The Bridal Party

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The Bridal Party
Date of Scene: 11 July 2024
Synopsis: A group of Mandalorians attend a meet and greet for Sanza Rae and Thaelin Thyssel's bridal party.
Cast of Characters: 159, Ellari Zin, 418, Volken Mons

Athena (159) has posed:
It's a fine afternoon in Sundari, and also a particularly busy time of day at one certain park facility across the street from the Civic center. The sound of classical music playing can be heard, and the aroma of a well stocked meat buffet fills the air. The park itself is a sight for sore eyes - the courtyard is strung with lights, and plants out front are adorned with the flags carrying the emblem of varying clans.

This event is special, clearly - there are even a few news reporters lingering nearby, taking footage of the guests in the courtyard. Indeed, the marriage of Thaelin Thyssel and his wife to be, Sanza Rae, would be the political happening of the year, and this party is the one to bring all together the bridal party as well as the bride and grooms family to meet for the first time.

And Jorn Limus might not have found himself here ordinarily, but he had received a mysterious invite from a certain non partisan Duke with promise of potential wealth and land, if he attends...

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari is also here on a "special" invitation from the Duke, not that she has any close relation or friendship with either the bride or the groom. But Thyssel seemed to have unity on his mind, which is something she can't complain about. Unless it's unity under another House besides Vizsla, of course.

    Anyway, she has given her armor a special polishing for today's event, and can be found hanging around one of the buffet tables with a drink in hand.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn gets the puck with the invite. The offer does little for him. It does something, but it won't hook the way most would expect. What gets him is the unsaid details. No one offers a price like that without a challenge between the start and end points. That challenge, it intrigues him. Not enough to agree, but to at least hear the individual out.

Jorn probably sticks out for a couple of different reasons. First, it's the green body suit. It'll stand out in some environments and places. The thing doesn't scream to the heavens, but it'll stand out on sandy places, some urban environments. The gun mental gray, borderline black, armor pieces have accents of blue here, and there.

He'll move into the aforementioned place.

"How many invites went out?" Jorn poses the question because that could be a way of estimating the threat. Plus, if this lucrative opportunity is completely open, that adds more layers of problems. A hand will stay close to a blaster, just in case.

Volken Mons has posed:
With a physique that would make a roided out Dowutin back off and a hardened, lightly bearded, big jawed and perpetually smirking face that looks like it takes repeated punches from a Wookie in order to get a massage... Volken of Clan Mons is not -exactly- type of person that you'd normally find in a upper-class event like this.

In fact, he downright hates them. He hates the politics. He hates the backwards approaches to the Way of Mandalore. He hates a lot of things.

But he also likes money, power and prestige and a certain individual had promised him just that if he'd agreed to participate in this event.

Stand around, looking monstrous and impressive and get land and a title for it? It's too good to be true and so probably is a trap of some sort, destined to go wrong ...but he'd be foolish to not give it a shot. So - the colossal Mandalorian is here. His armor is cleaned and polished and well maintained though per usual it does little to hide the peaks, valleys and landmasses of his muscle masses. His usually unruly dark hair pulled back along his Bantha thick neck and his very sinew seeming to creak and groan as his massive arms fold across his torso as he looks over the proceedings.

Any beverage that comes within arms reach is plucked up by him. If he has to be here and do this then he might as well be drunk for it. Otherwise, he remains disengaged, his looming body being enough to make him unsociable and unapproachable by all save the most gutsy.

Athena (159) has posed:
The duke himself emerges from one of the park facilities, his silver armor glinting in the midday sun as his black cape flows out behind him impressively. He nods politely at Ellari as he passes her, upon seeing Volken, he says to the hulking fellow, "Good to see you. I wasn't certain you'd come, but I'm glad you decided to make an appearance after all."

When Jorn asks how many invites went out, the duke inclines his head politely. "Jorn Limus, I presume?" he says, "Ten were sent out. Not all accepted. I hope your travels treated you well - I presume you came from Bakura?"

Ellari Zin has posed:
    As she stands there sipping her drink, Ellari scans the crowd, finding that she doesn't like most of the people here. Especially that huge guy. But that didn't come as a surprise.

    When the Duke greets her, she nods politely in return. "Duke Thyssel," she greets in return. "Thank you for the invitation. It is a privilege to be here."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn takes in Ellari, and his gaze goes to the big guy that looks like he's made of carbonite (Volken). Calculations about the obvious quickly go into account, don't let the big one in close is what it amounts to.

And then there's the Duke. Silver armor gleaming with a fresh sheen. "I am," Jorn admits. "The puck found me on Bakura, but I was between matters." Basically, it's in hand for the small window of time he's on the planet between Opportunity One and Two. Two is a bust, so the other reason why he's here.

"Were you hoping for all ten, or is this like haggling? Shoot for ten, hope your lower, and ideal, amount comes instead?" he inquires.

Volken Mons has posed:
"Well miracles do happen. You actually clean up nice."

Volken can't help but tease Ellari. The more she expresses her dislike for him. The more he just gets delighted to verbally tease her and make her life a pain whenever he's around. It's like math. The numbers just add up.

"Maybe they'll make a proper lady out of you yet!"

His deep voice rolls like distant thunder or a far away earthquake. Humored and amused but with that ever present hint of danger and edge. A talking natural disaster basically.

"Hn." is all he says at first in response to the duke's polite statement. He then nods his head and finally says, "....Passing up on your offer ...wouldn't make sense. I'll deal with the particulars of my distaste for this sort of thing later but for now...." He lifts his drink up and simply nods once omre.

The green armored Mandalorian does capture is attention when all is said and done and as the duke moves towards Jorm, Volken swivels his attention that way, turning his head like the movement of some gigantic tank turret. He says nothing just yet, but does eye the man assessingly as he slowly takes another drink.

Athena (159) has posed:
"Then fate has shone kindly on me today," the Duke says. "and yes. A bit like haggling. That is the nature of politics, always, even here on Mandalore." He pauses for a moment, "you seem less like a man who cares about wealth and influence, and more like one who would chase adventure for half a credit if it so pleased you and it brought honor to your family," the Duke continues. "I'm pleasantly surprised to find you care for patriotism. If you weren't already aware, the invite was sent out in the name of it. We Mandalorians seem to always be on the brink of a civil war. I'd like to change that."

He nods at Volken and Ellari, "Zin, Mons. I would have you meet yet another potential member of the bridal party, Jorn Limus. He hails from Bakura."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "And I would say the same for you, Volken." Ellari replies, her expression remaining placid. It seems she's finally figured out the 'math'.

    She nods toward Jorn when the duke introduces him. "Ellari Zin, House Vizsla." she offers, holding out a hand for a shake. "It is a pleasure to be acquainted."

Jorn (418) has posed:
Jorn is quiet as Duke talks about patriotism. How there's a hope for Mandos out there. Jorn looks between Ellari and Volken before the attention goes back to Duke. "Your pitch might need to be a powerful one. We're already fighting and we haven't agreed to the job yet."

Duke has Jorn pegged, partially right. "Simul (Cee-Mool)," Jorn corrects. A hand will extend to Ellari, "Ellari, Hous Vizsla," he'll even incline his head a little. That family carries with it weight, respect and a plethora of other things. He will at least acknowledge the good.

"How will you band us?" he asks honestly, openly. Yes, it's to Duke, but that question effects everyone here plus hundreds, to thousands of more people. That question deserves to be said openly.

Volken Mons has posed:
"You don't have to tell me, luv. I know I look good." says Volken, still grinning cheekily at Ellari in contrast to her stoic demeanor.

"But thanks for stating the obvious..."

His attention then turns towards Jorm now and his eyebrows arc up slightly before settling into a slightly narrowed gaze. His smile remains, however, though it's less a grin and more a tight lipped sardonic smirk.

"Dont' pay any attention to all that. We go back..the two of us. She gets me arrested on Coruscant. I try and knock a building over on her. Then we save each others hide on something and start it all over again. You know. Like sane people...."

With that, he looks back towards the Duke, "All that step at a time. Get through our wedding here first before trying to change a culture bent this way after thousands of years and deaths from needless infighting. Simple victories. Small steps..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"Thank you," the Duke says, arching his brows at Volken talks about his past with Ellari, as if to say they were a case in point, "I always seek the greater good of Mandalore."

"My apologies, Simul. I assume this is how you would like to be called?"

"My son's future wife was given the inheritance and dowry of ten fiefs," he says, "and each member of the bridal party will be given a fief to rule, if they accept my invitation to become part of it, and to participate in the majority of the events surrounding this... political wedding," he says.

He then starts walking towards the southern end of the courtyard, where a marble arch separates the outer courtyard from the inner courtyard. "As you may have observed, I sent invitations to members of varying clans and houses," he says, "so that power will not tip overtly in favor towards any one particular house."

"Come. I would have you all meet my family, and the bride, as well as the groom."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Ellari nods and follows the duke, ignoring Volken's cheeky comments. She finds it interesting that the duke was so trusting of these other clans...

Jorn (418) has posed:
"Jorn is fine, but I do like the name said correctly. No offense given, but civility, all that." Jorn listens to Volken and nods.

There's a long pause from Jorn. Duke's rational makes sense. It's not that he's arguing it, but Jorn looks around. "This would make us figureheads in this area. Strengthn our clans. What makes you think we're worthy?" Jorn won't go into more specifics there. Land is the definitely the start of something -bigger-. And it's far larger than he's used to.

Athena (159) has posed:
"None taken," the duke says politely.

"A man who is worthy will arise to the task. I hope you will not find it to your distaste that I've personally looked into each of your histories to some degree, and deemed each of you a potential fit to rule a fief. There will be contention, of course. And challenge to your rule will be permitted. The real question is, Jorn, do you believe yourself worthy of the task?"

They come into the inner courtyard, where four more Mandalorian await them. A fair, curly haired youth with eyes like the raging sea, seated next to a young Kiffar woman, a stunning and exotic beauty with eyes of ice and braids like gold beskar. The other two who await in the inner courtyard are twins, both with chestnut curls and an air of arrogance about them. They are set apart by their facial hair - one is bearded, the other clean shaven.

They look none too pleased upon seeing Volken and Ellari arrive. "Buir," the bearded twin says, clearly inebriated, "this is a joke? These di'kut do not know the difference between steel and beskar!"

Volken Mons has posed:
"Careful." warns Volken as he draws near. He'd only been half listening to Jorm and THe Duke, dismissing the conversation off hand as he started to get its measure...

This, however, attracts his attention .

He thumbs a finger in Ellari's direction, "Any more insults like that and she's going to take offense to you and I'm afraid I lack the strength to hold her back."

Ellari Zin has posed:
    Strength, ha. That had to be a joke. It was more like motivation. Like many of the other guests at this party, Ellari is not a fan of those twins, either. She arches a brow at them. "We would rule alongside...them?" she asks, suddenly beginning to reconsider her acceptance of this offer.

Jorn (418) has posed:
Hearing Duke bring up the real question, Jorn just goes silent. He pushes forward into the inner courtyard. The others wait for the group to come in. That's when the insults come. Without saying a word Jorn draws and fires upon the bearded twin. Just a warning shot near the foot, "I bet they know their way around a blaster just fine. Probably should hold your tongue if you can't have the decency to retract your words," Jorn holds the blaster in his hand not holstering it for a moment.

He'll only holster the weapon when the tension dies down. Yes, the irony of that is not lost on him. Pulling a blaster out usually rachets the tension of any situation.

Athena (159) has posed:
"It is a possibility," the duke says coolly, "I did not extend invites to them. The slot for House Viszla, naturally, was offered to you."

"These are my godsons," the Duke says, gesturing to the chestnut haired twins. "Caine and Kasseady Von'egel. And here is the bride and groom. My son, Thaelin, and his betrothed, Sanza." He turns and rests a hand on the shoulder of the curly haired blonde boy, who seems rather amused by the sudden conflict that's arisen.

The bearded twin starts laughing, drawing a blade and brandishing it Jorn's direction. "The audacity of a man who rarely even visits his homeworld! And you," he says, pointing at Volken accusatorially, "you're on the Republic's most wanted list, aren't you?" he scoffs. "What's the draw of Coruscant, anyway? Being around the weak-minded?" He throws no insults at Ellari, though, and his twin brother just watches the interaction icily, sipping his drink idly.

Ellari Zin has posed:
    "I am well aware of who they are." Ellari replies sharply when the Duke starts introducing them, watching Jorn fire that warning shot with mild amusement. Wasn't it obvious?

    An equally icy glare is sent their way. "If they were not invited, why are they here? For what purpose?"

Volken Mons has posed:
The giant sighs and reaches a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. Volken slowly shakes his head. Among Mandalorian's, brandishing one weapon was certainly going to lead to another being brandishes and as the warning shot doesn't do much but agitate the brash man to begin speaking further, the giant shakes his head and just sort of eyes Jorm with a frown before turning to address the others.

"C'mon, ad'ika...." he says, smile once more big and full toothed. "...Really now.. Do you -want me- to fold you in two? You're like a orikih bug, buzzing around for attention that you don't need to buzz around for....and if I am the most wanted man in The Republic why...that's great! An honor! I'll have to figure out some way to cash in on those credits!"

He spreads his massive arms wide as he speaks, walking forward closer towards the blade brandishing man. "Now then. Close your mouth..."

Athena (159) has posed:
"They are family," Thaelin suddenly chimes in, "my dearest cousins," he says, though there's a touch of sarcasm in his tone. "And of course, they are the duke's godsons. I would have them at my wedding, and play an important role in it, even if they are not part of the bridal party."

"..." Kasseady doesn't respond verbally, though his gaze flicks aside momentarily. He's obviously aware that he's in over his head, but doesn't want to acknowledge it. Instead, he tries to charge Volken. However, his inebriation gets the better of his judgement, and he somehow misses completely and lands in the fountain just past Volken.

At this moment, Sanza stands up, looking visibly distressed. "Enough!" She thunders. "This event was a meet and greet, not a time or place to start a brawl." She turns to Caine, and the Duke. "It's time we went to greet the rest of the groomsmen and bridesmaids, anyway," she says, going back through the marble arch. Thaelin trails after her, and so does Caine.

The Duke inclines his head at Ellari, Jorn, and Volken. "You'll see more of us later, and Jorn, if you wish to discuss this matter further later, we shall." Then he takes his leave.