People of Their Ilk

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People of Their Ilk
Date of Scene: 28 January 2024
Location: Canto Bight Casino and Racetrack - Canto Bight
Synopsis: Wynn meets a potential partner in crime.
Cast of Characters: Baelin Kalregar, 323

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Canto Bight is busy as ever, full of visitors both criminal and law-abiding as they enjoy the lavish entertainment offered by the establishment--including plenty of sabacc tables.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
THE Wynn Viasco is on Canto Bight. Which means that he's out here at the Sabacc tables and doing whatever he can to make sure that attention is on him. Or, rather, he's trying to get enough attention in this direction so that he can make some more credits while being down here. The Vagabond's Destiny is parked somewhere nearby but Wynn Viasco is right here and trying to figure out exactly whom he's going to hustle-- er, play against next.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The sabacc tables are busy tonight, and it seems there is a line. One of the croupiers is giving out numbers. Approaching the tables around the same time as him is another man--a human with deep red hair. He's dressed like he has some money, for sure.

    A friendly smile is flashed Wynn's direction as he walks up and takes a number for himself. "Busy night, huh?" he remarks to no one in particular.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Not too busy to make some creds." Wynn offers a quick smile as he leans back in his chair. He keeps his eyes on the prize on the table in front of him. One of the beings disappears to make themselves get drunk because they just lost some creds. Which frees up a seat for any newcomers... like the busy nighter.

R    Wynn shuffles the deck currently in his hands. "How about a hand or two?"

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    The man chuckles and arches a brow at Wynn's offer as he shuffles the deck. "You gonna play and deal, huh?"

    "How do I know I can trust you?" Although he winks briefly.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    The cards get shuffled some more and slid around and this way and that way because of course he's going to show off a bit with the card skills. "Wynn Viasco. Captain of the Vagabond's Destiny." With that said, Wynn sits back in his seat, leaving the Sabacc deck on the table. "I'm sure you knew that already." This is the part where Wynn is pretty sure that he's known all over the galaxy.

    "You can deal. Wynn trusts you."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Well now...this was an interesting turn of events. "Hmm, can't say I have." The man replies with a shake of his head.

    "Fen Mikovic. Spice proprietor. -Legal- spice. For medicinal purposes, you know? Among other medical things."

    "Referring to yourself in third person, now?" he chuckles, taking the deck and beginning to re-shuffle it. "Unless you're talking about a different Wynn."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Only to show you how trustworthy I am."

    Wynn almost looks upset that he's not as more known as he believes he is. He actually finds a way to shake it off, though, in favor of making a few mental notes about this personage joining the table. "Glad to meet you, Fen." Wynn offers with a grin and even holds out a hand to offer a hand to shake.

    "Now, go easy on me. It's been a while."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Fen accepts the handshake, shuffles a couple more times and deals the cards out to himself and Wynn. ", Wynn Viasco. Tell me about the Vagabond's Destiny." he says, picking up his cards to take a look at the hand he's been dealt.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    Wynn doesn't even flinch at this hand. The way his hands move the cards around is almost too smooth. Maybe even too rehearsed. "Oh, just my ship. Well, it's more than a ship. It's pretty much the best pleasurecraft /I've/ ever owned." Wynn's got a bit of a grin on his face as he leans back. "You're welcome to come by any time. We've got a little bit of everything on her."

R    Wynn tosses a few too many creds into the pot.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Oh, one of those luxury cruisers, huh?" Fen remarks, arranging his own cards coolly as well. He tosses in the creds. "Really? You ever own any others?" Since it sounded like maybe that wasn't the only one.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Let's just say I'm no stranger to pleasuring myself." Wynn offers a playful wink in the direction of Fen. Enough so that he's either being coy on purpose or just not ready to divulge too much of his own information. "And now I'm ready to pleasure others."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Sounds like a good time." Fen replies with a smile. He pulls out a datastick that has some business contact information on it and slides it across table. "You ever need medical supplies or spice, you know in the case the good times get cut short and anyone gets hurt or becomes ill--let's talk. But, speaking of pleasure...if any of your clients decide to uh...use some of it for -other- purposes, it wouldn't be any of my business, now would it?" he smirks slightly, implying that he's only speaking in jest; however, he's already sizing up Wynn's reaction.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    Wynn makes that datastick disappear into one of his pockets pretty swiftly. He's also rocking a knowing smirk the entire time. Well, at least knowing enough to be a smirk that people of their ilk might know and understand. "As much as I try to keep Vagabond's Destiny as safe and issue free, there's always a bad fruit or two. We could definitely use some medical supplies."

    Wynn grins as he looks through his cards again. "I'll be sure to place a nice big order." This time a bit of a worried look comes across his features. "If you don't clean me out, that is."

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    Fen laughs. "Oh, don't worry. We' About pricing, and all that." he says, waving a hand dismissively. "Maybe after this I'll swing by your ship and take a look myself. See where your needs are."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "I'm going to hold you to that." Wynn remarks with a quick smirk. He's all about making some deals at the Sabacc table. "Who knows, maybe some spice'll find a way to get from Point A to Point D without you having to lift a finger. Anything's possible."

    Did Wynn Viasco just offer to use the Vagabond's Destiny for deliveries?

    "Alright, I suppose I can't stall any longer. Shall we?" Looks like Wynn's a bit nervous to lay down his hand.

Baelin Kalregar has posed:
    "Oh yeah? Are you saying you there are some...other types of services you might provide? You know, other than entertainment and such? Business services?"

    Fen chuckles and throws the hand down first. "Might as well."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    "Wynn Viasco is a man of many talents and trades." Wynn tosses that phrase loud enough for others around to hear it. Gotta get his reputation spread around somehow. He might as well sprinkle his name onto the ears of those nearby as well.

    Wynn takes another longing glance in the direction of his creds in the pile and lays down his hand as well.


Baelin Kalregar has posed: seems neither of them have a very good hand, to be honest. But, Fen's slightly better than Wynn's.

    The man cringes slightly. "Oof, not a very good night for either of us, but maybe a little bit worse for you." he chuckles, and takes the pot. "Hey, a small price to pay, for a mutually beneficial relationship?" he offers.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
    Wynn is all frowns at the moment and just scoops up what little bit of creds he has on his side of the table. "Couldn't have said it better myself." Wynn flashes a grin. "But I know when the table's not mine so I better get back to the Destiny and make sure the passengers haven't all killed each other."

    Wynn pats the pocket he's stashed the datastick in. "I'll be in touch. Sooner than you think."