Uncertain Events

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Uncertain Events
Date of Scene: 02 March 2024
Synopsis: Caius and Navi meet and discuss Master Tomi's situation and current happenings with a possible plan beginning to now form.
Cast of Characters: 334, Navi

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
In the lower levels of the temple, Caius Astras stands in the infirmary before the comatose body of the Sorcerer Tomi, enclosed in a glass chamber with weakening vitals showing and blinking in a steady ongoing thrum.

The Jedi is tall, broadly built, lightly bearded with dark hair and robes of dark browns and blacks with a hint of beige and gold in the tunic underneath. His arms are folded though one hand is lifted up and rubbing his jaw lightly, scratching the unshaven rough hair there as he eyes medical chamber with a studios and contemplative gaze.

He looks pensive and troubled, to say the least, and isn't paying much attention to who is coming or going in the room.

Navi has posed:
"Can I be of any assistance, Master Jedi?" asks Navi, entering from the main corridor. Between her long hooded robe and total absence of a lightsaber, the blonde Sephi is clearly not a Jedi, but some manner of Force cultist.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
At first, Caius doesn't answer, perhaps too lost in his thoughts or distracted to properly acknowledge he's no longer alone.

But after a few seconds he seems to blink back to himself and he lowers his hand from his chin and turns to look at the Sephi. He turns towards her and offers a slight bow.

"I apologize for not answering sooner. No, I'm fine. I was just considering our current dilemma here and was lost in thought.."

He looks her robes over, considering them and attempting to determine if they are familiar to him before looking more directly at her, "You are a member of one hte local sects? One of hte ones represented in The Convocation?"

Navi has posed:
"The Shining Brotherhood, Master Jedi. But we are only a subsect," Navi replies softly, bowing from her shoulders. "There are many dozens of minor cults much like us here, and sometimes on other worlds, too."

She smiles faintly, and briefly. "No apology is needed. Master Tomi needs your attention far more than I. Would that I had any clear idea of how to cure his condition..." she says, her smile fading into a faint, concerned pout.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
This draws some curiousity from the Jedi who looks more carefully and studiously on her. Then he smiles, "My apologies, lady. My name is Caius Astras....of the Jedi Order as you surmised. I'm part of a delegation that came to see if we could assist in Master Tomi's condition and, perhaps, look towards preventing any further attempts on the artifacts in the vault. You seem familiar with Tomi...or am I mistaken? How familiar are you with the situation we're dealing with? I must admit that...my actions were driven by hearing of what took place but unlike several of my fellows I wasn't actually hear. I only had recently returned from the Mid Rim to Coruscant when the temple here was attacked."

Navi has posed:
"Well met, Caius Astras. My name is Navi, and I was present when Master Tomi was unfortunately struck down," Navi explains. "It was a rather confused situation all around, and I am sorry to say that his own actions contributed to the chaos, and the attack in general. I regret that I cannot be of more help in this situation, but I don't know all of the facts, in spite of being directly involved in investigating criminal activity that led to the attack."

She shaes her head sadly. "I only know that Mater Tomi apparently attempted to access a collection of artifacts, some of which were of the Dark Side, that was kept in the vault at the time of the attack, and that he was struck down by a bag of looted artifacts hurled by a Padawan in a somewhat misguided attempt to stop him accessing that collection. The Padawan wasn't aware that the bag was filled with sharp artifacts, one of which struck the Master and rendered him thus," she explains, indicating the comatose Sorcerer of Tund.

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Cayde Alexis." says Caius, nodding his head simply and folding his arms comfortably as Navi finishes.

"What you've said lines up with what I do know although I wans't told the specifics of which artifacts he was attempting to access. Master Tomi was struck by an artifact known as The Blade of Hibernation. There are techniques among Force Users.... Force Trances, Hibernation Trances...that can induce a similar effect but even in more temperate climates you could only hope to manage one for...a month perhaps? It's been at least that long and here on Jedha..even with these facilities things aren't looking good. I'm afraid Master Tomi's vitals are diminishing and The Covocation may soon decide on to enable a peaceful transition to The Force if he's not able to be awakened soon."

He turns towards the stasis tube and studies it, "I have some skill with telepathy and it was with Cayde's assistance that I hoped to be able to help Master Tomi but...Master Volk, Cayde and myself discovered he's almost...trapped himself in his own mind..."

He frowns lightly, "Reliving a past battle here on Jedha. A terrible event.. There's something..some memory holding imprisoned but it was powerful and potent we had to retreat from his mind else the three of us were drawn in as well."

Navi has posed:
"So hope dims for Master Tomi," Navi replies sadly, bowing her head. "Would that I could assist, but I know very little of the powers that affect the mind, and have never been trained in telepathy." She takes a long, thoughtful look at Master Tomi. "What do you know about the battle that triggered the memory? Was anyone able to help provide any history of the event?"

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"If we can sustain him but a little longer perhaps we can still do something. If nothing else I was suggesting we transfer him to Coruscant if allowed but now I'm concerned if he'd survive the trip as I'm not exactly convinced the issue is a medical one to begin with but something within his mind."

Caius resumes rubbing his jaw again, that apparently being the gesture to help him think. "Nothing on the battle just yet. I was meaning to ask Master Volk but after we retreated from Master TOmi's mind we were disorientated and exhausted. Except, perhaps, Cayde. He weathered the attempt of that darkness to consume is better then I did at first. I had to find some additional reserves of my own to pull free.."

He seems briefly amused by that but then frowns, "Perhaps you're right and that's the direction we must move in. I know he was a child. Hw was searching for someone during the turmoil. There were many dead. I think....it was a sibling? He encountered some terrible force. Strong in the dark side. Terrible fear and horror. That power killed his brother. Something or someone."

After a pause he asks, "Do we know, exactly, what artifacts Tomi was seeking?"

Navi has posed:
"I don't know which specific artifacts, but it was a vault containing a Bogan Collection. It may have been prepared by Master Gethun and Master Tomi. We do know that Master Tomi, and possibly Master Gethun, had made arrangements to secure artifacts for a Bogan Collection from a dealer in antiquities in the city," Navi explains. "I don't know if it was the same collection that was in the vault. But there was an artifact that showed Padawan Imoen a look into the future, and she foresaw at least part of the attack."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Well we have delayed Tomi's decay somewhat so there is still time but..."

Caius frowns again and this time rests both of his hands on his waist as he considers, "...Just when we finished, Master Volk did get a message that they were ready to examine the relics from Master Tomi's collection before they were submitted to the Bogan Collection...but he was too tired, as were we, to deal with it then. Perhaps there's some clue to all of this in that. A trauma that shaped Master Tomi in the past. A dark presence that killed his brother and terrified him. Dark side artifacts being sought in a raid on the temple and now items he has being submitted to this collective. IT all seems....very strange."

He shakes his head and frowns, "I hadn't a chance to talk to Padawan Imoen about any of this yet. I have some gift of foresight myself but it is not especially strong..."

Navi has posed:
"It's good to know that the Council is aware of the collection. I was sure we had done due diligence in reporting the matter to them, but it was a strange and confused time... the chance was there that it had fallen through the cracks," Navi observes thoughtfully. "I know Padawan Imoen myself, and she is dear to me. I don't know how much of her foresight was her own gift and how much was the artifact. But if there was an artifact that could show the future, then perhaps there is one that can show the past?"

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"There are gifts that are capable of doing that." confirms Caius, "...Powers capable of studying events that have happened in the past or learning about the history of objects and places. Unfortunantely that's beyond my undrstanding at present but it stands to reason that such an item could exist. We might have more immediate luck investigating The Jedi Archives or any historical documents here if we wanted to learn more about the battle Master Tomi was in."

He does give a slight nod of approval as well, "I'm glad that Padawan Imoen is your friend. It seems that we've a collection of Padawan who are finding themselves in the thick of things. Cayde means well but is...impulsive and his powers are strong and need some guidance. I'm afraid he's feeling some guilt and weight over what happened to Master Tomi. While he must be responsible for his actions I've tried to encourage him that by taking steps to help Master Tomi he is doing the right thing and focusing on addressing harm he may have unwittingly caused. I think we've all something to learn from this ordeal."

Navi has posed:
"I know Cayde, too, and have witnessed a little of his guilt over what he had done to Master Tomi," Navi adds. "I have also witnessed his good intentions. It's good that he has cooler and wiser heads to temper his impulses."

She looks back toward the corridor, then back at Master Tomi. "How old is Master Tomi? If we knew that, we could find the year of the battle. That would make finding information on the battle itself much easier."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"I was hoping you might know that." says Caius with a soft laugh. "But finding that out sounds like as good a place as any to start. The scope of the destruction we witnessed would suggest it was a major conflict of some sort. " says Caius with a nod, "I know Jedha is rife with strife and competing forces so that may not narrow it down much. Certainly from the perspective of a small boy...any battle is going to seem absolutely monstrous but... knowing his age will assist with that. We'll have to ask his fellow Sorcerers or someone on the Convocation, I imagine."

Navi has posed:
"His relationship with the Convocation was known to be strained, but they would be the best bet, I believe," Navi observes. "The Sorcerers of Tund might or might not have such records. I'm not familiar enough with them to say anything definite."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"Then our best bet would be to bother Master Volk first." suggests Caius, arms folded once more, "As the Jedi Council's represantive to the Convocation, he'll be able to ask such questions and I think the fact that we are trying to help Tomi and also make The Vault more secure by, hopefully, finding out through Tomi what other threats or larger plans may loom...that they may be willing to go along with an requests for information."

Caius looks back to the life pod, "Of course we want to save his life if we can, despite his tragic actions, but we also could learn a lot about any possible follow ups to attempting to access The Vault. An event as large as what happened isn't going to just fade into obscurity after all. They may all veyr well try again.."

Navi has posed:
"Master Volk would be a good choice, definitely," Navi agrees, nodding and crossing her arms below her bustline. "I believe Master Tomi played a role in letting slip the information to the criminal element regarding the vault and the layout and accessways into the Temple... it was originally intended to allow only a small group inside to steal the artifacts. He had not counted on opportunistic criminals selling the information to a much larger body of criminals, which is why the attack on the Temple was on such a large scale. A smaller group might have gotten in and out again without ever being noticed, but not the mob we were forced to fight off. I doubt they will try such a massive attack again, but a smaller group is still a danger. The Temple needs tighter security."

Caius Astras (334) has posed:
"That does raise more questions but it answers some as well." acknowledges Caius, "Thank you for that. I believe I'll send Master Volk a message then and also attempt to contact Coruscant. I don't know that there's enough time for me to leave for Coruscant to check the Archives myself and return again but...if there is then I may have to do just that. If Master Volk is able to get enough information for us then maybe it won't be necessary."

Caius looks back to the body and nods again before turning towards Navi and the exit, "Something tells me that whatever nightmare is holding him in place isn't wholly distinct from whatever was motivating him to do what he did and risk so much.. The sooner we find out the better."

He gives Navi a smile, "Thank you for spending time talking to me. Cayde should be around somewhere. If you happen to run into him, tell him Caius said hello."