "only light in the entire block. Sign of Je'uun?"

Navi has posed:
Navi lifts a pocket glowtube to light up the address, nodding to Imoen. "Worth a look. Looks like he's home, too," she observes. "We may want to be extra quiet. I doubt he's wanting visitors."

Athena (159) has posed:
Yet, from where both of them stand, they'll be able hear quiet shuffling coming from inside the dilapidated, run down little abode with a single light.

Then suddenly, the light goes out, and door on the front of the small house drifts open ominously yet invitationally, creaking slightly.

Varric Sov has posed:
Dusk falls in the Holy City.

Varric had something quick to tend to, though he was able to send Imoen ahead of him while he was able to manage it. Now that his business has settled itself, Knight Varric Sov emerges from the city proper and towards the outskirts, dressed in his jedi robes with the addition of the brown cloak to help conceal him, should secrecy be required.

And of course, to help protect from the cold.

His lightsaber rests on his hilt, dangling softly, though his eyes are careful in their piercing blue hues.

His boots carefully step, though as Imoen and Navi arrive at the address, they may yet hear such footsteps settling behind them. "Is this the place?" He questions of his young padawan learner.

Imoen has posed:
Imoen nods her head slowly, though her expression appears distracted. Distracted, and maybe even a little concerned. Under her breath, she mutters, "Damn it, Tomi..." Another nod, a sigh, and she ventures, "the Force knows what kinds of defenses he might have..." Then that light flickers out in an excruciatingly creepy manner, door creaking open, and she frowns thinly, "that's never a good sign...but, well, we're here. May as well make the best of it."

Rubbing one chilly shoulder, her arms break out in goosebumps and a shiver runs down her spine at the abrupt voice from within the darkness. She doesn't -quite- jump in fright, but she lifts onto her toes, before settling back down and looking around. Spotting the familiar figure expressing that familiar voice, she dips her head in greeting and affirmative to the question. "Master Sov...yes. I think so, at least. Not many other places he could be to fit the description." Extending a hand for Navi to take so that each might help give the other a modicum of courage, she states simply, "shall we?"

Navi has posed:
Navi nods to Varric in the wake of Imoen's answer. "Sure seems like it. Also seems like we're expected," she replies softly, taking Imoen's offered hand. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this, but it seems like the only way through this mess is forward. Let's see what we can see."

Athena (159) has posed:
The inside of the small abode, as expected now that the light has been snuffed out, is very, very dark.

Stepping inside will feel like walking into a cloud of hazy darkness. The floorboards beneath their feet creak, and once again, the shuffling they'd heard prior to entering can be heard.

Then, all of a sudden, a porcelain white face will emerge from the darkness, illuminated by some unseen light source. This Kotabi face, though youthful, does not look like the sort one would like to see in the dark, at such an hour. Their eyes are wide set, uncomfortably large and symmetrical -- which is in direct contrast to their lips, which are thin and bony looking.

A voice neither female nor male will then invade the privacy of their minds, the brittle tone piercing their psyches. <You must have come on behalf of Tomi and Gethun.>

Varric Sov has posed:
"Hm. Expected."

Varric seems to agree with both Imoen and Navi with that careful nod, though he seems to lift a hand to try and offer it to rest on Navi's shoulder a moment. "Fear not. For the Force is with you...and so are we." He chuckles ever so softly His hand removes itself from her person and he steps inside after the children.

His eyes look around then for that moment, humming. "There are dark things beneath the house. I can't tell specifically. The darkness clouds my senses."

Imoen has posed:
With another fervent nod in agreement to both Navi and Varric, Imoen steps forth alongside her friend and Master, entering through the threshold of that creepy door and into the inky darkness awaiting them all. Holding her free hand out to keep from bumping into any obstacles, she tries to also minimize the volume of her entrance. Even so, the floorboards inevitably whine at her approach. There's a sharp creak as she shifts her weight and stands back, suddenly affronted by a pale visage.

Squeezing Navi's hand as her shoulders tense, she breaks the silence in the shadows to respond to the uncomfortable voice in her head. "We seek answers, wise Kotabi." Couldn't hurt to lavish them with compliments, right? "Are you the one that can provide this for us?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kotabi blinks their wide, unsettling eyes. They are confused. <Answers... what answers> Their expression shifts ever so subtly, and their gaze flicks to Varric momentarily.

<There are dark things, of course. Was this not the arrangement sought prior>

<You are here to get them, I presume. You are early. But fine. Prepare your transport, and I will finish preparing what I need to prepare quickly> They then turn around, and disappear into the darkness behind them...

Navi has posed:
Navi accompanies Imoen and Varric inside, grateful for Imoen holding her hand and Varric's brief squeeze of her shoulder. She gasps and backpedals a pace at the sight of the strange, pale-to-glowing face in the darkness of the room, recovering only after a moment to relax. But her heart continues to race, as does her mind, still alarmed, for no reason she can understand.

She inwardly blames it on the darkness, and the scary, glowy face of their alien host(ess).

"Remember that bad feeling?" she asks, in a very low voice. "It's gone. But I'm getting a /worse/ feeling about this..."

Varric Sov has posed:
Very wise, young Imoen.

Compliments can get you to a great many places. Unlike what most say? Flattery will get you /everywhere/. Varric seems to fall into a steady silence in that moment. Slowly, his eyes shift towards the Kotabi. "We are looking for someone." He admits. His eyes shifting to the glowing face of their host.

"Do you host another in this place? One by the name of Tomi?" He asks of the hostess. "You ahve been quite welcoming, and we would hate to be disrespectful of your home or our intentions." Flattery. Humility. Both might be effective in this moment. He looks towards Navi for a moment, humming in affirmation.

Imoen has posed:
Imoen blinks. The telepathic interactions were awkward and a bit uncomfortable, but it's not like this is the first time she's communicated in a similar fashion. Cayde Alexis conveyed his thoughts not unlike this hairless Kotabi. Still, she did not anticipate such a simple and straightforward resolution. "Get them. Yes." Her features contort in bemusement. Did this relic hunter happen to have Gethun and Tomi on standby?

There's a glance aside to her friend, and she whispers back a response. "Worse? If they're already here, isn't that all the better?" Upon hearing her Master offer up conversation, she lets the more experienced of the pair of them lead, dipping her head respectfully to all parties involved.

Athena (159) has posed:
<I do not know where he is> The disembodied voice says to all three of them. Then, <I will tell you when the relics are ready to be transported>

Then, from somewhere in the darkness, another door creaks loudly. The sound of soft footsteps pattering down a worn staircase follows, along with a rush of moist air that smells oddly mineral.

But none of them will have much time to contemplate the change of atmosphere, because the humidity is accompanied by an overt feeling of temptation. Temptation to follow the Kotabi downstairs to... to only the Force knows where.

Navi has posed:
Navi watches the pale-faced host withdraw back into the darkness, listening to those footsteps pattering on the stairs. "He wasn't honest with us," she whispers to Imoen and Varric. "At least, I think they're a 'he'. It's hard to tell. But I knew something was wrong. I..."

And then a peculiar feeling comes over her, a terrible tugging, pulling sensation on her consciousness. "Something... something down there /wants/ me..." she whispers, hurrying after their host. Only when she discovers that the path goes downstairs and isn't as suitable for walking swiftly does she slow down, and even that leaves her impatient. "Must... /hurry/..."

Varric Sov has posed:
There's a moment.

A mere moment when Varric's mind opens up to the Force. Eyes narrowing at their 'gracious host' as he notices only what the Force chooses to tell him: She's lying. She knows exactly where Tomi is. Yet, as the hostess starts attempting to descend down the staircase, Varric feels the pull of the darkness to follow her. The terrible /temptation/ that certainly lured more than a few others to what could have been their doom.

But Varric resists. His will is far too strong.

Though his hands suddenly reach outward, if but to try and grab Imoen and Navi by the shoulder while they still stood fairly close to one another. "No." He informs the pair of them, shaking his head ever so softly. "Do not follow her. It would be greatly unwise."

Imoen has posed:
Trading glances of surprise made willfully mild upon hearing the definition of 'them', Imoen returns her attention to the Kotabi at the sound of footsteps. With her Sephi friend's implicit encouragement, she suggests slyly - or at least slyly in her own mind, "perhaps a few extra credits will jog your memory? a tip for the delivery, I mean?" Her voice fades at that last however, as the moistness in the air brings with it a desire to follow the Kotabi, curiosity getting the better of her in a rush of academic enthusiasm. "What's down below? Mind if we...take a peek?" Propelled by her proximity and clasped hands with Navi, her movements quicken in a bid to uncover what secrets might await them, and she does nothing to slow them down. On the contrary, if anything, she aims to speed up.

Unfortunately, Varric misses her tunic, and she widens the gap bit by terrible bit. However, it's not the physical act which fully stills her need to obey temptation, but the urgency and command in her Master's voice, undulating through their Force bond. She snaps out of it, and then notices Navi has failed to do likewise. So, she does the only thing she can think of and grips her friend's hand with as much strength as she can muster, shifting to position herself before the Sephi and her foreboding target. "Navi, not right now." Her other hand comes up to Navi's shoulder, staring at her meaningfully. "We must continue the mission."

Athena (159) has posed:
A few moments pass, and then shuffling at the bottom of the staircase can be heard again.

The voice comes again. <Come. I am ready. Bring your transport around, I have moved the relics Tomi and Gethun requested to the backyard. You can take them, now. They're ready. Ready for your Bogan Collection. We will discuss payment, yes?>

They'll all feel a collective urge to meet Je'uun out back, in the massive, tangled mess of a backyard that sits behind the tiny abode.

Navi has posed:
Navi was lucky enough to be caught and drawn back from only five or six steps down the stairs. She tries for a moment to pull away, but then she realizes just who's holding on to her, and stops resisting, letting herself be drawn back. "Gods, I'm so, so sorry..." she whispers. "I have no idea what I was thinking, but I couldn't stop."

She can't fully suppress a shiver as the strange, luminous-faced alien returns, speaking of relics gathered by Tomi and Gethun, for a... Bogan Collection? The word is utterly unfamiliar to her, and she holds her peace out of confusion.

Varric Sov has posed:

Thank goodness for the amount of time Imoen and Varric spend together as Master and Student, considering that Imoen finds her willpower again once Varric is able to successfully free Imoen from the binding of whatever spell this strange creature had placed her under. "Very good, Imoen. Remember - Darkness clouds the judgment, but the eye of the mind always sees." Varric suggests to her a moment, though he turns his attention then to Navi after he had given praise to his Padawan.

"It's alright, Navi. It happens to even the best of us."

Though he looks back forward, feeling that collective urge to meet Je'uun out back. "That we could follow." Varric distinctly says, as long as they don't go DOWNSTAIRS. They should be fine from the corruptive presence here.

He starts to lead the way, noticing the dense foliage of a backyard. "Be on your guard, both of you. This may end in a fight."

Imoen has posed:
"Me neither." Imoen moves in to give Navi a sympathetic albeit brief hug. "Me neither." She glances over her shoulder at the Kotabi and the source of that eerie voice. She opens and closes her mouth a couple times, as if wanting to say something, but finding the word 'Bogan' so strange and utterly foreign that she's stunned into befuddlement. Pulling back from the hug, she returns to her earlier position beside her Sephi friend, simply holding hands like when they initially arrived at the abode.

Blue eyes swivel towards Varric. "Yes, Master. Thank you. It seems I still require your training and guidance." This time, she lets Varric lead, before following soon after, pursing her lips uneasily at how effortless it seemed for dark forces to compel and persuade her towards poor choice and action.

Athena (159) has posed:
The backyard is just as dark, twisted, and befuddling as the interior of the tiny house. There's strange plants growing everywhere, unpruned and intertwining with one another to form a kind of strange and unsettling jungle of dense foliage.

<Come> the disembodied voice beckons once more. <Where is your transport> They'll feel a tug to head towards a dark corner of the backyard, where four looming structures are covered with brown sackcloth. Their weight in the Force is palpable, heavy, and drenched in that same temptation that had emanated from Je'uun's basement. Yet, the feeling is somewhat muted, for some reason.

But as they near the structures, Imoen will start to feel that pull again, coming from one of them. And this time, it's ... stronger. In fact, there's another voice whispering to her, whispering her name.

<Imoen... you wish to know the future>

Navi has posed:
Navi, still subdued, follows Varric and Imoen into the backyard, trying to be careful of her footing and her robe in the dense vegetation. As she approaches the four covered structures, she feels herself beginning to shiver at the dank, dark feeling coming off of the hidden masses, muted though it is.

She suppresses an urge to back away from them. Her friends may need her, after all. "I really don't like this place..." she whispers to Varric, and Imoen.

Varric Sov has posed:
"Nor do I." Varric remarks to Navi. "I will need your help if we are to escape alive." he warns Navi, clearly appreciative of her ability to suppress her fear and discomfort to be there for her fellow Force-Sensitives. If only more people were able to do such things.

Yet, called and called again, Varric kept moving at the front of the group. He knows of such things...of Bogan. Yet, such Jedi secrets are not additionally unveiled, lest this strange hostility amplify.

Varric feels the temptations, but it's muted. Quite so. But, Varric doesn't fall to them. Instead, he answers her question. "Far." he remarks. "We were not intending for a long trek, merely for your aid in answers."

Imoen has posed:
Wandering towards the backyard, Imoen looks around with a mixture of both curiosity and caution. Especially after being subdued by those malevolent voices in her head. "Are these local flora?" She brushes a hand idly against one of the unpruned plants, only for her attention to turn captive by continued ethereal whispers. Her Master allowing, she approaches the odd and hidden silhouettes in brown sackcloth. "Yeah, this place is dense with..."

<Imoen... you wish to know the future>

Imoen slows, her hand moving ahead of her body as it's lead by Navi's grip, though her focus turns elsewhere. Her eyes go glassy and her heartbeat quickens, pulsing against Navi's palm.

Imoen's grip goes slack as she travels robotically from beside the Sephi and in the direction of the structures, continuing onwards and within unless otherwise stopped.

Athena (159) has posed:
<I have no answers for you> the Kotabi answers Varric and Navi sharply, and abruptly. <Now, about payment. Tomi promised to pay me handsomely. I still require it, even if you did not bring a transport to take them with you>

The voice still calls out to Imoen. <Imoen... Imoen...there is great calamity... do you wish to know it>

Just ahead of Imoen looms one of the structures, still partially covered by the brown canvas. And yet, there's a crevice which serves as entry to the inside of it. Power lies there... power to know the future...

Navi has posed:
"I'll try," Navi replies very softly to Varric, gently squeezing Imoen's hand as a gesture of solidarity. It's when Imoen doesn't return the squeeze that she realizes something is very wrong.

"Imoen?" she asks hesitantly, slowing her pace. Imoen /doesn't/ slow down, starting to walk right past the Sephi. "Imoen, wait!" she cries, grabbing for her wrist, but she catches Imoen's sleeve instead, and it slithers right through her fingers. She falls almost on her face, reaching after her friend helplessly.

"Imoen, /don't go in there/! It's..."

She realizes she has no idea /what/ it is...

"It's... /EEEEEEEEEEVIL/!!!"

Varric Sov has posed:
The girls are behind him.

"You have every answer I seek, I fear. Adter all, surely a purchase comes with basic information, and you are not foolish enough to trust Tomi enough to lend aid before payment and not after. We are friends and I have no quarrel with you, but-"

The cry of Navi towards his padawan alerts Varric to a problem. As he turns, he sees Imoen making her way towards a mysterious crevice. "Imoen-" he extends his hand, attempting to pull her back with the Force, but she's too deeply enthralled to be moved.

"Tch-!" and suddenly, Barric is moving towards her, reaching down to quickly help Navi to her feet but he doesn't stop for long!

Imoen has posed:
"Calamity..." Imoen murmurs, but it's like she's hypnotized or a puppet on strings. She keeps going forward. She hears a familiar voice, but she can't quite place it. A friend, maybe? But there's something important she has to do. Did she say something about evil? Well, all the more reason to approach. Wait, what was evil again? She must move forward. There's a bump against her elbow, but she ignores it, seeking the safety and security of the structure. It's right there, if she can only reach it.

Something tries pulling at her with the Force, so she naturally pulls back, mentally deflecting the manuever. She hears her name called, even reverberate through the Force again, but it doesn't sound as compelling as the susurrations mingling with her own thoughts. She must move forward. Seek the structures. Listen to the voice of invitation.

Athena (159) has posed:
<I was already paid a small deposit> The Kotabi then hesitates. <And for a small favor he asked of me, personally. Listen, Jedi. Your concerns are not mine. It was made known to me that the Convocation deeply desires these relics, and as such, credits -must- be exchanged.>

Then Varric and Navi rush helplessly after Imoen, and they simply watch with cool disinterest.

Ahead of Imoen, there's a glint of something metal within the crevice on the structure she approaches. The voice calls to her again. <Imoen... Imoen...the Temple of the Kyber> And then the young padawan will start to feel vague sensations seeping into the edges of her conscious. Chaos. Fear. Greed. Confusion...

Navi has posed:
Navi takes Varric's hand and struggles to her feet. "Oh, /thank you/," she cries, pelting after Imoen. She dives for the girl's back, but miscalculates her lunge and misses, her fingers slipping off of the Firrerreo's boot. "Imoen! /IMOOOEEEEEEEENNN/!!!" she cries, on the verge of tears.

In the back of her mind, someone is calculating the potential misfortune of both her position and the fact that the freaky alien wants money she's sure she and her friends don't have... and that same someone reaches for the off switch for the fan, smelling oncoming brown stuff...

Varric Sov has posed:
Imoen's urges are too strong!

"You're welcome."

But, Varric puts himself in front of Imoen, his hands moving forward to try and push her backwards, but alas, the urge is too powerful and in fact, /Varric/ finds himself pushed away from Imoen! "What the..."

He's far too concerned of his Padawan to entertain this strange host. "Imoen, you must awaken now." he tries to warn his padawan.

Imoen has posed:
"Temple...Kyber...calamity..." Imoen sees a flicker of light refracting off some intriguing object within the structures. This is it. This must be her mission. "Future..." She shuffles closer. She must move forward. At the corner of her vision, she notices some violent flurry of movement. Something tips her off to the danger, and that Something helps her get out of the way. With the threat evaded, she continues on her path, resuming the trip towards her destination. Strange echoes of emotion flutter through her mind. Alien emotions, unkind emotions, things she trained to control and temper, but which start to permeate the closer she approaches to that glinting object. With an almost starving look on her face, her canines more pronounced and her features more animalistic than ever, she lifts up the bauble to stare at herself through its flickering quicksilver reflection.

Chaos. Fear. Greed. Confusion.

No, these are unbecoming of a Jedi. Memories and training sessions flash through her mind. Chaos is meaningless without the abiding presence of order. Fear leads to anger, which leads to hate, which leads to suffering. Greed corrupts the greedy. Confusion comes from lack of knowledge, understanding, and an open mind.

Death, destruction, and the dark side. The Zealot, Tomi, and the last night of the festival. She views a different time and place as though through the looking glass of another person's perspective. Suddenly, vertigo rolls, and consciousness shifts.

At first, there's a ringing in her ears, as though recovering from an explosion or loud noise. Hearing returns by increments, her Sephi friend crying out her name and her Master urging her to return to full awareness of her surroundings. "What? What just?" She looks down. She had dropped the strange silver object that was flashing in her hand. It's a bled kyber crystal, a silver amulet wrapped around the gem. She turns to look at Navi and Varric, eyes wide as her reality slowly rights itself. She grits her teeth, willing away the compulsions of the dark side. "They plan to break into the vault of the Bogan. We have to stop them. Tomi, I mean. And the Zealot. Somehow..."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kotabi approaches the young padawan, just as she regains her composure and comes back to the present. Frowning, they pick up the silver amulet, shaking their head.

<It has revealed the future to you> the Kotabi says to all of them. <You must be gifted in prediction of events far off> they say.

Their eyes then flick down to the amulet for a moment, blinking slowly and saying nothing for a few moments.

<You know it, then> they say. <Tragedy will strike on the last day of the festival, at the midnight gala, during the firework show.>

Their gaze rests on Imoen, their expression unreadable, but their words can be heard by all. <Indeed. And the only way to guarantee the contents of the Bogan Collection remain safe, is to kill one of them. This is the truth>

Navi has posed:
Navi stares up at Imoen from the ground, terror giving way to tearful relief that her friend is no longer mindlessly pressing on toward the structure, and the evil emanating from it. "Oh, thank you, Force..!" she cries softly.

And then Imoen speaks of what she has seen, and the Kotabi bears out her prediction. Navi's good mood washes away like a landslide, and she lays her head onto the backs of her hands, sobbing. "I knew... I just knew it," she cries. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiit..!"