Antarian Shenanigans

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Antarian Shenanigans
Date of Scene: 13 April 2024
Location: Mid Rim - Takodana
Synopsis: Zealot is arrested by Lieutenant Crix Jobin for stealing from a group of honest scrappers.
Cast of Characters: 195, 352

Amarik (195) has posed:
The recent happenings on Takodana, by now, have reached the ears of the Republic authorities within the sector.

A murderous droid with a bounty on her helm had been on the loose and wreaked havoc in Andui. Then, not long after that, three Mandalorian bounty hunters and a masked marauder had tried the capture the droid in the middle of the spaceport, during broad daylight, causing utter chaos and a lot of collateral damage.

Needless to say, it's no surprise the local authorities have called in the Antarian Rangers to help with clean up - and to assist in looking for the perpetrators, since word has it that at least one or two of them might have lingered on Takodana...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
The manuvering thrusters of the sleek BR-23 Courier Transport "Vanguard" land it gently on the designated landing platform. The sides of the craft have the Antarian Ranger emblem emblazened upon them, the subdued marking of stylized lines surrounded with a circle marking it as a craft in service of that group. As the engines slowly spool down, a boarding ramp descends and a lone figure walks down it. The blue cap, blue fatigues, and brown jacket clearly designating this as an Antarian Ranger and the rank pips on the collar indicate he is a Lieutenant. The man looks around the landing platform to take in his surroundings.

Amarik (195) has posed:
As soon as the ship lands, a couple members of the Takodana spaceport security approach.

When the Lieutenant disembarks, they nod respectfully at him. "Lieutenant," one of them greets. "Thank you for coming on such short notice..."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin walks over to the Security Officers and extends his hand to the one who greets him.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin says "Of course. Anything in service of the Republic. How may I most quickly be of assistance? Can you tell me if there are any casualties?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
They take turns shaking his hand. "And whom do we have the pleasure of meeting today?" The security officer says. "I'm Officer Didan, and this is here is Private Jonson," he says, gesturing to the other accompanying him.

Didan nods. "Well, there's a couple things, but the most important is one of those who had been after the droid yesterday is still running around Andui somewhere. Thankfully no casualties, but there /was/ a firefight, in the presence of innocent civilians." He gestures for Crix to follow him as he heads towards a small office building nearby.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin finishes shaking hands and nods at the Private before turning back to Didan. "Lieutenant Crix Jobin. Good to meet you both."

Crix moves to follow towards the office. "Yes, I heard about the incident, but did not receive the particulars. I am glad to hear their havoc did not create undue harm to anyone. Looks like we will have to do what we can to track down the reckless individual still here to prevent them from causing any further damage. Presumably the Droid itself and the others have fled the planet?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"A pleasure, Lieutenant Jobin. We're thankful for your service," Didan says, nodding.

"Likely," Didan continues once they reach the office. "Heh, not sure we'd try too hard to apprehend them anyway, no civilians were seriously injured and the bounty hunters were all Mandalorian. Can't be too careful with those..."

He switches on a small holo display showing intel on what appears to be masked individual. "Last tip we got was that he'd been seen in central Andui, near the scavenging depots."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin nods sympathetically. "I understand your caution. They are potent fighters and usually get their target no matter the odds. However, they should really know better than to start a fight in a populated Spaceport..."

"In any case, better to track down the one we still know about. If he's willing to cause a problem now, he's not likely to respect the boundaries of authority going forward. I trust there is not much to go on for description? Do we know how he arrived? In we know it is a 'he'?" A slight smile crept to his face, but his eyes remained devoid of mirth.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Oh they know better," Didan scoffs. "They just don't give a druk! After all, its Republic space and they know they'll get away with anything short of murder since they're Mando. Heh!"

Didan gestures at the image rotating on yhe holodisplay. "This is what we've got. Masked pirate, thief, criminal... what have you. We think he came on a ship called the Vagabond's Destiny, but that vessel isn't even in the port anymore." He shrugs. "Probably? But I guess you're right. We only had mannerisms to guess off of."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin nods again. "I trust you instincts implicitly. I have no reason not to go off of your estimations. Merely commenting on our mysterious individual. As for the Mandos, I will do everything in my power to ensure they understand the...need to maintain the peace in Republic Space."

Crix takes several moments to memorized what he can from the holodisplay before returning his attention to the Officer.

"It would seem my best bet would be to start after this one, though. I will have my squad remain in readiness aboard the 'Vanguard' if you have no objections, and then I will take off for the Scavenging Depots."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"I have no doubt you will, if they're even still around. Likely hit hyperspace once the droid was bagged. But if you run into them again...good luck," Didan says with a nod.

"Certainly. Me and my colleagues will remain here, but reach out if you need backup," he says.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin replies "Yes, of course. First things first. I'll focus on our masked friend here. If you can think of anything else, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be in touch. Thank you for all of your help, Didan. Jonson. Stay safe you two."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Didan nods again. "Indeed, will do. For light and for life!" he says as Crix heads out.

Once Crix arrives at the scavenging depot, he'll quickly happen upon a group of rather disgruntled looking scrappers. Upon laying eyes upon him, one of them grumbles, "A Ranger? Ha! Well isn't that funny that they suddenly turn up now. What -luck-!"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin glances at the source of the voice in the group and offers a slight smirk, though there is danger behind Crix's eyes. His voice has an edge to it as he placating raises his hands. "We go where we are needed...and it would seem that I am needed right here. I'm sure from your tone of voice that you're eager to help." Crix offers sarcastically.

"I am Crix Jobin. Believe it or not, I am here to help."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Listen, -pal-," the Ortolan scrapper enunciates, pointing accusatorially at Crix, "if you'd been here just ten minutes earlier...!"

But one of the other scrappers, a strange looking female amphibious alien with a round green body and spindly legs hurries over. "Don't mind him," she says, "The long and short of it is, we've been robbed." She blinks her tiny, slug-like eyeballs mournfully. "One moment we had our hovercart loaded up and ready to head downtown so we could sell to the vehicle repair shops, the next we were being accosted by ... a masked marauder!"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin turns his attention from the irate male and nods sympathetically at the female. "I hope to be of some help in that regard, ma'am. In fact, it would seem that the suspect who stole your hovercart may be the man I am lookin' for. Any idea where he might have gone?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The Ortolan mutters something about Republic sanctioned anything being ineffective and storms off.

The female, however, stays. She seems flattered. "Oh.. really? I hope you catch him!"

"Well... the last I saw him, he was headed for the public transit station." She pauses. "I could show you, if you like. The scavenging depot can be a bit confusing to navigate at times..."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin replies. "I would be in your debt, ma'am. Everything I have seen of this masked character seems to indicate he has no respect for the safety of others. Despite what your friend may think, I sincerely intend to be more effective than the Republic forces he's used to. Perhaps he just isn't as familiar with the Rangers." A soft chuckle and a flourish to indicate she should lead the way.

Amarik (195) has posed:
She giggles, seeming charmed by Crix's gallantry. She starts walking, glancing back a few times to make sure Crix is following and hasn't fallen too far behind. "You know Andui is a pretty quiet city. We don't get too much action, or high profile criminals - most of those linger near Maz's Castle, which takes about a day to get to on a speeder. So this is all a bit new and different..." she rambles loquaciously. Then she stops in her tracks. "Oh! Where are my manners... My name is Gurtle. And its very nice to meet you, Captain Jobin..."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin continues to follow Gurtle, glancing around at the unfamiliar terrain in an attempt to at least get some bearing on his location in the event it becomes necessary.
Fascinated, Crix wonders about the castle. It sounded like trouble and that fit precisely with the suspect he was chasing from the way this situation had transpired.

Broken from his reverie, he turns back to her when she addresses him. He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "Not a Captain, ma'am. Just a lowly Lieutenant. We're the ones who do all the real work while the Captains get all the credit." Another chuckle, but he returns to business. "Was this masked bandit heading off in the direction of this...den of inequity you mentioned?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Oh, ah, Lieutenant Jobin," she says, sounding embarrassed. "Oh, no, that's unfortunate! But I'm sure that if you get promoted, you won't be like that!"

"Oh, erm... I don't know. He didn't say anything. Not that he would have told me, or anyone else, if he, or she, were going there..." she trails off uncertainly.

But Crix won't really need to inquire further regarding the masked marauder's whereabouts -- he'll spot an individual wearing dark leathers and a garish mask, waiting to board the magna-rail just as it arrives. He's carrying an oversized knapsack that's strapped securely to his back...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin smiles. "Maybe with a good word from you, my superiors will see fit to award me with an extra pip."

"As for the bandit, no of course you're right. Just curious if he might have absconded in that direction with your vehicle. If so..."

Crix stops short seeing the criminal. His voice gets coldly serious as it lowers in volume, his eyes narrow upon his prey. "I assume that's him. Get to cover."

With a gesture towards the nearest wall with a corner, Crix heads towards his target, trying to stay in his blindspot to avoid detection.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Gurtle blushes. "A word from... me?! Oh, well, I certainly will put in a good word for you with the Takodana police force.." But then Crix is off, heading straight for the masked marauder. "Be careful!" she warns him.

The individual in question suddenly looks up, having heard Gurtle's warning, and looks up, scanning the crowd.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin flinches at Gurtle's shout and instinctively hunches over, trying to make himself look as innocuous as possible as he nears his target, using the crowd for as much concealment as possible.

Crix closes in on his target and gets within arm's reach. With his right hand on his blaster, he reaches out with his left to place it firmly on the masked man's shoulder at the clavicle. "Stop right there. I have some questions for you."

Amarik (195) has posed:
However, the masked individual does not seem at all interested in answering Crix's questions - his request will be met with an expressionless look from the man in the garish mask.

And then magna-rail arrives. The masked individual then does his best to shake free of Crix's grip, pivot on his heel and sprint to board the train...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin held the masked man firmly in place and nearly growled his next commands, his voice low but menacing. "Perhaps you did not hear me. You are not going anywhere. It will go easier for you if you cooperate. I would hate to have to upset this idyllic public transit station by shooting you."

Crix pushes down on the masked man's shoulder to indicate a direction, away from the train, that he should begin waking in.

"If you cooperate, no harm will come to you. Answer my questions satisfactorily and I may even be able to let you go. First of which, are you currently armed?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked man's immediate response to Crix's question is to pull out a pistol and open fire on the Antarian Ranger.

Gurtle screams, and suddenly, those at the platform are looking around to see what could be the source of Gurtle's distress. When they see that there's now a masked and armed individual in the station, they start to panick...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin lurches backwards at the shot, drawing his pistol as he does do and firing a round off at nearly point blank range at the criminal.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked individual ducks left, somehow dodging Crix's near point blank shot. He's a slippery fellow, it would seem.

"Lieutenant! There!" Gurtle cries, pointing across the platform as the masked individual rushes onto the last car of the magna-rail.

If Crix hurries, he'll be able to get onto the same car as the masked marauder...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin recovers from his momentary lapse in firearm proficiency and races after the masked man, rushing to grab onto the rear car and pull himself onto it to continue the chase.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Thankfully, the last car is relatively empty. There's a couple of aliens in the back of the car when Crix boards, but they're already hurrying to make their way to an adjacent car.

The masked marauder, finding Crix has also boarded the magna-rail, starts running for the exit of the car, hoping to climb atop the car to avoid the Ranger.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix cursed his hasty aim and his bad luck and immediately runs towards the exit after the masked man. "Stop! in the name of the Republic!"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder has no such intentions. He flings the back door of the last car wide open, hesitating only when the magna-rail lurches.

It's approaching a large bend in the track - both Crix and the marauder will have to be careful if they plan on going outside of the car.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
The Ranger takes aim with his rifle, intending to stun the fleeing fugitive. Unfortunately, the train rocks just as he takes a shot and it hits a bulkhead, missing his target. Today is not the Ranger's day.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The marauder doesn't hesitate. He quickly begins to scale the outside of the magna-rail's last car, even as it starts to tilt slightly from the bend it is navigating.

If Crix is quick enough, he may be able to follow him before the magna-rail hits the tightest part of the curve...

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Slinging the rifle around his back on it's quick release sling, Crix rushes after the masked man, wondering if the Force is with him today.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The marauder is able to make it onto the top of the magna-rail, and starts making his way carefully along the roof of the car, towards the front of the train, towards one of the freight cars that carries all passenger luggage.

But the train is nearing the tightest part of the curve, and both of them will have to keep steady in order to keep from slipping down the side of the car.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
The Ranger scrambles up the ladder, barely making it to the top. He gets his bearings and then starts off after his target. Taking a chance to get his footing on top of the swaying, Crix observes the tight curve. He lowers himself to present a lower center of gravity and to stabilize himself more effectively.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin loses his footing and slips, dropping prone which lets the Masked man get further and further away. Today was shaping up very poorly indeed for Crix.

Amarik (195) has posed:
But once Crix is prone, he'll find his head near to one of the car's windows, and who would be leaning out, other than Gurtle, the scrapper he'd first approached!

"Crix!! Lieutenant!" She waves her arms at him, then extends a hand towards the Ranger. "Quick, get inside," she says, "I think I saw him head for the freight car. But if you make your way there from inside, you'll get there faster, and he might not expect that you would come through the traditional route...!"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin smiles at Gurtle, thankful for the advice, and recognizing the important of taking a safer and quicker route, Crix slips his legs over the side of the car and tries to roll into the open window.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Gurtle grabs his legs quickly, lest his grip fails and he slips again. Once inside the car, Gurtle motions for him to follow her to the freight car. "Please be careful," she says mournfully. She then points to the entrance of the freight car, just up ahead through the tunnel exit of the car they're in.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin smiles his thanks at Gurtle as he jogs to follow her. "You are a life saver, ma'am. I don't want you to put yourself in any danger. When we get closer, you can hang back and see if you can't fix any other of my messes." Crix chuckles as he unslings his rifle and has it low ready following Gurtle.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Gurtle giggles. "Oh of course, Lieutenant~" She steps back once Crix approaches the freight car.

If Crix enters, he'll find himself inside a very dark and odorous place that will remind him of a happabore pen. Someone on this train must have been transporting livestock. At least Crix will have the element of surprise -- there's not much light and lots of things to hide behind.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin leaves Gurtle in the safety of the preceding car and enters the Freight Car at a crouch with his nose scrunched. He glances around for any hidden hazards before finding a box of sufficient size to hide behind that gives him the best vantage point for covering the entrance from the rear of the train. He sets his rifle on top of the box, gets into a stabilized firing position, and slows his breathing, letting the world fall silent and the irrelevant distractions fade away.

Amarik (195) has posed:
There, just up ahead of Crix, is the masked marauder. He looks... preoccupied, and it would appear he isn't even aware that Crix is here in the freight car. He's crouched in front of a large crate that houses a dozen or so puffer pigs.

The Ranger might be wondering what business the marauder has with a bunch of pigs when criminal in question suddenly pries the lock off of the crate full of puffer pigs...!

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin took aim and attempted to fire at the figure, but once again missed his shot.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The marauder, surprised by the blaster shot that seems to come out of seemingly nowhere, manages to stumble aside and avoid getting shot just as the puffer pigs burst out of their crate and inflate.

Unfortunately, the marauder avoids one mishap only to stumble into another - a fully inflated puffer pig, which knocks him right into the box Crix is hiding behind!

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin manages to stay upright and avoid being knocked over by the marauder running into his box.

Flustered by his unusually poor marksmanship, Crix slings the rifle around his back once more and decides to go hands on with the suspect. His binder cuffs at the ready, he moves around the box, intent on grabbing the suspect to finally get to ask some questions.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Unfortunately the marauder is less lucky. Being knocked by the puffer pig and then stumbling into the box Crix is hiding behind will leave him rather discombobulated. He finds himself on the floor, next to the box, while Crix readies a pair of binders for him.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin flips over the masked man and roughly pulls his arms behind his back. He kneels down on the man's back and places the binder cuffs around his wrists with a satisfying *click-click*.

"You will come along quietly with me. There are some questions that require your answers...and your little escapade did not do much to help your case."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked man tries to resist Crix, but to no avail. The binders are on before he can run off again.

He says nothing to the Ranger, and Crix might get the feeling that this man might be a tough nut to crack...