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Date of Scene: 24 February 2024
Synopsis: Wynn goes looking for free ship repairs.
Cast of Characters: 159, 323

Athena (159) has posed:

A city in the clouds, poised above the cerulean waters of the Erasmus Sea, looking for all the galaxy like a suspended, glittering paradise. And yet, Seda's reputation precedes it - the illegal science capital of the Outer Rim. It is part of Eiram, yet, it is governed separately. In recent years, rumor has it that the levitating metropolis has been trying to become independent of Eiram, due to unwanted scrutiny of some of its illicit activity from the Queen and her royal consort. The city swirls with dangerous mystique and intrigue, yet so many are drawn to its dank alleyways and underground labs...

Wynn probably would not have liked to spend a great deal of time in Seda - it reeks of danger and the unknown, but the Arkanian woman who could be called a stowaway aboard the Vagabond's Destiny had insisted upon coming here. She's convinced the marauders who had taken the data and research she's after are here. She'd sweet talked the Zeltron a bit though - promising him she's also certain that there would be someone in Seda willing to fix his ship for free...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Leave it to Wynn Viasco to allow himself to be talked into going to another planet... really, this just seems to be the part of his life that he's going to not be doing anything he wants to do with his own ship. Marauders and Alleged Rescuers and everyone else seems to have some sort of power over his ship. What does he get? 90,000 credits and a migraine.

One day this'll all be worth it.

"She'll be good as new, right?" This is a question that Wynn has probably been asking since they actually landed here on Seda. Something that's likely been more annoying than anything that would get him the answer or information he wanted. There's always a catch with these kinds of things, y'know?

"Destiny's been through the ringer. Thanks to everyone but me." It doesn't sound like he's going to be letting anyone off the hook for the pain that his ship is going through.

Athena (159) has posed:
The Arkanian woman rolls her eyes, sighing. "You did this to yourself," she chastises. "Maybe if you'd minded your own business and decided not to take this payload, you wouldn't be here and with a partially damaged ship."

"You want free, you're just going to have to accept whatever you get. I can only guarantee that they'll be free."

Once they dock in the spaceport, the Arkanian woman skips the gangplank and just leaps down onto the platform below. Wynn will immediately get bad vibes from just standing in the doorway of the Destiny.

None of the lights in this spaceport are proper - every fixture is some shade of neon, and half of the people loitering about have cybernetics, are shooting up glitterstim, or both.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco makes mockery faces for the entire speech that Arki gives. "Yeah, yeah. Blame the guy trying to make an honest living. That makes a lot of sense. The not at all kind." There's some rolling of his own eyes as he prepares to follow suit.

Taking his sweet time with the exiting of the ship, Viasco takes a gander around into neon jungle that they seem to have descended upon. "Wow." There's a bit of hesitation as Wynn stares out at the horribleness that this spaceport seems to be.

"... It's just like home."

The hesitation disappears to be replaced by a big grin as he hops down the rest of the way and feels as comfortable as he did before he got caught up in all this mess. "I think," Viasco looks over at some glitterstimmers along the side. I think I'm going to like it here." There's some almost anxious rubbing of his hands.

"What's first?"

Athena (159) has posed:
The Arkanian woman reaches over and grabs Wynn's hand, pulling him nearer to her. "Don't get into trouble," she says. "Seda isn't a place that you immediately start liking. It's dangerous here."

She then starts to make her way through the throng gathered in the spaceport, past the aliens sitting on the ground snorting some kind of exotic glitterstim, past the Besalisk more machine than flesh baiting people with a brazen claim that he can get them into the most expensive clubs on the strip for a pretty credit or two, and past the strange blue skinned children who stare at Wynn as he passes with death in their icy grey irises.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn is all smiles and waving as he keeps one hand in the firm grip of Arki. He's not about to get himself into trouble but he will take this opportunity to treat those he passes by with some sort of respect. These people deserve it. Even the glimmerstimmers.

"Would you relax? Danger is what makes a place fun. Or useful. Maybe even profitable." There's a moment where he starts to daydream about all the scams he could probably pull in this place.

"Besides, if anybody tries anything with me, you'll kick their ass." Wynn grins. "Something I'm dying to see, by the way."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Are you forgetting that the allure of danger and credits is what got you in this mess in the first place?" she sighs.

She starts to tug him along, down the street towards a cantina that looks about two percent less shady than everywhere else. If he lets her, she'll drag him inside and over to a booth across from the bar.

"I'm going to do some... asking around. So just stay here, and I should be back within the hour with ... someone who can hopefully fix your ship."

"Don't talk to anyone. I may not have been to Seda before but I know plenty about it. It's a massiff eat massiff world here, so don't try to scam anyone into giving you credits."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Is it a mess if I've got you around?" Wynn's all about trying to make sure that Arki knows and understands how much faith he has in her and her abilities. "By the way, we're going to need find a name for you, huh? I'm thinking something both deadly and sexy. Mostly sexy."

Wynn may offer a bit of a wink in the middle of all this being pulled around nonsense. He makes sure to keep an eye out and get a lay of the land while getting inside and to the booth.

"You're going to leave me here? In this..." Wynn catches the eye of a patron. "/Lovely/ place." His eyes roll as he looks back in the direction of his escaping woman of mystery.

"Listen. We're already in this together. I say we do this together. You and me. Against Seda. Then the galaxy."

Wynn leans towards the Arkanian so that maybe she can feel some of those pheromonic vibes. "Whatever it is you need to do, we can do together." Time to add another layer of comedy. "Plus, I've never been arm candy before and this is a good a time as any to start." Wink!

Athena (159) has posed:
Her expression darkens and she suddenly jerks away from him. "I don't /like/ those odds," she hisses. "The two of us against Seda sounds like suicide, especially when the vertically challenged one just wants to be arm candy!"

Her fingers are twitching and she's starting to look like she might throw Wynn across room...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Hey. Hey. You're getting yourself worked up again. Look at me."

Wynn takes a second to try and get the Arkanian's attention back on him. If his pheromones can break through this cesspool of a den of scum and villainy twice removed then maybe it'll help with this. "Just relax. Ol' Vertically Challenged here still has a few tricks up his sleeve that might be useful." Wynn just pleads his case. "Plus, if you leave me to die here, I'll haunt the Destiny for the next few thousand years and you'll never be rid of me." It's a playful tease of a threat.

"Come on. Don't make me break out The Smolder." His facial expression starts to shift towards, well, The Smolder.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Stop using your pheromones on me, dammit!!" she says, her fingers curling into a wound up fist. For a second, it seems like she really is about to punch the Zeltron right in his almost smolder.

But then she hesitates. And finally, drops her fist and turns on her heel to leave the cantina. "Fine, you want to come? I guess I can't stop you. Just don't make me regret this."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I can't help it! You make me pheromonic!"

Wynn hops up and proceeds to follow along like some sort of happy arm candy. "So the name game. We thinking more deadly or more sexy? Because I sure know which way I'm leaning..."

There's a reason why he's a couple steps behind. The view is great from back here. Ahem.

Athena (159) has posed:
"I don't care," she says, but Wynn will be able to tell she's just mouthing off, for whatever reason. Maybe she just wants him shut up, because she's already annoyed with him.

She starts heading for a small vehicle repair shop on the corner, glancing back at Wynn for a moment to make sure he hadn't wandered off or gotten snatched.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn is following along and making sure to make gratitude greetings towards some of the beings on the street. There's even a distinct 'I'm With Her' vibe that he makes sure to give off. There could also be some pheromonic defense going up to keep some people at bay if they decide they want to get too close. Just a slight calming nudge in case anybody tries to get fresh.

"Well do you at least have a favorite letter? You gotta give me something, sweetheart." Wynn sounds like he's really working hard on this naming thing and also trying to make sure its going to be something she likes. "Otherwise, you're gonna' end up with something body part related..." Oh no.

Wynn grins. Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Look," she says sourly, "We're wasting time and energy on this. It's pointless." Then all of a sudden, she looks incredibly sad. "I never had any sort of name. I was just a string of letters and numbers, just like all the rest."

As they approach the shop, Wynn will see it looks kind of empty and... dirty. There's scrap parts strewn everywhere and oil spills in patches here and there. The ships in here are antiquated looking and in disrepair.

The Arkanian woman taps on doorframe. "Hello? Anyone about?"

A clanging sound comes from the back, then a squeaky youthful voice calls out to them. "Oh! Coming."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn can feel that look of incredible sadness. Maybe a little too well. He even ends up stopping in his tracks for a moment before following through to come up and stand next to the Arkanian. "For the record, you know what you look like to me?" Wynn takes a moment to look over at her so she can see that he's being serious for a moment. A rarity when he's involved, that's for sure.


With that name suggestion left to hang over her head, Wynn turns his focus back to the ship shop they are in and even plants his hands in his pockets. This is going to be Victory(?)'s show. He's just here to be a pretty face.

Athena (159) has posed:
Moments later, a diminutive Natuolan boy saunters into the lobby. His face is smudged with grease and his coveralls look like they haven't beem washed in days. His eyes are saucer sized, and the fact that he's got goggles on over them certainly does not help with the over largeness of his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Reevak. What's your name, and whaddya need?" he asks. He looks to Wynn, then to Arkanian woman.

"..." She pauses, glancing at Wynn for a moment. "You can call me Vic." She pauses. "His ship needs repairs," she says, jerking a thumb in Wynn's direction, "but we uh, don't have any credits."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Wynn. Wynn Viasco."

The smooth talking smuggler kind of cracks a bit of a smile as he looks over at Vic(tory) with a bit of a happy moment. He feels like he's actually done somethinig that coan be considered something good for someone else.

When it comes to the conversation about the ship, Wynn just kind of follows suit, "She could really use a talented hand." Just dropping a little bit of flattery may help but he's following Vic's lead on all this.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Oh, okay, nice to meet you Wynn," Reevak says, "Well um.. why don't you bring her over and I'll have a look at the damage..." His gaze shifts from Vic, then to Wynn. He looks a bit anxious - the no payment thing is a bit of an issue.

"So are you like... totally out of credits or..."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Completely out. But. She /is/ a pleasurecraft of the most impeccable order. Or will be again once you work your magic, I'm sure." Wynn flashes a grin while trying to make sure the flattery works. "We'd be more than happy to let you get a free ride. I swear, when she's in top condition, she's nothing but fun!" There, he's trying to get some bartering going while looking over at Vic.

"Unless you had something better in mind?" This isn't his deal! He thought for sure Vic had this on lock already!

Athena (159) has posed:
"So, uh, I don't think my dad will be willing to work on your ship for free," Reevak begins, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "But maybe we can do a loaner.. you could pay us back later..."

Wynn might notice that Vic isn't actually paying attention. She's gone to the back of the small hangar, and is peering out into the darkness surrounding the repair shop, her brows furrowed deeply and her gaze sharp. Her demeanor is predatory - she's clearly on the hunt for something she'd glimpsed moments ago.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Great. So he named the chick and now she's left him to deal with this deal that he wasn't supposed to be making in the first place. So he does what he swears he does best... talks.

"Well that's why I came to you and not your Dad. I mean, really, how is he ever going to trust you to make good decision and do good work all on your own if you don't start taking the initiative to do so now. I mean, think about it. You put in some good work on my baby and every high roller in the galaxy's going to know exactly who and where I got that work done." Wynn moves to toss an arm around the shoulder of Reevak. "Take a second to think about this. Vagabond's Destiny the first customer of Reevak's Restorations." Hopefully this hand he's waving up in the air will help Reevak envision a much better and profitable future.

Athena (159) has posed:
Reevak seems to be seriously considering it. But then, all of a sudden, there's the sound of quiet footsteps running coming from the back of the small repair shop and the young Nautolan is distracted. Vic is gone - whatever she'd been tracking must have revealed itself or moved.

"Something's wrong," Reevak says, "and I think your girlfriend might be about to get in a lot of trouble..."

He reaches to grab Wynn's arm and pull him along, in the direction Vic had gone.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
There's a bit of rolling of his eyes in that next moment. "Figures." is muttered under his breath for a moment before Wynn finds himself being pulled along to find out what in the tarnation is actually going on around here. How come nothing is ever going to actually go his way?

"Let's hold off on just how girlfriend she is until you show me what hellscape I'm about to witness." Might as well assume the worst at this point. That's the kind of luck he seems to be having lately.

Athena (159) has posed:
Reevak hurries out into the alleyway, then with surprising agility scales a ladder affixed to a somewhat dilapidated building across the street to get a better vantage point.

He stands precariously close to the edge of roof and peers out at the cityscape below, squinting. Then he gasps and points. "Look! There. I see her, and one of those masked marauders who pop up in Seda from time to time. They're trouble. We gotta help her."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Yeah, this whole thing screams trap but okay. Let's chase the sudden masked marauder that just happened to be hanging out in the alleyway behind the one shop he decided to stop at. Yup." The amount of sarcasm that's dripping from all those words is abundant. Still, though, Wynn Viasco is not one to want to let Vic get out of sight too far. He's basically going to give as much chase as possible right now. Despite the trap vibes.

"Hope you're bringing a huge blaster with us or something." Which he would very much love to own but he'll worry about that post-marauder.

Athena (159) has posed:
"He's alone," the young Nautolan says. "I'm sure of it," he says, climbing down the ladder back down to where Wynn is. Strange, how could Reevak be so certain...

Regardless, he starts hurrying towards where Vic is. "You got a gun on you?" he asks Wynn casually. But before Wynn can even respond, he pulls a small pistol out of his jacket and throws it to the Zeltron man. "Best to carry one ... or two, on you, in Seda." He says.

Moments later, they're closing in on Vic's position. Wynn will be able to see the marauder she's chasing much more clearly now - enough to recognize him as the one who'd been leading the raid on the Vagabond's Destiny.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"You see this face? I'm always armed. This smile cam be a deadly weapon." Wynn remarks and then flashes that smile but makes sure to turn the intensity down so that he doesn't actually hurt anyone. He also has to focus so that he can catch the blaster being tossed at him. There's some automatic twirling that happens when he does catch it and then he's back to following after Reevak.

"You all talk so bad about this place but I love it here." Wynn just feels it necessary to say that upon their closing in on of Vic. Upon spotting the familiar marauder, Wynn's grip on the blaster is tightened as he's ready to make Marauder Cheese - Spacer Swiss.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Do you always talk this much?" Reevak asks, although the question isn't barbed or derisive. "I mean, sure. Seda has its charms - if you like living dangerously."

The moment will quickly turn on its head, however. The marauder Zealot doubles back to avoid a confrontation with Vic, who has jumped down from a rooftop into the alleyway directly in front of him. Now Wynn and Reevak will find themselves face to face with the garishly masked marauder and his twin pistols.

Behind him, the Arkanian has murder in her eyes and a sharpened girder in one hand. The Zeltron man will notice that it looks like she's been shot a few times, too, but somehow, the wounds are already partially healed and she doesn't seem terribly bothered by them. "What are you waiting for!" she screams at Wynn. "Shoot him!"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Usually I talk a bit more. But we just met!"

The quipping comes to a quick stop as he raises that blaster pistol and takes a quick aim at the zealot he recognizes from a distance. He fires off a couple of shots ini his direction in an effort to follow Vic's instructions with the shooting of him. If he can put this guy down then maybe they can get back to making a deal about this ship.

Athena (159) has posed:
One of Wynn's shots skiff the marauder's ankle, and he stumbles, but manages to regain his balance. However, his mobility is now somewhat limited. He tries to make a slightly delayed escape into into an adjoining alley, but suddenly, the dumpster in the intersection swivels wide and blocks the passage. If Wynn looks over at the other two, he'll discover Reevak is extending a hand in front of him, his brows furrowed in concentration. "I might not be a Jedi anymore," he says, "but I haven't forgotten all of my training, at least."

Vic approaches Zealot, fists clenched. "What did you do with the archives of data you stole from the cargo container," she growls.

"I sold it already," he says, looking around furtively for a means of escape, but finding none. "and you must pay to know to whom," he says.

Vic looks like she's about the eviscerate the marauder, but Wynn may realize that if Vic kills him in her outburst of anger, she will have shot herself in the foot - dead men tell no tales. She'd never find the data archives if her only lead ends up deceased and in a ditch.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn keeps his blaster ready, just in case. He doesn't particularly want to drag this out or even have to really deal with the fact that his 'girlfriend' is having to be all that she can be and beat the information out of the zealot that stated this mess in the first place. "Vic!" is offered with a bit of a leading tone to see if he can't stop her from taking this marauder to the end of the universe. "Let's keep him alive. If you kill him, we'll never figure out where he sent the data. We keep him alive and we can have a little fun..." Uh oh.

Athena (159) has posed:
Vic trembles slightly. Once again, she looks like she's about to just...kebab the guy and be done with it. But finally, she sighs, and lowers the sharpened girder. Wynn's right, after all.

"You're going to take us to whoever you sold it to," she retorts sharply. "And you're not leaving our line of sight. Got it?" She points the girder threateningly at him.

Zealot doesn't say anything. He looks around, and realizes he doesn't really have a choice. He can't take on all three of them.

Reevak then turns to Wynn. "I know you're still wondering about your ship," he says, "and I promise I'll do my best to fix it for you, free of charge. On one condition," he says, pausing. "Let me go with you guys. Whatever it is you're doing, I want to help."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"When did I become the leader? I mean, I love this idea because I'm awesome but somewhere in the back of his mind he has to worrying about how he ended up in his position in the first place.

"Lead the wa, pal." Wynn remarks in the zealot's direction. "And no funny business or we let the mechanic here use you for parts."

Athena (159) has posed:
Reevak's eyes widen in happy disbelief. "Really?!" he says, "Oh thank you, Mister Viasco..."

Vic stares at Wynn. "Wait," she says, incredulous. "You're just... letting him come with? He's a -kid-, for kriff's sake," she grumbles. "If he screws everything up, don't say I didn't warn you," she concedes.

Zealot stares at Wynn for a moment, then starts to limp forward as Vic presses the sharp end of the girder into his back.

Reevak tails behind Wynn, his expression something like... admiration?! For the Zeltron man. Could it really be, that he'd gained a fan, even after only having been here less than an hour??