The Duke's Word

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The Duke's Word
Date of Scene: 05 February 2024
Location: Sundari - Mandalore
Synopsis: Caine and Ellari take Revara all the way back to Sundari with Khalo on their tail.
Cast of Characters: Ellari Zin, 271, 251

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Following a "quick" detour to Alderaan, Ellari and Caine have towed Revara Solstice back to Mandalore as originally intended. It's been a couple of maybe Khalo would have given up his search.

    Well they probably wouldn't be -that- lucky.

    But maybe they could keep a low enough profile that he wouldn't find them once they finally do arrive...

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
As they approach Mandalore and make their way towards the Sundari Spaceport, Ellari may notice that Caine has been rather quiet and withdrawn. He'd been this way since they'd left Aldeeran.

Sullen, haughty, poutish. In fact, she'd hardly seen him since they'd entered hyperspace just outside of Alderaan's orbit - he'd made her pilot, despite all the fuss he'd made earlier about her flying -his- ship...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
It took time.

The Mandalorians were wise to keep running. Keep hiding. It allowed Khalo some time to heal from his wounds. Some time to recover. He was able to reunite with the Black Krayt, his warship, and have his needs attended to. Rested, hungry for more, and far more clever than Caine's pride will allow him to admit...

No wolf gives up the hunt.

A promise made. A promise kept. Suddenly, out of hyperspace, the massive flagship appeared into Mandalorian space. "Su'Cuygar ner vod-" Khalo begins over the transmission to the planet. "Requesting permission to land and refuel. It's been a long journey, and we require further supplies."

Request accepted.

....all while the search for the Veracity Blade continues.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari tries to keep the Veracity's Blade in the shadow of other traffic as she brings the vessel into the docks at Sundari Spaceport.

    Really, she's rather glad for Caine's silence. He usually doesn't have much of anything useful to say, anyway. Once they've landed, she disembarks and starts going about getting some droids to help them unload.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Shortly after Ellari disembarks and gets some droids to start unloading the Veracity's Blade, the young baron comes down the gangplank, head held high, his composure and health regained despite the fact that he'd spent the last ten or so hours sulking in self hatred.

He brushes haughtily past Ellari and pulls one of the droids unloading aside. "I need a shuttle to the Bastille of Thyssel. If it has medical capacity, even better," he says brusquely.

Then he scans the horizon. He knows better than to think they've actually managed to shake Khalo off their trail...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    As the shuttle is being arranged, Ellari rolls her eyes at Caine. "Let's just get her to the Bastille and get this over with." she mutters. Thankfully Revara had at least been stabilized.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"Sir, we've found the ship."

Khalo narrows his eyes.

"Get a shuttle ready." the Mandalorian super soldier stated as he rose from his command chair, stepping towards the halls. The Flagship can move fast, but it's large. He doesn't want to drive it into the haert of the planet. So he's taking a smaller, faster shuttlecraft.

It'll take him time. Maybe too much time. Thankfully, the Bastille is a good ways away...

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The young baron just gives Ellari an icy look. Then, as soon as the shuttle arrives, he helps the droids tuck Revara away inside of it.

He continues scanning the horizon for Khalo and the Black Krayt, and just as he's boarding the shuttle himself, he'll spot a few of Khalo's men wandering towards the where the shuttlecraft are kept. That isn't good news...

"Get to the Bastille as fast as you can," he says to the pilot. "We... might have company."

The pilot nods, and away they go...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari boards the shuttle after him, following his gaze as he spots Khalo's crew from afar. "I guess it was too much to hope he'd have given up the chase."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
As fast as he can?

Ellari and Caine might be disappointed.

The Fett is /dangerous/. He's stubborn. He /really/ wants to get Revara back, or at least put her back in a place to make her own decisions. A man's word is his bond in the Mandalorian culture. Only now? They'll be fighting Khalo at his peak. Not a Khalo who had gone multiple days without sleep. He pushes on the thrust of that shuttle and soon enough?

He's in sight of them.

Caine is being hailed, the slight buzzing on his belt nearly annoying now.

One last chance. One last shot.

Khalo Fett has found them. Course, it helped that as soon as the pair had made their way off, Khalo's men had immediately notified their leader.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Caine rolls his eyes at Ellari. "You're joking, right? You didn't -actually- hope that did you?" he scoffs. "That man would rise from the dead if I let one my curls dangle over his best beskar blade."

When Khalo hails him, he groans. "-Again-?" he sighs, but this time, actually answers the hail.

But before Khalo can even speak, he utters two words, in the most petty, spoiled brat manner. "Go away."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "What?" Ellari arches a brow at Caine. "You -want- him to keep dogging us?" She rolls her eyes. "Of course you do..."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Course, Caine answers.

Though as soon as he does? Khalo hangs up.

He just gave him confirmation. Khalo suddenly starts to ready his weapons. They have two options: Surrender now, or let Khalo follow them all the way back to the Bastille, where it is very likely that Khalo will try and butcher every single person there.

Khalo has a good idea which one they'll choose, but he gives them a moment to pick a choice anyway.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Caine doesn't dignify Ellari with a response. Instead, he goes over to the back and opening the hatch, dons his helmet and sticks his head out carefully, to assess how quickly Khalo is gaining on them.

Well, it looks like he hasn't completely caught up to them yet, but he's still gaining fast. "We're not going fast enough," he grumbles. Then he turns to Ellari. "I want you to drive," he says. "I might have to ... do what I can to slow him."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Fine." Ellari gets up and nudges the pilot aside, gunning the thrusters as hard as she can toward the Bastille.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Oh look, Caine is sticking his head out.

Khalo immediately tries to blow it off of his body, firing the weapon systems of his shuttlecraft. They're basic, but it'll do. He keeps his attention forward, trying to keep up with Caine and Ellari.

One wrong move and he might lose them.

"Come on...your move." He demands, gunning his thrusters forward with everything he's got.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
Just as Caine pokes his head out of the hatch, Khalo opens fire, and the shot goes mostly wide. However, it does just barely graze the side of his helmet. He grumbles, and lowering himself slightly, yells to Ellari, "He's gaining fast! Nicked me...we need to lose him."

Then he fully climbs out of the open hatch, and climbs atop the moving shuttle. He unholsters both blasters and returns fire on Khalo's craft...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I'm going as fast as I can..." Ellari shouts over the roar of the engines. She tries to pull in front of a barge and block Khalo's line of sight. Unfortunately that would also mean blocking Caine's light of sight...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

Khalo is watching as those bolts hit his shuttle craft, not dealing too much damage but enough to make it hurt. Eyes narrow ever so faintly underneath that helmet. He's ready for a fight. He's ready for a war. As he's flying, he seems to target those weapon systems on Caine. The sooner he's out of the way, then he only has to deal with Ellari, who Khalo seems to consider either just as easy to take down or slightly more dangerous.

Either way.

Immediately, Khalo punches it. He has to get there. He has to stop them now.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
"You -osi'yaim-!" he growls to Ellari over the comm as she pulls in front of a barge. "I can't kriffing see him now! Give me a clear line of fire...!"

He tries to readjust his position, but with the shuttle moving and and barge blocking most of his view of the shuttle Khalo is in, the young baron isn't in a good position to dodge Khalo's next volley of fire. He curses to himself as several more shots bounce off his beskar. Then he slides down, hanging off the handle of the gangplank so he's in a better position to open fire, and shoots again.

Ellari Zin has posed:

    "You told me to lose him, what else did you expect me to do?" Ellari snaps back. "We're nearly there, anyway." She tries rerouting some power to the engines, to push the thing a bit further--much to the original pilot's chagrin...

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo was making MOVES with that shuttlecraft, managing to force it to do a barrel roll even in these tight confinements, avoiding Caine's blaster fire. He immediately returns fire though, trying to take him out, though as he's doing so, Khalo seems to clip the underside of his shuttle off of a building, dealing hull damage to his craft and knocking him off course for a moment, but Ellari can't get away from him that easily.

"Not today."

And he seems to put more power through the thrusters, tryingto keep up with Ellari!

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The original pilot grumbles. "You're going to overheat the thrusters if you keep doing that!"

Caine swings out slightly when Ellari reroutes more power to the engines, but manages to maintain his grip.

Well, that is, in until Khalo opens fire again and closes some of the gap between the two of them. He flies off the shuttle, but activates his jetpack and manages to grab onto the shuttle again. There's now a nice black, broad swath across the front of his beskar where he'd been struck.

And yet, they're nearing the Bastille of Thyssel. The duke's fortress is in sight.

Caine hails the guards in the security tower, <I am Baron Von'egel, and I am approaching. I request immediate access to the landing platform>

<Permission denied, vod. The duke's word is law, he does not permit clan rivalry of the political sort on his soil. Resolve your conflict outside, then you will be granted access>

The baron curses. <I have his daughter!>

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Haar'chak!" Ellari curses, when true to the original pilot's word, one of the engines overheats and explodes violently, sending hot gases and shrapnel into the bow of Khalo's shuttle as it quickly closes the distance between them. She tries to gain enough control of the craft to direct it toward the largest open space--the courtyard.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
They're getting nice and close.

Khalo narrows his eyes even still. Though one of the shuttle crafts engines violently explodes, Khalo is coming in hot even still, trying to shoot at the other engine. And if he can't?

Well, he's headed for exactly the same place as them, bringing in his shuttle for a landing. It might be rougher than most....

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The guards of at Bastille of Thyssel might have responded. But Caine won't hear them, as Ellari tries her best to keep the careening shuttle with a busted engine from nosediving into the moat around the Bastille, he clings for dear life to the side of the shuttle craft. However, the movement is too violent and he's flung onto the grass in front of the Bastille.

"Hnn..." he groans, and climbs to his feet shakily.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    The shuttle skids to a violent stop in the courtyard, just barely managing not to smash into one of the inner walls of the Bastille. Ellari quickly gathers up Revara and gets herself out of the flaming wreck.

    She then dumps the girl on the ground in front of one of the guards. "Here," she announces. "The Duke's wayward daughter...tell him to keep her away from the Republic, and especially from its capital."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo manages to successfully crash his shuttle into the ground! It's a safe landing, not the best landing, but it's a good one. The door is suddenly kicked open, the Fett emerging from where he had been driving the damned thing, letting the light shine upon his Beskar.

He steps towards the guards, towards Caine, and towards Ellari. He doesn't reach for his weapon yet, but you best believe that Caine should...probably start running.

"Last time I'm crashing today." Khalo curses under his breath. He looks at Revara. "She's still alive, not a damned Mynock to throw around."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The guards regard Ellari with slight disdain. "A statement of the obvious, I see," he says. "How very House Viszla of you." He folds his arms, and sighs, looking bored. "Well, the Duke is on his way, I'm sure he'll be here soon enough." He doesn't seem at all concerned that Khalo is right there and within minutes, would be able to just whisk her away.

Caine doesn't run, of course. Instead, once he's fully regained his composure, he draws his sword and moves to swipe at Khalo from behind. "Would you be so kind as to tell the Duke to hurry up?" the young baron growls at the guard.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Well, thank you." Ellari replies to the guard when he mentions House Vizsla. Yes, she considers that a compliment. Why whouldn't she? But she rolls her eyes. "Are you not concerned for her safety from the raging Clan Fett man?" she asks.

    With that, she turns around to face Khalo as he disembarks from his crashed shuttle, drawing her pistols and opening fire on him twice.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
"I'm not after the Duke or his men. No danger to concern themselves with. You two on the other hand..."

Cain is attempting a coward's strike, trying to attack him and manages to give him a good cut! Well, scratch. Khalo meantime draws his own blade and tries to slash Caine across his chest!

A blaster bolt is coming after him! He manages to evade with ease, but the second? it pings off his beskar but it causes his body to aggressively turn. "Good shot."

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
"Oh, -that- one?" the guard says, pointing casually at Khalo. "Well, not really," he says, examining his gauntlet idly. "Am I concerned for -your- safety? Well yes. And no."

Caine manages to give Khalo a bit of a slice, but the other Mandalorian's retaliatory strike catches him across the clavicle, just above his beskar plating. He grunts, stumbling backwards, but then renews his attack.

But moments after Caine rushes Khalo again, the Duke makes his appearance.

He is striding slowly but with purpose across the drawbridge, clad in all black beskar, the angular edges of his armor gilded in gold. He wears no House emblem - a non-partisan. Perhaps respected by some, but scorned by others, just like all nuances Mandalorian. Two more guards flank him.

"Enough," he thunders "Ad, have some self respect."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs at the guard. "Did I -ask- you if you were concerned for my safety?"

    She raises her blasters again, ready to fire at Khalo in spite of Caine being in melee range of him. But then the Duke makes his appearance, and...well, there is just something in that thundering voice of his that demands respect.

    "Duke Thyssel." she greets. "Missed your daughter any?" she asks, glancing down at Revara.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:

Khalo seems to move out of the way of Caine's swing, turning to look at the Duke with an exhale. "Duke." He answers him in acknowledgement. Unimpressed by his attire and guard, but owing respect to rank when it's due.

He doesn't look at Ellari. Seems whether the fight continues and against how many will be decided by this Duke.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The guard snickers when Ellari scoffs at him, but doesn't further comment.

"Of course I did," the duke responds to Ellari without looking at her.

Caine turns to his godfather, relieved. "Thank goodness," he says breathlessly, "but what are you waiting for? Take her inside, before this ... madman seizes her."

The Duke glances at Caine, but says nothing. He approaches Khalo. "What is it that you want," he asks the other Mandalorian calmly.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari watches as the Duke approaches, her gaze going over toward Khalo as he is addressed. She's actually wondering what the man will say. What exactly -did- he want, anyway?

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo watches as the Duke descends to face him directly. Khalo provides no bow of the head or weakness to the other man. He meets him in the middle.

"She asked me not to allow them to bring her to her father. I swore it. I tracked these two across the galaxy to retrieve her to set her free to make her own decision."

All of that pain, all of that honor his word.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The duke seems surprised. "..."

"A shocking amount of dedication," he says, "commendable."

He removes his helmet, revealing a head of obsidian hair that's silvering at the temples, a weathered expression and steely blue eyes.

He lifts his chin slightly. "And tell me, Fett. Why did you swear this oath to her?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari scoffs quietly when Khalo reveals the reason he did this. Oh, that's right. She suspects he's got some kind of affection for her, but won't admit it. Why else would he make her this kind of promise?

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
Khalo had the urge to say 'Doesn't matter' but thankfully, the man seems to be able to hold his composure.


"Because she asked. Because she was scared. I imagine, scared to face you. She needed help, so I gave it to her. My word is my bond."

If they wanted a 'because I love her'. it seems they'll be disappointed. Yet, his hand lifts to take his helmet off his head, so the older man can see the scars, to see his dark eyes, to see the lack of fear in his eyes.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
"Hm," the duke says. He seems satisfied with Fett's answer. "You are correct. She will not see me, and I will honor her desire."

"But if this is true, then I shall test you. You wanted to give her help, then give it to her, you shall. She is your responsibility, now. Until she returns home, of her own volition. And if you manage to convince her of this, then you shall have the loyalty of I and all my household, forever, until our bloodline runs out."

"Buir...!" Caine gasps, disbelieving. "You.. you must be mad. Don't do this," he pleads. "I thought you wanted this. Wanted her to return home--"

"Of course I do!" the duke cries, "But she must choose it."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari rolls her eyes at Caine's pathetic begging. How poetic, this. Somehow, she isn't surprised. "All to please the Duke, only to find you knew absolutely nothing of his true desires. Pfff." She turns her back now, leaving Khalo to do what he will with Revara. But she has a feeling, this will only lead to more frustration for the Clan Fett man.

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
The Duke shall test him?

Khalo seems to meet the Duke's eyes in that moment, though he seems visibly surprised when the Duke gives him the rights of responsibility for Revara until she returns home of her own volition. If he can convince Revara of this peaceably, then he shall have the Duke's loyalty until the end of the bloodline. For a moment, he meets the Duke's eyes, as if he didn't know what to say for a minute.

Then, wordlessly, he nods. "Very well." And he starts to move, all while Caine and Buir seem to be having their discussion. The Duke was right of course. That is the price of free will: it must be chosen. He looks briefly at Ellari to see ewhat she would do, before he kneels down to scoop Revara into his arms, classic princess carry.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
The duke inclines his head slightly at Khalo, then turns to head back into the Bastille.

Caine is... fuming. Humiliated. Speechless. In utter disbelief. This wasn't supposed to have happened.

He glances at Khalo, then over at the retreating Duke, unravelling emotionally.

"N-No.." he mutters, "You can't.. Buir... Drey... Duke Thyssel!" he cries. "How could you do this?!"

When Khalo stoops down to sweep Revara up bridal style, he reaches for his sword and grips it, knuckles going white as he trembles with rage. But he does not draw his weapon. For better, or for worse.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Kaysh shu'shuk." Ellari mutters, shaking her head as she watches Caine unravel. But she isn't one bit surprised.

    She walks over to him and tries to slap him in the face to get him to snap out of his uncontrolled rage, but he manages to push her off. "Don't worry, adiik. I can already tell he's bitten off more than he can chew."

    Her gaze goes over to Khalo as he's carrying his little princess off. "You'd best be careful. If she turns up causing trouble again, I won't hesitate to put her in her place for you."

Khalo Fett (251) has posed:
With Revara in his arms, Khalo gives one last look to Caine as he cries, as he breaks down, as he grips his sword but doesn't draw it. In that moment, Khalo just has a look of pity in his eyes - and of course the kind of raw hatred that seems to be put on hold for now. He gives a simple nod to Ellari though. "Don't worry. Hopefully she won't need it." He remarks to Ellari, as if saying 'we're good'. After all, his beef was never with her.

It was with Caine.

Satisfied with this outcome, Khalo marches away with Revara in his arms, most certainly to bring her back to the Black Krayt, which has already come down for landing to resupply. There Revara can rest.

...and hopefully not kill him when she wakes.

Caine Von'egel (271) has posed:
When Ellari tries to slap him in the face, he bats her wrist away angrily. "Shut up," he snarls.

"I won't forget this," he bellows after Khalo,"you're going to be sorry. Or dead. Or both. One of these days."

Then he turns on his heel and starts to storm off, his emotions a tangled mess.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "Pathetic." Ellari scoffs, shaking her head as she watches Caine storm off. But Khalo she arches a brow at. "Overconfidence is often the first misstep that leads to a rapid fall from grace." she warns. She then takes her leave as well.