Training at the Temple

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Training at the Temple
Date of Scene: 02 February 2024
Synopsis: Master Trassa Volk spars with the young padawan Aoloson Caren.
Cast of Characters: 159, 337

Athena (159) has posed:
It's an afternoon just like any other at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant -- the Masters were taking the afternoon off to tend to their own personal matters, while their padawans were released to eat a quick lunch, and then train with the sabermasters at the training grounds in the Temple Spire.

Today, a guest instructor would be leading the exercises today: A visiting Kel Dor Jedi Master named Trassa Volk, renowned for his prowess as a duelist. When a group of eager padawans make their way into the training grounds, the Kel Dor turns to face them, bowing politely. "Greetings, padawans. I see you've come eager to learn."

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
Aoloson will bow politely in return, his pose in perfect respect to his , then stating "it is an honor to meet a duelist of your caliber, master."

Athena (159) has posed:
Master Trassa Volk nods at Aoloson, chuckling slightly. "Ah, you flatter me. You may not know this, but I .. am not particularly fond of formalities. You may simply call me Volk, if you like. No need to call me Master."

"But I don't believe we've met before," Volk says. "Tell me, what is your name?"

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he gives a small smile before stating "my name is Aoloson Caren, Volk"

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk nods slightly again. "A pleasure to meet you Padawan Caren," he says.

"Well, then, shall we spar?" he says, a note of playfulness entering his tone of voice. He withdraws his golden dual bladed saber, and lowers their intensity for training purposes.

"Perhaps I am familiar with your Master," he says, "what is their name?"

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he prepares his lightsaber, a green blade emitting from it and lowering its intensity as well, stating "of course, i would be honored to spar with you. my masters name is Kayron Alson, from my knowledge, he has been here awhile."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Hmm, the name is familiar, but I don't believe I've met him before. However, I spend most of my time on Jedha, as I am a member of tbe Convocation."

He then bows politely as tradition would mandate every time any Jedi sparred with another. Then he holds his blade up, expecting Aoloson to strike first.

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
Aoloson waits for a moments, studying his opponent, before charging in. the lightsaber clash for a moment, before engaging in a brief duel, using his knowledge in Aatru, however limited, he unleashes a flurry of blows an quick succesion, most of the blows a blocked by the master, however one does force him to dodge, causing his robes to be a bit scorched

Athena (159) has posed:
After the first flurry of attacks, Volk pauses. He holds up one arm, noticing the white of his sleeve has turned the the slightest bit brown.

"Very good," he says, "Your master must be proud. But we will switch roles now. Let us see how well you defend..." He then Force leaps forward, his dual saber flashing as he now takes the offensive...

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he manages to switch to Djem Su, managing to perform an adequate defense, but one of the blows manages to sneak a hit in, nicking a small part of his robe, he smiles and states "still needs some practice."

Athena (159) has posed:
"But don't we all," Volk replies evenly. "You've outperformed most students I've tutored over the years. Excellent form," he says. "Bravo."

"But come, we will now test your ability to deflect..." He motions for Aoloson to follow him.

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he will follow the jedi master, walking normal despite the compliment

Athena (159) has posed:
Volk leads Aoloson over to the back of the training room, where a square, tiled area marks the spot reserved for the droid that shoots mini stun blasts at the Padawans during training, so as to teach them how to deflect against ranged attacks. Volk turns on the droid and gestures for Aoloson to engage...

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
using Djem Su, he manages to deflect the blaster bolts, but his pupils seem to dialted for a minute before returning to normal.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Excellent work," Volk says. "This time, let's try a longer volley--"

But then he notices the far away look in Aoloson's eyes. "Oh... is everything alright?"

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
"oh, yes Volk, i was just ... thinking of something." he seems a bit uncomfortable

Athena (159) has posed:
"Ah..." Volk nods, then sits down on a nearby bench. He pats the spot next to him. "We can pause for a little. Why don't you tell me what's on your mind?"

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he hesitates for a moment, before taking the seat next to him. he thinks how to word it for a moment, before replying "it's ... my family."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kel Dor regards Aoloson silently for a moment, but then nods slightly.

"And what do you remember of them?" he says quietly.

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he sighs before stating "my world is not a very ... nice place to live, at least not now, i worry that while i have been gone, something might have happened to them, something that i may have prevent was i there."

Athena (159) has posed:
"I see," Volk replies patiently and kindly.

"It is a heavy burden to carry," he says finally, "but you must learn release, Padawan Caren. The Jedi forbid attachments for good reason. But all the same, I believe in the sovereignty of the Republic and the Order. I trust that something will be done, if not, eventually, an effort will be made."

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he smiles for a bit before getting a saddened look "i have tried to "release" as you say, but it is ... diffcult, they are my family, i can't just forget them. while i know you are right,that your council is wise, that the republic and jedi will do something, but i fear it may come to late."

Athena (159) has posed:
"I understand," Master Volk says gently. "And you are young, with so much potential. The Force is strong with you, my friend. I firmly believe that one day, you will learn release, as difficult and impossible as it may seem. Keep trying."

"Perhaps you would like to spend the rest of the session meditating...?"

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he thinks about it, he doesn't really enjoy mediatating like the other jedi, but it does help calm him "i suppose." before preparing to mediate

Athena (159) has posed:
"Come," Volk says, "I will walk with you to the meditation rooms," he says.

"I will return," he says, to the other padawans, who frown at Aoloson as the two of them leave the training grounds. They seem slightly annoyed that Volk is purposefully interrupting the training session just to spend some quality time with Aoloson...

The Kel Dor then motions for Aoloson to follow him out into the hallway. "You don't like meditating much, do you?" he asks.

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
"it not an activity i participate in often, i prefer perfecting my form, but i do to calm the nerves."

Athena (159) has posed:
The Kel Dor chuckles quietly, nodding. "I see," he says, "Perhaps this exercise will do you some good, then," he says to the young padawan.

"Center yourself, and try to find peace in knowing the Force wills what it wills."

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
as he begins to mediate, starts to feel calm and relaxed, feeling the force all around him.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Excellent," Volk says softly.

He places a reassuring hand on the young padawan's shoulder, and Aoloson will be able to feel the Kel Dor's presence in the Force next to him. He exudes a sense of peace and calm, helping Aoloson to center himself in the Force and descend into a meditative trance...

Aoloson Caren (337) has posed:
he starts to relax even more, as he feels the calming presence of the Kel Dor, as he begins to sort of wander throughout the force.

Athena (159) has posed:
As he pulls deeper into the well of the Force, he'll hear Volk's disembodied voice inside his head. <Embrace the stillness, Aoloson. You'll find much wisdom in listening to the Force, in whatever way it manifests..>

Then he'll feel the older Jedi's hand withdraw from his shoulder, and sense the Kel Dor's presence moving away and into the hallway, allowing Aoloson to be alone while he meditates...