Wynn Save the Queen

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Wynn Save the Queen
Date of Scene: 10 March 2024
Synopsis: Wynn teams up with a motley crew of fringers in order to save the E'ronoh heir to the throne.
Cast of Characters: 159, 323, 195

Athena (159) has posed:
Dusk will have begun to fall once the four of them set out towards Seda's federal district. The marauder Zealot, whom they'd taken hostage, has claimed that central Seda is where they'll find the scientist - the one he'd sold the research Vic is so desperately after.

As they traverse back alleyways and pass haunted warehouses chuffing colored smoke, Wynn might notice a repeated tag graffitied onto brick walls or rusted dumpsters. And as they near central Seda, Wynn might notice something else as well - some of the the gangsters look very... militant. Too militant to just be doing regular patrols on border territory. No, a mounted plasma cannon and boxes of what look like grenades scream they were getting ready for ... something.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn Viasco has found himself in the middle of something he probably has no business being in the middle of. But at least he's in the middle of it with someone that is a total badass. Which is why he's even entertaining any of this in the first place. Well she's also pretty hot so that's something as well. Either way, he's been paying attention to the quite literal signs along the way and tries to keep their next steps on the horizon. Mentally, anyway.

"You realize we're totally in someone else's territory, right?" Wynn motions towards one of the very clear graffiti markings. "And that there's only two of us?" Just in case she's forgotten.

Athena (159) has posed:
Vic shrugs. She glances over at Zealot, who's leading the small group, for the time being. "If this is where the scientist is, then that's where we're going. Unless he's somehow walking us right into a trap," she muses nonchalantly. "But at least we'll be ready for it if he is, and hopefully whoever's setting the trap will have an idea of where the scientist is."

Reevak, who's been tailing the other three, sighs in disappointed resignation when Wynn woefully excludes him. He looks around at all the gang signs, and not-so-discreet militant activity in this sector. He seems uneasy, and so does Zealot. In fact, the latter suddenly stops walking.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"The tag-a-long's not tagging-a-long anymore. That can't be a good sign." Wynn has managed to stay in the middle of this little group that's very much probably walking into a trap. "You realize that pretty much anything we do here is going to be us trying to survive a trap, right? That is literally the definition of every move we make from now on." Wynn sighs and tries to figure out what in the Force they are going to do once the trap is sprung.

"This scientist just going to give you what you want, huh?" He doubts it. That much is quite obvious from his tone.

Athena (159) has posed:
Vic doesn't reply. She's too focused on the fact that Zealot seems to have given up on taking them to the scientist. She elbows past Wynn and makes her way over the marauder, attempting to bully him into continuing on or at least figure out why he's suddenly stopped. She is unsuccessful and returns to Wynn's side, her face flushed with frustration.

"He won't talk, and he won't budge!" she growls angrily, clenching her fists and punching the wall closest to her.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Welp, maybe we turn back to the Destiny and take this one on the chin. Fly off into the sunset and take some time to actually prepare for the war you're going to cause looking underneath all of these rocks and then come back with, oh I dunno, an ARMY and then get this scientist that you need so bad. Sounds like a bang up plan to me." Wynn tries to look in the direction of both Zealot and Reevak as if hoping the two of them will back him up on this. He is very much not trying to die today as it also seems that Zealot is in that same boat.

Athena (159) has posed:
"And where do you think you're going to get this -army-?" Vic snaps back. "Don't you understand, Wynn? People don't just help anyone for free, especially not people like me. And I don't have anything. Except a first name, and the clothes on my back." She pauses. "I thought for a second that maybe you were... different."

The Zeltron man will be able to sense that deep down, for whatever reason, this was the only thing in the world that mattered to Vic. If he didn't help her, she'd go it alone, and die trying if need be. "Look if you don't want to put yourself in danger, then just take your ship and go," she says harshly, sounding hurt. "I guess I can't stop you from breaking your promise."

Reevak approaches Wynn slowly. "It's okay," he says softly, "there's still time, I think. If you can find him tonight..."

Zealot doesn't say anything. But he's watching Wynn carefully and curiously, to see how the Zeltron man might react.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Hey. Hey. Relax. I said I'm going to help you and I will. But getting yourself, and also myself, killed is not going to help anyone, right?" Wynn glances around to spot Reevak. "Or the little one here. We can't get this little guy killed. Our ship'll never get fixed." Notice that the Zeltron has said 'Our Ship' to Victory right about now.

"Listen. I know what you're going through. I do. The only thing I had for a long time was myself. Then I got my hands on the Vagabond's Destiny." He throws in a pause right here for emotional effect. "Then I found you." Wynn is dropping them words on her without even missing a beat or breath.

"This war you want to fight and win? I can help you. I can make sure you take these people down and get everything you need. I may be sexier than even I think I am but I can get things done. But I need time. I need my ship fixed. I need to call in some favors. But what I really need, above all else..." This is the part where Wynn reaches out to see if he can't get Vic to look at him so she can see just how serious he is. "Is for you to trust me." Go on and look ini his eyes. He's being as honest as he's ever been right now.

"I can help you. We can do this. But we need to do it right. We only have one chance at this and if we die because you were a smidge too impatient? Well, not exactly how I want to go out. And I really don't want to see you dead at all. So let's take a beat, huh? Come back when we're ready and wipe the floor with these huttholes." Annnnd cue that classic Zeltron smile.

Athena (159) has posed:
"But I'm ready!" Vic protests. "It's just you, you're the one who isn't ready, and it's not going to make a difference whether we do it now, or later--"

"The danger does not lie in crossing into gang ridden territory," the marauder says, finally speaking. "They are far too preoccupied with their own matters to pay us any heed." He pauses. "They are preparing for an attack by the Eroni." He steps aside momentarily and gestures beyond himself, at the outer northern rim of Seda. There, floating just outside the metropolis' shields is a fleet of at least twenty to thirty starfighters and a flagship with the royal crest on it. The queen... she was either here on Seda already, or soon would be. But what business did Eroni royals have setting foot in Seda?

"The cold war between Eiram and Eroni has escalated significantly in just the last year," Zealot explains. "Tensions are high. The two governments wish to broker peace as it was before, and Seda has always been known as a place of political neutrality."

"And then there is Klytobacterium, the most powerful crime syndicate here in Seda. They control everything, including the goverment, and they wish to take advantage of the situation by provoking the Eroni and blaming it on the Eirami. I cannot be certain of why. Perhaps they wish Eiram ill for scrutinizing them. Or, they are certain in their ability to fend off the Eroni with Eirami help, and want to use this favor as a bargaining chip for their independence."

"The boy is right. Sooner is better. And yet, it is still extremely dangerous." he turns to Wynn now. "I require a favor. When all is said and done, you must allow me to be a passenger on your ship to any destination not in this sector of space."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"When the Force did my ship become the last ferry in the galaxy? I swear, does nobody else have their ship anymore? And, for the record, not a single one of you bullying passengers have once offered me a single credit. I just want you to know that since we're all about to probably die in the middle of whatever this history lesson was."

Wynn rolls his eyes and just shrugs. "Alright then. Since everybody's got a death wish, I don't want to hear anyone complain when my last words are I Told You So." Wynn points at each and every one of them.

"Come on. Let's get this, and by this I mean Our Lives, over with."

Athena (159) has posed:
"The man you seek is at the governor's pavilion," Zealot says. "He is a Klytobacter, and will likely be attending the diplomatic convention between the Eroni and Eirami royalty tonight," he says. Then he starts towards the lavish, marble looking structure to his left.

Vic watches him, her expression unreadable for a moment. Then she says, with a sigh, "Thank you. Listen, you'll make it out alive. I promise. Even if no one else, including myself does..." she trails off. "Let's just get going," she says, shaking her head and starting after Zealot.

Reevak jogs to fall into stride next to Wynn. "Hey um... I know you're not really used to all this hero business." He pauses. "But I don't think you'll regret any of it. I -know- you're a good person, and you're destined to do something really important tonight. I can ... feel it. And I believe in you."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
The rolling of Wynn's eyes can't be stated enough. He does a practice draw of one of his blasters and gives it a twirl before holstering it pretty quickly. He might as well get some practice in since this is going to be the last time he gets to actually breathe a breath. "I shoulda' said goodbye to the Destiny. She better not end up in a scrapheap after I'm gone." These are mostly mutterings to himself as he follows along on what he sees as a path to complete and utter doom. Walking into a meeting intended for pretty much EVERYONE ELSE is not his idea of a good plan but then again what is a good plan in this situation?

"Yeah, yeah." is tossed in Vic's direction to her words but then he's narrowing his eyes. "Oh no. No sacrificial plays on my watch. You owe me. No dying so you can dodge your debt. I know that trick. I invented that trick." Could be another way of showing he cares but maybe he really is talking about the debt. Who knows.

Reevak's words pull his eyes in that direction. "Sure, kid. The smartass with a ship is definitely hero material." We're back to more rolling of the eyes. Incredible eye rolling to be exact. He even puts his head and shoulders into it. "You just be ready to run when my bad feeling about this turns out to be right." At least he's looking out for Reevak. Kind of.

Athena (159) has posed:
"You could be," Reevak says, "I honestly think you're really selling yourself short," he continues. "And you keep talking about how awful it is, and how we're gonna die, but I don't see you leaving. I have a feeling that you want to do this more than you let on." He pauses. "And that's a lot better than what most folks in the galaxy would do," he says.

Eventually, they reach the perimeter of the governor's pavilion. It's littered with guards on every corner, but somehow, they manage find a back door and manage to sneak into a storage room in the back of the galley.

"So what are we looking for," Vic says to Zealot, once they're safely tucked away behind the boiler.

"He is a Clawdite," he says. "My best guess is that he will be disguised as a high ranking Eiram official." Vic grumbles. "A -Clawdite-? He could look like kriffing anything!" Then she sighs. "We need to split up. This building is massive, and everything will be a lot faster if we divide and conquer. I'm gonna go it alone," she says, "so you'll just have to be stuck on babysitting duty," she says to Wynn. "Don't let the marauder out of your sight, don't get the kid killed, and if you see the Clawdite -- tell me ASAP." Then she turns to leave.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"I swear on everything that I've ever loved, this is the last time I take the Destiny anywhere. If I survive this, I'm going home and staying put." Wynn Viasco has had enough of being caught up ini other people's business. All he wanted to do was make a spacefaring casino and bring a little bit of joy to the galaxy but noooooooooooo.


"For someone who wants so much help with this you sure keep trying to ditch me." His hands go up. "Just an observation." He seems to have grown tired of trying to convince Vic of doing anything because it never works so he might as well save his breath. He's going to need it once he gets shot in the chest and is gasping his way to much too early grave.

"Alright. I guess it's up to me to royally screw up this completely unplanned and unimpressively improved plan." Some more rolling of the eyes.

"Come on, fellas. Let's go see how fast I screw this up and get us all murdered! Woo!" Sarcasm; Wynn's Only True Weapon.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Look, I'm -trying-, okay?" Vic calls back to him, "This teamwork thing is really not my style, but at least I'm making an effort!"

Reevak frowns. "Don't you think you should be a little nicer to her?" the Nautolan says quietly, "She really is trying her best." He frowns. "You don't really believe that, do you?" he asks, as they start to wander away from the galley. "About how bad everything is, or is going to be."

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Ask me again if I walk out of here with no holes in my body." is quipped quickly in Reevak's direction before he realizes what else was said. "Hey! What do you mean nicer? This woman tried to kill me the first two minutes we met, stole my ship, kidnapped me, forced me into whatever all this is, claims she can get my ship fixed, DOESN'T, refuses to cooperate, runs off by her lonesome, forcing me to figure out everything on my own..." Wynn pauses to gather up some ripe sarcasm. "Yeah, you're right. /I'm/ the one that needs to be nicer. My mistake." There's another roll of his eyes as he bows apologetically to Reevak.

"Alright. So how do we find someone that can be anyone?" Eyes are cut over to Zealot to both keep an eye on him and also for any assistance or ideas in how they are going to find a Clawdite in a Criminal Haystack...

Athena (159) has posed:
"But you like her," Reevak points out astutely, "because helping her is what got you into this mess in the first place. You could have walked away, left her alone, and spared yourself all this trouble a long time ago, but you didn't, did you?"

Zealot has moved towards a hallway where some distracted guards have just wandered off to deal with some other problem that isn't them. He glances at Wynn, and doesn't say a word, but the Zeltron man will get the distinct feeling that he believes he's been given some sort of divine intervention. He points down the hallway, towards a room at the end of it, and begins moving quickly, and silently towards it.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Remind me to teach you two things. Sarcasm and How To Not Use Logic." Wynn rolls his eyes in the direction of Reevak before motioning for the little one to be quiet so that they can follow Zealot down the hall. Even while doing this, Wynn makes it a point to keep an eye out for the trap to be sprung. He's pretty sure it'll be happening any minute but hopefully while his woman is off slaughtering people by the dozens, they'll be able to figure out a way out of the trap that's about to spring.

Viasco may or may not have a history of being tricked. So he suspects the worst even in this here moment.

"Thicc Vic. Do you copy?" Wynn rocks the comlink quietly. "Got a lead. Don't die. Be ready." Wynn ponders for a moment. "... and if you see any bantha battered scrimps..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"What? Already?" she replies after a few moments. A pause. "Do not ever call me that again, or I will wring you out like wet laundry."

Amazingly, no trap gets sprung. Somehow, they've waltzed right into the queen's dressing room. There's a rack of jewel encrusted blades hanging on the wall to his right, and directly in front of him is a balcony that adjoins the dressing room. Now, on that balcony is a table draped with a banner that sports the Eroni royal crest and... a lot of other stuff. A lot of REALLY valuable stuff. Jewelry, expensive wines, and rare silks. Just sitting there, with no one watching it.

Zealot marches up to the table and picks up a necklace made from the rarest gemstones. He tosses it to Wynn wordlessly, and continues to rifle through the treasures, pocketing a few things for himself.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Yeah, uh, this is great and all but..." Wynn is talking while stashing things. That's right, this sexy outfit is not exactly just to make him look good. He may or may not have all manner of secret pockets and stashes hidden within the various layers and fabrics so that searches go his way. This man even smuggles on foot. And being close enough to Zealot to make sure he can speak low enough is exactly what he needs to be... to steal some more stuff.

He even goes for one of those jewel encrusted daggers. Cuz why not.

"... but we need to find the science guy so we can get out of here and you can apologize to me back on the ship that you ruined and that got me mixed up in this crap in the first place." Eyes are narrowed at Zealot.

R"One sec, Thicctory." is said into the comlink before he nudges Zealot and nods in the direction of the balcony. Wynn is sending Zealot because ain't no way he's going out onto a balcony... where it might as well say TRAP in big neon lights. Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake: DEATH TRAP.

Athena (159) has posed:
Reevak gasps silently when Zealot and Wynn begin to shamelessly rob the queen's dressing room of any and every valuable that will fit into their pockets. "Mr. Viasco," the young Nautolan whispers desperately, "d-don't do this! You're better than this..."

Wynn might sense a bit of a sulk from Zealot, who tilts his head to one side while surveying the Zeltron man. Did showing him this stash not suffice as an apology?

"Where the hell are you--!" Vic hisses quietly through the commlink. "Wynn... Wynn!"

However, Wynn won't need to go onto the balcony to immediately get a clear view of a man entering the room the balcony overlooks. He has aquiline features and a hawklike gaze. He reeks sinister purpose and malice so pungently that Wynn will be able to tell he's definitely a bad egg of some sort...

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"... and you two! When I said I want this place spotless, I did not mean in here!" Wynn falls right into character as he reaches out to smack Zealot upside the head and throws a glare in Reevak's direction. "I can't believe you came into the Queen's Dressing Room without consent! Disturbing our /esteemed/ guests while they relax on the /balcony! You're lucky I don't have you two thrown to the Direwolves!" Hopefully, Thiccly Vicly understands the code chatter that Wynn is putting down since the palmed comlink channel is open while he covers their tracks.

"Excuse us, sir. These two laserbrains are new hires and once the Boss finds out where they've been? I can assure you, they won't be new for much longer." A hand goes to Zealot and Reevak's collar as Wynn pulls them back toward the exit.

Vic better be on her way. Hopefully by leaping off something cool and swinging towards the balcony or something. If not, he's... got a back up plan. Kind of.

Could have something to do with the end of the banner attached to his shoe.

Athena (159) has posed:
Reevak utters a surprised squeak, but neither he nor Zealot resist as Wynn starts to pull them away from the balcony.

But as Wynn is retreating, he'll get a sharp prodding in his sense from Zealot, regarding the man who'd entered the room below. And he'll be able to see why.

Even from his vantage point, he'll be able to clearly see what the man is doing. The room below adjoins the galley, and appears to be some kind of bar area where drinks are prepared. And it would appear the man is injecting the goblet with the Eroni royal crest on it with... only Light knows what.

Wynn might realize it before Zealot says it, "...the Queen..."

If the man is successful in poisoning her -- well, that will be terrible for not just Wynn, but for all of them.

The Eroni would attack. The Vagabond's Destiny would be dusted.

But if they just made sure she ended up safe -- well, crisis completely averted, right?

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:

The look on Wynn's face is so annoyed. He can't even begin to comprehend just how annoyed his own facial expression is. He lets go of both Zealot and Reevak and actually steps forward and towards the one with that's getting the injection on. "WHy'd you have to elevate this? Hm?" Wynn shakes his head. "Everything was fine before you had to go and do that." He motions towards the goblet. "Now I /have/ to care. I can't believe you're doing this to me right now."

Wynn hangs his hands on his belt in case he has to draw or something. "Here's how this is going to go. You're going to toss that and whatever else you have off the balcony and then we're going to pretend like none of this ever happened. So that nobody here has to do anything violent to anyone else here. And we can all go our separate ways. Alive."

Wynn sighs, "And my ship doesn't get obliterated while I'm on a planet I'm never, ever, EVER coming back to."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The man leaning over the goblet looks up when Wynn addresses him, looking confused, surprised, and annoyed. "Sure welcome to try!" he sneers, and then starts booking it back the way he'd come.

Wynn might be about to draw his weapon and shoot the running bastard scientist when the door to his left that none of them had paid any attention to suddenly opens revealing ... The Queen herself, and her two female body guards.

The first thing Wynn will probably notice is that all three of them look like super models. The second, that the Queen is Baelin Kalregar's spitting image. Perhaps a coincidence. Third, all three of them are armed and pointing blasters at him. Fourth... well, if he could just convince the Queen to not leave this room without revealing why ... all his problems would be solved.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Or I can just talk to myself. Nevermind."

Wynn is about to reach for his weapon when the door next to him opens up and he flips like a light switch to the next character in his mind. How he's managing to do this is beyond him. "Stop! Thief!" A finger is pointed towards the flee-ing challenger in a manner dependent on sending Zealot (and maybe those bodyguards) after the balcony bandit!

"Your highness, please, stay back!" A bit of assertiveness from Wynn as he moves to stand in front of the Queen (he can spot royalty when he needs to) and stop her from getting anywhere near any drinks or anything. He flashes something shiny enough to look like something official. "Security Detail. We suspected someone on the premises. We'll only be a moment." With his free hand he motions Reevak towards the goblet(s) to handle that situation while he distracts the Queen. With both words and pheromones because he needs her to stay relaxed for this to work.

The blasters aimed at him are ignored but only because he's playing a security detail role at the moment and thus he wouldn't be scared or worried about having blasters from bodyguards in his face. His hands are also where they can be seen (even when he's pointing after thieves and motioning to his sidekick) because regardless of the blasters in his face, he still has a "job" to do.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The three of them don't relax, but don't shoot, either.

"That's no thief," one of the body guards says, "That's the Eirami Prime Minister," she says, but her tone is cautious. "But he has no business back here..." She steps away to have a conversation with presumably other guards on her commlink.

Reevak nods when Wynn gestures at the goblet sitting on the table in the room down below, and starts to discreetly make his way over to the balcony.

But this does not escape the Queen's notice. "Explain yourself," she demands. "What is -he-" she snaps, peering over at Reevak, "And that other..." she frowns, looking around, but it appears Zealot had actually disappeared already, having gone to chase the scientist nearly as soon as Wynn had yelled 'Stop, thief!'

"Where the hell did he go? What where the three of you doing in my dressing room?"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"As I mentioned, extra security. There have been rumblings of untoward actions and I've been dispatched to make sure that none of those rumblings come to pass. My name is Wynn. Wynn Viasco. And this is my assistant, Smalls. If you all will notice, my team has not drawn a single weapon. We are here to help."

Wynn motions towards the wall of jewel encrusted knives from before. "We have reason to believe that someone has stolen your property and it is our job to get it back. Smalls here is simply checking to make sure nothing else was taken." Wynn looks to Reevak and gives him a nod. It's more important to take care of the goblet than it is for this story to make sense. Move. Go.

"If you'll only spare us another moment, my team and I will be out of your hair and you may continue to be as undeniably beautiful as you are without my rude and unannounced intrusion. We had hoped to have this situation handled quietly as to not disturb you but I offer my most sincere apologies for being so impossibly foolish as to not follow proper protocol. I must admit that I..." And this is where the Zeltron cues up his charming smile.

"... was hoping to have a moment like this to see if your eyes were as incredible as legend states. I can assure you, Your Highness, the legend fails to do them justice at all." Oh, he's pouring it on now.

Amarik (195) has posed:
His lie is terrible, but his pheromones? His pheromones are effective.

The Queen folds her arms. "I shouldn't believe you," she says, but then sighs. "So why do I want to?"

"Fine, whatever. Look, I don't really care about all these so called valuable goods, or protocol. I came here to help people, so that's what I'm going to do. Don't bother trying to get it back, it won't be worth it if we can't ... " she pauses, and sighs, "politically smooth things over."

Her brows crease when he starts to layer on the flattery THICK. "Oh, please, will you cut the druk? I'm not Queen yet. You can just call me Cornelia. Now if you don't mind, I've a convention to attend."

Meanwhile, Reevak has managed to slip out unnoticed down to where the goblet is. At least the kid knows how to follow orders.

But his commlink is pinging. It's Vic. She must be wondering if he'd died, or turned his back on her... Does he dare to answer it?

As he's contemplating his next move, Cornelia moves to exit the dressing room.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"What rule is it that flattery can't also be truth?"

Wynn offers another bow and uses that time to motion to Reevak to meet him outside this room before rising back up and giving a look to both The Suddenly-Not-Quite-Queen (royalty is too complicated around here, sheesh) and her bodyguards as he moves with speed to beat her to the exit. "If you'll indulge me a moment longer and allow me to secure the perimeter before you head off to make peace for all of us. Thank you."

Wynn doesn't even wait for a response, although he does wink before making with the exiting of the room so that he can yoink out his comlink. Still playing the role in case of good hearing, "Viasco here. Queen's Gambit is secure. Commencing search. Over."

Bullet dodged?

Amarik (195) has posed:
Cornelia waves a hand dismissively at Wynn's reattempt to compliment her. She frowns when he says he has to secure the perimeter. "What do you mean secure the perimeter? There's plenty of guards. Everything's fine, and I can handle myself anyway." Her eyes suddenly narrow. "Who hired you?" she says, arching a brow at Wynn.

Vic at least stops trying to communicate with him via audio, instead, she sends him a text transmissions.

|The target is hellbent on finishing whatever task he came here to perform. Not sure exactly who he was sent to assassinate, but he's trying his damnedest to not leave unless that person is dead. He might have help. Not sure. Also your marauder pal seems to think that killing him is a really good idea|

Not even a moment later, a loud crash can be heard just outside the dressing room.

Cornelia frowns. "What the hell..?"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:

Wynn makes sure he sticks close to the dooor of the dressing room to make sure that the (Fake?) royalty stays put. "I'm sorry, Your Highness, but I've just received word that they aren't quite ready for you yet. Perhaps you can take a moment and do something different with your hair..."

Wynn has switched from flattery to light insults for two reasons. The first being that there's a closed door between him and Cornelia and her bodyguards. The other reason is that he's sending out a blast text to everyone on their line:

    Zealot - Don't kill him yet. But stop him. Now. We need to protect Cornelia.

    Reevak - Dump the attempted murder weapon and get up here. I need you to watch my back.

    Thicc Vic - Get to Z, kick that scientist's ass and get what you need. Then let Z kill him so we can get the hell off this rock.

There, a plan is in motion or something close to it. But, of course, there's a crash and that means that Wynn can't actually have a moment to breathe. He draws one of his blasters as he throws open the door to get back inside since he's suddenly doing the /actual/ bodyguards' job all of a sudden.

Amarik (195) has posed:
False alarm, it's just Vic and Z, trying arm wrestle the troublesome scientist/assassin but he's a dodgy bastard!!

"Wynn!" Vic yells. "Get the kid and get out of here! I've got him handled..."

Cornelia stares at Wynn in utter confusion, but she slowly reaches up to touch her mass of curly red hair a bit self consciously.

Not even a second later, Reevak appears, blaster in hand. "Are you okay?" he gasps.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Smiles-- wait, what's your--? Nevermind! Reevak! Watch the door. Stay close." Wynn doesn't know how he knows how to get these orders out but he's making sure to keep himself between the assassin and Cornelia. His blaster is ready and he's got an eye on both Cornelia and Reevak as well somehow. He's very good at what he does when it's time to be observant and that's what he's trying to do.

"Give us a second, Your Highness. We'll be out of here in a moment. I was lying, by the way, your hair looks amazing." Wink.

Wynn's got his blaster up and is trying to keep it trained on the scientific assassin. If he has to wound this dude he will. At the same time, though, he's sending out some more of those pheromones-- to the room at large, to try and do some blanket calming effects. He's going to need everybody to take it down a couple notches. Especially Mr. Assassin.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Cornelia opens her mouth to protest, but they're moving out of the dressing room now. And despite not trusting, or even liking Wynn, she somehow finds herself just going along with whatever plan he's spontaneously cooked up in the moment.

Reevak quickly brings up the rear, while Cornelia's body guards go after Zealot and Vic. "Halt!" they shout, "Neither of you are authorized to be in here!"

They are largely ignored, however, as Vic and Zealot are busy chasing the Clawdite, who has now spotted Wynn standing in front of the apparent Not-Quite-Queen. "You!" he snarls. "Why the... kriff ... did you have to interfere! Dammit!" He seems to be having a hard time being enraged at Wynn, though, because, well, pheromones.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
"Because it's the right thing to do." Wynn answers with a straight face that can't even stay straight. That was a damn lie. "... Don't make me put you down, man." Wynn has his blaster up and aimed at the Clawdite's face(?). "I don't want to but I will if I have to. Just stop." Wynn's finger is wavering near the trigger.

"Cornelia. I'm sorry about all of this. I truly am. But he's been trying to kill you and I refuse to let anyone that pretty die on my watch." Wynn doesn't take his eyes off the Clawdite but does toss the compliment in her direction. "Smalls, keep an eye on her while we wrap this up."

Wynn looks in the direction of both Z and Vic but he speaks to the Clawdite. "Listen here. My first mate here? She's got some questions for you. Maybe a little bit of pain too. You're going to answer them and then we'll figure out what happens after that. But right now, considering just how much pretty much everyone on this planet wants you dead, I think you might want to cooperate to the best of my ability."

Wynn lets those Pheromones continue to pour in the direction of the whole reason they are even dealing with this mess right now.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"What...?!" Cornelia manages croak out in disbelief. "You're... that's a lie. I don't know you--"

"Fool!" he hisses. "You'll die for this," he sneers at Wynn, but his gaze is shifty and fearful and Wynn will be able to feel the fear rolling off of him in waves. Vic is a tall girl, and Zealot is terrifying in his own right as well -- they've managed to fend off Cornelia's bodyguards and are now fast approaching.

He starts to back away, quickly, reaching for a sniper's rifle hidden in his jacket. "What.. what do you want to know...!"

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:

Wynn doesn't waste a moment. He's not even sure of how good of a shot he is but he shifts the aim on that blaster the moment he spots the enemy reaching and fires off a quick shot. It's almost like a warning shot or something because he really doesn't want to have to kill this being. There's too much at stake right now. But maybe it doesn't count as a warning shot if he's aiming for the leg to make sure that escape is no longer an option. This is much more of a wounding scenario.

"Z! Blaster!" Wynn's warning Zealot about the sniper rifle that he gets to see from his own privileged angle. This is followed up by "Vic." to give her the chance to find out what they came here to find out in the first place.

R"Your Highness, if you'd like to leave all this behind and come with us as he go galavanting around the galaxy... there's room on the Destiny." How this man Wynn is carrying on all of these conversations while keeping his blaster aimed at the Clawdite is beyond even his own brain. But he's doing it.

"How we looking out there, Smalls? All clear?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
Zealot might have not have been the friendliest fellow but kriff, he sure is quick and accurate. No sooner have the words left Wynn's mouth, than the marauder has pulled out a blaster and shot the scientist's wrist before the Clawdite can draw his weapon. He grunts in pain, but continues to attempt to escape, clutching his injured hand to his chest. "This is -far- from over...!"

Reevak nods and gives Wynn a thumbs up when he asks him if the perimeter is clear.

When Wynn invites Cornelia to come with him, she stares at him, incredulous. Is he mad? But there's a faraway look in her eyes that tells Wynn she'd actually considered it, for a split second. "You're going to have to explain yourself, later," she says finally.

Wynn Viasco (323) has posed:
Wynn leaves Zealot to handle the disarming of the Clawdite but he doesn't actually take his blaster off the target. Just in case. There could be more weapons or something going on. He does change positions though and is able to look up and over at Cornelia to toss her a wink. "Sooner." is said with a playful smirk attached because that's so much better than 'later'.

Wynn's feet take him in the direction of Vic so that he can back her up. "Alright, Vic. Your time to shine before Zealot gets /over/zealous." And kills this loser that they've pretty much got surrounded.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"I -know-," she grumbles, quickening her pace after the scientist. "You don't need to tell me..."

Suddenly, the scientist turns, and there's a mad look in his eyes. "You're too late," he whispers, and Wynn will realize there's a detonator in his hand. But before either he, Vic, or Zealot can stop him, he hits the button...

There's the sound of a tiny explosion from above them, and the Zeltron man will be able to see that at some point, he'd rigged a tiny grenade to the cord attaching the large chandelier above them to the ceiling. Now it's coming crashing down, about to turn him and Cornelia into flatbread.

But before Wynn can even be afraid for this life or Cornelia can scream, Reevak leaps forward and uses the Force to slow the fall of the chandelier while Zealot dives forward and knocks the two of them out of the way.

When Wynn recovers from having his breath knocked out of him, he'll find Vic has subdued the Clawdite. The man is now trying to protest eating the carpet, but with little success, as Vic has her boot against his neck while she binds his hands behind his back.