A Different Kind of Deal

From Pax Republica
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A Different Kind of Deal
Date of Scene: 14 June 2024
Synopsis: Crix strikes up a deal with Zealot, who tries to recruit Heydan as a slicer.
Cast of Characters: 195, Heydan Seegil, 352

Amarik (195) has posed:
It's a quiet evening in Gesh's Tapcafe - by this hour, most of the travelers from the spaceport have either found their way towards accommodations in the Holy City, or hopped aboard a shuttle going to a different planet.

A few patrons are lingering at the bar, minding their own drink, and their own business while the droid bartender idly wipes down the countertops. The tapcafe is about an hour from closing, so the crowd in here is rather sparse...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil is seated at the edge of the bar quietly enjoying a whiskey and day dreaming of being on one of the ships headed back towards the Outer Rim. He couldn't say no when the gig on Coruscant came through. He needed the money, but with every day he regrets it more and more. He was poisoned and they tried to slip out of paying him due to the ruckus the poisoning caused. And now the Jedi are involved. This king of drama he is was not prepared for this level of intensity.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Heydan might be too engrossed in his drinking and daydreaming to notice a masked figure slip into the tapcafe and take a seat next to him.

This individual, for whatever reason, doesn't seem terribly interested in buying a drink, though. They wave to the droid bartender, who doesn't seem exactly all that happy to see this particular patron...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil sees the masked individual enter and sit down. At first he pays them no mind even though they sat next to him, but after a while it there is an aura of awkwardness as they do not order anything to drink. With a brief glance Heydan takes a better look at the individual in the mask as he nods to them in greeting. Then he returns to his drink and attempts to recall anything about this person which might be familiar or important.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked individual glances at Heydan briefly, and Heydan may get a brief and vague sense about someone wanting him to leave.

Then he turns back to the droid, who produces a small box with a keypad on its lid. "I don't know the code," it intones. "Sorry."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil looks past the individual down the bar at all the other empty stools, many of which are out of ear shot, then reclines a little on his own stool. Smugly he lifts his glass of whiskey slowly to his lips and sips it before setting it back atop the bar. This was the sort of drama he had become used to on the Outer Rim. It is in his face and he can see it coming. 'Not like the poison. Never trust the rich. I should have known the room. It was my own fault.', he thinks to himself savoring his cheap whiskey.

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder is clearly displeased. He reaches to take the box, but the droid pulls it back. "You can't take it with you. It's not mine and if someone notices it's missing, there will be hell to pay--"

The masked figure starts to reach inside his jacket for a weapon, presumably, and the droid, as well as the other patrons, look very alarmed. "Aaah! Security! Help... someone!" the droid yells. "I'm being mugged..."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil decides to mind his own fekking business. Seemingly ignorant of the situation unfolding next to him he continues to dwell on his drink. A very sublet and brief tight smirk dances across his face revealing that he is cognitive of the potential danger of what is about to unfold. However there is a general air of nonchalantness about him that would leave those around him to suspect that he honestly does not give a damn.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin enters at the commotion. Having made no effort to hide his identity, it is clear the six foot tall human is a member of the Antarian Rangers by the trademark bomber jacket over blue battle dress uniform and blue patrol cap perched precisely atop his head, he has a patrol carbine hanging from a shoulder strap in front of him, his right hand resting on it.

Crix immediately sees the commotion and strides purposefully over to the masked man and the bar tending droid, sparing a glance at the unusual character in the corner. Clearly the drunk has no interest whatsoever in these proceedings so he is not addressed.

"What's going on?" Crix directs to his reluctant compatriot.

Amarik (195) has posed:
Crix will recognize the masked fellow. Same marauder he'd caught prior trying to steal from Gurtle and her fellow scrappers, and the one who'd given him a tip about the trafficked children. He won't be able to see his face, but his body language indicates clear frustration at the fact that Crix seems to materialize every time he attempts to make trouble.

The droid glances at Heydan, then the masked marauder, then Crix. "I'm being mugged," it repeats, clutching the box to its chassis. "This man here was about to draw a weapon and take this box from me!"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil lifts his whiskey up, quaffs the last of it, and sets it back down. "You're whiskey is neither free nor good enough for all that. And I already paid. Best of luck ta ya.", he recites as he hops down off the bar stool ready to leave.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin grunts, avoiding rolling his eyes by the barest of margins.

"I'm confident, based on our last interaction, that this is all some sort of misunderstanding, as my 'friend' here was going to make sure that I didn't have cause to run into him again..."

He glances at the retreating drunk. "Is this guy a friend of yours too?"

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil shakes his head and shrugs, "Nope and if I am being honest I think the droid was already paid for whatever it is. They said something about their employer giving it to them for this other guy. I don't really know. I wasn't really listening, but no one on this planet takes care of their droids. They are always malfunctioning."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"I haven't done anything," the marauder immediately protests.

"Yet," the droid points out, "yet. He's armed, you know--" then Heydan insults it. "Hey! Excuse me! I am NOT malfunctioning!"

The marauder shakes his head. "I don't know him. Listen, if you want my help, fine, I can assist as long you don't speak about my interaction with this droid. But also, you will need to hire a slicer. You'll not get far otherwise."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin "I have no problem with your interaction with this droid, so long as you were not going to make the mistake of pulling weapon on it..." Crix stares at him with a hard look before realizing he is probably wasting his time. The Masked Man may not be very bright, but he wouldn't commit so blatant a crime in front of Crix.

"Finish your business and then share with me how you think you can be of assistance. Specifically, where I might find a Slicer talented enough to help me in this endeavor...and one who can be trusted to keep their discretion over the sensitive nature of these activities."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nods to the two before him saying, "Well, then I guess you don't need me here. Best of luck with looking for a slicer. I know my way around a datapad but I'd rather not get involved with that. So, if you'll excuse me I am going to see if I can find a ride of Coruscant back home."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder stares at Crix for a moment, but of course, is no fool. Pulling a weapon out in front of Crix, with the rest of the spaceport security mere meters away, would land him in a Republic brig or worse - prison.

But just before Heydan can exit the tapcafe, the masked individual darts in front of him and presses a thin card with a comm frequency on it into his palm. "What good will Coruscant do you," he asks, "when you could have ten thousand credits for staying here? If you know what is good for you, perhaps you'll consider it." Then he steps aside, making his way back over to Crix.

"We can put out a bid," he says. "Are you familiar with this kind of recruiting process?"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin eyes the stranger for a moment, considering the likelihood that the man might be underselling his talents. It is unlikely that he would be able to find a quality Slicer so quickly upon his arrival, but the Force has certainly sent him more astounding coincidences. Nonetheless, he seems intent on leaving.

"Presuming I can trust you to do so, which is a matter for some debate, you would find a way to recruit one through your myriad of contacts, presumably quicker than I would be able to have one sent from Command...which...is equally as unlikely to occur quickly. Perhaps you might be able to add transport to the list of benefits for someone willing to do this service."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil eyes the card and then nods silently as the leave.

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Your contacts won't know the ways of the underworld," the masked marauder continues, "which will be necessary. If they have never set foot on Nar Shadaa, they will be unfit."

"I do not need to know many to attract the right kind of attention," the marauder continues. "Transportation will not be an issue. If they want to win the bid, they'll find their way here." He casts a sideways glance at the retreating Heydan, but does not further comment on the stranger's quick exit.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin nods. "That is absolutely correct, and unfortunately we have too few Slicers available to the Rangers that it is unlikely that I can expect any assistance on this mission."

Waiting for the other shoe to drop, Crix sets his jaw and continues. "How much do you estimate I should be expected to accumulate in order to fund this recruitment effort?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder folds his arms in disdain. "Credit-wise, you mean," he says.

"If there is one thing to know about slicers in the Outer Rim, it is that they bear no loyalty to anyone except themselves and their illicit bank accounts. If you offer fifteen thousand credits, you might find some mediocre talent. Anything above that will motivate the best to come running."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin purses his lips at the amount. It is certainly a significant amount, one he is not entirely sure Command would be onboard with that large an investment in what would likely be a risky venture. Despite the fact that he fully believed in this mission, he was not as confident that Command would agree.

"Very well...I will attempt to requisition that amount then. Any other financing you think we might require?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Bribery is always a useful tactic," the marauder says, "most... can be coaxed to do anything with the right amount of credits."

It may occur to Crix that having that many credits at his disposal made him a ripe target for the marauder if he all of a sudden decided to have a change of heart and run off. The fellow thus far hasn't really proven himself to be terribly trustworthy, but what choice does Crix have? If what he had been saying about the children being trafficked on Jedha was true... who else could the Antarian Ranger turn to for help?

The masked individual then turns and beckons for Crix to follow him. "There's a certain cantina I would show you," he says.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin "I have found other ways to convince others to accomplish tasks required of them...but I will take that under advisement."

Crix, stuck with trusting the Marauder, shrugs as he follows.

"I trust that it has something that this cantina does not? Have you finished your job with the bartender?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The marauder just shakes his head at Crix before heading out of the tapcafe. He refuses to further comment on the matter.

Once outside, he makes his way over to a speeder parked near the curb. Reaching into one of the storage compartments, he pulls out a holomap of the Holy City. It has little annotations all over it in some coded language that Crix won't recognize, but the marauder points to a small flickering red dot on the northern half of the holomap. "The cantina is there," he says. "We will put out our bid there, tonight, as long as you arrive on time, just after sun sets."

While the marauder is speaking Crix might notice a Chadra Fan woman standing not too far from where he is, looking very distressed. She begins to approach the Lieutenant. "Oh you're Republic, aren't you," she says tearfully, "you wouldn't have, by any chance, seen my daughter, Peeka? She's about fourteen, half my height, always wears a pink bow behind her left ear..."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin follows silently. When shown the holomap, trying to memorize what he can about the city itself, distracted in his response when he is approached. He glances at his masked acquaintance, sure that the man is only going to be stymied by the distraction. Crix calculates the likelihood that the man is going to take off at the first sign of distraction, then makes a decision.

Crix turns to the woman. "No, ma'am, I haven't come across her. Is she missing?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The diminutive alien woman nods tearfully. "I haven't seen her since yesterday morning," she says, "I've alerted the constabulary, and they're doing their best but I still haven't heard back from them."

The masked marauder stands off to the side quietly, watching Crix interact with the Chadra Fan, saying nothing.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin ponders carefully, considering the possibility that this may not actually be related to the situation he has come to Jedha to investigate. Regardless...as an Antarian Ranger, how could he...?

"Well, ma'am, I am confident that the local Constables are on top of the situation, but if you feel it would be helpful, I could go and speak with them to see if I might be of further assistance. Do you know where she was last seen?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Well," The Chadra Fan woman says, wringing her hands, "That would be very much appreciated, and if you happen to see anything, please do let me or the constables know," she says.

"Oh I bet you anything that damned Sephi girl took her away somewhere in the name of adventuring...! D'ooh... The last I heard from Peeka was that she and a group of her friends were going to try exploring the underground tunnels on the outskirts of Jedha. But when I went looking for her there last evening, she was nowhere to be found...!"

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin nods slowly. It sounded very much like this would be a distraction from his current operation, kids adventuring in the vast wilderness was hardly something that the Republic needed to look into...but still...

Crix tried to lighten his expression as best as he could, but somehow still managed to look serious.

"I will do the best I can to try and look into this a bit further, ma'am. If I should need to contact you, what is your name? I presume the Constabulary has your information?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
"My name is Didra Rosk," the female Chadra Fan tells Crix. "And the constabulary has all my information, yes. Thank you, for your service to the Republic, Mr..." She trails off, realizing that she doesn't know his name yet.

The masked man steps towards Crix, gesturing for the Antarian Ranger to hurry up.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin "Jobin." Crix responds simply, choosing not to correct her on his rank as it is immaterial. He shoots a warning glance towards the masked man before returning his attention to the Chadra Fan with a more benign mien. "We will be in contact as soon as is practicable."

Amarik (195) has posed:
"Ah..! Thank you so much Mr. Jobin... I wish you all the best," she says, "and do I hope to hear from you soon?"

She then notices the masked marauder, and her expression darkens slightly when she notices him, but she doesn't comment before hurrying off, wiping her eyes.

The masked marauder then beckons Crix closer. "Her child is likely in trouble with the very perpetrators you seek," he says. "I'll see you tonight." Then he turns on his heel and disappears into a dark alleyway nearby.

A few hours later, evening falls and Crix will probably find himself outside the cantina the marauder had specified earlier. It isn't exactly the kind of place the Antarian Ranger will find himself enjoying being at -- half the patrons look like people he should arrest. But the masked marauder is standing near the entrance waiting for him when he arrives.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin has been in more dangerous spots, but it doesn't make this situation any easier. He has chosen to arrive incognito, to a point. His typical uniform that loudly proclaimed his role as an Antarian Ranger had been substituted for non-descript mechanic's coveralls and a dirty jacket. He still carried a blaster hidden in a holdout holster, but it felt odd not having his trusty rifle slung over his shoulder.

Crix does not immediately respond to seeing the masked man at the agreed upon meeting place, despite the fact that he figured it was 50/50 odds that the man would not show up. Crix took a sweeping look around the exterior of the Cantina before turning his attention back to the man.

"I trust I am not too late? The appointed time and all that..."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The only acknowledgement he'll get from the masked marauder is an inclined head. He then turns and heads into the cantina, expecting Crix to follow.

If Crix follows, he'll find himself being eyed, despite his disguise. Most of the people here must have been regulars, and Crix is clearly not, hence the stares.

The masked marauder approaches the bartender. "We want to make a bid," he says to the potbellied Houk. The bartender arches a brow. "How much for what, and who's ... we?"

The marauder continues with, "Thirty thousand. For the best slicer." His gaze slides over to Crix, and the bartender follows it. Upon seeing the Antarian Ranger, he chuckles. "Brave of you to just... walk in, eh? How'd you two get acquainted.."

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin did, indeed, follow, as the benefits far outweighed the dangers...though those were indeed plentiful enough. As he enters, he meets the curious and hostile stares of the patrons, each one in turn. He slowly surveys the entire room as he makes his way to the bar.

Crix had assumed he would be able to remain silent during the transaction. He manages to keep the shock from his face at the high price, but remains calm, again reasoning that the price will be worth the goal...even if it meant explaining himself to Command.

When it was clear the bartender expected a response, Crix cleared his throat. "We ran into one another on Andui and, like a bad credit, he just seems to keep popping up. He said he knew the best place to help me with what I need, so he recommended your establishment."

Amarik (195) has posed:
Some of the females laugh softly, slightly enamored by his confidence. They don't approach him, though.

The Houk bellows out a laugh, and the masked marauder folds his arms, insulted. "Neither of you look like the sort to just have 30,000 credits on hand," he says, "but hey, that's not my problem. I just put the word out. But if you turn this place into a brawlhouse... you'll regret the day your momma gave birth to you." He then laughs again, and slaps Crix on the shoulder before turning around and heading for a console behind the counter.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin smiles appreciatively at the burly man, taking note of the strength behind the slap. He turns to the masked marauder, speaking in a hushed tone.

"Now why would he think we were here to cause trouble, Slick? Does he know something about your long and mysterious past that I don't?"

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder steps away from Crix, seeming annoyed. "He meant that if we do not produce the amount of credits promised, the slicer we are hiring may not take kindly to it. And you are no fool, I should hope, so you must know what I mean by that."

In the back, a holofeed flickers, and their advert offering 30,000 credits appears, scrolling to the next one after a minute or two. "Now," the masked marauder says. "We wait. I will know if and when someone reaches out." Then he turns to leave.

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin Crix Jobin "Well your assistance will prove to be invaluable, Slick. With your contacts and knowledge of these matters, how could we fail?" Crix moves to follow after him, considering how long it may take to hear back from a contact and wondering if he will be able bankroll this expedition quickly enough from his operating funds.

"Just think. If we pull this off, I may even owe you one...though...considering how much we're spending, it's very likely I won't be able to afford it."

Crix offers a snort, almost a laugh as he pats the masked marauder gently on the back.

"I realize this is unusual for you, Slick, helping the Republic and all. Still, this is a cause even you and I can agree on..."

Amarik (195) has posed:
The masked marauder flicks Crix's hand away in a mildly irriated manner. "We are not allies, and this is temporary," he reiterates to the Antarian Ranger, putting an edge into his tone of voice.

He turns, shaking his head as he exits the cantina - he'd had enough patriotism for today!

Crix Jobin (352) has posed:
Crix Jobin smiles and watches the masked marauder leave. "Exigent circumstances cause the strangest of allies, Slick." He says to the darkness, well aware the man could not likely hear him anyway.