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Date of Scene: 16 February 2024
Synopsis: Volken is invited to the Graf Compound on Thelj.
Cast of Characters: 159, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:

An icy wasteland of a planet, seeming only to exist to remind the Republic that the price of colonialism is often steep. The surface of the frigid environment is dotted with frozen emerald green lakes, home to aquatic monstrosities few dared mention even in name.

Thelj's sole city, Bhatiqu, is impossible to miss, as it is the only pocket of dense population on the entire planet. The coordinates Xera had given Volken won't really be necessary, as the Graf compound is even harder to miss than Thelj itself - it is an exquisite, flourishing swath of green protected by a biosphere against the snowy, crystalline landscape.

Volken Mons has posed:
He's going to have to get a ship one of these days. Somehow. One that'll allow his massive hands to easily handle the controls and suit his needs is probably wishful thinking but the amount of favor trading, credit spending and palm greasing or just flat out intimidation he has to do in order to get from one place to another can be tedious. Neertheless, here he is. He'd have preferred meeting back on Canto Bight but peraps that's for the best else he run up yet another high bill he wasn't prepared to pay...so this is probably the better option for now.

Armed and armored, as Mandalorians are wont to be, the colossus makes his way towards the entranve of the compound after being dropped off by the latest of his ventures in hired transportaitons with instructions to wait for him nearby. His helm is on, doing much from preventing his impressed expression from being openly seen as he surveys the luxury afforded to The Grafs within this protected biodome but he eventually focuses on reaching the main entrance itself and finding entry in.

Athena (159) has posed:
As he approaches the biosphere, he might feel the ice beneath his feet tremble slightly a few times. Dark shapes flick to and fro, and then disappear. He'd better not spend too long out here...

Once he reaches the biosphere, a security camera from within it swivels to face Volken. There's a brief pause, and then with a hiss, the sliding doors permitting entry to the biosphere open. A wave of humid heat will wash over the hulking Mandalorian, and he'll be able to see that just ahead of him, approaching along a stone path is a protocol droid.

"Welcome to the Graf's esteemed estate," it articulates. "Please... this way."

Volken Mons has posed:
"You all been keeping the pets fed?" rumbles Volken's voice nonchanlantly as the droid greets him. The rumble beneath his feet was noted and though he doesn't seem to emit any open signs of concern .. he's no fool nor lacking in self preservation. The sooner he gets in here, has his business dealt with and is able to get back to the spaceport the better. Undoubtly his ride knows the area well enough to know not to linger long and to return...or maybe The Graf will enable a swift departure of their own accord.

Eithre way, in and out is ideal here and hopefully onward to some resort world to spend some credits.

"After you."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh," the droid says, "the Theljan whales are part of wildlife here. They are -far- from pets. You ought to be careful on the ice. Getting in the water is the last thing anyone here would want to do."

The droid leads Volken towards a structure which can't be described as anything other than a castle. The glistening spires twinkle in the sunlight, and the condensation running down the iridescent roof tiles are too reflective to stare at for too long without burning one's retinas.

He then takes the hulking Mandalorian into a lounge room and gestures towards a velvet loveseat that's just barely wide enough to accommodate him. "You will wait here for the Lady Xera. Is there anything else I could get you? Water? Caf? Tea? A jogan tea cake?"

Volken Mons has posed:
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that sarcasm is lost on a droid." remarks Volken, tone dry after the droid explains the nature of the ice whales.

Once he arrives in the room he unslings his massive weapons and sets them down heavily upon the ground and then turns to look over the room appraisingly, looking for anything of visual interest.

"No." he responds after a moment of consideration to the things being offered. "I'd like to be here and gone. Not here for tea time. Thanks though!"

He walks over towards the loveseat and looks down at it, his posture and quietness indicating that he's carefully considering it before simplyd ropping down onto it and risking it breaking under his vast weight and armaments.

"I'll just wait here nice nad patient like."

Athena (159) has posed:
The droid pauses, then nods. "... right, then. I'll tell the Lady you're here."

Then he scampers off.

Moments later, he'll hear the sound of the lift bell indicating its arrival, and out steps the Lady herself. Her auburn tresses have been plaited into pristine braids encircling her crown like royalty, held in place with a pearl encrusted hairpin. Her amber colored gown trails serenely behind her, and she flashes him her usual stunning smile.

"Mr Mons," she says, her tone like honey, "we have the pleasure of meeting again. Come. We'll speak on the balcony overlooking the below ground gardens."

Volken Mons has posed:
"You recalled my House name. I feel all importnat and propped up now." remarks Volken with good, albiet sardonic cheer to his voice as he looks upon the stunning woman.

At her invitation, he retrieves and reholsters his massive weapons, easily setting them to his sides before turning to begin following her towards the balcony in question.

"Nice place." he comments when en route. "Why this world and all this effort to create this bio dome? Certainly there's more warmer planets that wouldn't bat an eye at your presence. Not to mention without things swimming under your feet that can swallow some or your buildings whole..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Of course," Xera replies, "how could I not?"

She offers him her arm, then shrugs. "The location is prime. The Grafs seek to expand their renown and influence over the Outer Rim." She then offers him a small, cheeky smile. "Why do you ask? Do the whales frighten you?"

Volken Mons has posed:
This draws a loud rumbling laugh from the giant.

"No." he says easily and honestly. "But that doesn't mean I care to be eaten when I'm looking o get some natural cold, crisp, fresh air."

The rest of her comments are taken into consideration as well though he doesn't speak on it just yet. His helmet continues to do its job, hiding his normally quite expressive and readable features but beneath the beskar his eyes narrow slightly in consideration.

"I just thought I'd run into you again back on Canto Bight." he adds, "What can I say, I like the luxury. I guess that makes me abit of a secular Mandalorian. Shame on me..."

Athena (159) has posed:
They arrive at the railing of a balcony overlooking a lush garden encapsulating a fountain speckled with exotic fish and topped with a marble statue of migrating purrgil.

She rests a hand on one of his massive forearms. "Why do you need Canto Bight when you are allowed access to -my- home?" she says. "This is three times the luxury... and the power." She smiles.

"Religion is for those who need a crutch. Don't be ashamed of your secularism. Wealth equals power, and power, the ability to make the galaxy move." She steps nearer to him.

"I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I've paid off all your debts, and bribed all the officials looking to investigate the matter that occurred on Naboo. You're a free man."

Volken Mons has posed:
The behemoth man is silent as he listens carefully to her nor does he shy away from her touch on his massive forarms. When she finishes, he remains silent a half second longer before finally: "The Way of Mandalore has it's perks and purpose. Some of us are overzealous and stuck up our own rear ends but it's no more a crutch then any way of thinking or philosphy if you think about it. Includin' one that leans on power and wealth, eh?"

He quiets and then says, "not that -you're- like that.. but certainly many folk are.. Hidin' behind whatever belief or political leaning or allegiance they can hold onto... As to Canto Bight? What can I say>? I like an audience..."

He's studying her for a few long seconds but then looks away, "....Yeah thanks for that. I gotta admit I didn't expect to...almost blow up a kids birhtday party. Think I shoulda asked a few more questions. Thought I was going towards some Holonet agency. Not a guy's house. Poor fella seemed to be worried about some kidnappin' as well...."

Athena (159) has posed:
"You have an audience," she says innocently, "me. Is that not enough for you?"

Then she suddenly becomes more withdrawn. "You mean the disappearance of Mari San Tekka," Xera says, stepping away from him a bit.

"You know she might have gone willingly. The poor thing was being made to learn to chart hyperspace lanes at the ripe young age of six. Surely you don't condone child labor. I don't."

Volken Mons has posed:
The sudden shift in attitude is whiplash inducing and Volken is forced to take a moment to slam the breaks an change gears. This causes a bit of a pause before he turns towards her slowly, confusion evident in his body language though his face remains a mystery.

"News to me." he says simply enough while trying to work things out in his mind, "..Course at six years old, you're not gonna be particularly good at the nuances of that sorta thing outside of maybe watching what yer elders are doing. Maybe I'm biased. We foundlings start young... I guess on that same front it's not hard to convince a six year old to do something...including go somewhere they've no business going or with someone they ought not to go with. I guess in a situation like that someone might wish they had them around to do better by them, mmm?"

His gaze locks in on her, studying her reactions to his prodding as he adds,

"Poor fella seemed rather torn up by it all... Like he dont get much sleep at night with all his worryin' and lookin'..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"This is different," Xera insists. "How could anyone know whether she -actually- wanted to assume the role of hyperspace prospector, at such a young age? Besides, we don't know when it was exactly that she disappeared. She could have been old enough to decide for herself that she wanted to run away."

Her gaze wanders to the purrgil statue in the garden below. "Volken," she says quietly, her grip on the railing tightening. "Do not spare the San Tekkas any pity. They wish to sabotage my family, and smear our reputation by blaming Mari's disappearance upon us. We have been rivals for many years, and they will stop at nothing to bury my bloodline."

Volken Mons has posed:

Volken's grunt is non committal at first as he watches her carefully, searching for any signs of guile or manipulation.

"Hey, I'm ust commenting on what I saw." he notes, wisely keeping some pf hsi theory crafting to himself upon noting the rising tension in her mood and in her voice.

"...I do know a little something about feudning families..." he adds as a point of empathy. He does have his moments. "Not inclined to get into the details here but let's just say that on Mandalore that's sort of a way of life and that includes passing the blame around when maybe nboody is to blame, or both parties are to blame..."

He rests one massive hand on his waist and looks at her before finally saying, "With hyperspace accidents and the like....I'm sure you prospectin' folk have a lot of things you're trying to balance and a feud isn't exaclty the sort of thing anybody wants to deal with if they don't have to.."

After a weighty pause he rumbles, "So do you want to find her?"

Athena (159) has posed:
"No," Xera says, her sky blue eyes turning icy as she stares moodily at the purrgil statues. She's angry, but most of that anger isn't directed at him...

She suddenly turns to him. "You weren't supposed to look at the info dump I asked you to destroy," she says, her tone somewhat sour. She turns to away again. "If this rivalry demands escalation, then so be it. The San Tekkas are a blight unto the galaxy. What I want, is for all these -unfounded- rumors of our involvement with her disappearance and then subsequent success to go away. Permanently. Whatever the San Tekkas are supposedly unearthing about that and us employing slaves is a load of druk."

"Surely, you understand why the San Tekkas cannot be trusted or helped. Their selfish ambition will be the ruin of our family, and that must -not- happen."

Volken Mons has posed:
"Listen, I didn't go intending to look. I was expecting to find a computer system that I needed to set bombs around or shoot up, not a guys study with nots about a missing girl that looks like his daughter, niece, sister, hell if I know. The information was out and everywhere so hard to not see and get a look at before I wrecked the palce. I certaily wasn't thinking I was being sent to some guys house with a baby and two kids. You didn't know anything about me. You mention religion being a crutch but it was the Way of Mandalore that meant I had some compassion for those kids and their dead bodies from a bomb explosion didn't end up on the holonet and on our conscience...."

HIs words are flat and stern now. He did not like that.

"I shoulda asked you more questions but I guess I was just wrapped up in your glitz and glamour... Deeds done though but that don't' mean he's gonna just stop looking and if you folk are feuding this aint the end of it. I got enough feuds of my own people to deal with....but if these folk are as bad as you say my little exercusion is hardly about to pull them off of you now is it?"

Athena (159) has posed:
Her expression softens, and her hand returns to his forearm. "I'm sorry," she apologies softly. "I see how it was. I did not expect he would have it laid out so carelessly. I assumed he would have kept his attempt to sabotage my family name quiet, the data locked away in a safe somewhere on the other side of the estate, away from his family and young ones. His sister isn't always there with the young ones, anyway. But you see now, how his sloppiness endangered his family and compromised the task you were asked to complete." She smiles a little. "... thank you. I had no idea how difficult that was for you."

Then she sighs. "But this is nothing new, Volken. Like I said before, we have been rivals a long, long time. They'll always think of something else, or look for another way. They always are." She suddenly seems very tired. "I shouldn't entrap you in our feud. It isn't your burden to bear. It's mine, and I shall have to manage, somehow."

Volken Mons has posed:
"It's not no." says Volken, agreeing with her and not making any overt action to try and ease her weariness. Defensive walls exist here and he's not quick to wish to simply become her shining knight without more information and more regard for the matter. He's cunning enough to know that this is merely her side of the tale. Well...cunning is perhaps too strong. Common sense dictates that and while impulsive he's got at least -some- common sense. To foolishlessly take a side in this feud over a matter of having a gambling debt cleared would simply...not be The Way. Not even for a secular Mandalorian like Volken.

"Let me do a little bit of reading of my own..." he finally says, "like I said....I know feuds. If The Grafs are as clean handed as you're saying they are... well...maybe you just need a bodyguard from time to time.. One a little more suited to getting things done then your average Dowutin bouncer on canto Bight." He inclines his head slightly and the first hint of a smirk can be heard in his voice, echoing from within his helmet.

"You kept your word. I keep mine." he finally adds.

Athena (159) has posed:
She leans on the railing, smiling and angling her body sensuously. "How kind of you," she says smoothly. "But you know I can't put you on payroll. My uncle, who runs finances, doesn't like to be tied to contracts that stretch for an indefinite amount of time. I'd have to owe you in favors."

"But really. You don't have to involve yourself. I know you are the sort who despises politicking, and this feud will entrench you in the nuances of high society."

Volken Mons has posed:
He's silent for a beat. It's rather obvious he's simply looking at her as she leans back against the railing and after she finishes he makes no hurried attempt to speak immediately.

Eventaully his deep voice rumbles out "Kind of you in return t'consider what I like and dislike. You're right. I guess you got me pegged."

Volken's deep voice is amused sounding but he nods his head in understanding, "..Fair enough. I guess I don't come cheap, being what I am and all. Probably be abit much to have someone like me on the payroll so favors are fine and probably for the best given I tend to end up in the Holonet quite abit..."

That smirk lingers on his voice again and he then nods his head once more. "I think our business is concluded then...." that last bit trails off some at that end, testing to see if she'll attempt to try and convince him to stay or not.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Mm," she says, sounding satisfied.

"You are a straightforward man," Xera says, "I like that."

She inclines her head politely when he says that their business is concluded. "If ever I have need of you, or you of me, I'm sure we'll be able to arrange something, then, either remotely, or in person. You have my encrypted frequency, and know I am a generous woman."

She leans forward and taking his hand gently, squeezes it. "Be well," she says, "perhaps I'll see you again." Then she steps away. "The droid will see you out."

Volken Mons has posed:
He thought she wouldn't and that draws a slight smirk once again though he says nothing. He'll have to quiz Wynn on that 'Rizz' skill.

"Alright. Sounds good." he rumbles and then lifts up and shoulders his weapons.

"See ya around..."

And with that he turns to await the droid.

The business seems concluded and over...for now. But in truth he's kept his hidden thoughts...well...hidden. He'll inquire on the missing girl on his own. There's a bounty that still exists after all and if she wants nothing to do with the situation well...having -two- families owe him is always better then one.

Athena (159) has posed:
The droid reappears and begins to escort Volken out of the biosphere.

But as the hulking Mandalorian is leaving, he'll notice some of Graf family pictures lining the walls. A couple of them match the ones he'd seen on the datapad, but it will be very clear to him that the ones here are ... cropped. Cropped to exclude the two non-humans Volken had seen in the copy of the picture he'd seen on the datapad.

Xera had made it clear the San Tekkas were rich and enigmatic, but Volken may get the feeling that the Grafs are the same...

Volken Mons has posed:
IT was a charming venture and she put on a good show and was a great visual to take in but Volken is no stranger to such politicking and manipulation and while he's fallen for his share of it....he knows good and well that the Grafs are hardly the squeaky clean element here in comparison to their rival family and the strange portraits seem to drive this home.

Common sense would suggest he wash his hands of it all. He probably won't. IF for no other reason then continuing to have 'favors' from Xera he won't. There's also the manner of the missing child whose situation tugs on waht little empathy the giant manages to still carry around with him. Indeed....this is far from over.