Living Life Day

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Living Life Day
Date of Scene: 14 January 2024
Synopsis: Navi and Imoen hang out on Takodana during the Life Day festival.
Cast of Characters: Navi, Imoen

Navi has posed:
Afternoon on Takodana. It's a bright, cheerful day, and the Life Day festivities are in full swing. Demonstrations of rituals are interspersed with stalls selling festive foods and larger stalls featuring carnival-esque games (most of which are rigged in some way, but everyone expects this). The crowd is pretty heavy, but peaceful for the most part. Only rarely do the authorities have to step in to settle some quarrel.

Navi waits at the foot of a large stone column, where she'd promised to meet Imoen for the celebration. The Sephi is clothed in a rather simple dress that mostly consists of a tabard-like garment of undyed natural cor-cotton, a bit wider in back to offer better coverage, that runs from her neck to her ankles, its edges trimmed in gold synthfabric. A wide gold obi-style sash ties the garment at her waist, the edges overlapped there to provide a bit more modesty, but the gaps at the sides above and below show off her long legs, and occasional peeks at her undergarments. Clusters of synthwood bangle bracelets clack musically when she moves her arms, and a pair of strappy high-heeled sandals whose straps criss-cross up to her knee complete the outfit.

"I hope this isn't too much... or more like too little," she murmurs faintly, with a blush to match. "But it's all I could afford..."

Imoen has posed:
"Are you kidding? You look amazing. You have got to tell me where you found those bangles." Imoen moves to tug gently on a section of the Sephi's tabard, in an effort to afford her slightly better coverage of those undergarments. "I'm not exactly any better. I thrifted this poncho and gave it a new home." She indicates the lightweight dark blue linen poncho, so short it barely reaches her chest. Beneath, she's garbed in a cropped black top, most of her midriff bare before her navy blue split knee skirt ending asymmetrically over a pair of black synthleather leggings and skinny brown shoes. She has her handy old red handbag with her, suspended over the split in her skirt as a pop of color to her darker-toned ensemble. Besides the Padawan braid in her loose mid-back hair, she doesn't have any further accessories, though rich blue polish lacquers her short-trimmed nails.

    "This is such a treasure for me. It's rare to get off Coruscant for most anything, and now I've done it what's basically twice in a row. Have you been to Takodana before? It's gorgeous. So much greenery. You'd have to find a curated garden back home, but it pales compared to the, just sheer nature of this planet."

    Extending a hand to squeeze in greeting, canines peeking through grinning and jovial lips, she says, "I'm so glad we have the chance to catch up. We didn't meet half as much as I wanted back on Jedha. You've gotta tell me all about your time there."

Navi has posed:
Navi gasps softly as Imoen greets her with a tug or two on her dress/tabard, turning to face her with some surprise, and then joy as she recognizes her friend. She clasps her friend's hand, and then pulls her into a tight hug, giggling softly. "It's /so good/ to see you... and we definitely need to make up for lost time," she says softly. "I'd meant to share the whole Festival on Jedha with you, but we barely saw each other at all. I just hope the Force is in a better mood today."

She draws back, blushing slightly, looking over her friend's outfit. "You're so pretty like this... maybe Jedi robes agree with you, but outfits like that one love you dearly," she says, smiling. "So, what do you want to do first?"

Imoen has posed:
Imoen beams at the embrace, happy to be there at Life Day with a friend. "Definitely. I missed us at the Festival. So many things happened that I very much did not expect. There's still a part of me made uneasy by some of the events that took place there, but being here with something I care about is all that matters now." Her features shining with glee, she returns, "the robes are a nice comfort blanket, but I feel like I need to let this out sometime too. Wear something else. Go a little daring. All I know is we need to trade fashion secrets and go out on the town, because I'm clearly missing a thing or two. Those bangles perfectly compliment your sandals."

    With a contemplative lofting of shoulders, she suggests, "I could go for some sweet or savory snack. You're the more galaxy-wise of the two of us. What kinds of distractions does Life Day offer when it's not me representing the Jedi in some parade or other?"

Navi has posed:
"Well... mostly this was the cheapest outfit I could find," Navi admits. "What little fashion sense I have is based on being perpetually penniless. The Brotherhood stipend doesn't go far when it comes to fashion, and losing at least a third of my wardrobe on Jedha didn't help matters. The sandals and bracelets came from a stall I found near the spaceport yesterday, and the dress from a clever dressmaker who liked the challenge of making an outfit in six hours and for only a handful of credits. She did a wonderful job, if your reaction is any indication. I must point you toward her. I'm sure you'll get along famously, and she could use more business."

She looks around the festivities thoughtfully. "Well, there's plenty of sweet and savory goodies around," she observes. "Honestly, this is the first time I've been here for a Life Day festival. But I've been to a couple other Life Day events on other worlds, and I see some familiar elements, like the demonstrations and games. We can stroll down this way and see what we can see," she suggests, gesturing northward.

Imoen has posed:
Imoen grins roguishly, one tooth peeking through. "That's where taking odd jobs comes through. It's not like I'm rolling in credits, but a few hours helping out at a diner here, or a food stand there, can really come in handy for personal purchases." She glances around warily, "but you didn't hear that from me." Nevertheless, she waves dismissively, "you look gorgeous. You're rocking that dress. What it loses in being allegedly cheap, it more than makes up for in your own prettiness." She lets out a huff upon learning the garment was actually hand-designed, "I really think you found the perfect dressmaker. I would love to meet her myself. I could go for lovely yet affordable any day."

Blue eyes traverse what festival presents itself, agreeing with an idle nod and an indication of movement. She walks alongside her Sephi ally, briefly bumping her shoulder. "So what did I miss? You mentioned on Jedha you made some new friends?"

Navi has posed:
"My studies and chapterhouse duties keep me pretty busy, so I really can't make a part-time job work," Navi replies, with some regret. "And most of the time I can't afford genuinely pretty things. I got lucky when I met that designer. She didn't care about money so much, and she loved the challenge. Unless something gets in our way, I'll take you to meet her tomorrow morning. I think you'll like each other."

She shivers as she remembers the terrors of Jedha. "There was a quartet of Chadra Fan siblings that did a lot of useful things for me. Including helping me clear myself of those murder charges. So did a Zeltron private detective named Vons. All of them were super nice, even if some of them weren't conventionally so. It was quite an eye-opener."

Imoen has posed:
"I'd like that. She sounds like an awesome and genuine person, especially with your endorsement. And, you know, affordable clothes are always a nice thing to have...although the trip to Takodana might skew the price a smidgen."

Both hands move to pounce on one of Navi's, and she blurts out, "that. Do tell. How did you get entangled in murder charges?" A sad shake of her head, "being the Festival of Balance, I wouldn't expect to see so much chaos and conflict. But...maybe that's me being naive and sheltered Imoen, unaware of the galaxy beyond the atmosphere of Coruscant." She breathes out a small sigh, "I bumped into my own unanticipated struggles. Tomi and...yeah." A brief shrug, "at least I got myself a brand-new maybe-damaged Kyber crystal out of it. I'm excited to put it together into a new lightsaber. Something convenient and portable, but also I really like the aesthetic you pull off with that collapsing staff."

Navi has posed:
"They're not normally like that," Navi protests softly, although she makes no move to draw her hand back from Imoen. "Normally the festivals are very quiet and peaceful. This year's festival was definitely different."

She impulsively hugs Imoen again. "I hope your new lightsaber is excellent. Maybe they'll let me help you build it. But for what it's worth? The best part of that whole experience?" Blushing faintly, she kisses the other girl's cheek. "This. Being here with you, right here, right now."

Imoen has posed:
Imoen looks over at Navi and her expression softens, "you might be right. I guess I'll just have to attend another festival with you next year." She offers an encouraging smile, then happily returns the hug. "Me too. Even if you don't help build it, I would love your input on the design. I...may have a few sketches worked out, but they're pretty rough, and I'm no artist by any means." The kiss catches her off guard a little, hands loosening momentarily in their grip, and her face heats in response. With a light smile, she admits, "it is nice to have a friend outside of the Temple. I'm very glad I met you."

Her grip strength returning, she releases one hand, if only so she might stand side by side with the Sephi and survey the festival. "Come on, let's go find some kind of snacks. I know I can't be the only one that hasn't eaten in a bit."

Navi has posed:
"Oh, I simply /must/ see them! If it's one thing I can't do, it's sew my own clothes. I can mend just fine, but actually crafting something new is far over my head," Navi observes, noting Imoen's blush and squeezing the other girl's hand gently. "I think I smell roasting khedri nuts... and it's hard to beat khedri nuts for sweet and savory," she says enthusiastically, gently tugging on Imoen's hand as she starts off in the direction of the aroma of roasting nuts.

She smiles at her friend as they walk. "Have you never been kissed before?" she asks gently. "Not even on the cheek?"

Imoen has posed:
Imoen's cheeks burn ever more at the compliments, running her free hand through her hair. Self-consciously, she hedges, "they're just doodles. Nothing so creative as actually creating my own clothing. I just know I'd like the eventual product portable like yours, maybe with one end capable of turning itself on through my Kyber crystal." A faint smile, "if you want to use me as practice, I would happily be a model for your future clothing line." She chuckles lightly, "khedri nuts are a delicious choice. May your nose guide our way."

She follows along, holding hands as they approach ever closer to their fateful snack. The sudden query causes her to stumble briefly, despite her natural grace and athleticism. "The Temple discourages any kind of romantic attachments. I know that might come off a tad hypocritical in my case, but family is family, and a kiss is...I would assume a dangerous step further away from Temple policy."

Navi has posed:
"Every design starts with drawings... from shirts to starships. And I'm betting you're the only one who calls your work doodles," Navi says thoughtfully, with an encouraging smile for her friend. "And my staff is convenient, but it's still big enough that I'm not going to carry it concealed unless it was under a cloak or a robe. Though I could see about working up one that could be disguised as a walking staff, maybe. Got to think about that."

She leads the way toward their choice of snacks, following the scent of roasting khedri nuts. "The nose knows the way. And the Temple might accuse me of corrupting you or something, but I'm probably going to kiss you on the cheek again before our day's done. Likely more than once. It's not meant romantically, so no need to worry. At least, I'm pretty sure it's not romantic."

Imoen has posed:
Imoen smiles modestly at Navi's thoughtful words. "I'm hardly an artist. I just try to imagine how the lightsaber is supposed to be, and I doodle down random little shapes." She giggles lightly, "a walking stuff, huh? I didn't realize you were getting to that age." She lightly elbows her friend, "who knew Sephi could age so gracefully." She offers up with a clap of her hands, "oh! Or it could double as a dancing staff. Magician's staff? How are you with card tricks?"

No matter her words, she immediately feels the heat coming on again at the reminder of that cheek-kiss. "The Temple would be so mortified." She purses her lower lip, "although. I have heard the rules are more lax for Padawans than those whom have passed their trials..." Mischief twinkles in her eyes as she suggests, "but alas, I am nothing in the face of your true love, that striking Tholothian on Jedha. What's his story, anyway?"

Navi has posed:
"Are you /sure/ you're not still a youngling?" Navi asks impishly, returning Imoen's elbow gently. "Dancing staff... magic staff... hmm. I should consider those. But only after I get some talent with dance and illusionism. Or would a dancing staff be more like a cane? Hmm..."

She rolls her eyes at the mention of Zealot, shaking her head. "I could live without ever seeing /him/ again... after I refused to let him snipe Master Tomi, he declared that I should avoid him ever after... for my own safety. Which I took as a threat. But even before that, everything went insane for me from the moment I met him. He even tried to frame me for all those murders! If that doesn't say 'disaster waiting to happen', I don't know what does."

Imoen has posed:
"Only a youngling compared to those that need a walking staff to get around a city, maybe..." Imoen smirks, "but I could certainly get behind having a friend with dance and illusion skills. Just so long as you invite me to your performances. We'll need to record it on holovid so I can replay it back for years to come. And you'll need a stage name! The Sephi Stupendous? The Electrifying Enchantress?" A light shrug, "ehh, it's a work in progress."

"Yeah, massive walking red flag. At least you didn't associate yourself with an impassioned thief. I feel like I'll be disentangling myself from that until my hair turns white...or well..." She runs a finger through a lock of white hair, "more white." She sighs softly, "why couldn't our stay on Jedha have been simple and fun and easy? There were supposed to be festivals! And entertainment! And memories! And sure, there was some of that, don't get me wrong. But it got a whole lot more complicated than I could have ever anticipated..."

Navi has posed:
"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here, Miss Work In Progress," Navi teases back. "And look on the bright side... you didn't spend any time in jail. Or get stuck in an underground arena in your undergarment with a steamed-up Dowutin as a dance partner. If ever I wanted a week back, it was that one."

Imoen has posed:
"Yeah, no. No thank you. I can't believe that happened to you." Imoen pulls the other girl in for an elbow-hug, "that sounds like a waking nightmare. Stuck in an arena wearing nothing but your undergarments? Although, well, I guess matching up against a Dowutin could prove interesting for my Teras Kasi training, but not in my undergarments! That's awful. I'm so glad you're out of that. I'm so glad we're both out of that. Here's hoping a week on Takodana proves a better vacation?"

A mild shrug, "I hear there's a lot that could be done out here. I want to see if anyone has heard about ancient ruins or artifacts - hopefully not of the Bogan variety - and I want to meet other explorers. There's surely a wealth of information waiting for us here on Takodana. But I also want to meet your seamstress, maybe go swimming and picnicking at the warm lakes, check out the Takodana Temple, and take a day or two to enjoy a little hiking. What do you think?"

Navi has posed:
"Admittedly, the whole in my underwear thing was kind of my fault... even if being in that arena wasn't. One second I was helping up a girl who got knocked down by the Dowutin, the next I was being dragged to the arena by a couple big Chagrians for a fight to the death! We were given spears, but I was doing real well just to avoid getting skewered. So I thought, 'what if I could blind him with my robe?' Bad idea, right? Didn't seem that way at the time. So off comes my robe, and into his face it goes. But I missed my throw, he wasn't a bit blinded or distracted, and all I really accomplished was embarrassing myself," Navi confesses, blushing. "But I was still stuck in the arena in my undergarment, so I think it counts."

In spite of her blush, she smiles faintly, returning the elbow-hug with a full-on hug with both arms. "Here's hoping. And I'm all for swimming, picnicking, and visiting the seamstress. And everything else, too, if we have time. Just so long as we do it all together, like we'd wanted to on Jedha."

Imoen has posed:
"Oh, definitely. Girl, you stood in place wearing just your undergarments in front of what, an entire audience of onlookers? They should've let you have your robe back. But I guess if that Dowutin was harrassing a defenseless girl, then they were already criminally morally bankrupt." Imoen smirks lightly, "just goes to show though: layering matters." She shakes her head in wonder, "I missed so much of you that week. You basically lived an entire holovid adventure. Framed for crimes you didn't commit, fought in an underground arena, a bittersweet romance turned dramatic betrayal?"

Returning the embrace, she beams and nods her head. "Of course! I don't want you out of my sight for even a moment. Or else I might risk missing a visit with cannibalistic natives, bumping into an ultra-wealthy paramour on horseback, or an exciting stand-off with laser blasters in the middle of a tumbleweed-ridden street."

Navi has posed:
"Well, I'm not sure if the girl was defenseless or not, but he /was/ bullying her. And for what it's worth, I only got out of there alive because the detective who brought me there shot up part of the sandbag border of the arena with a blaster and dragged me out while the dust blinded everyone else. If I'd seen it coming, I might've gotten my robe back before we left. But I had no idea. The detective had to loan me his spare coat," Navi explains. "And I suppose layering does matter, now that you mention it. Perhaps I should look into a lightweight undershirt while we're on-world. My fave seamstress might have something," she adds, missing the point entirely.

She gives Imoen an extra little squeeae, giggling softly. "Feh... I'd be satisfied with a good, long hug from my best friend, Best Friend. Indulge me a moment longer?"

Imoen has posed:
"Speaking of the detective, he seemed real keen to help you out. If not the Tholothian, then..." Imoen grins significantly, only to elicit a small laugh. "Great. We can buy matching undershirts then. It'd do me some good to collect a few layering strategies. Never know the next time you'll stumble into an underground arena with little but a robe to hide one's undergarments." Happy for the squeeze, she nods her head cheerfully. "One moment longer. Then khedri nuts. Then we see what kinds of entertainment Life Day has in store here. I wanna win some games. Get a porg plushie to bring back to Coruscant?"

Navi has posed:
"If I have my way, I'll win you another. That way they won't be lonely," Navi says gently, lightly kissing Imoen's cheek. Releasing her, she takes her hand once more. "Let's see if I can still smell those roasting khedri nuts..? Oh! /There/ they are. And I think I saw a shooting gallery with tons of plushies over this way, too. Probably a good place to start our afternoon, hm?" she asks, with an impish smile.