A Visit with the Doctor

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A Visit with the Doctor
Date of Scene: 16 July 2024
Synopsis: Heydan finally gets paid, and then some.
Cast of Characters: 141, Heydan Seegil

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
It's midday in the Federal District on Coruscant, a fine afternoon perhaps, for a certain Heydan Seegil to finally get paid for the gig he had been asked to play at a gala for the politician, Senator Burkenn.

The musician would have been contacted by someone named Luli who worked for Cassias Enterprises, who had requested that he come by the Cassias Enterprise main headquarters to receive payment. The doctor himself, she'd said, would meet him and give him the check in person.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil enters the building for Cassias Enterprises with a bit a nervousness in his belly. Last time he was to get paid things did not work out and after all the rest of the drama who could blame him. Without the money he wouldn't make it home to the Outer Rim though and so he pushed himself into the building and up to the desk at reception. "Hello, I am here to speak with Luli? They said they wanted to meet with me in person about the gig I played for them."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
There's a pink skinned Mikkian girl sitting at the receptionist's desk, and she looks up when Heydan comes in. "Oh, hello!" she says cheerfully. "Mr. Seegil, right? I'll let the doctor know you're here."

A minute or so later, she says to him. "Alright, he says to come right up to his office. Just take the lift right down the hall to level 32, and his office should be directly on the left, #303."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nods to the girl at reception and heads over to the turbolift taking itu p to the 32nd floor. One thing he always enjoyed about the Core was the turbolifts up such tall buildings. It was a source of child like amusement for him. On the Outer Rim turbolifts are less common or don't span several hundred stories like they do here on Coruscant.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Once the elevator lift chimes to signal his arrival on the 32nd floor, Heydan will exit and be able to find office #303 with ease - it is indeed right outside the lift to the left.

Upon entering the office, he'll find a chestnut haired man with spectacles sitting at a desk leaning over a console. When Heydan comes in, he looks up, and takes off the glasses. "Mr Seegil," he says, "good afternoon. I figured you would come sooner rather than later."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil blinks at being told he should have been 'sooner than later' but doesn't comment on it other than to say, "Well, there were some health complications and then a couple of run ins with the Jedi who wanted to question me about the ordeal.", and the charismatic smirk on his face would put anyone dealing with him at ease. "So, about my pay? Not to jump right into business but it is why I am here after all.", he adds with a chuckle.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"I wouldn't prefer to have it any other way," the doctor says. He presses a button on his desk and the office door closes. The transparisteel that comprises the walls of the office also begins to opaque.

"I presume you felt safe staying at the Temple for the remainder of your time on Coruscant?" he asks, opening a safe in the back of his office.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil exclaims, "Wait, I was supposed to have a free room there? I picked up accommodations down by the spaceport.", which he immediately follows up with an exasperated sigh. "A poor musician gets no breaks on Coruscant.", he quips with a chuckle to make light of the whole affair. "Well, in any case I did get to see the Temple which was nice. I hadn't since I was a kid. I used to live here for a couple of years when I was younger. Its changed a lot but also hasn't."

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
The doctor looks up from opening his safe. "Didn't the Jedi invite you stay there?" he asks.

But wait, how would the doctor have known about that? He hadn't been there that time he'd almost gotten murdered by some crazy Clawdite...

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil aware that something is not quite right grabs the console off the desk and silently as possible slips out the door into the hallway. Just out of ear shot of the door he breaks into a half run half sneak and anxiously calls the turbolift.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
When Heydan reaches the lift, he'll probably find himself very anxiously waiting in the hallway as it slowly makes its way up all the way from the ground floor.

In that amount of time, the doctor calmly emerges from the office and confronts Heydan, a case tucked under his arm. He opens it a crack, showing Heydan that it is, in fact, credits.

"..." He then hands it to the musician, wordlessly. "Look. You're scared, I get it. And I don't blame you. You should be. And if you know what's good for you, you'll leave Coruscant, and not come back." He then turns to leave, putting his hands in his pockets, sighing.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil accepts the case full of credits awkwardly as the tubolift comes up. "Yeah, yeah.. you may be onto something there. I'd ask who your really are or who you work for but that sounds like a horrible idea.", he says as the doors to the lift open. "Good luck with the Jedi.", he smirks with the charm of a smuggler as he enters the turbolift. Quickly and quietly he leaves the building with the console he lifted still in tow. He knows of a way off planet. A man by the spaceport needed a slicer and while that isn't his lifestyle he can. Besides he now had a console he needs to crack open. Something is going on and they made him a pawn in this game. What they didn't know is he absolutely hates it when he is removed of his autonomy and controlled. This was deeply personal and so now he is on a war path to wreck their plans just to wreck them no matter the consequences. 'You don't use Heydan Seegil without his agreement.', he thought to himself as he made his way onto the public transit to the spaceport area.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
As Heydan is making his way the spaceport, he'll hear someone shouting his name. "Hey! Seegil.. Seegil!"

If he turns around he'll see that there's a young man with curly hair and CAM droid running after him. "Hold up a damn second, I'm not out to hurt you or anything. I just wanted to make sure you were... you were good."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil having heard his contact for payment yelling he noticed that he was being followed and he instantly runs away darting between the public transit systems and backtracking down side allies until he is sure he is no longer being followed. Darting into a small noodle shop he sets up the console and orders a Ramen. Putting his expertise to use he is easily able to bypass the locks on the console and extracts the arrangement of family photos onto a secure partition on his own datapad. 'I'll have to search the holonet for those photos later and see who they are. There is more here though.', he thinks to himself as the ramen arrives. "Thank you.", he says to his server before he starts to slowly slurp the noodles into his mouth as he probes further. Flipping the console over and pulling out a small technicians toolkit he removed the back panel of the console causing damage to it in the process locates the UART port and jacks in to begin the process of data recovery. "Putting those tier one skills to work.", he mumbles to himself. He had to recover so many executives deleted presentations as a tech jerk at some mega corporation in the Corporate Sector where he was born.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
Most of the data wiped is gone, and gone for good, but Heydan won't likely be interested in it, as the metadata regarding what had been lost was all just patient info who had little to nothing to do with Burkenn or the gala Seegil had been asked to play at.

What the wipe does recover though, is some text transmissions between the doctor and a Toydarian named Ttreto Turgen. Their conversation revolves around a bounty the doctor had placed on the Clawdite who had tried to kill Heydan prior. The doctor had not been looking to capture the Clawdite, however, he'd only been interested in properly identifying them. A bounty hunter who'd been at Raik's the night it happened had gone to the Toydarian and reported what had happened, stating that the Clawdite was now in CSF hands, and had been paid half the bounty. While Heydan is pouring over all of this, that CAM droid who had been with the curly haired man who'd been chasing him earlier appears, and a fuzzy voice says remotely through a speaker. "Look, man. Take a trip to Hoth, alright? I just wanted to... uh, apologize. I'm sorry for all the shit that happened to you. But if you know what's good for you, get off of Coruscant and pretend you never came here."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil hearing the whirl of the CAM droid who he spotted following him earlier he leans back in his seat and eyes it with a 'what the fek' face as it prattles to him an apology. "Why Hoth?", is all he says as he slowly reaches down into his pocket to grab for anything he could use against the droid if it becomes hostile.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"It's.. a figure of speech. Get with the times. But seriously. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You dodged a bullet, but I don't think you'll get lucky again. That's all I wanted to say."

And then the CAM droid starts to leave.

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil already planned to leave the planet as soon as possible, but now that he is being told to it inspired him to stay. "Who are you and why am I even involved? You must have hired me to play the gala for a reason. Why me?", he asks the CAM droid as the begin to float away.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"I don't know," The voice coming from the CAM droid says. "I -really- don't know. I didn't hire you. Burkenn did. But if you want to know my honest opinion, I think you were just a casualty of someone else's twisted agenda. You were at the wrong place, at the wrong time. That's all. It's not personal. But that's all I know. I swear."

Heydan Seegil has posed:
Heydan Seegil nods to the CAM droid and then goes back to slurping his noodles. Once the CAM droid is gone he books a flight to Hoth on a discount liner and then slices into the spaceport network from the console he swiped using the noodle shops public access. Once routed through a secure tunnel which switched hands through a couple other businesses on Coruscant he locates the passenger check-in database and writes a macro to mark him as having boarded the appropriate flight. 'That should take care of that. If they're going to look through security camera footage then it is deep state and not just some rogue Senator.', he thinks to himself as the macro uploads into the spaceport system. Once it is done he removes the power supply from the console and the waves a circular device over it which does more than just wipe the data it makes the entire unit completely inoperable and unrecoverable by damaging the hardware itself. After he pays his bill for the Ramen and leaves he finds a spot to dump the console. Taking a microfiber cloth and using a cleaning spray he wipes down the console and then drops it over the railing into the abyss of Coruscant's belly far down below.

Soren Cassias (141) has posed:
"Stay safe," The voice from the CAM droid says as it floats off. "And I'm really not kidding about getting off of Coruscant, if you wanna live." And then it's gone, as quickly as it came.